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Guest Occupation: Healer, Intuitive, Galactic Connection Blogger
Guest Biography:

Alexandra Meadors is the creator of the popular website and blog, committed to bridging spiritual consciousness with cosmic awareness. She is also known internationally for her interviews with Cobra.  On fire to prepare and shift global perspectives gracefully, respectfully, and galactically, Alexandra’s focus is to connect minds and hearts everywhere to step out of the 3D matrix unilaterally. By bringing forth the cutting-edge Implant Removal Process, Soul Alignment, and DNA Activation with the late Rev. Pam Plauché, she contributes an authentic freedom and effective unplugging from The Matrix we now live in.

Due to a debilitating car accident in 2001, Alexandra was “forced” to step out of the matrix and trek through an extremely painful and challenging 11 year journey to heal herself through every alternative healing modality available. From the lineage of Merlin, Alexandra is a master alchemist, working with quantum homeopathy, minerals, flower essences, sacred symbology, crystals, color, sound, and more to assist others in clearing past life blockages and all levels of pain. In addition to being a compassionate alchemist, Alexandra is a powerful intuitive allowing the miraculous messages from Spirit to unfold with the ego in check.

Besides holding certifications in Homeopathy, Flower Essences, and Reiki, Alexandra also holds a BA degree in Economics and a minor in Spanish from the University of California, Irvine. With over 20 years of experience in Corporate Sales and Management, she brings a balanced perspective on this thing we call life.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Homeopathy, UFOs, Near Death Experiences, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Artists
Guest Biography:

Nationally known award-winning artist Lynn Rae Lowe creates unique metal designs and functional art. Lowe talks about what influences her work. She also shows us how her metal painting is done.

Lynn Rae’s works in bronze, steel, aluminum have been sold at museums, galleries and gift shops around the world.

“It’s up to you how your journey turns out. It’s all in how you see things. Over and over, I’ve embraced each turn in my life’s path and have been blessed with unexpected experiences and creations.

At 5, I joined my mother, a ballerina, and two older sisters in a dance recital. I fell on my face. My sisters said they would never dance with me again. But I learned to face an audience with a grimace that made them laugh with me.”It’s up to you how your journey turns out. It’s all in how you see things. Over and over, I’ve embraced each turn in my life’s path and have been blessed with unexpected experiences and creations.

My first stage appearance was at 9 as “The Bad Seed” with George C. Scott. The audience booed me when my character re-entered in Act III. I learned that all the world is a stage, a mask we can change at will.

By 10 my sisters staged a kitchen protest. I was too slow. I was reassigned to garden duty. Today, I’m a master gardener with a profound connection with Mother Earth.

Saturdays found me at art lessons or the art museum. It was soul elixir and by 20 I had my first one-woman art exhibit.

At 26, I moved to Telluride, Colorado with my family. The Muses were lying in wait. Over the next 15 years I created the first Artist-in-the-School program, became a consultant for Colorado Council for Arts and Humanities, wrote gardening and astrology columns, performed improvisational theater, and became station manager of an NPR station. With my muse and husband Buck, we were raising four children in paradise.

My management company produced the Telluride Jazz Festival and Telluride Film Festival where I began as the caterer and rose to Event and Art Director. I learned to envision and manifest intentions into reality.

Moving to Tucson, I returned to UA to finish my art degree. As a mature returning student, I had years of creativity on which I could draw, sculpt or paint. With my children grown, I could dedicate myself totally to realize my life’s path through art.

Buck and I looked for a hotcake to break into the art market. Instead we found a latke when in 1995 our dancing Sylph Menorah received a prestigious award. Like the menorah, we were dancing luminescent and grateful for our blessings.

In 2000 my world changed. Buck died.

I realized you don’t know how much someone is doing for you until they are gone. Our retail line could not be continued alone. And I knew I would need to stand on my own shoulders to reinvent myself.

I inventoried the basis of my reputation as a sculptor– metal, color and movement. Could I achieve the same success as a 2D artist? By challenging myself to not be attached to my image or reputation, I let go– and broke through to a totally unique, original genre of art, which I entitled “Aluminations.” Years later, the response to my inspirational images of intense color on metal proves growth comes with change.

I have learned that creativity is just accessing your imagination. Everyone has it. I want to share how to manifest your vision of a creative life through my “Drawing It Out” workshops, mentoring others, and officiating ceremonies as a certified Life-Cycle Celebrant®. I am returning the gifts I have in the best way I can.“

~ Lynn Rae Lowe

Guest Category: Arts, Design, Beauty, Visual Arts
Guest Occupation: Medical Doctor
Guest Biography:

JANE ORIENT M.D., is a Clinical Lecturer in Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, and Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. As well, she edits the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Newsletter and Civil Defense Perspectives. In addition, she is the editor of AAPS News, the official newsletter of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons for which she serves as Executive Director. Her articles frequently appear in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (formerly The Medical Sentinel).

