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Guest Occupation: Musician,Singer.Songwriter,Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:





Jesse Colin Young, critically acclaimed solo artist and lead singer of the legendary classic rock band, The Youngbloods, took the nation by storm when The Youngblood's single Get Together became a worldwide Top 10 hit and a prominent soundtrack for peace. After seven group releases, Young began the production of more than 15 acclaimed solo albums including Song for Juli, Light Shine, Songbird and a live album with his great touring band titled On the Road. In 2005 he released the most comprehensive collection of his music to date—The Very Best of Jesse Colin Young. For the first-time ever, songs from his solo career as well as hits from The Youngbloods were placed in two CD package.

In 2014 Jesse became interested in the Saratoga warhorse project for Veterans and made a DVD in support of that organization called Out of the Darkness. It is available on iTunes, Amazon, Google and DVD on his website.

In 2012 Jesse was diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease and was unable to tour. In that time he created the Couch Series with Labrador on YouTube. He performed a variety of songs new and old, solo acoustic or with friends, and always with his famous silver Lab, Django. It was a way to still reach his audience without traveling due to the complications of Lyme’s Disease.

Jesse's musical accomplishments are many, including performing with Led Zeppelin, The Grateful Dead and Janis Joplin in 1969, touring with Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young in the summer of 1974 and performing with Billy Joel, the Doobie Brothers and the Beach Boys. Jesse has also shared the stage with comics like Martin Mull. Other performances include going to the prisons of South Dakota and Minnesota to sing for American Indians rights with actor and musician Floyd Westerman.

As a member of the Youngbloods, in 1969 they were the only band to walk off the Johnny Carson show which was the definitive gateway to superstardom. The Story is worth a listen.

The Youngblood’s version of Get Together has been heard by millions from the Forrest Gump soundtrack in 1994, Cats and Dogs: Revenge of Kitty Galore, Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas, The Simpsons Oh Brother where Bart thou and Tree of Horror II, and South Park’s Smug Alert. Get Together commercials include The Pepsi commercial for the 1995 Super Bowl, the Luv's commercial in 2010 and Kentucky Fried Chicken in 2014.

Darkness Darkness, written by Jesse, was in Jack the Bear (1993), was the theme song for the James Cameron movie Ghosts of the Abyss in 2003 and was in the trailer of TV series Bloodline (2015). A cover of the song by Robert Plant won the Grammy for Best Rock Vocal in 2002. It remains a popular cover song for many bands.

2016 and 2017 will be productive times for Jesse. Starting Sept 16, 2016 he will begin the re-release of his 1970’s LP catalogue starting with Song For Juli on Audio Fidelity. Jesse is currently working on a collection of new recordings to be released in 2017 and will plan a tour in the fall.

Throughout his professional life of recording and touring, Jesse has always taken the time to dedicate his life to giving back to the world. He has performed on behalf of organizations ranging from the Dream Foundation and Saratoga Warhorse, to Prep Fest and the Kona Pacific Waldorf School, now the Kona Pacific Charter School. Holding environmental accountability, Veteran support and quality education as a moral code of action, Jesse remains committed and active as an individual and performer.

Visit Jesse Colin Young on Facebook at

Visit Jesse Colin Young on Twitter at

Guest Category: Military, Music, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Destiny Architect
Guest Biography:

Linda Brewer is a Destiny Architect. Building relationships in truth that Empower People, Align Principles, and Enhance Processes for Prosperity and Profits. A defining moment in my life: “I remember when I was five years old, looking up at a very tall adult, placing my hands on my hips and saying, ‘that is not what you meant.’” In spite of the adverse reaction of that adult, I can hear and observe when someone’s words are out of alignment with their behaviors and outcomes. I discerned that the issue of their heart is self-condemnation that creates fear, relational, financial and success issues.

My passion and my gift are to create a safe place for a person to connect with their sacred heart and discover the root lie they believe about themselves that is affecting their life. The core of the truth they need to receive is that each of us is love. I help my clients realize they can choose to live their lives in truth through awareness of the lies they believed when their fear is activated through a current experience. I believe, to heal any problem, a person has to heal the source. The source is the memories they have stored in their sacred heart—their subconscious, their cellular memories.

My focused commitment to all my clients is to create a safe space and to ask thoughtful questions, so they feel encouraged and worthy of love. The choice is theirs to move through theirs fears and addictions into love and truth that creates loving thoughts, words, and actions.

My entrepreneurial career has included Business Management, Accounting, Sales and Marketing, and Facilitation for Organizational and Personal Growth, a former Vistage International chair.  She created two successful companies, including her company, LSG Advertising, Inc., and Crowns Now. Her organization also serves other high profile companies, including Milliken, Volvo, BMW, DS2, and AgFirst.

Cell: 864.205.2518 

Guest Category: Business, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Activist/Author
Guest Biography:

Former Vice President of the Concordia Student Union, Yves Engler is a Montréal-based activist and author. He has  published eight books: Canada in Africa — 300 Years of Aid and Exploitation, The Ugly Canadian — Stephen Harper’s Foreign Policy, Lester Pearson’s Peacekeeping — The Truth May Hurt, Stop Signs — Cars and Capitalism on the Road to Economic, Social and Ecological Decay (with Bianca Mugyenyi), The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy (Shortlisted for the Mavis Gallant Prize for Non Fiction in the Quebec Writers’ Federation Literary Awards), Playing Left Wing: From Rink Rat to Student Radical and (with Anthony Fenton) Canada in Haiti: Waging War on The Poor Majority and Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid. Yves was born in Vancouver, where he grew up playing hockey. He was a peewee teammate of NHL star Mike Ribeiro at Huron Hochelaga in Montréal before playing in the B.C. Junior League. After being suspended from Concordia University, he turned to research and writing, but he’s still a fan of the great Canadian sport.

The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy


About the book:


This book could change how you see Canada. Numerous studies have found that Canadians' self-appraisal of their country's foreign policy is more positive than any other country. Most believe Canada's primary role has been as peacekeeper or honest broker in difficult-to-solve disputes. But, contrary to the mythology of Canada as a force for good in the world, The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy sheds light on many dark corners of Canadian foreign policy: From troops that joined the British in Sudan in 1885 to gunboat diplomacy in the Caribbean and aspirations of Central American empire, to participation in the UN mission that killed Patrice Lumumba in the Congo, to important support for apartheid South Africa, Zionism and the US war in Vietnam, to helping overthrow Salvador Allende and supporting the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile, to Haiti, Iraq and Afghanistan today.

Praise for Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy:

We bear responsibility for what governments do in the world, primarily our own, but secondarily those we can influence, our allies in particular. Yves Engler's penetrating inquiry yields a rich trove of valuable evidence about Canada's role in the world, and poses a challenge for citizens who are willing to take their fundamental responsibilities seriously. --Noam Chomsky

Engler has done for Canadian foreign policy what I tried to do for United States foreign policy in my book "Killing Hope" -- cover each region of the world, showing how "peaceful, benevolent, altruistic Canada" has, on numerous occasions, served as an integral part of Western imperialism, particularly the American version, helping to keep the Third World down and in its place. From Vietnam to Haiti, Canada has served the political and economic demands of US foreign policy and the multinational corporations. The picture that emerges is not the image of Canada the world has long admired. --William Blum

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: scientist, writer, speaker
Guest Biography:

Dr. Calleman is back on Cosmic LOVE to follow up on his new book on 'The Quantum Evolution of Consciousness - THE GLOBAL MIND AND THE RISE OF CIVILIZATON'.

How the global mind drives the evolution of both consciousness and civilization.

  • Explains how our brains receive consciousness from the global mind, which upgrades human consciousness to adjust to new cosmological circumstances
  • Reveals how the Mayan Calendar provides a blueprint for these consciousness downloads throughout history
  • Examines the mind shift in humans and the development of pyramids and civilization in ancient Egypt, Sumer, South America, and Asia beginning in 3115 BCE

In each culture, the origins of civilization can be tied to the arising of one concept in the human mind: straight lines. Straight and perpendicular lines are not found in nature, so where did this idea come from? What shift in consciousness occurred around the globe that triggered the start of rectangular building methods and linear organization as well as written language, pyramid construction, mathematics, and art?

Offering a detailed answer to this question, Carl Calleman explores the quantum evolution of the human mind and its resonance with the global mind. He examines how our brains are not thinking machines but individual receivers of consciousness from the global mind, which creates holographic downloads to adjust human consciousness to new cosmological circumstances.

He explains how the Mayan Calendar provides a blueprint for these downloads throughout history and how the global mind, rather than the individual, has the power to make civilizations rise and fall. He shows how, at the beginning of the 6th Baktun in 3115 BCE, the global mind imparted the capacity to conceptualize spatial relations in terms of straight and perpendicular lines, initiating the building of pyramids and megaliths around the world and leading to the rise of modern civilization. He examines the symbolism within the Great Pyramid of Giza and the pyramid at Chichen Itza and looks at the differences between humans of the 6th Baktun and their ancestors of the 5th Baktun in ancient Egypt, Sumer, South America, and Asia.

He reveals how the global mind connects us to the inner core of the Earth and discusses how the two halves of the brain parallel the civilizations of the East and West. Outlining the historical, psychological, geophysical, and neurological roots of the modern human mind, Calleman shows how studying early civilizations offers a means of understanding the evolution of consciousness.

Carl Johan Calleman holds a Ph.D. in physical biology from the University of Stockholm. A leading expert on the Mayan Calendar, he is the author of

The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness and

The Purposeful Universe. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Guest Category: Education, History, Science, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Business and Banking, Co-founder of cancer center, alternative health teacher
Guest Biography:

Klaus Nigel Pertl (German-Canadian) was born in 1960 in Canada. One year later he moved to Germany where he was raised and where his formal education started. Initially trained as a Banker, he worked in corporate finance and management.  He graduated in Germany with a degree in Banking and then moved to London (Great Britain) to continue with a BBA in International Business and Banking and worked in London and New York (USA) for Standard % Poor’s as an analyst for Germany Banks.

Since 1997 he has  worked as a Mind Coach and professional visualization trainer (was personally trained by Jack Black from the MindStore System in the UK). In the same year together with Lothar Hirneise he became the co-founder of the non-profit organization „Krebs21“ (Cancer in the 21th Century) in Germay.

In 2006 again together with the internationally renowned cancer researcher and Co-Founder of 3E, Lothar Hirneise, Klaus he became the co-founder and Managing Director of the 3E-Centre in Germany (in the South of Germany near Stuttgart) In the 3E-Centre he teaches an alternative cancer program that is based on the knowledge and experience we have gathered from all over the world and in particular from studying with Dr. Johanna Ludwig herself. The 3E-Centre is the only centre world wide that offers the „original“ and „strict“ Budwig Diet for people with cancer.

Klaus focuses in the 3E-Centre on the part of the „mental techniques“. He has taught more than 10,000 people in the last 20 years and his particular strength is his ability to convey complex topics in a simple way.Klaus is married and lives close to Stuttgart in the South of Germany.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Actor, Director of improvisational theater
Guest Biography:


ED GREENBERG is Executive Director of the non-profit Laughter for a Change (L4C). L4C brings the healing power of improvisational theater games and comedy to diverse communities in L.A. and around the world such as post-genocide Rwandan youth, former L.A. gang members, and U.S. combat veterans suffering from post traumatic stress.

As a director of improvisational theater, Ed won the prestigious Joseph Jefferson Award for directing “The Second City” in Chicago. He began his acting career in San Francisco’s famed improvisational comedy troupe “The Committee.” Ed has acted in movies, T.V., and has enjoyed a long career in voice over acting.

He has taught acting and voice acting at UCLA, USC, and Pasadena Community College. In addition, Ed runs improv and creativity training intensives, coaches executives in communication skills, and works with film directors, writers, and actors to sharpen their comedy skills.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Kids & Family, Philosophy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Los Angeles/Orange County-based singer/vocalist specializing in opera/classical music
Guest Biography:


“Amanda Boudreau (Mezzo-Soprano) is a Los Angeles/Orange County-based singer/vocalist specializing in opera/classical music.

Amanda has recently been seen in concert with the Mirror Visions Ensemble with composer/pianist, Richard Pearson Thomas, the Advanced Vocal Workshop in a Liederabend Concert featuring guest artist and vocal coach/pianist from Dresden, Michael Schütze, participated as a student/soloist in a German Lieder program in Trossingen, Germany, and a cast member of the Cal State Fullerton School of Music Opera Workshop performances of Die Fledermaus and A Hand of Bridge, where she comically portrayed the roles of Prince Orlofsky, and the depressed/materialistic housewife, Sally. Amanda is also an avid recitalist and art song enthusiast. She recently gave several recitals featuring full lieder song cycles by composers Schumann and Edvard Grieg, and Spanish art songs set by Manual de Falla with guitarist, Navid Niknejad. These recitals were featured as a part of the voice, piano, and guitar departments through The Fullerton School of Music. In addition to the standard classical repertoire, Amanda is a huge ambassador of newly composed classical music, and frequently collaborates with current composers throughout Los Angeles.

Amanda is the proud finalist in the 2015 Concerto/Aria Competition at CSUF School of Music, First Place winner of the NATS-LA Region Graduate Woman Scholarship Competition in March 2014, and the recipient of the prestigious Lotte Johnson Vocal Scholarship in May 2014. In May 2016, Amanda was inducted into Pi Kappa Lambda music honor society, and in July 2014 Amanda was granted a Graduate Fellowship for her graduate work in pursuit of working towards a DMA in vocal arts.

In addition to developing her operatic and performance career, Amanda maintains a private voice and piano studio in Orange County, California where she teaches music instruction to students of all ages and experience levels. In addition to teaching, Amanda has taken several seminars, workshops, and training classes that specialize in vocal health and science. She is interested in working with injured voices, and helping professional voice users find their voice again by learning to sing/use their voice in a healthy way.

Amanda holds a Masters of Music in Voice Performance from The Fullerton School of Music, a Bachelor of Arts in Music: Voice Performance from The Crane School of Music, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from The State University of New York at Potsdam in Potsdam, NY. Originally a native of Syracuse, NY; Amanda now resides in Newport Beach, CA.”

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Certified Clinical Hypnotist, Life Transformation Coach, Speaker and Author
Guest Biography:

Matthew Fallon has a diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy.  He is a member of the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Association of Ethical and Professional Hypnotherapists, Fellowship of Christian Hypnotists and The Academy of Magical Arts.

Matthew holds diplomas in Complete Mind Therapy and Practitioner of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), and holds a B.A. University degree with emphasis in theater, event production and marketing. Matthew Fallon’s interactive and side-splitting Hypno-tainment!™ Show features audience members forgetting all about their fears and inhibitions, tapping the limits of their imaginations and transforming into astounding performers! Matthew travels and his work focuses on individuals and groups to help them achieve their goals, eliminate limiting beliefs, habits and patterns, all to experience lasting change.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Comedy, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual