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Guest Occupation: Psychologist, Future Directed Therapy Developer, Director, Professor, Author
Guest Biography:

GUEST:  Jennice Vilhauer, PhD

Author of “Think Forward to Thrive – How To Use The Mind’s Power of Anticipation To Transcend Your Past And Transform Your Life”

Jennice Vilhauer, PhD, is a psychologist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, who specializes in the area of future directed thinking and developing skill-based methods by which people can learn to create positive future thought and action. Her research is focused on the integration of mindful consciousness and future directed thought as mechanisms for recovery and wellness. The developer of Future Directed Therapy, she has over twelve years of experience helping clients to create better futures, and she is responsible for training other psychologists and psychiatrists in the field of cognitive therapy.

Dr. Vilhauer is the director of Emory’s Adult Outpatient Psychotherapy Program in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science in the School of Medicine. She formerly served as the clinical director of the Adult Outpatient Programs as well as the director of Psychology Training in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. She was also an assistant clinical professor with the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Los

Angeles (UCLA). She completed her undergraduate training in psychology at UCLA and her graduate training at Fordham University, followed by postdoctoral training at Columbia University.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Relationship Counseling, Psychology, Mental Health, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Business attorney, novelist and speaker
Guest Biography:
For Your Consideration: Roberta Grimes:
The Fun of Dying: Find Out What Really Happens Next
Hello BBS Radio Host:
I wish to share with you the guest possibility of attorney and afterlife expert Roberta Grimes who illuminates what for some can be a difficult topic, but one that we must increasingly face as the boomer population ages. For those who worry about dying or losing a loved one, or those who fret about the death of a pet, Roberta brings her passion for the subject and 40 years of scholarly in-depth study to deliver concrete answers to all your questions.
After two “experiences of light” in childhood, Roberta was determined to understanding the afterlife. She spent decades studying nearly 200 years of abundant and consistent communications from those who have died. As a result of this disciplined research and her study of quantum physics and consciousness evidence, she can delineate with clarity what comes next. In doing so, she removes the elements of darkness and superstition that once permeated this topic and brings us a comprehensive understanding of death that is uplifting and even joyful.
In her riveting interviews Roberta covers such points as:
What are the kinds of evidence about the afterlife that are available to us?
Where is the afterlife and how does it work?
How is it that quantum physics is related to the physics of the afterlife?
Why is it that we have little or no awareness of the afterlife?
How does death happen, and how does it “feel”?
What can we know about God?
What are heaven and hell, and how can we learn the truth about them?
What can we know about the meaning and purpose of our lives?
Roberta Grimes is a business attorney, novelist and speaker based in Austin, Texas, who had two extraordinary experiences of light as a child. In an attempt to understand her experiences, she has spent decades studying nearly 200 years of abundant and consistent communications from the dead and other afterlife-related evidence that eventually enabled her to assemble an in-depth understanding of who and what we are, how reality works, the nature of God, and the meaning and purpose of our lives.
Roberta has learned so much about the death process and the period immediately following death that in 2010 she published a brief summary of the best information called The Fun of Dying – Find Out What Really Happens Next. Her second book about the afterlife, The Fun of Staying in Touch, will document the many ways in which the dead contact us, and the wonderful recent research that is making it easier for us to contact them.
Roberta is a graduate of Smith College and Boston University School of Law. 
Guest Category: Paranormal, Ghosts, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Shaman, World Traveler, Activist, Screenplay Writer, Healer, Intuitive, Lecturer, and Author
Guest Biography:

Patricia Cori, a native of the San Francisco Bay Area, is a world-renowned author, teacher/lecturer, former radio talk show host & spiritual guide to the sacred sites of the Earth. She has been recognized and celebrated as a gifted shaman by indigenous spirit teachers of the Tibetan, Mayan and Peruvian. She is an activist for the rights of human beings and animals - a peaceful warrior for Planet Earth. She is an activist for the rights of human beings and animals - a peaceful warrior for Planet Earth.

Additionally, she is a celebrated international speaker—actively offering courses, seminars and workshops internationally on a vast range of topics, which reflect her commitment to protecting the ecosystems of the planet and educating humanity to the issues we face as guardians of 21st century Earth in transition.

Her books The Sirian Revelations (published by North Atlantic Books) have enjoyed worldwide acclaim as wake-up call material for the expanding consciousness of humankind. She was a former host, on BBS RADIO, for the cutting edge web radio talk show, BEYOND THE MATRIX.

In 1996, she established the LightWorks travel club, SoulQuest™ Journeys, and that year led a group of travelers to Nepal and Tibet, to whom she introduced the sacred temples and breathtaking spirit of the Tibetan landscape. She has since guided people through sacred sites in Asia, Mexico, Egypt, Europe, Peru and the crop circles in England.

She has co-founded the global non-profit organization, SAVE EARTH’S OCEANS, INC, which is dedicated to help clean up the beaches and oceans of our planet worldwide, to awaken people to the importance of protecting the sea mammals, and to help restore the balance of our fragile ecosystems of the Oceans. As President and CEO of the organization, she is determined to raise the consciousness of human beings around the globe to the potential of the human spirit to alter the course of our destruction of the environment and to re-establish the harmony of Earth in balance.

“Patricia Cori is a wonderful combination of intelligence and passion, and she aims it at the understanding and protection of whales and dolphins in a powerful way."

-Hardy Jones, wildlife and conservation filmmaker and founder of

“No sooner had Patricia entered the water, filled with over fifty dolphins, when one of them brushed up against her body and leaped over her in the air. The team saw this amazing moment occur from our boat. In all my years of observing Cetaceans, I have never experienced this kind of interaction between wild dolphins and humans! Some might even call it a “miracle.”

-Enrico Villa, co-founder of whale watching organization CWAzores.

Patricia Cori has also been called a "real life Indiana Jones" by fans and readers around the world - an inspiring icon of truth and a living model of the adventurous spirit and seeker within us all. Internationally acclaimed author Patricia Cori is one of the most well-known and established authorities on the realms of the mystic - views of the world and multidimensional reality that challenge the status quo. She has been a key voice in the alternative media for decades, and a contactee who has brought paradigm-busting information to the public since 1996, contributing a wealth of material to the new thought community. And she has the "chops" to prove it ...with eleven best-selling publications, published in over 20 foreign languages.

She has herself been interviewed on hundreds of talk radio and TV programs, including CNN, Coast to Coast a.m. syndicated radio, the Urban Journal Radio, KJAC Radio Montreal, 21st Century Radio, Fringe Radio, The Edge, X-Zone Chronicles, Playboy radio and a host of others. She has also appeared in documentary films.

She has now turned her talent to screenwriting, having completed a full feature script of her upcoming spiritual thriller, The Emissary, scheduled for release as her first fiction novel, through North Atlantic Books/Random House Distribution in March 2014. Film and television rights have been acquired by Global Universal Entertainment, and the project is already in development to become a major motion picture. A prolific writer, she is already half way through the sequel, The Keeper of the Crystal Skull, first as a screenplay which she will no doubt follow with the novel version.

Her recent project - LITTLE BOOKS by Patricia Cori - launched in July 2013 will provide her readers with a collection of short, concise works on topics about which she is impassioned and knowledgeable, as digital editions released through kindle on amazon. Volume 1, HEAVEN IS HERE, BENEATH A TREE, is a moving collection of her artistry as a photographer and artist, and poems which reflect her love of the earth and her visions of the beyond.

A true spiritual leader, Patricia Cori is weaving her own music into the souls of her readers, calling upon humankind to wake up and take its true role of leadership for the preservation of the magnificent Planet Earth. She is most definitely a force to be dealt with!

"Amazing works, but 'phenomenal' is far more accurate! Uncanny intuition and incredible psychic gifts have made Patricia Cori an international icon and one of the finest radio hosts on BBS Radio, with her weekly radio program Beyond the Matrix. Her extraordinary vision and the way she communicates her truth to her readers will make Patricia a staple in every library. This woman will change your entire life, just like magic!"

-Donald Newsom, president of BBS Network, Inc.

"Patricia Cori is a living library and her books are living vessels"

-Alfred Webre, Exopolitics.


The Emissary by Patricia Cori

In Patricia Cori's newest book The Emissary (soon to be a major A-list motion picture movie), she reveals how whales, dolphins and humans are being genocided by a targeted depopulation program to destroy Source-oriented intelligent life on our planet, and how her book The Emissary is a vehicle to bringing this message to the mainstream reading public and motion picture theatres.

"The screenplay format of Patricia Cori’s The Emissary, quickly optioned by Global Entertainment Holdings, is already in development to become a major motion picture. It is a fact-based fictional account of the mass extinction event taking place on planet Earth. In Dan Brown’s eerie Da Vinci Code style, author Patricia Cori takes the reader into a world of unexplained reality and concepts perhaps too real for us to imagine in our busy lives.

HOLLYWOOD, CA – In an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, author, interdimensional researcher, and Cetacean activist Patricia Cori discusses her newest book The Emissary (soon to be a major A-list motion picture).  Patricia Cori also reveals how whales, dolphins and humans are being genocided by a targeted depopulation program to destroy Source-oriented intelligent life on our planet, and how her book The Emissary is a vehicle to bringing this message to the mainstream reading public and motion picture theatres.

Writing about Patricia Cori's The Emissary in, Debbie West tells us,  "The screenplay format of Patricia Cori’s The Emissary, quickly optioned by Global Entertainment Holdings, is already in development to become a major motion picture. It is a fact-based fictional account of the mass extinction event taking place on planet Earth. In Dan Brown’s eerie Da Vinci Code style, author Patricia Cori takes the reader into a world of unexplained reality and concepts perhaps too real for us to imagine in our busy lives.

"In this newly released, spell-binding book, lead character Jamie Hastings is sought out due to her unique psychic and remote viewing skills and brought into a military black ops program, masked as oil exploration on the pretense of preserving whale sanctuaries. When it’s discovered that the real assignment is to search out an advanced civilization beneath the oceans, the mysterious nuances and synchronicities tied to events playing out on the world stage awaken the reader to a disturbing thought. Within our subconscious lingers the notion that we are not alone in this universe and that this fact has been hidden for a very long time.

"Author Patricia Cori gives her readers a lot to ponder as she draws them into a new world of possibilities. In fact, can whales communicate, as they do with psychic Jamie Hastings in The Emissary? Our science argues that they do indeed communicate and are of a very high intelligence. On the wake of the most recent Taiji dolphin slaughters, legislation is arguing that dolphins be given the status of 'Non-Human Personhood,' and activists like Ric O’Barry are pleading for humanity to get outraged. O’Barry’s award winning documentary, The Cove, produced in 2009 and listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most film awards ever recorded, is a daring look into the brutal inhuman treatment of unbelievable cruelty that occurs as dolphin families are separated from their young, causing mothers to abort and forcing the pod to watch as each one is either bludgeoned to death or led to a life in captivity.

Weaving an intriguing tale, Patricia Cori’s The Emissary reveals through her character, Jamie Hastings, how to persevere on a journey to seek truth using inner guidance and trust. Cori’s message of galactic hope and transparency are spelled out in her profound earlier trilogy, The Sirian Revelations, which for the discerning readers explores humanity’s continuing struggle to evolve into a new heart-centered frequency.

But The Emissary is relentless in driving home another main point: the reckless destruction by mankind of Earth’s oceans and all its inhabitants. Mirrored in truth, the story parallels a real life U.S. Navy sonar-testing program, as reported by the New York Times, that includes the annihilation of as estimated 13 million cetaceans – including whales and dolphins.

“These virtually unregulated Navy Warfare Testing Programs already approved are now taking a toll on all aquatic life. The sonar exercises at issue would take place off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, Hawaii, Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico – affecting literally every coastal state. In many regions, the Navy plans to increase the number of training exercises or expand the areas in which they may occur."

-Rosalind Peterson, California President and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition, a citizen watch organization that monitors geoengineering and warfare activities.

There again comes a glimpse of reality vs. fiction with memories of other actual news stories by the Huffington Post, The New York Times and CNN, citing countless mysterious reports of beached whales, entire dolphin pods, dead birds, fish and other marine life in unexplained genocide.

The 'Great Noise' described through communication with the whales in The Emissary, is related to sonar testing and to HAARP technology, an actual military program long suspected of being tied to geoengineering. Cori reminds us, through this marvelous fictional story, that our own discernment will lead us to the truth, that the only way to overcome adversity is to face it with courage and conviction and that the light prevails … but not without brave warriors like the novel’s heroine, Jamie Hastings, whose uncanny resemblance to the author does not go unnoticed.

Appealing to society to protest the destruction of our oceans, violence against whales and dolphins and a plea for humanity to wake up has been a tireless and lifelong personal crusade for Patricia Cori. In a previous book, entitled Before We Leave You: Messages from the Great Whales and the Dolphin Beings, she explores Earth’s energetic connection to whales and dolphins, whose sounds provide a vibration field for our Earth and chords of communication waves that raise the entire planet into higher realms of consciousness. Perhaps, as many report, battles in the oceans are more than marine testing programs and military bases like AUTEC (Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center) can lead to a bigger story.

USO’s (underwater submerged objects) have been sighted and recorded in our recent history by military eye witnesses and even by Christopher Columbus in his crossing to the New World as shown in the History Channel Documentary. Traces of an advanced society by Admiral Byrd’s expeditions in Antarctica, along with strange military operations and ancient texts of the Lemurian and Atlanataen cultures, support the existence of a greater interdimensional force on this planet.

As absurd as that might sound, the historical trail of continuous covert corruption by human hands concludes that, as stewards of Earth, we must stay diligent in our pursuit of justice and honor of all life – and sometimes that challenges us to use a knowing eye and a brave heart.

Cori’s real life fight to save our oceans began several years ago with a personal experience with whales and dolphins that shook her to the core: a life changing event that resulted in the formation of the non-profit Save Earth’s Oceans, where all can join together on the quest to save the whales and dolphins and our planet. Save Earths’ Oceans held an extraordinary event in London on April 25th, Singing the Oceans Alive, to raise awareness of the plight of marine life featuring the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and FLASHMOB kids who sang Under the Sea.


"What is under the sea that covers 2/3rds of this planet? Maybe we should listen to the whales and dolphins that have lived there for millions of years."

-Patricia Cori


Guest Occupation: Multi-Award Winning Singer, Songwriter, Light Worker, Recording Artist, Public Speaker, International Celebrity
Guest Biography:

Paul Luftenegger is an International Multi Award Winning Singer and Songwriter who writes music to inspire and promote global love and kindness from within.  Paul is a leader in his new genre of music he calls 'Conscious Healing Music' to empower the listener with love and freedom of the heart and soul to thrive from within.

Paul's first real success came after recording a HUGE INTERNATIONAL RECORD titled 'DIAMOND LIGHT' with Multi Award Winning Canadian Producer Arun Chaturvedi. This record holds some very important work to inspire UNIVERSAL LOVE as well as an LGBTQ positive song that talks about growing up gay.  Paul partnered with Arun to help bring Paul's vision of inspiring GLOBAL LOVE & KINDNESS to life in hearts around our world.  'DIAMOND LIGHT' was recorded in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and has a long list of press and media interest and stories on various platforms as well as stories from some of the most recognizable spiritual leaders with countless letters from hearts thanking Paul for his new genre of music that he likes to call 'CONSCIOUS HEALING MUSIC'. DIAMOND LIGHT as a project took Paul 3-years to bring to life.  He released singles from this record throughout 2013 with the full body of work being made available for global distribution on January 14th, 2014 in countries around the World to Inspire Global Love & Kindness to promote Inner Peace.  Paul's title track of the same album name, won a very important musical award with the 2013 USA Songwriting Competition; a very prestigious International Songwriting contest who granted Paul's song 'DIAMOND LIGHT' with the 'Honourable Mention Award'.  Paul's album was also honoured with an award from the London Free Press as one of the 2013 albums of the year.

Paul's second HUGE INTERNATIONAL RECORD has affectionately been titled 'LOVE EXPANDING LOVE' which is a body of work Paul completed in August of 2014 with his Canadian Producer Arun Chaturvedi.  LOVE EXPANDING LOVE was entirely funded by Paul's fans from gorgeous hearts from every corner of our planet through a Kickstarter Campaign. Paul feels very deeply that LOVE EXPANDING LOVE is his most important record of his career already garnering countless praise and interest from some of the most prolific hearts and souls on our planet.  Interview after Interview is lining up to millions of listeners through syndicated online radio platform shows that are recognizing Paul's talent as a very unique singer on a mission to Inspire Love to do exactly as the title suggests - To Expand Love from Love itself through the heart within. Uniting collectively, remembering what in fact human kindness is all about.  

Paul's LOVE EXPANDING LOVE project touches on some very serious international subjects such as developing self love and self worth. The importance of honouring the elderly.  Feeding every mouth on the planet. Asking all Governments to be kind to all life. Reminding listeners that grown men do in fact cry. That it takes faith and self love to succeed and prosper.  That there are Angels all around every single one of us to help us all on our way through our life here on Earth.  That nature will help all of us to heal inside and out. That we need to help all hearts on this planet to thrive at life in order for us to thrive at life individually.  

LOVE EXPANDING LOVE is an album all about supporting the listener to honour collective and individual consciousness asking the listener to get busy unfolding the heart within through intention and self acceptance. LOVE EXPANDING LOVE RELEASES GLOBALLY ON 11.11.14 in 120+ Countries through iTunes.  Paul has dedicated this entire album and body of work to his hero Oprah Winfrey and the OWN Television Network as a way to properly thank Oprah and her teams for their contributions to our world and collective consciousness creating conscious television that caters to the heart and soul within.


Paul was born in St.Thomas, Ontario, Canada on January 14th, 1977.  When Paul was eight he moved to London, Ontario with his family and started studying piano.  By the age of ten, Paul had auditioned for St. Mary’s Choir and Orchestra Program in London.  This blessing opened many doors to expand and grow Paul's artistic talents in music and the performing arts through this incredible music program gaining a solid music education expanding love through music.

Paul’s passion for music and art continued to bloom in High School where he attended Catholic Central High School in London, Ontario - a specialized extension program developed to continue music studies from St. Mary’s Choir and Orchestra Program.  Paul was included in an adventure to sing for the late Pope John Paul II as part of the CCH Choir in a private audience at the Vatican in Vatican City.  As a teen, Paul performed with Choirs for The Blue Jays, The Boston Red Sox and The Detroit Tigers at stadiums filled with 10's of 1000's of adoring baseball fans. 

Paul has always supported Music and Art. He believes in keeping Art Programs alive and healthy within the public school systems to provide children the opportunities to grow reflection through the creative process. 

Paul and his close family sadly lost his 56 year old Father to suicide in March of 2011.  This tragic loss has been a huge inspiration of opening hearts and trying to inspire the World through writing music that is reflective and at the same time calming. Paul has always maintained keeping his music as true to form with simplicity without over editing to allow the souls honesty to dance with the listeners heart.  Paul writes with the intention of finding peace within oneself in order to truly manifest peace externally in our beautiful World with the ultimate goal of inspiring Global Kindness through all of his music compositions.

Paul has worked very closely and continues to be a guest speaker and volunteer/contributor with the 'Canadian Mental Health Association' (CMHA).  Paul has been a featured Singer/Songwriter by Songwriters Association of Canada (S.A.C.) for his work with Suicide Awareness and Social Change Songwriting.  His career also includes partnering with international charities to advance social awareness issues advancing equality and human rights for all people of our World.  Paul has also been honoured by the Premier of Ontario - The Honourable Kathleen Wynne for his work with Suicide Awareness.   

Paul released his first body of work on September 1st, 2011 titled "Blessings From Above" A.K.A. "Beautiful World" consisting of 5 tracks of Paul's piano and vocal arrangements.  On February 29th, 2012 Paul released his 2nd Album Titled "Worthy" which was recorded Live on a Grand Piano in Toronto, Ontario Canada with a total of 7 easy-listening songs.  Paul is currently releasing singles from his up-and-coming album "Diamond Light" which will be available for International purchase in hard copy CD's and Digital Downloads on January 14th, 2014 with a total number of 9 tracks with very elaborate mixes including piano &  vocal as the lead instruments, accompanied by lovely strings, soulful keyboards, drums, and guitars. 

On January 17th, 2014 Paul is venturing out and starting his live performance career in front of audiences to inspire and promote love and kindness through reflective concerts.  These shows have been titled 'DIAMOND LIGHT' which will include sharing stories of creating loving moments through his music career and how this process has unfolded through becoming the person he has always dreamed he could become with hard work and dedication to love itself.  Paul's dream, vision, and ultimate goal in this concert series is to remind hearts to help one another. These performances will focus on creating peace, love, joy, happiness and prosperity through Co+Creation and Conscious+Intention showcasing Paul's beautiful compositions.

On November 25th, 2013 Paul won his first International Songwriting Award for 'DIAMOND LIGHT' from the "2013 USA Songwriting Contest" which is an International contest consisting of 10's of 1000's of song submissions from some of the best prolific songwriters from all around the World.  This award is called "The Honourable Mention Award".  'DIAMOND LIGHT' was also selected as a finalist for the grand prize of best song of the year for 2013.   

Paul's Album 'DIAMOND LIGHT' won a top 10 Award in London, by the London Free Press.

Paul believes in spreading Abundant Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness and Prosperity with as much kindness as humanly possible. Deepak Chopra, Oprah and Ellen along with many New Age Authors have been the light of Paul's growth through much adversity.  These wonderful human hearts have changed the face of our World with their love and perpetual belief in kindness.

Guest Occupation: Registered Nurse, Traggers Masso-Therapist, and Expert on Essential Oils
Guest Biography:
Ann Windau is an Aspiring and Dedicated Nurse working (ever so) diligently and passionately as a psychiatric nurse... and has been doing so for the last 25 years. 

She is also a Master Reiki Therapist... a long-time student for several alternative Healing Energy Modalities, and a highly esteemed practitioner and knowledgable resource on Trager Masso-Therapy, 

Ann Windau is also an expert on THE VITAL & ESSENTIAL NATURE OF ESSENTIAL OILS. 

21 Things You Should Know About Essential Oils

Essential oils are not really oils. They do not contain the fatty acids that constitute what we would consider an actual oil. Valerie Gennari Cooksley, author of Aromatherapy: Soothing Remedies to Restore, Rejuvenate and Heal defines essential oils as “highly concentrated plant constituents possessing potent medicinal and cosmetic qualities.” However, I think Stephanie Tourles nailed it in Organic Body Care recipes when she said, “I consider essential oils the life force or the soul of the plant.”

Most essential oils are high in antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties: This makes them an excellent addition to your homemade cleaning preparations. Oils that are best for cleaning are: Lemon, grapefruit, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, lavender, and rosemary.

Essential oils are miniscule in molecular size, which means they are absorbed well by the skin – making them perfect ingredients in personal care items intended to heal, soften, and nourish. However, they do not accumulate in the body over time – they simply offer up their healing properties and then pass on through.

Scientific studies have shown that rosemary essential oil helps your brain perform. Specifically, smelling rosemary essential oil helps memory recall and performance on tests. Interestingly, this study also showed that groups that inhaled either rosemary or lavender essential oil felt much more relaxed than those who inhaled no odor at all.

Fragrance oils and essential oils are NOT the same thing. As a rule of thumb, if you see the word “fragrance” or “fragrance oil” or even “perfume” on anything, you can assume this is synthetic and NOT natural. (Even if it says natural fragrance.)

Essential oils are wholly natural and cannot be patented; which means that you’ll never see an essential oil in a pharmaceutical drug. As such, you can expect that the vast majority of mainstream healthcare practitioners will never recommend essential oils as therapeutic alternatives to drugs. More importantly, because essential oils cannot be patented, drug companies will not waste money studying them. This limits our scientific knowledge of essential oils GREATLY, and the majority of what we know about them are things that have been passed down through thousands of years of personal use and experimentation.

Enormous amounts of plants are needed to produce essential oil. In fact, on the extreme end, it takes 4000 pounds of Bulgarian roses to produce 1 pound of essential oil. Other plants like lavender only take 100 pounds of plant material to produce a pound of essential oil. Still, can you imagine how concentrated essential oils must be, in light of how many plants are used to produce them?

Most essential oils should never be used undiluted on the skin. Instead, they should be combined with “real” oils (called carrier oils), waxes, butters, alcohols, or other diluting measures. Because they’re so concentrated, if you don’t dilute, you may end up with an unfortunate reaction (and unhappy skin).

There are a few essential oils that are generally recognized as safe to use undiluted. Of course, there has to be a few exceptions to the rule. Again, in Organic Body Care Recipes, the author points out that the only essential oils that are widely acknowledged as safe to use undiluted (sparingly) are: lavender, German chamomile, tea tree, sandalwood, and rose geranium.

Never use an undiluted essential oil on a baby or child. Children have much thinner, more delicate skin than adults have, and tend to be very sensitive to the potency of essential oils. In fact, even if you do use essential oil in a recipe for children, only use half of the essential oil recommended in the recipe. That’s all they’ll need, anyway. (Here is a list of 19 essential oils that are safe for babies and children.)

Avoid the following essential oils while pregnant or nursing (and skip EOs completely in your first trimester): Aniseed, cedarwood, chamomile, cinnamon, clary sage, clove, ginger, jasmine, lemon, nutmeg, rosemary, sage (this is only a partial list of some of the more common essential oils – view the full one here).

To test if you’re sensitive to an essential oil (which is probably best to do before using it in a skincare preparation): Combine one drop of essential oil with 1/2 tsp carrier oil (like olive, jojoba, or sweet almond). Rub this on the inside, upper portion of your arm and wait a few hours. If no redness or itching develops, you’re most likely not sensitive to that essential oil.

Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children – and avoid contact with your eyes. This is just standard safety precautions, but must be mentioned

Do not take essential oils internally, especially oils like wintergreen and eucalyptus. While some essential oils may be used well-diluted in something like toothpaste with safety, it’s generally recognized that there’s no need to take essential oils internally. In fact, there are several toxic essential oils that should be avoided even through skin contact. Luckily, these are NOT common essential oils, and most of them you’ll never find in the store.

Not all essential oils are created equally, nor does more expensive necessarily mean “better.” There are certain brands I will use in a less therapeutic fashion (like for cleaning), because they’re far less expensive than their counterparts. When you see a wide fluctuation in price between, say, lavender essential oils, you can bet that the far less expensive one is likely lower in quality. However, a small variation in price differences on the higher end will NOT mean a better essential oil. It will just mean a higher price. (A little birdie also told me that there are also only a handful of essential oil distilleries in the world, which means that most essential oils come from the exact same places – thus there is little difference in quality between the more “typically priced” EOs.) What I’m saying here is: Understand that you DO have to pay for quality, but that if you’re just using essential oils in non-therapeutic fashions, it’s okay to use less expensive oils (like the Beeyoutiful ones pictured at the top of this post, or NOW brand essential oils). But if you want high quality, I suggest using Mountain Rose Herbs or another ethical supplier that offers organic essential oils (grown without pesticides or toxic fertilizers).

To test your essential oil to see how “pure” it is, put a single drop of it on a piece of construction paper. If it evaporates quickly and leaves no noticeable ring, it is pure. If you have a ring left, then it is likely diluted by the manufacturer with an oil of some sort (this test will not work for myrrh, patchouli, and absolutes).

Essential oils will last for at least 5 years (if not 10), so one bottle could literally last you a decade. Hopefully that thought will help mitigate the cost involved in purchasing some essential oils. Because they are SO concentrated and only a tiny amount is needed in anything you do, they’ll last you a very, very long time. The only exception to this rule is citrus oils, which will see a reduction in potency after a year or two.

Store your essential oils in dark glass bottles (which they were probably packaged in) and out of direct sunlight. This is simply to help preserve their potency.

Remember that what you’re allergic to in food, you will be allergic to in essential oils. So if, for some reason, you can’t eat sage without breaking out in a rash, steer clear of sage essential oil (or any product containing it).


Lavender, peppermint, grapefruit, chamomile, lemon, ylang-ylang all help produce happy, joyous moods. Clary sage helps with PMS (although there have been reports that overuse of clary sage can lead to intoxication). Rosemary increases focus and concentration. Don’t forget the mood benefits of essential oils. Here’s an information packed aromatherapy reference chart to refer to.

The recommended usage of many essential oils is hotly contested throughout the aromatherapy profession. The majority of oils you find in the supermarket are absolutely safe (though you should research them before using them); however, once you start digging into the world of essential oils, you’ll find that professionals – even within the same organization – debate extensively over the use of certain oils. If you’re ever unsure about an oil or its use, do the research you can, and if you still cannot make up your mind as to its safety – avoid it. But, by all means, do NOT be afraid of essential oils. Just use them with care and respect, and all will be fine.
Guest Occupation: Multi-Instrumentalist Musician, Photographer, Sculpture and Emissary for the Resonance Project
Guest Biography:


Jamie Janover is recognized as a true innovator. His considerable creative output includes: being a multi-instrumentalist and master of the ancient percussion stringed instrument called the hammered dulcimer, inventing and performing on an instrument he calls the "mini-kit" (a miniature amplified drum kit), playing pyrocussion (custom fire-drums) and creating the RealmsMobile (a recumbent tricycle with the mini-kit attached, enabling him to ride and play drums simultaneously).
Janover’s main musical project is as part of a duo called Janover & reSunator with vocalist, lyricist and keyboard player Lezlie Sunshine, who sings in both English and Chinese. By combining recent innovations in modern technology with the wisdom of ancient instruments, Janover & reSunator achieve a balance between the electronic and the acoustic, the male and the female, to create a resonant unified field: music reflective of the nature of modern times. 

For many years Janover has maintained a rigorous touring schedule with multiple acts including: PRAANG (w/ EOTO & Steve Kimock), ZILLA (w/ Michael Travis from SCI and VibeSquaD) the Everyone Orchestra (w/ a revolving lineup) and shows with Karsh Kale. Jamie is also a veteran of hundreds of collaborations and guest appearances, having performed on stage with artists including: Phish, Bela Fleck, The String Cheese Incident, G. Love & Special Sauce, Stanley Jordan, Umphrey’s McGee, Keller Williams, Beats Antique, Emancipator, Random Rab and many others. In the past 2 years alone Janover & reSunator have performed at more than 50 festivals globally, in countries as diverse as New Zealand, Portugal, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Australia, Egypt, Mexico, Canada & in the USA from Maine to Hawaii. 

