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Guest Occupation: Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:
Carlenia Springer, the CEO of Destiny Embraced, a transformational training & coaching company, is a visionary, spiritual teacher, transformational speaker, certified coach & co-author of Amazon Best Seller Live Your Best Life
Having displayed advanced intuitive abilities from an early age Carlenia has used her experiences to support others in their healing journey. Her passion to help women embrace their native intelligence, come home to themselves & shatter painful emotional realities is inspired by her own journey. She teaches her clients & students how to erase confusion, access dimensional clarity and achieve high levels of emotional mastery. 
Carlenia has a BA in Psychology from the Univ. of Maryland & has been nominated for an honorary doctorate. She has studied with spiritual masters spending 2 years at Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development founded by Dr Iyanla Vanzant, another 2 years in Ritual Healing Village with Sobonfu Some, learning the ways of being in community, Ascend Spiritual Flight Academy with Master Coach Ron Davis and personally mentored by Master/Teacher Rev. Israel Malik Esters of World Awakening Universal Church of Christ for 5 years. 
Guest Category: Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Documentary Filmmaker
Guest Biography:

Interview re: the June 9th Premier of

New Human, New Earth, New Humanity

Film Trailer at: 

In this third consciousness-raising documentary by

filmmaker Lana Marconi, Ph.D., fourteen experts

describe how collective humanity is waking up,

wising up, and rising up with full disclosure of

truth that liberates our untapped potential.


Jungian psychologist Dr. Deborah McGill is one of

those experts, and joins Lana on Cosmic LOVE 

 as we discuss mass awakening to paradigm shift

  with a new common sense of, by and for humane

  unity consciousness that is nurturing wholEness

   as a coherent healing culture of worldwide civility.


Note the Jungian archetypes at 'LOVE Codes',

'The Future of Time'
and 'Continuum News'


Welcome Doctors Marconi and McGill 

to Cosmic LOVE with your Presence,

~ Christopher

 PS: For a Memorial weekend of reading pleasure, 

see: Time for a Revelations Revolution

and: Finish Line for Ascension Time!  

 (published this last week)
Guest Category: Arts, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Science, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Professor of Philosophy, Researcher, Author, Educator
Guest Biography:

Jacob is a Professor of Philosophy at San Francisco State University, former Visiting Professor at Duxx Graduate School of Business Leadership in Monterrey, Mexico and former Director of the Center of the Study of New Religions at the Graduated Theological Union in Berkeley, California. He was educated in philosophy at Harvard, Yale and the University of Freiburg, Germany. He has also severed as a Research Associate at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, as a Research Fellow at Union Theological Seminary, as Adjunct Professor of Medical Ethics at the University of California Medical School and as guest Professor of Religious Studies at the Sorbonne, Paris. He is a successful author of multiple publications. In addition to his teaching and writing, he serves as a consultant in the fields of business, psychology, education, medical ethics and philanthropy, and is increasingly well known as organizer and moderator of conferences in these Felds.

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Education, Medicine, Philosophy, Science, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Nurse, Hypnotherapist and Artist
Guest Biography:

Lori was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. She lived in Washington State all her life. She is a retired registered nurse, a certified hypnotherapist and a self-taught artist. She is married, a mother of three, a stepmother of three adult children and presently has three beautiful grandchildren. She is the sponsor of People's Initiative in Washington State that has been written to restore a law for grandparents/grandchild visitation. Katherine Miller was born and raised in San Jose,California. She moved to Washington State in 2003. She is married and has three adult children and four beautiful grandchildren. Sadly the two youngest grandchildren have been in foster care for the past three years. Our message is that good, loving grandparents enrich the lives of their grandchildren and children benefit from having as many loving family members in their lives as possible.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Psychology, Mental Health, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Executive Director, Adventures in Caring (Compassion Organization)
Guest Biography:

Simon Fox, Executive Director of the Adventures in Caring Foundation,(AiC), is pioneering the education of the heart. He is also co-Author of What Can I Say? A Guide to Visiting Friends and Family Who Are Ill and co-producer of five video-based training programs on  compassion,including The Medicine of Compassion and Oxygen for Caregivers.  For 30 years AiC has taught the art and practice of compassion—as a skill that restores well-being and promotes healing. Their work is now recognized globally.

Adventures in Caring is based in Santa Barbara and despite its small size it is having a big impact. Founded by Simon’s wife, Karen Fox, in 1984, the nonprofit is most famous for its Raggedy Ann and Andy  volunteers who visit local nursing homes and hospitals to lift the spirits of patients who are lonely. What is less well known is who is under those wigs, what they discovered, and how far their influence has spread.

Many people still think that compassion cannot be taught—considering it a personality trait that’s either there or not. Others think of compassion as a philosophy or a feeling. Under Karen and Simon’s tutelage Adventures in Caring has taken it a step further: compassion as a verb—the practical skill of getting it across to a person who is sick or injured so that they realize that you care and they no longer feel alone. Fox says “That’s when the magic happens—when the other person gets it. That’s when you see their body language change, their vital signs improve, and their outlook become more hopeful.” He says this is the secret of all great nurses, physicians, and health care practitioners—they know the language of healing that lifts the spirits, dispels loneliness, and inspires the will to heal.

Under the leadership of Simon Fox, this is what the Adventures in Caring team has decoded and now teaches to undergraduate students from the University of California–Santa Barbara who are studying to become doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals. They learn this art through a one-year service-learning internship. After in-depth training they visit the residents in a nursing home or the patients on a hospital unit on a weekly basis for a school year, practicing the art of listening carefully, taking an interest in lives, not just bodies, and building the emotional maturity to create meaningful connections with those who are suffering. By reflecting in writing on what happened in each interaction, and being coached year-round, the students develop skills that last a lifetime.

Simon and the AiC team have shared their discovery far and wide,  with volunteers and health professionals. David Chernof, MD, former AiC board president and professor at the David Geffen UCLA School of Medicine said, “This is a remarkable program, I highly recommend it.” General Colin Powell took notice: “I applaud your efforts to teach volunteers how to interact with people who are suffering… I am sharing your work with my staff.”

More than one thousand hospitals, one thousand hospices, two thousand churches, and several hundred nursing schools have used AiC programs. Santa Barbara City College School of Nursing has integrated the entire AiC Cultivating Compassion series into its new Memory Caregiver program that teaches nursing assistants how to built better relationships with patients who have dementia. Visiting Nurse and Hospice Care of Santa Barbara has trained its own team of mentors to teach the Cultivating Compassion program throughout the entire agency, to equip its staff with the most advanced skills for communicating compassion to the sick and dying. Even the American Trauma Society in Washington DC used AiC expertise—to help teach trauma surgeons how to better communicate with the families of trauma victims in those crucial moments when they must deliver news right after surgery.

In addition to teaching healthcare providers to be more compassionate, under Simon’s direction, Adventures in Caring created the Oxygen for Caregivers program to protect the health and emotional well-being of health care professionals.  According to Simon, deteriorating health of the people who work in health care is a growing problem throughout the world—they are in poorer health than most other occupations. He shares one of the more startling facts, nursing assistants are more likely to be injured on the job than construction workers. Nurses are more likely to experience on-the-job violence than all other professions. Doctors too are affected: more than one in three physicians may be clinically depressed, and surgeons think of suicide as much as three times more often than the general population. Many trauma workers and social workers are physically assaulted at work, and those who work in palliative care have higher stress scores than patients newly diagnosed with breast cancer.

Oxygen for Caregivers: Guarding Against Burnout, Sustaining Compassion, has been adopted by the international group of nurse educators, ELNEC (End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium) who deliver programs in 80 countries. The AiC Oxygen for Caregivers is now a key part of the ELNEC train-the-trainer summits and so far has been presented in the U.S., China, Kenya, and Romania. “These resources are beautifully created to remind us of the importance of self-care” said Pam Malloy, ELNEC Director.

From hospice care to trauma care, this ripple of compassion that began in Santa Barbara is spreading throughout the world. Glen Holden Jr., current AiC board president, added, “If you have ever wondered if love really has the power to heal, you might want to take a look at the website. No matter what kind of help you give to someone in need, when you also make a heartfelt connection, the difference you make in their life is so much more powerful and lasting. That’s why it is essential to teach compassion.”

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Motivational Speaker, and Personal Development Coach
Guest Biography:
Lisa is a successful author, speaker, radio show host, mentor and coach. Lisa infuses passion into everything she endeavours to do. Lisa LOVES life!
Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author and journalist
Guest Biography:

Growing up in India combined with travels to Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Asia and Europe, gave me a great love of writing for Indian mythology and divinity tales. I write short stories and articles inspired by the power of happiness, love, laughter and the compelling flow and ebb of human emotions that make life an exhilarating journey! I am former journalist, now turned writer and part of a fantastic editorial team  for the Coffeelicious online magazine on with 1.9K+ followers. I am also a content contributor for Thought Catalog, an online magazine for millennials. An MBA in Marketing and with a second masters degree in international relations, I work in marketing/business development/vendor relations roles for corporate entities in the United States. I have just completed my new book - " Be Perfectly Imperfect", 41 short essays on life, laughter and happiness - now available on my website

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Business, Marketing, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Personal Empowerment coach, Master SPIRIT LIFE Coach
Guest Biography:

Datta Rokade in Prune-India is a Personal Empowerment coach, Master SPIRIT LIFE Coach with 10 years experience. "I work with individuals who have too many choices in their lives and who feel the need to design a simple, sustainable, flexible and elegant life and lifestyle. I help you to see the glass full and overflowing. You know those moments in life when you think, "Ah! Life is good." I help people have way, way more of them. Think of possibilities that they never considered before. I help you let go of a lot of baggage you never thought you'd get rid of. Contact me to have a conversation to discover the benefits of being coached and the difference it can make in all areas of your life, such as business, career, relationships, health and wellbeing, etc." 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational