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Guest Name
Elizabeth Kucinich
Elizabeth Kucinich, Theologian, Director, Producer, Humanitarian, Educator and Speaker
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Theologian, Director, Producer, Humanitarian, Educator, Speaker
Guest Biography

Mrs. Kucinich is an international advocate for human rights, environmental sustainability and global prosperity. Co-producing GMO film

Elizabeth’s work parallels that of her husband, Congressman Dennis Kucinich. She traveled with him to the Middle East in 2006 when he met with leaders of Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine immediately after the Israel-Lebanon war. Dennis and Elizabeth also spent time in destroyed communities, listening to people’s stories.

Elizabeth started early to strive for the transformation of an entrenched destructive political culture to one of empowerment, peace and prosperity. She first lobbied the British Parliament at age fourteen; at seventeen she taught in Hungary and at eighteen was offered her first job working for an MP who encountered her hand delivering 600 letters on a school day to MPs on the issue of animal welfare and factory farming. Instead of taking the position, Elizabeth decided to travel alone to India for six months where she fulfilled her dream to work at a Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa) home in Agra and later moved to a village close to the Taj Mahal where she developed a small environment focused education project for Dilat children, providing a safe space for children of all backgrounds to socialize and learn together as equals.

Because of her experiences living with a subsistence farming community in East Africa (2002-2003), working in education, HIV/AIDS prevention, appropriate technology water and energy projects, Mrs. Kucinich formed SHE (Sustainable Holistic Enterprise) in 2006, in partnership with Cleveland based International Partners in Mission. SHE is sponsoring an education project in East Africa. SHE has just started researching comparable models for application in underserved communities in the United States. Elizabeth worked with the Forum for Stable Currencies at the House of Lords, London, and organized the American Monetary Institute's first international conference in Chicago. For Elizabeth, reforming the global debt-based money system is the most pressing issue of our time.