Dr. Orient started out to be a doctor, a professor of medicine, and a clinical researcher. But she got distracted. The first threat to her profession that she noticed was an article entitled "A Marxist View of Medical Care" in The Annals of Internal Medicine. That cried out for a response. Researching the response led her into a number of nooks in the library that she had never explored as a chemistry and mathematics major-even to a dusty counterculture bookstore to get a copy of Mao Tsetung's Little Red Book. The eventual article was never published, at least not as a single work, but its author had been infected with a writing compulsion. After that, one thing led to another. Dr. Orient is now the author of more than 100 scientific articles, book chapters, editorials, book reviews, lectures, and essays.

Recently Dr. Orient has been the interviewed for her opinions regarding the current Ebola crisis...

"Secondhand Smoke More Than Ebola" By Bill Hoffmann and Todd Beamon 10/16/14

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more safeguards against secondhand smoke than it does regarding Ebola, Dr. Jane Orient, director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, said on Thursday.

"If you look at the precautions against secondhand smoke, they are absurd," Orient told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV. "The hazard from secondhand smoke, unless you're just sensitive to it and it bothers you, are really nonexistent.

"And yet, we have all these ... expensive restrictions against these non-hazards - and a pathogenic, lethal organism that can infect you with one to 10 particles, we're so cavalier about?" Orient asked. "This just really does not make sense."

She told Malzberg that CDC Chief Dr. Thomas Frieden skated around answering key questions about the crisis as he was grilled by Congress on Thursday.

"Frieden evaded a lot of very important questions or pretended not to know," Orient said.

"Certainly, he evaded, despite really intense questioning, whether the White House was telling him they were not going to do a ban, whether he was in communication with the White House or whether the CDC was going to recommend a restriction in travel.

"The CDC claims not to know how those two nurses [at a Dallas hospital] got infected, despite their protective gear, because if the nurses did not breach the protocol, there's something wrong with the protocol," Orient said.

She disputed Frieden's claims that Ebola could not become airborne. It could, Orient said, through germs via "aerosols" that are created by sneezing or coughing.

"Your body fluids have to go through the air, unless you touch somebody," she told Malzberg. "You generate an aerosol if you cough or sneeze or vomit or have explosive diarrhea - and it makes droplets of different sizes.

"The ones that are really, really tiny can get through your mask, around your mask, down into your lungs," Orient said, adding that these droplets could infect "target cells down in your lungs."

The physician surmised that Frieden's thinking is based on a premise that the Ebola virus "does not survive being dried down to a particle of that size, but there's experimental evidence that it can survive for as long as 90 minutes on one of those drops down there."

When asked by Malzberg whether Ebola could, as such, is transmittable by air, Orient responded: "Theoretically, it certainly is. We cannot rule it out."

Orient is author of the book, "Sapira's Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis," published by LWW.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science
Guest Occupation: Physician in Clinical Practrice and Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. David Rosensweet graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School in 1968.  He has been in private medical practice since 1971, has had offices in New Mexico, California, and Colorado and is currently in practice in Southwest Florida.  Formerly the clinical physician involved in the very first Nurse Practitioner training program in the U.S.A. and in charge of health promotion for the State of New Mexico.  He teaches health professionals about the treatment of women in menopause with bioidentical hormones. Some highlites of his career follow:

  • Nationally known lecturer and frequent presenter at A4M and ACAM
  • Principle Investigator for a scientific study of female hormones sponsored by Metametrix Clinic Laboratory
  • Author of the book The Target Method – A Woman’s Guide to Navigating Menopause
  • Organizer of a National Summit Committee on the Treatment of Women in Menopause with Bio-identical Hormones
  • Formerly on the Board of Directors of the American College of Advancement in Medicine, and the Chairman of its Endocrine Committee
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science
Guest Occupation: Public Address Announcer
Guest Biography:

Known for his undeniable ability to connect with a crowd, high energy style, and 6’7” frame, Jared Lewis- “The Titan of Talk” - is an accomplished announcer and voice actor with over 10 years’ experience including public address, ring announcing, radio color commentary, and TV and web commercials. Currently the voice of the Harlem Globetrotters, he has worked for over Ten years as the Voice of the WCL's Bend Elks, the IBL's Central Oregon Hotshots as well as being the 18th green announcer for the PGA Champions Tour at the Jeld Wen Tradition.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Nurse and Co-Founder National Nurses United
Guest Biography:

DEBORAH BURGER is co-president of National Nurses United and president of California Nurses Association, which helped found the NNU. CNA membership has doubled in the past seven years, now representing over 57,000 RNs in 164 facilities across California. Its advocacy for nurses and patients provides an important check to corporate domination of health care debates. With CNA, California nurses have led the nation in ground-breaking patient advocacy legislation such as staffing ratios and whistle-blower protections.

Two nurses at Dallas Hospital in Texas contracted Ebola after caring for Ebola patient Thomas Duncan who later died.  National Nurses United acted as an intermediary for nurses at Dallas Hospital, when CDC spokesperson Thomas Frieden blamed the first nurse's contamination on her breaking protocol.  

National Nurses United, served as spokesperson for the nurses at Dallas Hospital many of whom didn't want to reveal their identities for fear of retaliation from the hospital, these are some of the allegations they made regarding the hospital's failure to adequately protect them and other patients while treating Thomas Duncan:

On the day that patient Thomas Eric Duncan was admitted to the hospital with possible Ebola symptoms, he was "left for several hours, not in isolation, in an area where other patients were present," union co-president Deborah Burger said.

Up to seven other patients were present in that area, the nurses said, according to the union. A nursing supervisor faced resistance from hospital authorities when the supervisor demanded that Duncan be moved to an isolation unit, the nurses said, according to the union.

After expressing concerns that their necks were exposed even as they wore protective gear, the nurses were told to wrap their necks with medical tape, the union says.  "They were told to use medical tape and had to use four to five pieces of medical tape wound around their neck.  The nurses have expressed a lot of concern about how difficult it is to remove the tape from their neck," Burger said.

"There was no one to pick up hazardous waste as it piled to the ceiling," Burger said. "They did not have access to proper supplies."

"There was no mandate for nurses to attend training," Burger said, though they did receive an e-mail about a hospital seminar on Ebola.  "This was treated like hundreds of other seminars that were routinely offered to staff," she said.

So why did the group of nurses -- the union wouldn't say how many -- contact the nursing union, which they don't belong to?  According to National Nurses United Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro, the nurses were upset after authorities appeared to blame nurse Pham, who has contracted Ebola, for not following protocols.

"This nurse was being blamed for not following protocols that did not exist. ... The nurses in that hospital were very angry, and they decided to contact us," DeMoro said.  And they're worried conditions at the hospital "may lead to infection of other nurses and patients," Burger said.

National Nurses United, with close to 185,000 members in every state, is the largest union and professional association of registered nurses in U.S. history.  NNU was founded in 2009 unifying three of the most active, progressive organizations in the U.S.-and the major voices of unionized nurses-in the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee, United American Nurses, and Massachusetts Nurses Association.

 Combining the unparalleled record of accomplishments for nurses and patients embodied in the proud history of those nurses associations, which for some span more than 100 years, the establishment of NNU brought to life the dream of a powerful, national movement of direct care RNs.

At its founding convention in December, 2009, NNU adopted a call for action premised on the principles intended to counter the national assault by the healthcare industry on patient care conditions and standards for nurses, and to promote a unified vision of collective action for nurses with campaigns to:

    Advance the interests of direct care nurses and patients across the U.S.

    Organize all direct care RNs "into a single organization capable of exercising influence over the healthcare industry, governments, and employers."

    Promote effective collective bargaining representation to all NNU affiliates to promote the economic and professional interests of all direct care RNs.

    Expand the voice of direct care RNs and patients in public policy, including the enactment of safe nurse to patient ratios and patient advocacy rights in Congress and every state.

    Win "healthcare justice, accessible, quality healthcare for all, as a human right."

In its first year, NNU made some spectacular achievements, including:

    Organizing 6,500 RNs into NNU in Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Nevada, and Texas.

    Sharing collective bargaining resources and experiences to support major collective bargaining campaigns in Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Washington DC, and other sites.

    Sponsoring major national legislation to promote comprehensive reform for patient safety and professional nursing practice, including RN-to-patient ratios modeled on the successful California law sponsored by NNU affiliate CNA.

    Strengthening the voice of RNs in the national healthcare reform debate, and in electoral campaigns from coast to coast.

    Most notably, CNA/NNOC sponsored the nation's foremost RN patient safety law, in California, requiring minimum RN-to-patient ratios, the most effective solution in the U.S. for stemming the erosion of care standards in hospitals.

