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Guest Occupation: Web & IT Director for Tourism For Peace, Information Systems Specialist, Cognitive Neuroscientist, Psycholinguist, Multilingual
Guest Biography:
Taylor Brooks is Web & IT Director for Tourism For Peace. He is working with WordPress websites, Apps, e-books and Scrivener research. In his day job, Taylor works as an Information Systems Specialist. He is fluent in Spanish, French and English, and has degrees in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psycholinguistics.
Taylor researches how the brain represents language in both the physical brain and the cognitive space. He has traveled the world to many countries: has smoked cigars in Cuba, explored the underground in France, train-hopped in Germany, and seen fur fashion shows in Turkey. His personal journey towards health (losing over 100 pounds) has led him to explore healing herbs and the power of what we allow to come in contact with our bodies. He is currently developing a company to distribute sustainably herbs that relieve pain gently and safely.  Taylor believes that the world is one human family, connected intimately with Nature and its cycles/systems.
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Technology
Guest Occupation: Early Interventionist Specialist and Teacher
Guest Biography:

Tracy Leigh Arneau, Ed.S. is a third generation educator. She has worked in public education since 2000 and with DPS (Detroit Public Schools) since 2002. She has taught both general education and special education.

For the last eight years she has worked as an early intervention specialist for children ages three to six years of age diagnosed with autism. As an advocate for children, she found her passion in supporting a public education system which works diligently to educate ALL children.

Her greatest belief is that children are our future and that has spurred her on to become an activist fighting to preserve and maintain quality public education in our country by working with the TRUE (Taxpayers, Residents United for Public Education) group that can be found on Facebook.

Guest Category: Education
Guest Occupation: Uluki King of the Waa Wurrung (raven tribe) of the upper Yarra valley Australia
Guest Biography:

I am Uluki king of the Waa Wurrung (raven tribe) of the upper Yarra valley North east of so called melbourne of so called Australia. My bloodline are the keepers of the creation dreaming (genesis dreaming) and the secret of our first Father and Mother who they are and where they come from which soon shall be revealed.

The corporate government of so called Australia has listed my people and language as extinct and allowed false claimants called wurrundjeri; which translates to ‘deceased people’ in our language to claim our land, therefore claiming our past, present and future.

We need help exposing these people and their exploits and are now putting a call out for solidarity and unity. We currently occupy land near the Healesville sanctuary which is the gateway to the Toolangi forest and have been threatened to be removed as trespassers on our own country, I can not fight this alone we have no where else to go and my family need a home and need your help.

All peoples, I ask you to join us in our struggle.


Sincerely yours,

Uluki Brendan Murray

King of the Waa Wurrung (raven tribe)

Upper yarra valley.

Boori Biami(children of creator)

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Cosmology, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Ryan Dawson

Ryan Dawson is a Historian from the College of William & Mary with 16 years of political activism in a variety of mediums: blogging, radio, books, film, and television.


Ryan Dawson has appeared multiple times on Russia Today, Press TV, CNN Headline News, MSNBC, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Al Jazeera, anti-war radio, Eddie Bravo Radio, George Galloway, Pat Buchanan, and a variety of radio shows and podcasts.

Ry on the Web

Ryan Dawson is Webmaster and host for which features podcasts on politics and economics with professionals from around the world.

Over 2,000 youtube videos 20k subscribers and 7.3 million views. (that was after being deleted twice)

Substitute host for the What Really Happened Radio show with Mike Rivero.

Formerly Host of Geopolitics with Ryan Dawson on boilingfrogspost with FBI Whistle blower Sibel




Author of “Welcome to the USSA” and “The Separation of Business and State” also the co-author of “Why Peace”

Ryan Dawson Films:

War by Deception

Decades of Deception

Neocolonialism in Africa

The Empire Unmasked

Editor for “More than Taboo” a film about Holocaust


Ryan Dawson was made a Good Will Ambassador for Nara Japan

He was a Brazilian Jujitsu instructor, Buxton North Carolina

and a College lecturer Kobe University Kobe Japan

Antineocon report features a variety of guests on politics, philosophy and economics. Previous shows guests have been Dr Finkelstein, Grant Smith, Pepe Escobar, Eric Margolis, Sibel Edmonds, Peter Schiff, Lew Rockwell, Bill Still, Jason Ditz, Thomas Mountain, Jeff Blankfort, Adam Kokesh, Larken Rose, Scott Horton, Scott Rickard, David Stein, James Corbett, Kenhinde Sonola, Rob Prince, Steven Zunes, Germar Rodolf, Mike Rivero, Eric Hunt, Scott Dawson, Josh Blakeney, Gilad Atzmon, Nicolas J.S. Davies, Dr Philip Caper, Dr Joseph Gerson, Dr Hamdy El-Rayes, Karen Keistkowski, Michael Collins Piper, Will Grigg, Karl Denninger, Doug Valentine, Alan Butler, Mahdi Nazemroaya, Marc Guttman, William Engdhl, Julie Lévesque, Maidhc Ó Cathail, Christine Hong, Jeff Gates, Peter Lavelle, Victoria CLark, Ted Postol, Mimi Al Laham, and many more.


You get flack when you are over the target

Ryan has been the subject of hit pieces by the SPLC, the Daily Beast, BBCwatch (which has nothing to do with the bbc) and the ADL. And Interpreter magazine the same mag currently blaming the Paris attack on Russia and who has smeared, Ron Paul, Glen Greenwald, and many other peace advocates.

Guest Category: History, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Health Care Advocate for Children, Elderly and the Disabled, Motivational Seaker, Radio/TV Producer/Host, Expert on Home Health Care and End of Life Issues, Hospice, Social Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Shirley Tabb LICSW LCSW-C is a preeminent Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) Washington, DC and Licensed Clinical Social Worker –

Clinical tract (Maryland) advocate who has assessed and helped over 1000 people in the District of Columbia access community resources and home health services under the Home and Community Based Medicaid Waiver for the Elderly and Disabled.

Shirley has history of hosting her own talk show on DC Cable Television where she discussed pertinent issues facing poor, elderly, and disabled people receiving or

in need of Medicaid or private-pay home health care. These shows are available for viewing on YouTube and

Social marketing and community liaisons are strengths that enabled her to raise over $2 million dollars (media and in-kind services) while working in Adoptions and Foster Parent Recruitment fundraising in the community and during her annual Celebrity Golf Tournaments with big named sponsors including Phi Beta Sigma, Les Brown, Radio One, Price Waterhouse Coopers, ESPN, and major foundations including the Fannie Mae Foundation and Microsoft who donated a quarter of a million dollars to DC CFSA, during one of her annual fundraisers.

The Microsoft donation of $250,000 in computer software and games for foster and adoptive parents/children was the largest donation in the foundation’s history of giving to any non-profit organization.

A staunch advocate for children and the elderly, Shirley was also selected from among over 1000 nominees to be honored at the annual Working Woman’s Award Luncheon sponsored by WJLA – TV Channel 7 (Washington, DC) and Metro area Toyota dealers in 2006.

Another strong passion is end of life care issues and opportunities and Shirley enjoys speaking with community groups and working with families with loved ones with life threatening illnesses when in hospice. She is available for speaking engagements and bereavement counseling at

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author/Scientist
Guest Biography:

IAN PLIMER is Professor Emeritus of Earth Science at The University of Melbourne. He was formerly Professor at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich and at the University of Newcastle. He won the Leopold von Buch Medal for Science and has thrice won the Eureka Prize, the latest of which was for his book A Short History of Planet Earth. Professor Plimer has published over 120 scientific papers and books and 6 books for the lay person on topics raging from religious fundamentalism to mining history. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, a Fellow of the Geological Society of London, member of numerous professional organisations and serves on many national and international scientific commissions. He is currently edits the Academic Press Encyclopaedia of Geology, is filming a BBC natural science program and continues his weekly ABC regional radio broadcasts. He is a director of a UK and Australian listed public companies.



HEAVEN AND HELL: The Pope condemns the poor to eternal poverty by Ian Plimer

The Encylical Letter of Pope Francis Laudato Si "care for our common home" was influenced by atheists, communists and green activists. The Pope advocates burdening the Third World with inefficient unreliable high cost renewable energy and agriculture thereby keeping the poor in eternal poverty. Only when Third World children can do homework at night using cheap coal-fired electricity can they escape from poverty. Looking purely at the science rather than the theology, Ian Plimer shows the failure of the current Pope in his understanding of the real issues affecting poverty, especially in Third World countries.


Not for Greens: He Who Sups with the Devil Should Have a Long Spoon by Ian Plimer

The processes required to make a humble stainless steel teaspoon are remarkably complicated and every stage involves risk, coal, energy, capital, international trade and finance. Stainless steel cutlery has taken thousands of years of experimentation and knowledge to evolve and the end result is that we can eat without killing ourselves with bacteria. We are in the best times to have ever lived on planet Earth and the future will only be better. All this we take for granted. Greens may have started as genuine environmentalists. Much of the green movement has now morphed into an unelected extremist political pressure group accountable to no one. Greens create problems, many of which are concocted, and provide no solutions because of a lack of basic knowledge. This book examines green policies in the light of established knowledge and shows that they are unrealistic. Policies by greens adopted by supine governments have resulted in rising costs, increased taxes, political instability, energy poverty, decreased longevity and environmental degradation and they don't achieve their ideological aims. Wind, solar and biomass energy emit more carbon dioxide than they save and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions does nothing to change climate and only empties the pocket. No stainless steel teaspoon could be made using green "alternative energy". This book argues that unless the greens live sustainably in caves in the forest and use no trappings of the modern world, then they should be regarded as hypocrites and treated with the disdain they deserve.


Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science by Ian Plimer

Climate, sea level, and ice sheets have always changed, and the changes observed today are less than those of the past. Climate changes are cyclical and are driven by the Earth's position in the galaxy, the sun, wobbles in the Earth's orbit, ocean currents, and plate tectonics. In previous times, atmospheric carbon dioxide was far higher than at present but did not drive climate change. No runaway greenhouse effect or acid oceans occurred during times of excessively high carbon dioxide. During past glaciations, carbon dioxide was higher than it is today. The non-scientific popular political view is that humans change climate. Do we have reason for concern about possible human-induced climate change?

This book's 504 pages and over 2,300 references to peer-reviewed scientific literature and other authoritative sources engagingly synthesize what we know about the sun, earth, ice, water, and air. Importantly, in a parallel to his 1994 book challenging “creation science,” Telling Lies for God, Ian Plimer describes Al Gore's book and movie An Inconvenient Truth as long on scientific “misrepresentations.” “Trying to deal with these misrepresentations is somewhat like trying to argue with creationists,” he writes, “who misquote, concoct evidence, quote out of context, ignore contrary evidence, and create evidence ex nihilo.”


Telling Lies for God: Reason vs Creationism by Ian Plimer

This controversial analysis of creationism examines the arguments put forward to support the acceptance of a literal interpretation of the Biblical account of creation, and presents counterarguments from a scientific viewpoint. Also critically examines the material that many creationists use to support their beliefs. Includes a bibliography. The author is professor of geology at the University of Melbourne.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, History, News, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Science, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Minister of the Gospel
Guest Biography:

 Terrance is the  co-founder of Thug Ministries (juvenile gang prevention). He has an associates degree in counseling from Jacksonville College of Theology. Terrance is the Chief Adjutant of the Connecting Faith Fellowship under the leadership of Presiding Bishop David Gillard. He's an Associate Pastor at The Faith Center in Memphis , TN.  He is a husband, a father to 5 boys, a Prophet to this Nation, and most importantly he Loves God!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Emmy-nominated singer/songwriter/producer/composer signed to Secret Road
Guest Biography:

Dan Mackenzie is an Emmy-nominated singer/songwriter/producer/composer signed to Secret Road. He is the winner of two ASCAP Foundation songwriting awards, (Sammy Cahn and Joe Raposo). Mackenzie’s writing/producing credits include Joss Stone, Martin Sexton, Lisa Loeb, and Margot Bingham. He also has many TV and film credits, including Discovery Channel’s Monster House, (2004-2006), Dear Dumb Diary (2013) and Basmati Blues (2016), a musical starring Brie Larson, Scott Bakula, Donald Sutherland and Tyne Daly.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music