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Guest Occupation: Singer, Musician, Actress
Guest Biography:

Angie Mattson grew up in Michigan being the eldest of eight siblings. While working at a recreation center she taught herself piano at age 14. In High School she sang and toured with a local theatre. While living on a boat in Florida she taught herself to play guitar. During her two year stay living on a boat and traveling in the West Indies, she began her song writing debut. Soon her songs became so popular that she made the move to Los Angeles where she recorded a demo with producer Rudy Haesermann called "Monarch." The demo caught the attention her now manager Michael Hausman.

Many of her songs could be heard in many films and TV Shows. Her debut album, Given to Sudden Panic and Noisy Retreat which includes noteworthy songs such as "Drive," "In Violet" and "Hiding Cards" was produced by Nathan Larson and was released by her independent label Radio Nine Records in 2007. Her music is wide ranged in genre from soul to folk to blues to rock and all the above. Many have tried to compare her but once you've listened to her music, you will be captivated by both her sound and ballad.

Angie can also be found in many films including 2003 Chris Rock's "Head of State."

Guest Category: Music, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Health Avocate, Coach, Trainer, Researcher, Consultant, Health Educator
Guest Biography:

Mark Schumacher attended the University of Fla. as a pre-med major and later worked for 5 years in emergency medicine. After delivering babies in the field, as well as working with cardiac arrest and trauma injuries, he turned his attention to health education, wellness, and fitness.

As a sports coach for nearly 35 years, he currently is a health coach helping individuals understand that they have a choice in how healthy they can be. He believes that only through education can we solve the health care crisis in America. He doesn't believe in reaching for a prescription drug for an easy solution. Prescription drugs rarely will ever cure a disease.

He believes that you transition into a state of ill health over a period of time, and you can therefore transition out of it. The simple advice is to "Stop doing the things that are bad for you and start doing the things that are good for you".

As a two-time National Black Belt champion in Tae-kwon-do at ages 55 and 56, competing against men 20 years his junior, Mark is a great believer in challenging yourself.

Mark is the owner of Enerex USA, the premium line of nutritional supplements that most doctors, as well as Olympic athletes, prefer. He can be reached thru

He hopes to change the information being given to children so that the cycle of disease can be broken. If you look at statistics in the US as far as heart disease, diabetes, dementia and other degenerative diseases, we are failing miserably. One out of three children is expected to have diabetes. This is a dangerous disease causing an amputation every 6 minutes. We have to do a better job.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition
Guest Occupation: Writer, Speaker, Spiritual Counselor, Depth Psychologist, Author, NDE Researcher
Guest Biography:

Annamaria Hemingway, Ph.D., is a writer, speaker, and spiritual counselor in the practice of conscious living and dying. A personal quest to discover a deeper purpose to the pilgrimage of life led her on a path to study world religious and spiritual traditions, ancient rites and rituals, mystical states of consciousness, and universal cultural mythologies surrounding death and dying. She received an MA in Consciousness Psychology, and was also granted an MA/PhD in Mythological Studies with an Emphasis on Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She has worked in hospice care, and is a member of the International Association for Near-Death Studies.

Annamaria became fascinated in tracing how the primordial affirmation of death and rebirth, signifying the transformation of consciousness, is encapsulated in ancient resurrection myths, the practices of many diverse spiritual traditions, and alchemical symbolism Her research, detailed in Practicing Conscious Living and Dying, Myths of the Afterlife, and the soon to be published Immortal Yearnings, reveals that this same affirmation is still vitally alive and manifests in spiritually transformative experiences, including contemporary near-death experiences and deathbed visions, which  reaffirm the ancient belief in the posthumous journey of the soul.

Rediscovering this great legacy of invaluable knowledge provides guidance on how to realign with the divine aspect of human existence in our materially driven culture and weaves a tapestry of hope that physical death may be just a transition into an eternal continuum of consciousness.

Guest Category: Near Death Experiences, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Instructor, Teacher, Research Scientist, Natural Healing Authority, Herbalist, Holistic Nurse, Wellness Educator, Author, Consultant, Natural Products Developer
Guest Biography:

Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, a-HNC, AHG, The Natural Nurse® has been involved in Natural Medicine since 1973, when she directed a program in Ethnobotany at Cochise College in Douglas, Arizona. Dr. Kamhi attended Rutgers and Cornell Universities, sat on the Panel of Traditional Medicine at Columbia Presbyterian Medical School, and is a Clinical Instructor at Stony Brook Medical School, and at NY Chiropractic College, where she teaches Botanical Pharmacology.

