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Guest Occupation: Certified Grief Recovery Specialist
Guest Biography:

Laura Jack teaches compassionate communication and how we can relate to one another more effectively during the challenging moments in life. Her mission is to cultivate a culture of compassion, starting with self, and to create a better understanding of loss and its accompanying grief.

Guest Category: Relationship Counseling
Guest Occupation: Psychic Medium, Ordained Spiritualist minister and Reiki Master/Teacher
Guest Biography:

Winter Brook is a psychic medium, Ordained Spiritualist minister and Reiki Master/Teacher. She holds a B.A. in English summa cum laude from Boston College and a Juris Doctorate cum laude from St. John’s University School of Law. Sheis a non-practicing attorney in good standing with the State of New York who chose to close her law practice to pursue Mediumship as a fulltime profession. Her mediumship training includes completion of the Morris Pratt Institute coursework on healing, mediumship and ministry, Pastoral Skills as well as multiple week long intensive workshops with leading international practitioners in the field of mediumship today at Arthur Findley College of Psychic Sciences (UK), Omega Institute, Banyon Retreat (UK) (including James Van Praagh, Tony Stockwell, Mavis Patilla and others). In addition, she has also taken seminars and trained with local mediums on Long Island and across the country.

Winter Brook maintains her office at 171 Main Street, Northport, New Yorkwhere she conducts private and small group readings as well as holds classes to teach others how to tap into or strengthen their own psychic and mediumship abilities. Her classes have been featured on FIOS TV1 in segments entitled “Intuition” and “Be Ever Present” concerning intuitive development and meditation practice. She has lecturedand demonstrated mediumship at public libraries, civic groups, spiritualist churches, large fundraisers, colleges, historical societies and metaphysical groups both here on Long Island and across the country. She currently co-hosts an internet radio show called the Wisdom of Spirit with Rose & Winter brook as well as been interviewed on other radio shows. She has been a contributing columnist to a professional on line newspaper and wellness websites.She also participates in fundraisers, house parties and long distance healing. She holds monthly meditation and healing circles as well as Reiki certification and attunement classes under the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition.She was accredited and certified by ASSMPI as a mental medium and a Spiritualist minister. Her mediumship program is recommended by a committee comprised of librarians for all libraries across Long Island (85). She is currently developing her physical mediumship and regularly sits for trance.

A strong proponent of volunteer humanitarian service, whileactively involved in Rotary International, Winter Brook served as a director for a program called “Gift of Life” which provideslife saving corrective heart procedures to children in need. Her efforts contributed to the program expanding from 20 children per year to over 60.She was recognized for her efforts by being named Rotarian of the year for 2003, (2) Paul Harris awards and 2005 Woman of the Year for the Northport area by the Times of Northport and 2005 Volunteer of the year for the town of Smithtown for her volunteer humanitarian efforts. In addition to her duties as director of hosting, she also travelled to Honduras and Guatemala to participate in clean water projects, tour orphanages, meet and addressRotarian groups for grant partnership programs and toured and met with medical clinics as a representative of Rotary’s Gift of Life program. She has also participated in the Adopt a Platoon program writing letters to our deployed servicemen and women, hosting mediumship demonstrations from her office to raise funds for various charities who provide toys for needy children during the holidays, train service dogs for returning disabled veterans, Secret Santa for needy local families and a host of other activities. She is currently sits on the Board of Directorsof the Northport Chamber of Commerce where she sits on committees concerned with the well being of our youth.

In addition to her professional and charitable pursuits she is the single mother of two girls, the youngest of whom she adopted as a single mother as well as an avid animal lover, currently having 2 cats and 3 dogs living in her home.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Soul Singer and Guitarist
Guest Biography:


Runson Willis III is a L.A. native with a true southern soul. He was raised in the church where he learned how to sing and play guitar which he has more than 10 years of experience in. He writes and produces his own music.

Runson Willis III was born in Los Angeles, CA in 1986. Raised with his two sisters by a strong single mother, he comes from a place of rich musical inspiration and deep faith. Runson’s influence was varied from a young age, citing Chopin’s symphonies, Robert Johnson’s modern blues, Motown hits, and 90’s alternative rock as a part of his musical tutelage. Though he sang in choir throughout his childhood, it wasn’t until he was 19 that Runson found his real instrument — his guitar.

He never misses a note. With over 10 years of experience with the guitar combined with his extensive performing and touring record, Runson Willis III is finally ready to embark on his solo career. The Los Angeles based artist, calls on his idles, Isaac Hayes, Aretha Franklin, Woody Guthrie and Willie Nelson as constant reminder of the level of greatness he is working toward. With roots in the deep south, you can hear the soul in every lyric he sings and note he plays. Runson is geared up and ready to bring his music to the world! From his own words:

“this guitar is noisy, beat up and it may have a lot of scratches on it. But it’s true, it’s lasted a long time and it hasn’t gone anywhere. And I think it’s like me.”

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Engineer of the mind – body – soul, Composer of moments and Writer Cassandra M. Bauer, Founder of LEVEL UP.
Guest Biography:


Engineer of the mind – body – soul, Composer of moments and Writer Cassandra M. Bauer, Founder of LEVEL UP.

Cassandra lost her brother Jason in April of 2013 to a heroin overdose; at the same time battling with her own addictions and unhealthy programing. Alone, struggling, continuously checking out of the game, Cassandra created and manifested a car accident just six months after losing her brother on 11.11.2013 @ 1:11 a.m.

Waking up alone, confused in that hospital bed, the only thing she was sure of was seeing Jason on the other side.

”When I woke up in the hospital bed, I was alone. Confused, scared with the only lingering recollection being seeing Jason on the other side telling me, ‘You are not alone Cass, I am here. But you need to go back. You are to create a channel to allow everyone to know they ARE NOT ALONE. Please remember you are not alone.’ There was never a moment inside of me where I didn’t believe in this. I knew I had seen him, clear as day, he was in the same hospital gown, the one I had said goodbye to him in before his funeral. I knew I had felt him, I knew my truth in that moment. I knew IT WAS MY moment.

For months prior I would drive to work and create countless illusions around myself being in a hospital bed. All the love that would show up for me… all the people that would come and ’finally’ care about me. The hours I spent channeling this illusion was the energy in which created my now reality. The reality I was now awake with. The reality of: WE COME IN THIS WORLD ALONE AND WE GO OUT OF IT ALONE. BUT IT’S ABOUT WHO WILL YOU BECOME WHILE YOU ARE HERE? THAT’S A FUCKING REALITY CHECK POINT I NEEDED TO SIT WITH. Am I going to go back to the life I was living? The one that was obviously no longer serving me? Was I going to continue to numb out of the game? Or was I finally ready to make the proper steps to powerfully checking back into the game?

I sat in that hospital bed for days, hours, secondsc MOMENTS. And I made a decision in those moments. I AM LOVE. I WILL WORK DAY IN AND DAY OUT TO BECOME A DEEPER AND DEEPER FORM OF LOVE. ONE THAT WHEN YOU ARE FACED WITH IT YOU HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE TO FIND THAT POINT WITHIN YOURSELF THAT MAYBE YOU FORGOT ABOUT OR RAN FROM OUT OF FEAR AND ALLOW THAT TO FLOW AGAIN. NO CHOICE BUT TO REMEMBER THAT LOVE THAT WE ALL HAVE. OUR BIRTH PLACE… OUR HOME… I was to become the perfect mirror. I was to become the warrior within each and every one of us, the one within my brother to fight for these wings. To fight for the real peace, the one within. From that moment on I have never been alone. I had finally found myself. I HAD FINALLY LEVELED UP.” – Cassandra M. Bauer

After years of intense isolation unwiring her own fear and rewiring with her deepest form of love, Cassandra found and channeled her company LEVEL UP.

LEVEL UP is a movement for RADICAL FREEDOM, it has become a HOME for angels to find their wings to FLY again or lay their wings down and know it is always OKAY to just BE. LEVEL UP is here as a social movement, a daily conscious intention, a way of life and a conscious commitment to SELF.

Along the journey of creating her OWN fairy-tale she is in the process of writing THE LEVEL UP METHOD. A guide on how to Unwire the Fear. Rewire with Love. A deep exploration on how to uncover your personal legend and live into your moments to create your ultimate fairy-tale.

LEVEL UP is a mirror of living a life where YOU get to create your story to uncover the TRUTH of why YOU chose this TIME, THIS REALM AND THIS DIMENSION.

86,400 Moments in a day. How many MOMENTS are you checking into the game? Consciously showing up for? Consciously choosing into?

