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Guest Occupation: Author, MKultra Victim
Guest Biography:

Cathy O'Brien is the author of the amazing book, Access Denied ~ for Reasons of National Security, "concerning a little known tool that 'our' United States Government is covertly, illegally, and un-constitutionally using to implement the New World Order (One World Government). This well-documented tool is a sophisticated and advanced form of behaviour modification (brainwashing) most commonly known as MIND CONTROL. My first-hand knowledge of this TOP SECRET U.S. Government Psychological Warfare technique is drawn from my personal experience as a White House 'Presidential Model' mind-control slave."

Cathy and her daughter, Kelly, were brutally tortured and traumatised by the heads of the American, as well as other, government leaders as a slave of MK-Ultra. Yet she's now free and has got her own mind back. Is Cathy not a perfect example of divine intervention stepping in to rescue her and enabling the truth to be brought into the light of day? It's not surprising that she's had multiple NDEs as a result of what she's endured, because such experiences do seem to give people almost 'super-human' powers to endure and rise above all adversity.

From Wikipedia:

Cathleen Ann O'Brien (born December 4, 1957, Muskegon, Michigan is an American who claims to be a victim of Project MKULTRA, a program funded by the Central Intelligence Agency to research the use of drugs for intelligence purposes. O'Brien made these claims in Trance Formation of America (1995) and Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security (2004) which she co-authored with her husband Mark Phillips. O'Brien is one of many people publicly claiming to have survived "CIA mind control" programs.

There is no credible evidence for O'Brien's memories, which were retrieved through the use of hypnosis. The specific program which she claimed was responsible for her dissociative identity disorder, Project Monarch, is not mentioned in reviews of MKULTRA, its alleged parent program. Because most MKULTRA records were deliberately destroyed in 1973 by order of then CIA Director Richard Helms, it has been difficult, if not impossible, for investigators to gain a complete understanding of the more than 150 individually funded research sub-projects sponsored by MKULTRA and related CIA programs. She also claims recollection of child abuse - to her and her daughter - by international pedophile rings, drug barons and satanists, as part of a sex slave aspect to her 'trauma based mind control programming'. Individuals; from United States, Canadian, Mexican and Saudi Arabian government officials, to stars of the Country and Western music scene; are among those she accuses of these crimes. Investigations into the story produced no credible evidence and numerous inconsistencies.

Guest Category: News, Paranormal, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Theologian, Director, Producer, Humanitarian, Educator, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Mrs. Kucinich is an international advocate for human rights, environmental sustainability and global prosperity. Co-producing GMO film

Elizabeth’s work parallels that of her husband, Congressman Dennis Kucinich. She traveled with him to the Middle East in 2006 when he met with leaders of Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine immediately after the Israel-Lebanon war. Dennis and Elizabeth also spent time in destroyed communities, listening to people’s stories.

Elizabeth started early to strive for the transformation of an entrenched destructive political culture to one of empowerment, peace and prosperity. She first lobbied the British Parliament at age fourteen; at seventeen she taught in Hungary and at eighteen was offered her first job working for an MP who encountered her hand delivering 600 letters on a school day to MPs on the issue of animal welfare and factory farming. Instead of taking the position, Elizabeth decided to travel alone to India for six months where she fulfilled her dream to work at a Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa) home in Agra and later moved to a village close to the Taj Mahal where she developed a small environment focused education project for Dilat children, providing a safe space for children of all backgrounds to socialize and learn together as equals.

Because of her experiences living with a subsistence farming community in East Africa (2002-2003), working in education, HIV/AIDS prevention, appropriate technology water and energy projects, Mrs. Kucinich formed SHE (Sustainable Holistic Enterprise) in 2006, in partnership with Cleveland based International Partners in Mission. SHE is sponsoring an education project in East Africa. SHE has just started researching comparable models for application in underserved communities in the United States. Elizabeth worked with the Forum for Stable Currencies at the House of Lords, London, and organized the American Monetary Institute's first international conference in Chicago. For Elizabeth, reforming the global debt-based money system is the most pressing issue of our time.