Ellen was nominated for the March of Dimes, Woman of Distinction, 2004 and received the J.G. Gallimore award for research in science. A respected authority in the field of natural healing, Dr. Kamhi is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild (AHG), is nationally board certified as a holistic nurse (a-HNC), and works to bring together a body of modern and ancient practices and philosophies that use less invasive, less toxic, natural techniques to enhance wellness.

Along with Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND Ellen heads Natural Alternative Health, Education and Multimedia Services, and leads EcoTours For Cures™, which brings participants to indiginous areas to experience the ancient healing arts of traditional cultures. Ellen is the author of Cycles of Life, Herbs for Women, The Natural Guide to Great Sex, WEIGHT LOSS- the Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide(2007) and co-author with Dr. Zampieron of The Natural Medicine Chest and Arthritis, The Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide (1999, revised 2006).

Ellen is often quoted in numerous print media including Marie Clare, Latina, Self, Woman’s World, National Examiner, Cosmopolitan and Glamour.  She appears daily on radio/TV  and provides personal health consultations. In addition, Dr. Kamhi participates in the design and development of herbal and nutritional products for Nature’s Answer, Hauppauge, NY.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Medicine, Biology & Chemistry
Guest Occupation: Physician, Pharmacist, Surgeon, Vietnam Vet, Internal Medicine Authority, Alternative Therapy Authority, Author
Guest Biography:

This distinguished Texas physician, deeply rooted in the scientific world, has become an internationally influential advocate of the role of the mind in health and the role of spirituality in healthcare. Bringing the experience of a practicing internist and the soul of a poet to the discourse, Dr. Larry Dossey offers panoramic insight into the nature and the future of medicine.

Upon graduating with honors from the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Dossey worked as a pharmacist while earning his M.D. degree from Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, 1967. Before completing his residency in internal medicine, he served as a battalion surgeon in Vietnam, where he was decorated for valor. Dr. Dossey helped establish the Dallas Diagnostic Association, the largest group of internal medicine practitioners in that city, and was Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital in 1982.

An education steeped in traditional Western medicine did not prepare Dr. Dossey for patients who were blessed with "miracle cures," remissions that clinical medicine could not explain. "Almost all physicians possess a lavish list of strange happenings unexplainable by normal science," says Dr. Dossey. "A tally of these events would demonstrate, I am convinced, that medical science not only has not had the last word, it has hardly had the first word on how the world works, especially when the mind is involved."

The author of nine books and numerous articles, Dr. Dossey is the former Executive Editor of the peer-reviewed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, the most widely subscribed-to journal in its field. The primary quality of all of Dr. Dossey's work is scientific legitimacy, with an insistent focus on "what the data show." As a result, his colleagues in medical schools and hospitals all over the country trust him, honor his message, and continually invite him to share his insights with them. He has lectured all over the world, including major medical schools and hospitals in the United States --Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, the Universities of Pennsylvania, California, Washington, Texas, Florida, Minnesota, and the Mayo Clinic.

The impact of Dr. Dossey's work has been remarkable. Before his book Healing Words was published in 1993, only three U.S. medical schools had courses devoted to exploring the role of religious practice and prayer in health; currently, nearly 80 medical schools have instituted such courses, many of which utilize Dr. Dossey's works as textbooks. In his 1989 book Recovering the Soul, he introduced the concept of "nonlocal mind" -- mind unconfined to the brain and body, mind spread infinitely throughout space and time. Since then, "nonlocal mind" has been adopted by many leading scientists as an emerging image of consciousness. Dr. Dossey's ever-deepening explication of nonlocal mind provides a legitimate foundation for the merging of spirit and medicine. The ramifications of such a union are radical and call for no less than the reinvention of medicine.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Medicine, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Investigative Mythologist, Author, Radio Show Host, Seeker, Teacher, Author
Guest Biography:

William Henry is an investigative mythologist, author, radio talk show host, seeker and teacher. In 2007 he is celebrating his 10th anniversary as a self-published author of 14 books and numerous DVD presentations.

He has specialized in synthesizing myth and cutting edge modern science to reveal a startling but undeniable pattern of fact – that throughout history and across widely diverse cultures, there is an absolutely seamless tradition of the existence of gates to the stars, which have been preserved in the art and myths of each era and place. Beings that came from the light of the vastness of the Milky Way, and beyond, did so through these gateways… and left the secrets of a Way to the Stars for us to discover.

Loss of the secrets of this gate has brought great challenges to humanity. Rebuilding the gate is a reachable goal and will transform us into the more advanced beings we seek to become… and already are within us.

