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Guest Occupation: Dada is a yoga monk, a meditation instructor, an author, a keynote speaker and a musician.
Guest Biography:

Dada is a yoga monk, a meditation instructor, an author, a keynote speaker and a musician. Born in New Zealand, he was ordained as a monk in India in 1979. Dada has appeared on stage with the Dalai Lama, taught or performed in more than 40 countries and has spoken for TEDx, NVIDIA, Google, CISCO, Lam Research Intel and Facebook.  

I’m also a humor writer, so that is a big part of my classes, presentations and products.

But the experience I create with music and humor and more is just a vehicle to inspire people to adopt the life changing meditation practice I have learned. Their ongoing practice is what brings the real lasting value.

 I’ve played music all my life, and been a meditation teacher for more than 40 years. I combine music and meditation to create an experience that people remember. Last week I met with a marketing and sales team at a big hotel, a potential client. I brought out my guitar, taught them a mantra and had them all chant and meditation. Several of them were crying afterwards (in a good way). It was a done deal.

Skype ID nabhaniilananda

cellphone    650 400 6223

Email address

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Education, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Yoga, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: a revolutionary recovery specialist, bestselling author, inspirational speaker, and awakening coach
Guest Biography:

TJ Woodward is a revolutionary recovery specialist, bestselling author, inspirational speaker, and awakening coach who has helped countless people through his simple, yet powerful teachings.

He is the creator of The Conscious Recovery Method, which is a ground breaking and effective approach to viewing and treating addiction.

TJ also serves as the senior minister and spiritual director of Agape Bay Area in Oakland, which is the first satellite community of The Agape International Spiritual Center in LA. 

He published his first book, Conscious BEING: Awakening to Your True Nature in 2015, and his second book, Conscious Recovery: A Fresh Perspective on Addiction was released in December of 2017.

Skype ID: live:tjwoodward86

Cell Phone: 415.410.4800

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author Medium Teacher facilitates energy transmissions with a modality she calls ETS Energetic Transmission Sessions
Guest Biography:

Rev. Donna Lopez has been a member of hgsa since 2000, was ordained here in 2007.

She is an author of a book on spirit photography “Energetic Transmissions through Spirit Photography 2nd Edition”

She facilitates energy transmissions with a modality she calls ETS Energetic Transmission Sessions, whereby she moves and transmits energy for the client; moving them beyond their current state, whether physical, mental, or emotional in real time.

She offers a free transmission call each mid-month to anyone in need.

She also has a YouTube channel by the same name where she shares channeled messages for the month and mid-month energy forecasts.

She is a teacher since 2006, a medium for the last 26 years, a happy grandmother, who feels blessed to be with all of you today.


I have a book I wrote a few years ago "Energetic Transmissions through Spirit Photography 2nd Ed." that is not about the paranormal. Instead it gives insight to the influence we are having on our environment through our conscious, or unconscious alignments. The photos share that as I discovered and was taught by my Spirit Teachers that every thought, every emotion, every pondering is creating our reality. In the photos that came through what I was receiving from my guides was then showing up in photos as confirmation. As photos were shared many describe feeling dizzy, different, and the emphasis in the book is to choose consciously, eliminating perceived boundary's for what is possible. The book is available on and Kindle.

As an offshoot of my insights my healing, intuitive/mediumship work entails working in real time to clear patterns in one’s energy field dissolving long held conditions or conditioning. 

My work continues to evolve.

As for influence, I am aware of my own choices and that they be sovereign and free of alignment with mass consciousness, but they also may be in alignment with the masses.

I have a YouTube channel ETS Energetic Transmission Sessions where I share a channeled message for the month and mid-month energy forecast sharing the energies we may be encountering during the rest of the month. (like a weather report)

I am open to flow wherever the interview takes us.

Guest Category: Literature, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Executive Director of the National Alliance for Youth Sports
Guest Biography:

John Engh is the Executive Director of the National Alliance for Youth Sports, which since 1981 has been one of America’s leading advocates for positive and safe sports for children. Prior to being named executive director, he served as chief operating officer. He joined NAYS in 1988 as publications director and later was vice president of NAYS’ Youth Development division, where he helped create the highly successful Hook A Kid On Golf and Start Smart Sports Development programs that are conducted throughout the United States, as well as on U.S. military bases worldwide. He is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University, where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, and he is a married father of two.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Society and Culture, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Founder of CoachTube
Guest Biography:

Wade Floyd is the Founder of CoachTube. CoachTube gives every athlete in the world access to the instruction, knowledge, and the motivation they need to grow and progress as athletes and students. We do this by providing access to online training from the world’s best coaches. These lessons are available on-demand, so that students can learn when and where it’s convenient for them.CoachTube empowers coaches to create courses online. We provide tools, technical support and guidance, so you can quickly and easily get your content online. Spend less time marketing & more time coaching.

Wade grew up with a passion for sports and dreams of playing at high levels, but couldn't afford the expensive camps or elite training programs out there. Now he spends his time coaching little league baseball and building a place where athletes can learn the skills they need to succeed.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Society and Culture, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Researcher, expertise is connecting prayer with paranormal research
Guest Biography:

Bill Sweet was always interested in paranormal phenomena which include the spiritual phenomena of prayer. Through meeting the founders of Spindrift Inc., Bruce and John Klingbeil, Bill began to grasp new ways of applying consciousness research to religion and science. Bill learned that the Klingbeils were healers in the Christian Science tradition who were doing scientific tests of consciousness and prayer.

Spindrift investigates prayer and human consciousness.

Bill Sweet was president of Spindrift for four years.

Bill was brought up in Wilmette, Illinois. He graduated from New Trier High School, which was the top public high school in the country at the time. He went to Illinois State University and received a communications degree. Bill has the highest-level ham radio operator’s license. He is also an audiophile and musician. For the Chicago area, Bill’s booking agency handled bands ranging from Dixieland, Rock and Roll, Disco, Big Band, and small group jazz.

The Spindrift research has been helpful in showing that aspects of prayer and consciousness are real phenomena and not the human imagination. Spindrift studied the positive effects, biased effects, and the dark effects coming from people’s prayers. An historical tidbit is that before 9/11, Spindrift tried to advise people to pay attention to the words in the dark prayers that militant Muslims prayed toward Jews and Americans.

The word Spindrift means the fast-moving spray atop an ocean wave during a powerful storm.

Spindrift points out: scientifically it is shocking to think of a force as intelligent, loving, kind, good, and aware of needs. The research suggested that prayer somehow linked to a loving Intelligence moved organisms toward their norms.


Bill Sweet’s book on Spindrift is called A Journey Into Prayer: Pioneers of Prayer in the Laboratory: Agents of Science or Satan? (375 pages published by

Area of expertise is connecting prayer with paranormal research.

Here is a book review by Dean Radin, Ph.D.

  • Review published in Shift: at the Frontiers of Consciousness, the quarterly newsletter of the Noetic Science Institute.

What we’re reading...

The current pick from the Ions' staff:

A Journey Into Prayer by Bill Sweet

This book documents the inspiring and cautionary true story of Bruce and John Klingbeil, a father and son team of devout Christian Scientists who dared to test their faith in the power of prayer, and of Spindrift, the research organization that helped to support their efforts.  The story describes the Klingbeils’ courage and personal commitment to learn the truth about the efficacy of prayer, their self-taught but ingenious experiments, the staggering hostility they attracted from both the religious and the scientific communities, and ultimately, the unbearable poignancy in their untimely and mysterious deaths.

--Dean Radin, IONS’ Senior Scientist,

(Interviewed in the movie What the Bleep.)

Spindrift applied consciousness research to religion and science.

Bill Sweet joined SpindriftResearch. Spindrift studied human consciousness, spirituality, and the positive effects, biased effects, and negative effects of prayer.

Bill Sweet has written A Journey Into Prayer about the scientific aspects of prayer and the story of Spindrift.  See a sample chapter at

Brought up in Wilmette, Illinois, Bill graduated from New Trier High School, the top public high school. He went to Illinois State University and received a communications degree. Bill is a ham radio operator, a parapsychologist, an audiophile and musician.

The Spindrift research indicates that aspects of prayer and consciousness are real phenomena and not just the human imagination.

Spindrift points out: scientifically it is shocking to think of a force as intelligent, loving, kind, good, and aware of needs. The research suggested that prayer somehow linked to a loving Intelligence moved organisms toward their norms.

As the former president of the Spindrift Research Group, Bill Sweet has been involved in the Spindrift study of the positive and negative aspects of prayer phenomena. The positive research suggested prayer was somehow linked to a loving Intelligence and was a normalizing force. The negative research suggested a negative intention in prayer was a destructive force.

Bill Sweet has written A Journey Into Prayer about the scientific aspects of prayer and the story of Spindrift.  See a sample chapter at Xlibris.

