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Guest Occupation: DC Urban Farmer
Guest Biography:

COY MCKINNEY was born in Kingston, Jamaica, raised in Atlanta, Georgia, attended high school in Torino, Italy, obtained a history degree from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, a law degree from the University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law, and is a member of the Student Environmental Action Coalition ( Coy works as an urban farmer on multiple projects in the DC area and his primary interest is building small-scale, sustainable communities where appreciation of the environment, and our role within it, is deeply embedded within the culture.


Instagram + Twitter: @ecoylogy

SW Gardens: &


Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, News, Science
Guest Occupation: Television Writer/Producer
Guest Biography:

Norman Lear was born in New Haven, Connecticut on July 27, 1922. He dropped out of Emerson College to join the U.S. Army Air Force during World War II. He left the Army in 1945 and began writing comedy, which eventually transformed into screenwriting and producing for television and films. His best known projects include the TV shows All in the Family, The Jeffersons, Maude and Good Times.

Early Life

Television and film writer and producer. Born Norman Milton Lear on July 27, 1922. Lear grew up in a Jewish family in New Haven, Connecticut where his parents, Herman and Jeanette Lear, worked in sales. When Lear was only 9 years old, his father went to prison to serve a three-year sentence for fraud. With his father in jail, Lear turned to his uncle Jack and his grandfather Shya as role models. His grandfather wrote frequent letters to the president on the various political issues of the day. Lear later said his grandfather's political involvement taught him a lesson he never forgot: "that a citizen can matter." Nevertheless, Lear never imagined himself growing up to be a rich and famous celebrity. "All I wanted was to grow up to be a guy who could flip a quarter to a nephew," he once said.

Lear attended Emerson College in Boston, but dropped out in 1942 to join the United States Army Air Forces. He served as a radio operator and gunner during World War II, flying 52 combat missions in the Mediterranean Theater and earning the Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters. Lear left the military in 1945, and worked for four years in public relations before embarking on a career as a freelance comedy writer.

In 1950, Norman Lear teamed up with Ed Simmons to write The Ford Star Review, a musical comedy variety show that aired for one year on NBC. Although the show's run was brief, Lear and Simmons impressed comedian Jerry Lewis, who hired them to write for the Colgate Comedy Hour, where they worked until 1953. In 1958, Lear moved from writing to production, joining with director Bud Yorkin to found Tandem Productions. With Lear writing and producing, the pair produced numerous feature films, including Divorce American Style (1967), which earned Lear an Academy Award nomination in 1967.

All in the Family

In 1970, Lear got the idea to revamp the British sitcom Till Death Do Us Part to fit into an American context. Set in Queens, New York, All in the Family aired on CBS from 1971 to 1983 (renamed Archie Bunker's Place in 1979) and won four consecutive Emmy Awards for Outstanding Comedy Series. All in the Family was groundbreaking in many respects, helping to usher in a new era of television programs that tackled controversial and socially relevant subject matter. The show, which centered around the bigoted character Archie Bunker, examined the issues of race, sexuality, and social inequality through the lens of comedy, breaking longstanding television taboos against profanity, racial slurs, and toilet humor.

In addition to All in the Family, Lear wrote and produced a host of other controversial shows that dealt with pressing social issues. In 1972, he introduced Maude on CBS, whose caustic, liberal title character provided a foil to the conservative Archie Bunker. Lear also brought black families into starring roles on primetime television with Good Times (1974-1979) and The Jeffersons (1975-1985). While Lear's shows were often criticized for their sharp political bent, he vociferously defended his right to incorporate his personal views into his writing. "Why wouldn't I have ideas and thoughts," he said, "and why wouldn't my work reflect those ideas?"

Politics and Activism

In order to have a more direct impact on social change, in 1981 Lear decided to leave the world of television for political activism. In that year, he founded People for the American Way, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting First Amendment rights, strengthening public education, and promoting electoral and immigration reform. In 2000, Lear founded the Norman Lear Center at USC to support research investigating the intersection of entertainment and society. Four years later, he founded Declare Yourself, a nonpartisan youth voter registration initiative. For his work in both television and political activism, President Bill Clinton presented Lear with the National Medal of Arts in 1999, stating that "Norman Lear has held up a mirror to American society and changed the way we look at it."

Lear lives in Los Angeles, California with his third wife Lyn Davis Lear, with the two having married in 1987. He has six children and four grandchildren. Together the couple continues to participate in political causes; in 2009, they founded Born Again American, a group committed to reviving informed citizenship. And in October 2014, at the age of 92, he published his critically-acclaimed autobiography Even This I Get to Experience

Asked by an interviewer to sum up his influence on American television and society, Lear recalled one night when he was riding in an airplane. "I remember looking down and thinking, hey, it's just possible, wherever I see a light, I've helped to somebody laugh."

Guest Category: Arts, History, News, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: speaker, author, playwright
Guest Biography:

Kaitin helps individuals and groups learn the value of respect through speaking engagements . . .   and the books  and plays she has written.  She created a Global Initiative  in order to raise the standard of living and quality of life for all people. It’s called Connecting  the Dots …with The Respect Principle.

“Connecting the Dots … with The Respect Principle” is the global initiative developed so every child, every person, will know by their own experience, they are valued … respected because when a person feels valued … respected, they take better care of themselves, including developing their potential to the greatest of their ability, plus they also value … respect other people, which greatly reduces the problems manifested by low Respect Level mindsets that generate prejudice’s harmful and costly consequences.

Though the core book written for the global literacy level, “Connecting the Dots … with The Respect Principle,” Limited First Edition print version is no longer available; the good news is, it, along with eight other books, including the children’s series, Little Jack, the novel, Dark Horses and its creative short fiction, and the soon to be released, Flashes of Spirit, a short stories collection, are available in Ebook format on and other Ebook retailers … for the lowest prices ever until the end of 2015.

2016 promises exciting changes with the company’s name change, the acquisition of partners and the production of the play and film, Charles’ Choice, that introduces the ““Connecting the Dots … with The Respect Principle” concept and initiative to schools, parents, communities, prisons, and all social support organizations.

Want the short version? Book The Respect Specialist to speak to your group before Kaitlin’s new year’s calendar fills up!

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Variety
Guest Occupation: Research/Filmmaker
Guest Biography:

PEEKAY in his own words:

A Bio hmmmmmm I'm not one who likes to talk about himself. I'm just your everyday guy who hates to be lied to. Because i was lucky enough to awake to the lies about 10 years ago, I feel an obligation to pass on any information I can to those who still are asleep. I currently only use Youtube to pass on my message. Even though the subjects raised are very serious I try to entertain viewers with a bit of sarcasm and humour.
For someone to say I'm the BEST researcher out there is very flattering and a little bit exagerated. I can pretty much say my Boston work is pretty much second to none and hopefully will always be remembered for that.

Youtube Channels:


Peekay Boston


Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Writer, blogger, author, raising the consciousness of humanity,making the invisible visible
Guest Biography:

Zen Gardner began his online writing and blogging 9 years ago after a lifelong quest for truth and several major life changes. His focus is empowering humanity to reach its full potential in conscious awareness and its resultant activation.  He is the frequent guest on many internet radio shows, always striving to awaken and share his inner knowledge.  

He writes on a variety of subjects from forbidden knowledge and our manipulated spiritual and historical context, to current political events, in an effort to dismantle old mind sets in order to encourage the awakening of human consciousness and bring meaningful change to a world that’s under full frontal attack by powers that seek to deny humanity its health, freedom and ultimate discovery of who they truly are.

His new book, You Are The Awakening, is available on his website, as well as  

This first book of a series is a compilation of updated articles regarding the awakening to a more fully conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here. I’ve selected my more appropriate essays to help empower and encourage anyone who is on this wonderful path of realizing our infinite potential, highlighting the fact that any change we seek in the world around us begins with each of us individually.

Guest Category: Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Inspirational, Access Consciousness, Animal & Plant Communications, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Founder, BBS Radio
Guest Biography:

I am an entrepreneur and have worked for myself, and with my family, since 17 years of age. I have started several companies, joint ventures, public & private, and helped finance, operate and manage some of those entities until they were successful. I have been an original participant in all ventures I worked on, tending to many of the tasks required for a corporate structure to operate, from inception to its fruition. This involves numerous skills and abilities that are quite diverse and encompassing. These ventures were mostly in areas of new technology, product manufacturing, internet media, natural resource mining and oil drilling.