Today, physicists call these gates called stargates or wormholes. These cosmic gateways theoretically link regions of the universe millions of light years apart and allow nearly instantaneous communication between these regions.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Spiritual, Divination, Technology
Guest Occupation: Physics Engineer, Physician, Neurosurgeon, Integral Medicine Authority, Author, Alternative Medicine Researcher, Spiritual Explorer
Guest Biography:

Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations: A Doctor’s Journey Through the Worlds of Divine Intervention, Near-Death Experiences and Universal Energy is a nonfiction narrative about the surgical career and spiritual quest of Dr. John L. Turner and his evolutionary journey into the field of Integral Medicine. After graduating from the Ohio State University with a degree in engineering physics, Dr. Turner continued in graduate school at the Ohio State University, Department of Physics.

Three years into the PhD program, he was given a book about Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet. This changed the course of his life! He was excited about the existence of a spiritual world and made immediate plans to attend the Ohio State University’s College of Medicine where he earned his M.D. He completed his internship year in general surgery and his first year neurosurgical residency at Ohio State University. He completed the remaining four years of neurosurgical training at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation.

For eighteen years, he served as the sole neurosurgeon on the island of Hawai’i, initially performing lifesaving procedures with a marginally trained staff and substandard equipment. By all measures, John L. Turner is a surgeon with classic western medical credentials. From his first day on call in Hilo, Hawai’i, metaphysical events appeared for his edification and continue to the present day.

Over the past ten years, the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has generated excitement as the next major source for improved better health care delivery. The aim of CAM (or Integral Medicine) is: “To use a complete and as comprehensive as possible approach in treating any illness . . .” This requires the practitioner to use many modes of inquiry to carry out the healing task. These modalities are grounded in empirical research and relate to models of human psychology, consciousness, subconsciousness, alternative medicine and Eastern healing therapies.

In a book entitled Mind, Body and Health: Toward an Integral Medicine by James Gordon, Dennis Jaffe and David Bresler (1984), the authors called on health professionals to “consider the possibility of a universal life force as manifested mentally, physically and spiritually, which is benevolent and at the ground of human development and healing.” In Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations, Dr. Turner encounters this universal life force in a variety of nontraditional healing modalities.

During his career as a surgeon, Dr.Turner’s curiosity drove him to explore several nontraditional healing modalities that broadened the scope of recovery for his patients. These new techniques included the practice of Johrei (the healing art of Japan), chanting and meditation (approaches found in all religious practices throughout history), soul travel and astral projection (as espoused by Eckankar, Robert Bruce and others), and precognition/remote viewing (as developed by Hal Puthoff, Ingo Swann and Russell Targ at the Stanford Research Institute).

Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations, is the twenty-year story of Dr. Turner’s contributions to the field of neurosurgery through Integral Medicine. The concept of Integral Medicine has been written about by notable members of the medical community, including Andrew Weil, Larry Dossey, Deepak Chopra, Mehmet Oz and Dean Ornish. Each of these writers is a physician who specializes in internal medicine. What makes John Turner similar to these writers is that he, too, is a physician. What makes him different from these writers is that he is a neurosurgeon. In fact, he is the only brain surgeon to write of medicine from this perspective: hand’s on use of complementary techniques prior to, during and after surgery, and exploration of pathways that lead to the spiritual world.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Medicine, Near Death Experiences, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Kundalini Experiencer, Alien Contactee, Acension Guide, Planet Gridworker, Spiritual Mentor, Etheric Surgeon, Starsee Advocate, Columnist, Writer
Guest Biography:

Lisa Renee experienced a spontaneous "kundalini" event several years ago that catalyzed a “Starseed Awakening" to perceive multidimensional realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light. Lisa Renee has been personally contacted and then prepared, trained and downloaded by Interdimensional beings (Extra-terrestrial and Ultra-terrestrial, not from this Universe) known as the Melchizedek and Aurora Guardians. Guided by Guardians, Lisa was biologically upgraded to be downloaded to comprehend the Science of Ascension through the Law of One and its dynamics upon the layers of energy fields. This understanding of Consciousness Technologies was experienced by her own personal evolution and began her transition into an Multidimensional Guide and God-Sovereign-Free (GSF) Steward during this Planet’s Ascension Cycle. She is a Emissary for the Guardian Groups and a spokesperson for the shift of humanity to "Ascension".

Along with the Guardian Groups, her mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impacts of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. She is an Ascension Guide, Planet Gridworker, Starseed Advocate, Spiritual mentor, Writer, and Etheric surgeon. She writes a monthly column for the Ascension Timeline called Shifting Timelines, which you can find here in the Resources section. Additionally she has just completed the Hieros Gamos System manual, which is a empowered self mastery system, a self focused training manual for any being desiring spiritual freedom to be their own etheric surgeon.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive