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Guest Name
Claude Hall
Claude Hall
Guest Occupation
Singer, Songwriter
Guest Biography

Growing up, Claude Hall rarely called attention to herself. But years later, when life started falling apart (again), she realized she needed to find her voice…

Falling apart is what led her to her first voice lesson. Those lessons led her to her debut performance in Saint Barths. On that night, she found her center as the facets of her personality fell into place.

Claude has since held sold-out performances in some of Los Angeles’ most iconic venues… Herb Alpert’s Vibrato Grill Jazz, Feinstein’s at Vitello’s, and the Baked Potato. In New York, she’s headlined at the Metropolitan Room. And in Saint Barths, she was the featured artist of the 2019 Jazz Festival.

Evoking the cabaret divas of days gone by, and offering a jazz phrasing sprinkled with the soul of the popular music that has accompanied her journey, Claude’s musical styling has paved the way to her winning the 2016 Palm Springs Sings competition as well as being voted one of the top 100 unsigned artists by Music Connection Magazine in 2018.

In her EP, August Afternoon, she debuts as a songwriter with the title track. Its classic instrumentation reveals her capacity to embody the soul of jazz as well as weave lyrics which tell vivid and emotional stories. And with her single Punch Drunk, Claude spreads her wings with a musical composition which is both bouncy and smooth offering a tapestry upon which lays her rich and sultry vocals.

She also hosted a series of artist interviews on her YouTube Channel, The In-Side Out… a mix of music and conversation which reveal the person behind the persona of each of her guests.

Originally from NY, Claude Hall has lived in Paris and Saint Barths before moving to LA where
she currently resides.