How many MOMENTS go by where you feel Unheard? Unseen? Or Misunderstood? OR HAVE NO IDEA WHERE YOU EVEN ARE?

The truth is most of us stop listening to ourselves and stop truly seeing ourselves for the beautiful creations that WE ARE.

From years of compromising our truest wants, needs, and desires we HIT THE WALL and learn to silence our voice, and not look directly in the mirror. We begin to numb by daily distractions, old wires, stagnant energy, substance abuse or relationships that no longer serve us.

Through years of abuse, pain and suffering which led to her death, Cassandra understands the depth of what it feels like to flow through this world lost, numb and invisible. The struggle of wanting to check back into this game. What it is like to HIT THE WALL, LITERALLY and metaphorically.

Ask yourself a question in this moment: Are you ready to see yourself? Are you ready to hear yourself? To REPROGRAM yourself? To FREE YOURSELF?


Cassandra Mary Bauer, Founder, I am LEVEL UP

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Zoologist, Conservationist, Founder of the Orang Utan Republik Education Initiative, Writer, Ecotour Facilitator and Scuba Diver
Guest Biography:


Gary L. Shapiro, Ph.D. began his involvement with orangutans 43 years ago in the field of primate cognition and learning. He was the first person (1973-1975) to teach a symbolic communication system to an orangutan (at the now Chaffee Zoological Park, Fresno, CA) and the first person to have taught sign language to orangutans in the species’ natural environment, the forests of Tanjung Puting National Park, Indonesian Borneo (1978-1980; 1981). One of the orangutans, Princess, adopted Shapiro as her father. Shapiro was able to teach Princess over 40 signs which she used to express her interests in obtaining items and activities of interest as well as describing her environment. During his time in Indonesian Borneo, Shapiro assisted in the rehabilitation efforts of dozens of orangutans confiscated from the illegal pet trade and monitored the phenology of local rain forest ecosystem.

Shapiro received his doctorate in Zoology in 1985 from the University of Oklahoma then returned to Indonesian Borneo (1986) to conduct post-doctoral freshwater ecology studies in Tanjung Puting National Park. Shapiro’s interest in the freshwater ecology of Borneo was an extension of the research projects he conducted while being employed by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (1982-1985). He spent 28 years as a government scientist, first as a biologist with the Army Corp of Engineers, then as a planner with the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and finally with California EPA in the Department of Toxic Substances Control where he worked as a Hazardous Substances Scientist and an emergency responder. He retired in 2014.

Shapiro was the co-founder and vice president of the Orangutan Foundation International from 1986-2004 where he administered and oversaw the activities supporting research and conservation in and around Tanjung Puting National Park. He participated in the 1993 Population and Habitat Viability Assessment in Sumatra and authored or co-authored various papers on orangutan linguistics, cognition, conservation and ethics. In late 2004, Dr. Shapiro and his Indonesian wife, Inggriani, were inspired to create the Orang Utan Republik Education Initiative (OUREI), a nonprofit project, in response to the education needs underscoring the crisis facing orangutans today, particularly in Sumatra. In Sumatra, the orangutan is Critically Endangered. In 2007, the Orang Utan Republik Foundation (OURF) and OUREI Indonesia (OUREII) were established as legal organizations to support the programs of OUREI in Indonesia.

The goals of OURF and OUREII are to transform the attitudes and values of Indonesian people regarding the orangutan and its rain forest habitat such that they become the stewards of their forests and wildlife. Shapiro’s philosophy is to enroll the Indonesian people to become the educators. Shapiro’s efforts have lead to the establishment of Orangutan Caring Week in Indonesia as well as the Orangutan Caring Clubs of Indonesia.

Through OUREI, Shapiro facilitated the establishment of the Sumatran Orangutan Education Consortium, a group of Indonesian NGOs that assisted in putting on an education conference, workshop, and summit in Sumatra (2006). Shapiro administered an education program to reduce the human-orangutan conflict in Sumatra through the administration of US Fish & Wildlife (USFW) funds to the consortium members. He also co-administers a successful Indonesian scholarship program with two local NGOs.  130 Orangutan Caring Scholarships have been given out since 2006. Shapiro also oversees the LP Jenkins Fellowship for Orangutan Research, given in honor of his late mother, which has helped Indonesian and foreign graduate students in their field research. Additionally, through OURF, he administers the Mobile Education & Conservation Unit (MECU) with the Orangutan Caring Club of North Sumatra to bring human-orangutan conflict reduction programs, tree-planting and sustainable farming activities to villagers living near orangutan habitat. Seeking and implementing solutions of sustainability for local people through education and innovative collaborative projects is the key to saving Indonesia’s great red ape and other species.