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Finance Manager, Credit Issue Specialist
Guest Biography:

Following a career spanning some 15 years in financial services, Joe Stallard has gained valuable insights into the inner workings of the credit and finance industry. His experience includes both the auto industry, where he was the "dreaded" finance manager, and the mortgage industry as a loan officer.

Through the recently launched website, this "inside information" is freely shared with all. Credit issues - including credit repair, recovering from bankruptcy and dealing with the credit bureaus - are dealt with in a practical, no-nonsense approach sure to get results.

Lifting the shroud of secrecy surrounding the credit and finance world, Joe offers the consumer a common-sense strategy for dealing with real-world issues that impact the majority of people today.

Guest Category: Business, Investing and Finance
Guest Occupation: Author, Entrepreneur, Coach, Business Consultant
Guest Biography:

Ann Vanino is an entrepreneur who brings a foundation in the public and private sectors and strong skills as a coach to her work. It took a wide variety of experiences for Ann to reach this point in her career, including working at the US Environmental Protection Agency in Washington DC and New York City's Department of Environmental Protection as Assistant Commissioner of Hazardous Materials Programs (managing a hazardous materials emergency response team responding to over 600 chemical emergencies a year), moving from New York City to California where she entered the private sector, becoming an entrepreneur by co-founding an environmental consulting business, transitioning to being a coach and launching Moving Forward

Ann has coached since 1996 and loves her work. Her depth of experience as a manager, understanding of corporate, small business public sector and non profit organizational cultures and her skills as a coach give her an edge in providing results for her clients.

In 1996, Ann Vanino founded Moving Forward Coaching & Consulting. Moving Forward's coaching and consulting guide individuals to career success and fulfillment & organizations to maximum performance.

Moving Forward also specializes in coaching and consulting for workforce development programs. Ann's passion for this work centers on designing youth oriented and market driven workforce development programs and strategies, providing career coaching for young adults and creating collaborative workforce development stakeholder groups.

Leadership on Trial Lessons From The Apprectice by Ann VaninoSince 2000, Ann has written a local, weekly newspaper column, Coaching Corner which guides readers to a fulfilling life. Coaching Corner is also available by email subscription. She is the author of a book, Leadership on Trial: Lessons from The Apprentice, a booklet Achieving Balance in Your Life and two eBooks: Power Stories and Coaching Corner Volume 1. Ann writes The Leadership Blog and a bimonthly eZine, Power at Work. Ann is a member of the Board of Directors of The Antelope Valley Chambers of Commerce. She is currently coordinating a Chamber effort to develop a Community Leadership program and from 2003-2006, chaired the Chamber's Business Education and Services Committee.

She is a member of the Business Advisory Council of the South Valley Work Source Center whose mission is to enhance the economic vitality of the Antelope Valley by providing quality career resources and employment services to job seekers and businesses. Ann is a member of the Board of Directors of The Women's Coalition for World Reform, a nonprofit organization working to preserve civilization, tradition and natural resources. The organization is currently drilling wells to bring safe and sufficient drinking water to the Massai Community in Kenya. Ann is a member of the Los Angeles Chapter of The International Coach Federation and, in 2002, served on its Founding Board of Directors.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Management
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Entreprenuer, Producer, Consultant
Guest Biography:

Mallika Chopra is an author, speaker and founder of a website on personal, social and global wellness. She understands how to harness the power of intention through social media, and to connect people from around the world to improve their own lives, their communities and the planet. She helps other to see the distinction between an intention and a goal, and importance of intention as a spiritual and aspirational component of a goal. She is the daughter of Deepak Chopra.

Mallika Chopra has spent the last ten years working in a variety of capacities in the media world. Her strengths in creating creative content combined with strategic and marketing thinking has allowed her to successfully fuel an entrepreneurial drive in a number of arenas.

Mallika’s first book was 100 Promises to My Baby. As part of her work with the book, she also serves as a spokesperson for UNICEF raising awareness for orphans who have been affected by HIV and AIDS.

Mallika’s second book, 100 Questions From My Child was a natural follow up to 100 Promises to My Baby as it incorporated the next phase of her two daughters development - asking questions.

Mallika is a partner in Chopra Media where she is a co-creator in several television and feature film concepts currently in production. is a project she created with Deepak Chopra, Shekhar Kapur and Gotham Chopra. She is also a partner with Vikram Chatwal and Gotham Chopra in K Lounge in New York.

Mallika was a founder and executive at MyPotential Inc, a multi-media company focused on the self-help industry. Mallika was profiled in several publications, including Forbes, W Magazine, Femina and the LA Times, for her work with MyPotential. Mallika served as one of the first representative for the re-launch of MTV in India, and has also worked with MTV International, Go Network (Disney), and consulted for Yahoo! on marketing and strategic initiatives.

Mallika is a graduate of Brown University, and has an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management. She currently lives in Santa Monica, California, with her husband, Sumant Mandal, and their two daughters, Tara and Leela.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Teacher, Ramtha Devotee
Guest Biography:

Suzanne was born and raised among the Litchfield Hills of Connecticut in the town of Kent, Connecticut where she attended Kent Center School. She later attended Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts and Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, graduating with a B. A. in American Civilization in 1983.

Suzanne’s experiences and questions surrounding the sudden and unexpected death of her mother in 1985 resulted in a profound change in the direction of her life. Ultimately these changes led her to Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment in Yelm, Washington where she has been a student since 1988. After five years of teaching numerous academic disciplines at the Children’s School of Excellence (a private, non-profit, K-8 school in Rainier, Washington), Suzanne founded ManyWorlds Press and published Science You-nified!, a middle school curriculum in physics and physiology based upon the teachings of Ramtha.

Suzanne Nichols author of Science You-nified! Physics and Physiology for Masters in the Making - A Science Curriculum for Middle and High School Students Based On the Teachings of Ramtha. Suzanne attended the Berkshire School and Phillips Academy (Andover) and went on to receive a Bachelor’s Degree from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. After having been compelled to move to Seattle "for no rational reason", Suzanne studied vocal jazz at the Cornish Institute and attended her first Ramtha event, in 1988. She has been a passionate student of the Great Work ever since.

Suzanne became a full time teacher for the Children’s School of Excellence at its inception in 1999 at the middle and high school levels, teaching on a wide range of subjects including Literature, Physics (Classical and Quantum), Sacred Geometry, History, and Sexuality Education. In all of her classes she has endeavored to incorporate as much as possible the teachings of Ramtha, for which the student and parent body of CSE have consistently expressed appreciation. The Children’s School continues to be fertile ground for genius and its expression, among the students, faculty, and staff alike. Given that the school stands squarely upon the premise that we are all divine and equal in that divinity, every individual is respected and cultivated towards that experience and reality. In this capacity, CSE stands alone and on the cutting edge of education. This has led Suzanne to choosing this year to dedicate herself primarily to the development of curriculum along these lines

In 2007, Suzanne wrote The Life and Times of Schrodinger’s Cat - A Quantum Tale of Love and Entanglement, her first novel.

Suzanne thoroughly enjoys living off the grid as she has for the last seventeen years, and currently lives in Cinebar, Washington with her husband, Davide Pasquali, their two dogs, Almuc and Shemira, and their cat, Luna Valora Copernica.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Writer, Journalist
Guest Biography:

As the Rolling Stones' song lyrics go, "Let me please introduce myself . . ."  

After graduation from SFSU, I wrote natural-based articles for national publications. I wrote about dogs (my first published article “Mobile Mountain Vet,” ran in Dog World, 1986), cats, pet health, human health, and relationships. I also wrote dozens of mini mags (those little books you see at grocery store check out stands). The titles included, “The Healing Power of Love,” “The Healing Power of Cats, “The Magic of Oils, Scents & Candles,” and “Lose 12 lbs in a Week!”  I finally got a lead to write a “real” book--straight from a New York Publisher.

In 1999, I got my first trade cover book contract. Thus, I packed my bags and took a 200 mile move to Lake Tahoe (a place I used to visit in the summers), where I fine-tuned and finished writing The Healing Powers of Vinegar.  I knew nothing about the touted perks of apple cider vinegar but after extensive research, my pantry was full of a variety of vinegars.  And I had penned the bible on vinegar. It later became the most interationally popular books on vinegar--the bestselling health book (for a while) in South Korea.
Then, Doctors’ Orders followed. As I wrote in the preface, “One afternoon I lay in bed, cozy in my cabin in the California Sierra, suffering from writer’s block. Brain dead, I turned on a television news program. Suddenly, I was listening to an amazing story about a college student who had interviewed more than 80 cardiologists for his thesis. His ambitious feat inspired me.
"I thought, 'What if I interviewed doctors, all types, and wrote a book about their health habits? It would be fascinating to probe medical experts about what they do for their own health.'"
Later, I pitched my idea for a book about how doctors stay healthy to my book editor. Two years later, Doctors’ Orders continues to sell worldwide. And I personally follow the holistic docs’ timeless advice to keep a healthy body, mind, and spirit.
A few years later, as a single baby boomer living in the mountains, I continue to write about Mother Nature. Surrounded by towering pine trees, nearby the Lake, and amid wildlife I am constantly inspired to create books containing a nature-based element, from health, science, animals, and relationships.  And I use Lake Tahoe as my muse.
I am a freelance author-journalist who holds both a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in English (Creative Writing) from San Francisco State University. Over the past 20 years, I have written more than 10 books and hundreds of articles for national and international magazines and websites.  I continue to reside in Northern California--a place that seems to have a hold on me.

Guest Category: Literature, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health
Guest Occupation: Host, Producer, Director, Broadcaster, Anchorman
Guest Biography:

Look "Between The Lines" for what's really going on. Barry Kibrick is the host/producer for the 6-time EMMY nominated series Between the Lines

At 24 years of age, Barry Kibrick became one of the youngest anchorman for the ABC affiliated stations when he began his career at KIMO-TV in Anchorage, Alaska. Some of his past credits included being the Executive Producer for the ABC late-night series Into the Night, the late-night ABC series Studio 59, the Los Angeles EMMY Awards Show, and the National EMMY Nomination Ceremony. Barry was the producer for the KNBC-TV EMMY nominated late-night comedy series, It's Fritz, the weekly news satire series What a Week, and the EMMY winning Health Fax series. Barry also produced programs for the Comedy Channel and the Sci-Fi Channel. Kibrick currently hosts, produces and directs series and specials for KLCS-TV, Los Angeles where he made history when all three of his series were nominated for a NATPE IRIS AWARD.

Barry Kibrick is the host/producer for the 6-time EMMY nominated series Between the Lines

Between The Lines features in-depth interviews with distinguished authors, celebrity writers, top screenwriters, directors and award winning columnists and journalists.

Between The Lines is now in its 12th season and is produced at PBS station KLCS-TV in Los Angeles. The series airs on PBS stations throughout the country.

Combining passion, insight and creativity, Barry Kibrick presents the material in the most engaging and entertaining manner possible through his ability to see and read “between the lines” on any topic and share it with others. His distinct, personal, thought-provoking method of conversation brings a refreshingly new style to the genre, often times even surprising the guests with his deep understanding of their work. The results are an intense and entertaining personal relationship between the material, the guests, the viewers and Barry Kibrick.

Barry's guests have included Anne Rice, Mario Puzo, Ray Bradbury, Queen Noor of Jordan, Sir Ridley Scott, Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Kirk Douglas, Jackie Collins, Alvin Toffler, Elmore Leonard, Sidney Sheldon, Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, Presidential advisors Dick Morris and Sidney Blumenthal, Joseph Wambaugh, Richie Havens, Chaka Khan, Erica Jong, Walter Mosley, John Wooden, Cal Ripken, Jr. and hundreds of others. In Los Angeles, Between the Lines airs on PBS station KLCS-TV Saturday evenings at 8:00 PM and Sunday and Tuesday nights at 11:00 PM.

Guest Category: News, TV & Film