When not playing music, you can find Janover connecting dots around the world in his extensive international travels and collaborations in multiple creative realms including creating stunning images as a professional photographer and making sculpture works using natural found objects. Janover’s life-long interest in the true nature of reality and the universe brought him to become an official emissary for scientist Nassim Haramein of the Resonance Project, delivering fascinating presentations on the physics of unified field theory.
We are infinite beings in an infinite universe
Guest Category: Performing Arts, Earth & Space, Cosmology, Courses & Training, Music, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Access Consciousness, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: author, journalist, essayist, and researcher
Guest Biography:

Alexis Brooks is a #1best-selling author, journalist, essayist, and researcher covering metaphysics, spirituality and new thought concepts. Her work which explores consciousness, human potential, and the deeper characteristics of reality from a transcendental perspective, have been described by others as “lucid and easy to understand” in covering an otherwise complex and esoteric subject matter.

A former broadcast executive, commercial copywriter, and voice talent for major market radio and television, Alexis parlayed her journalistic skills into her life-long passion: working and interfacing with some of the leading researchers and experts in the field of consciousness and related subjects. She has interviewed many “alternative thought-leaders” including, author and consciousness researcher Dr. Larry Dossey, author and paranormal researcher Rosemary Ellen Guiley, near-death researcher PMH Atwater, OBE (out-of-body-experience) expert William Buhlman, scientist and film maker David Sereda, psychic medium John Edward, author and intuitive Penney Peirce and author and new science researcher Cynthia Sue Larson, among many others. Her articles have appeared both in print and online for over a decade. Her work has been featured in Spirit of Change Magazine, Wisdom Magazine, Fate Magazine and on popular alternative websites like, and

Early on in her career as a “new thought” writer, Alexis was interviewed by well known paranormalist Uri Geller about her own approach to understanding the complexities of consciousness. Additionally a very personal and powerful dream account she experienced was featured in Best-Selling Author Rosemary Ellen Guiley’s 1998 book, Dreamwork for the Soul.

In March of 2013, Alexis co-hosted the Conscious Life News New Mind Body Spirit Summit, in which she featured speakers including NY Times Best-Selling Author, Sonia Choquette, HeartMath’s Howard Martin, and new age Grammy nominated recording artist, Steven Halpern.

Alexis has been a featured speaker on the subject of animal reincarnation, and has covered this elusive subject as part of her ongoing research.

Her first book, Conscious Musings – A Collection of Contemplations about Life and Potentiality was released in December of 2012 in spoken word format. The expanded version of Conscious Musings – Contemplations to Transform Life and Realize Potential reached #1 Best-Selling status on Amazon in the category of sociology of social theory on its official debut, March 20, 2014.

Alexis is a lead contributing writer and host of The Conscious Inquiry Radio Show with Alexis Brooks on Conscious Life News. She also hosts her own blog, Higher Journeys which regularly covers metaphysics, spirituality and consciousness related subjects.

In addition to Alexis’ background in alternative media, she grew up in the entertainment industry as a teen print and runway model and is cousin to Grammy award winning jazz artist Nancy Wilson, who was also featured in Alexis’ book Conscious Musings, about her own “paranormal” encounter.

She lives in the Boston area with her husband Derek and their white Persian cat Clover Paws, who became a key factor in Alexis’ research into the phenomenon of animal reincarnation.

Alexis Brooks on the web:

Higher Journeys


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Guest Occupation: yoga teacher and back specialist
Guest Biography:

My first guest ,Larry Payne, Ph.D,  is an internationally respected yoga teacher and back specialist. He is the co-author of international bestseller Yoga for Dummies, Yoga Rx, and The Business of Teaching Yoga He was selected as a yoga expert by, The World Economic Forum, Web MD, Reader’s Digest, RodalePress, Yoga Journal, and named ‘One of America’s most respected Yoga teachers’ by the Los Angeles Times.

Doctor Payne is co-founder of the yoga curriculum at the UCLA School of Medicine, and founding director of the Yoga Therapy Rx™ and Prime of Life Yoga™certification programs at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He is featured in 7 DVDs on Yoga Therapy for Common Ailments. Most recently he is co-author of Yoga Therapy & Integrative Medicine published by Basic Health and scheduled for release December 2014

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help