Most that read my biography will undoubtedly be knowledgeable and caring individuals that wish to expand their horizons and get the word out, whatever that word may be. Those people should consider appearing as a guest on one or more of our BBS Radio TV talk shows. Visit the link below and answer a couple of questions. The information you provide will automatically be sent to our broadcasters & podcasters upon your submission. Our distinguished line up of talk show hosts will then contact you directly. It's simple to do and the rewards are worth it:

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Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Management, Kids & Family, Music, News, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Godscribe
Guest Biography:

Sondra Sneed is a recovering atheist.  She met God in the basement of a rental house in Secaucus, NJ. A voice from the eons wrote a message in her journal, “Unemployed? It is my assertion you are employed by me.”  This moment marked the first day of her year in solitude, in 2004, during which she produced 10 spiral notebooks in dialogue with the creator of the universe.  She’s kept these notebooks in secret for eight years – until now.

One writing session produced a twenty-page narrative about “the Adam and the Eve.” This hour of dictation reveals a message so uncanny, it solves the 4,000-year-old riddle as to why Eve was made from Adam’s rib.  Sondra says it is the first recorded use of adult stem cells, and the metaphor is not about Eve being Adam’s help mate, but instead Eve is God’s helpmate.

Available for the first time, “Relief to See Her Arrive, The Lost Symbol of the Adam and the Eve,” illustrates Eve’s profound purpose.  This purpose was omitted by the original editors of the book of Genesis.  It is now available on Amazon in the exact way God told the story to her while she took dictation.

Eight years later Sondra is ready to take-up her own purpose as a messenger for God, resulting in a debut book, published by the same publisher who discovered Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations With God series.

Now, more than ever, each human being has a purpose and a place on the path of human righteousness [Right-now-ness].  But righteousness is not just for the pious, it is for those who know the mind of God is within them. Those who know they will never lose the way that life becomes, as it moves in the course of the magnificent means.”

“I have no interest in the exhaustive attempt to prove that I talk to the creator of the universe.  I leave that up to my readers.”

Guest Category: Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Akashic Records, Angel Communication, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Journalist/Editor The 5th Estate
Guest Biography:


It began as an annoying, deep-seated pain.  The kind I get from time to time and more often now from my old broken bone sites, at first annoying and then progressing to infuriating and finally to alarm that something is going to have to be done about it.  The knowledge that it isn’t going to get better but only worse adds a sense of urgency and anger at having to face this at my age.

However there it was, staring me in the face.  My country was in a terminal downward spiral and my wife and I could either leave or perish.  The death threats and my recent arrest by the Alameda County, California Sheriff's Department on bogus charges didn’t help our overall outlook.  After faking a 911 call to our expensive hotel room in Castro Valley to get me downstairs, they arrested me when I came down to the lobby to see what in the hell was going on and at 0230 AM hauled me away to Santa Rita, a maximum security prison in Dublin without allowing me to inform my wife upstairs or put on clothes or shoes. 

I was held incognito for 5 days without food and water - my wife not knowing if I was dead or alive as I had just disappeared in the custody of rogue pigs - and the only way I was finally released was by a cousin, who just happened to be a prison guard in another part of the state and had me found utilizing her contacts.  No charges were filed, and the swine said that there had "been a mistake in identity."  I did receive one belated apology from a low-level jailer who had the presence of mind to punch my name into a Google search:  "I'm sorry Mr. Finnegan, I don't know how this happened."

Well I sure as hell do, and the looks on the monkey's faces partially recompensed me when I showed up a week later to get a copy of the arrest report - which they somehow could not locate - in a suit and with several other pissed-off investigators in tow and packing a video camera.  Phil Bronstein was monitoring our arrival and departure from the SF Chronicle.  He later told me to get the hell out of America, that the game was over for journalists.
They had even arranged the savage beating of a hooded, shackled fellow prisoner in front of me, just in case I didn't understand what they could do to me if they wished.  That was it, we were going no matter what, I got their message loud and clear, the fucking Nazis.  I had to be hospitalized for 48 hours following my release to be re-hydrated and treated for high blood pressure, a condition I had never had before.  There was no lawyer in the county that would touch the case, such was their fear of these Gestapo cops.  This was not America anymore.  Instead, we were caught in the clutches of a criminal totalitarian dictatorship that was killing journalists and anyone else that dared to speak out.
It was not an easy decision, and it was going to be irrevocable
We left at 0200 in the morning, leaving our home completely intact as if we were just stepping out for a moment, BMW parked in front and carrying only our computer hard-drives, cameras, a few clothes and papers.  I was concerned that I would be on one of the ridiculous “No Fly” lists, and as any good Marine had a “Plan B.”  It had only a 50% chance of success and survival, but for me these were good odds.  It didn’t make any difference; I was going anyways even if it cost me my life. Pretty tough to imagine let alone embark on a journey on foot of possibly 10,000 miles being a type 1 diabetic and needing insulin every day, but I didn't give a damn at that point. I was getting out, period. Thankfully, the execution of "Plan B" was not necessary.
Our stroll through customs was uneventful despite TSA and soon we were watching the lights of San Francisco disappear over the horizon… for the last time.  I still can’t manage to conjure up the proper English words for my feelings at that time. 
* * *
I refuse to use the word “expat” as it is simply not what we are, and we are not “voluntary” Exiles either, as we were forced to leave by a corrupt, malevolent corporate government comprised of criminals that has hijacked our democracy and the United States as a whole.  We were FORCED out of our country by conditions brought about by our criminal corporate government, so there is nothing “voluntary” about it.  There is no nice way to say it and those that know me know that I always tell it like it is and to hell with the consequences.  The Free Peoples of the world have a right to ANY information regarding their governments.  THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE GOVERNMENT.
We are also going to attempt to give the reader the best possible timely, actionable, condensed to important subject international news so that they may make timely, rational decisions on World events affecting them.  
We do not and will not recognize or play by any "mainstream media" rules.  Anything goes as long as it is verifiable truth with the exception of pornography and tasteless sexual acts.  
We are on the edge of a new world, and it will either be one composed of slavery, hate and death, or – if the good people of the United States of America manage to come together, rise up, and destroy the evil that is prevalent in our government - one of peace, prosperity and if nothing else a shedding of the shackles on our hands and minds from the evil bastards that now rule from the White House, Senate and Congress and threaten not only our existence, but the very existence of mankind.
Americans will most likely take massive casualties as the forces of evil battle it out with us, using engineered biological weapons, assassinations, terror strikes on their own citizens and possibly even nuclear weapons on "rebel" or "domestic terrorist haven" cities (San Francisco, Berkley), constructed with our tax dollars that we foolishly paid without question as to where the money was going, because we were too busy to be bothered with the basic tenets of democracy and too consumed by greed and just plain survival.  It will have to be decided by and at the hands of The People.  So be it. 
Our government has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed, endless war, endless death.  They lie through their teeth as to the casualties we have taken in the Middle East and elsewhere.  THEY are nothing but LIES.  We now think too little and feel too little thanks to their propaganda machine, endless illegal laws, and the boob tube.
And it is at this point in time where more than machinery and technology we need kindness and gentleness towards each other while displaying a  mailed fist to the Obama administration, the CIA, TSA, and all other "OGA's" that are terrorizing Americans.  Terrorizing our population by providing the disgusting, Satanic spectacles such as the forcing of American Senior Citizens to eat dog and cat food to survive in the richest country in the world - it is our responsibility now and always as human beings, first and foremost for the strong to protect, care for and stand up for the weak.  We have forgotten this.  Without these basic human instincts, life will be more than violent, and this is what “they” our so-called elected leaders, wish and pray for:  Martial Law.  They will then have complete and total control over our physical bodies and souls.  Their ultimate aim being a country and world of serfs, ruled by the very few “chosen” elite.  THEM.
We are victims of a global system that does nothing but torture, imprison and loot.  Rape and pillage on a scale never before seen in recorded history.  In addition, the people of the world are now in the gunsights of insane elitists and those that advance Armageddon in order to "rule the world."  They will be stopped.
One fine day, the power illegally usurped by the dictators from The People will return to The People, and so long as men and women are prepared to die for their humanity, liberty will never perish.
It is the right of every individual to be free in the land in which they were born.  We are not free today in the land of America.

The feral cops that now terrorise Americans will be held accountable for their actions, individually and collectively. They are now completely out of control, assaulting and murdering Americans at will. This will come to a swift and decisive end.
“The Truth means responsibility, which is exactly why everyone dreads it.  If there is no way out, it is imperative to find a further way in.  Now more than ever in U.S. history, Americans are shielding their eyes against the painful truth…. As for myself, I am capable of knowing and willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, accept it, and then ACT ON IT.”



Robert S. Finnegan


The 5th Estate - The Free Peoples Of The U.S. In Exile

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government