Bill is a ham radio operator, a parapsychologist, an audiophile and musician. E-mail:

The Spindrift research indicates that aspects of prayer and consciousness are real phenomena and not just the human imagination.

Bill is the author of the best-seller A Journey into Prayer: Agents..., a tome that focuses on the scientific aspect of prayer research in the laboratory. A sample chapter can be read at and Reviews are by Deepcok, Larry Dossey, Russell Targ, Marianne Williamson

Bill Sweet’s e-mail address is

Area of expertise is connecting prayer with paranormal research.

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Paranormal, Philosophy, Mental Health, Religion, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Contactee, Paranomal Photographer, Elemental Communicator
Guest Biography:

"Cheryl from Texas" has an extraordinary ability to connect in with the multi and ultra dimensional worlds.  Her gift started at a very young age and along with a photographic memory she was constantly receiving guidance from what as a child she called "from those above."  When adults would ask her a question, her "folks from above" would telepathically give her the answers which led the adults to think she was exceptionally bright.  

Although her grandmother was intuitive and her grandfather had a genius I.Q. they discounted her sightings until one time, at the age of 15 when Cheryl was in the woods walking with her Grandfather he saw her "friends" plain as scared him and they never talked about it afterwards.

She remembers small green beings coming to the window, place their faces near the glass and smile.  Her Mother, being very religious, would have none of it even though two children of her mother's friends swore they also saw Star Craft with her.

Cheryl went through various stages of wanting to fit in, wanting to be normal and during those times her ultra-dimensional friends honored her wishes and pulled back, but she knew they were always around her.  They were near yet no longer conversing telepathically and their level of protection was not as strong.

Now she celebrates her connection with the elementals, the fairies, the elves, dwarves, small folk and of course the Galactic Beings.  Cheryl is honored that they allow her to take photos...she sees them in a field that looks like parallel world's converging.

Her honoring of the elemental realm includes not cutting trees except with their permission to trim, leaving tall grass for the small folk and the animal kingdom and communicating with the elementals when work on the land needs to be done to be in harmony with all living there.

Cheryl frequently experiences plasma, organic and metallic ships flying over her home.  There have been many interactions between military craft and the Galactic Craft where she lives.  Her photos of orbs, plasma craft and Light Beings are spectacular.

Cheryl's main message is to the importance of raising awareness that we are not alone...we share space with so many beings.  Being kind to all sentient beings is important.  The more we are kind to each Mother the plant the elementals...the more we raise our consciousness and vibrations which allows us to see and interact with Beings from all dimensions.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, UFOs, Animal & Plant Communications, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Award winning film producer and music and film journalist
Guest Biography:


An experienced feature film Producer, Emmanuel Itier directed several pictures before completing in 2012 the Peace documentary ‘The Invocation’ narrated by Sharon Stone and staring Desmond Tutu, HH The Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra as well as many worldwide peace activists. In 2013 Mr. Itier executive-produced a Drama filmed in Hong Kong: ‘Red Passage’ which won many Awards in the Festival circuit.

Emmanuel Itier has also been a successful Music and Film journalist for both Rock Magazines, French TV networks and various websites for the last twenty five years. Finally Itier has been a buyer for many French and American Film distribution companies for the last twenty years. He was on the board of directors of the Santa Barbara Film Festival for a decade and he writes poetry. He is also very involved with charities and the political world. Mr. Itier seats on the board of Directors of ‘Darfur Women Action Group’ in an attempt to bring Peace to Darfur. He is also the current President of the Rotary E-Club of World Peace ( ) and he is a member of the U.N Association.

Mr. Itier grew up in France and he moved in the USA thirty years ago. He resides in Santa Barbara, California with his wife and three sons. Finally Emmanuel Itier released in 2014 another inspiring documentary Celebrating Women around the planet: ‘FEMME-Women healing the World.’ This Documentary earned over 20 Awards around the World.

Late 2017 Mr. Itier completed his third feature Documentary: ‘Shamanic Trekker’, about shamanism in Peru. Mr. Itier is now about to release two more documentaries in order to keep “Making Peace, One movie at a time.” These films are part of a series called ‘The Oneness Collection: Documentaries for a conscious Humanity.’ The first one is called ‘The Cure: Healing The Mind, Healing The Body, Healing the Planet’ to be distributed mid 2018 and by the end of this year the political loaded Doc: ‘We The People: A Re-Evolution of Economics and Politics’ is sure to shake the system.

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, History, Society and Culture, TV & Film