NNU affiliate members are renown as leading advocates of guaranteed healthcare by expanding and updating Medicare to cover all Americans, for negotiating many of the best collective bargaining contracts for RNs in the nation, and for sponsorship of innovative legislation and regulatory protections for patients and nurses.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Science
Guest Occupation: Author, Public Speaker, and Vegan Counselor
Guest Biography:

PERSONAL MESSAGE: “Human life is a very challenging experience and we are built to live in a state of alertness, which equates to the creation of various psychological conditions that make life difficult or even unbearable. With all my knowledge and skills I still must apply all I know to handle this challenge, so never feel weak or inadequate should you need help to navigate your thoughts and feeling towards a healthy state of being. In fact I still regularly read my own book, The Insanity of Humanity,  to remind me of the importance of staying in a consciously expansive state beyond the fears that attempt to control my life – because when mine, or anyones fears take over, it becomes difficult to even remember how to feel expansively or what it felt like to be strong and clear. But with the right education you will remember that your clarity is closer than it feels, and then before you know it you are once again bigger than your fears.

I do assure you, that with the knowledge I have developed and share, life will no longer be something you are at the mercy of, and instead you will be an empowered being that will be the master of your existence whilst still dealing with all the unexpected events that life throws your way. We cannot change life itself as things stand, and of course their are many disturbing aspects to human societies that will take time to change, but we can change our ability to understand and deal with it, creating an experience that will inspire rather than destroy.”

ABOUT DAVID: He started his career as a Counsellor at the Brighton Psychology Centre in 1999, and he has been advancing his understanding of life and human behaviour with passion, clarity and vigour ever since. It also became apparent very early in his career, that anxiety and depression are prolific in today’s modern societies, and much higher than the statistics would indicate. So it was obvious that to understand these painful experiences were the foundation to understanding all psychological conditions that people were being labelled with – most start with common mental stress, and grow from there. If left unattended they develop into various forms of repressed and disturbing thoughts and corresponding mental disorders. Hence creating a confusing web of intertwined thoughts that become a cage which is very difficult to exit. The key observation was that the more overwhelming the disorder, the smaller the place of thought a person was in, hence it became clear that stress creates a process whereby a persons reality actually shrinks around them until fear has full control over all their thoughts. And in such a state it is impossible to expand ones existence beyond these restrictions – unless a person has access to clear and precise guidance from an expert in such matters. Appreciating the enormity of what helping people requires, David has made sure that he understands the entire terrain of the human mind whilst in an altruistic state, as he approaches counselling with complete integrity in the knowing that people place their well being in his hands.

His journey to being a cutting edge human behaviour specialist, has been enhanced by his other areas of experience, including; Talk Back Radio Announcer, Fitness Consultant, Business Advisor, Speaker and Author of The Insanity of Humanity.

Within this eclectic background of experiences, David found one consistent observation that is the key to every genuine endeavour of every person on the planet. He discovered the importance of a complete state of compassion if one is to maintain an expansive journey. And without an expansive journey, a persons real potential, meaning their inner purpose, as opposed to being successful at something, is never unleashed. And this is not to say that attaining a compassionate state of being cannot equate to wealth of some kind, but it will not be an obsessive outcome that one needs to feel whole. Compassion is a powerful force that creates many interesting qualities. It curbs corrupt thinking and places a person in a world beyond choice, hence fear has little power over a persons existence. Compassion is the key quality that guides all of David’s discoveries and it exists at the heart of Life expansion Technique(L.E.T.), which he now shares with the world through various mediums of education.

David guides his clients without being influenced by his own beliefs, learning, thoughts and feelings. For to not be in this state is a form of prejudice, and it compromises a Counsellors/Life Guides integrity, as well as the clients ability to trust the counsellor. You will always get nothing but the truth from David, and as he always says…

“The truth can’t hurt you just your resistance to it”…David Coles

Guest Category: Nutrition, Pets and Animals, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Model, Health and Nutrition Advocate, Actor
Guest Biography:

Stefan Pinto lost over 60lbs and became a male model. Some of his campaigns have been for Sears Eyewear, Estee Lauder’s Lab Series, Greek yogurt, Harley Davidson, and runway shows.  Stefan Pinto most recently invented a diet for people who use Facebook. What started as a simple status update in 2011, has now turned into a grassroots effort powered by social media. With over 28,000 photos of food submitted by participants, the C Diet® helps people to learn how food choices can affect their health — and ultimately their weight. Supported by over 20 major food brands, participants are motivated — and encouraged — to make healthier eating choices.


2014:     Stonyfield yogurt “Cheat on Greek” advertising campaign
2013:     Cover model and fitness model, High Intensity Fitness Revolution for Men
2011:     I’d Rather Go Naked Than Get Fat greek yogurt advertising campaign
First book, Fat-to-Fit: 50 Easy Ways to Lose Weight
2010:     Interview inThe New York Times, “Your abdominals may need a touch up”
2009:     Skincare print ad campaign in Whole Foods
Invited as a guest on the Maury show to talk about his “amazing transformation”
Fashion Week – Miami
2006:     Member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) – Hollywood, CA Chapter
2006:     Supporting role on Burn Notice

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Philosophy