Shapiro returns to Indonesia each year to facilitate OURF’s programs in Jakarta, Sumatra and Borneo. He also conducts ecotours to Borneo and Sumatra, and he is an avid SCUBA diver. Shapiro also lectures to audiences of all ages in both English and Bahasa Indonesia when he has the opportunity.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Health & Lifestyle, Pets and Animals, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: World-renowned singer-songwriter
Guest Biography:


“Born to Rock, Soothe and Stir The Soul”

Mercedes is world-renowned singer-songwriter who was born to rock and bring listener’s worlds together with her sultry voice and universal lyrics and personal experiences that melt the heart.

Breaking down age, gender and race barriers, her rock and soul sound captivates audiences from around the world, soothes and stirs the soul, and ignites the senses as a result of her infusion of symphonic, inspirational and visual elements in all of her work.

Mercedes has worked with the best in the industry including Grammy-award winning producer Mike Shipley who worked with Aerosmith, Def Leppard, Alison Krauss, Shania Twain and more; producer and American guitarist Bruce Gowdy, known for his work with World Trade and Unruly Child; and Multi-Platinum Hip Hop Super Producer Nick Fury.

Her performances have rocked a variety of stages and acclaimed venues including the Hammerstein Ballroom for New York City’s 9/11 Benefit Concert, The Key Club in Los Angeles, The Roxy, Whisky, The Troubadour, The Gig, and The Knitting Factory, among others. Her first commercial album release, “Rock-n-Soul Blvd.,” with breakout single “Hey Baby,” remixed featuring Guérilla Black has been played throughout mixed shows and club circuits in Cleveland, Chicago, Milwaukee, New York and Los Angeles.

When she’s not rocking the stage, Mercedes is the Founder and Creative Director of Jus D’Amour – “A Love Song in A Bottle” – her beauty and lifestyle brand of scents, candles and jewelry inspired by her time as a musician and as the marketing agent for boxing legend, Roy Jones, Jr. and their equally aptly named line, Legend – “The Scent of Victory.”

Mercedes’ newest single, “U Make Me Shine,” a beautiful soul, country and pop-infused tribute to Mike Shipley, who also produced and mixed this track for her before his passing, is now available for download at and CD Baby.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: American guitarist, best known for his work with World Trade, and Unruly Child
Guest Biography:


Bruce Gowdy is an American guitarist, best known for his work with World Trade, and Unruly Child.

Gowdy was a founding member of World Trade with Billy Sherwood and Guy Allison. He later formed Unruly Child with Allison. He was also a member of Stone Fury and has worked with musician Mercedes. He also produced Glenn Hughes‘ From Now On… album from 1994. He toured with the Japanese rock star Eikichi Yazawa for over a decade. He was also in a futuristic space themed show band called Halyx in Disneyland Park, California in the early 80’s, for which he played lead guitar and composed original songs.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: practicing attorney, intuitive counselor, certified life coach
Guest Biography:

Formerly a practicing attorney, Kathryn felt called to move to Massachusetts from Illinois, where she is following a path of spiritual seeking and work, including work as an intuitive counselor and a certified life coach.

As an intuitive, she gives readings using spiritual writing, a practice she has engaged in since 1993. She uses this method to obtain the information and guidance that the angels and guides have for you. 

She was certified by the University of New Hampshire as a life coach in 2007 and has been offering my services as a life coach since then. She is open to all clients to whom she can be of service; however, she is deeply interested in helping those undergoing a transition in their lives - whether it is a move, a job or career change, or a loss of someone they love.

She also offer the service of teaching my clients basic meditation skills, and, where needed, will use guided meditations to help her clients.

She brings empathy and insight to her practice, using the particular techniques that most benefit her clients. She also brings the analytic skills that she honed while a practicing attorney. The combination of her skills and training allow her to ask the questions that need to be asked and to provide support and guidance to her clients.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Philosophy, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Psychic & Intuitive