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Guest Occupation: Author/Journalist
Guest Biography:

WILLIAM BLUM left the State Department in 1967, abandoning his aspiration of becoming a Foreign Service Officer, because of his opposition to what the United States was doing in Vietnam.  He then became one of the founders and editors of the Washington Free Press,  the first “alternative” newspaper in the capital.

Mr. Blum has been a freelance journalist in the United States, Europe and South America.  His stay in Chile in 1972-3, writing about the Allende government’s “socialist experiment” and its tragic overthrow in a CIA-designed coup, instilled in him a personal involvement and an even more heightened interest in what his government was doing in various parts of the world.  In the mid-1970’s, he worked in London with former CIA officer Philip Agee and his associates on their project of exposing CIA personnel and their misdeeds.

His book on U.S. foreign policy, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, first published in 1995 and updated since, has received international acclaim.  Noam Chomsky called it “far and away the best book on the topic.”

In 1999, he was one of the recipients of Project Censored’s awards for “exemplary journalism” for writing one of the top ten censored stories of 1998, an article on how, in the 1980s, the United States gave Iraq the material to develop a chemical and biological warfare capability.

Blum is also the author of America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy – The Truth About U.S. Foreign Policy and Everything Else (2013), Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only superpower (updated edition 2005), West-Bloc Dissident: A Cold War Memoir (2002), and Freeing the World to Death: Essays on the American Empire (2004).  His books have been translated into more than 15 languages.

During 2002-2003, Blum was a regular columnist for the magazine The Ecologist, which is published in London and distributed globally.   In January 2006, a tape from Osama bin Laden stated that “it would be useful” for Americans to read Rogue State, apparently to gain a better
understanding of their enemy.

ABOUT America's Deadliest Export: Democracy by William Blum

For over 65 years, the United States war machine has been on auto pilot. Since World War II, the world has believed that US foreign policy means well, and that America’s motives in spreading democracy are honorable, even noble. In this startling and provocative book from William Blum, one of the United States’ leading non-mainstream chroniclers of American foreign policy and author of the popular online newsletter, Anti-Empire Reports, demonstrates that nothing could be further from the truth.

Moreover, unless this fallacy is unlearned, and until people understand fully the worldwide suffering American policy has caused, we will never be able to stop the monster.

    “A fireball of terse information—one of our best muckrakers.” – Oliver Stone

    “America’s Deadliest Export is a brilliant expose of critically important information about the role of the U.S. in the world - yet that is arguably the least of its virtues. Blum’s book is also passionate when it ought to be passionate, and sober when it ought to be sober. It takes the raw data of international relations and presents it so movingly, so compellingly, and so insightfully, that when it reaches out for us to act - it has put us very much in the mood to do so. Succinct and comprehensive, reasoned and also impassioned, this is a book all should read.” – Michael Albert, co-founder of Znet

    “As in the past, in this remarkable collection Bill Blum concentrates on matters of great current significance, and does not pull his punches. They land, backed with evidence and acute analysis. It is a perspective on the world that Westerners should ponder, and take as a guideline for action.” – Noam Chomsky

    “Coruscating, eye-opening and essential. This is a must-read for anyone rightfully concerned at the destructive influence of the world’s only superpower.” – Cynthia McKinney, Presidential Candidate for the Green Party of the United States

   “William Blum’s America’s Deadliest Export is another in his blockbuster series that has applied the reality and morality principles to work on U.S. foreign policy. This book has vignettes and longish essays on matters running from Conspiracies, Ideology and the Media to Cuba, Iran and Wikileaks. It is brimming with wit and with both laughable and frightening quotations. It is admittedly written for ‘the choir,’ but even the choir needs encouragement as well as facts and analyses that will keep its members from succumbing to a potent propaganda system. And we may hope that choir will grow with books like this that both amuse and enlighten.” – Edward S. Herman, co-author of The Politics of Genocide

    “This book deals with unpleasant subjects yet it is a pleasure to read. Blum continues to provide us with convincing critiques of U.S. global policy in a freshly informed and engaging way.” – Michael Parenti, author of The Face of Imperialism

    “With good cheer and humor Blum guides us toward understanding that our government does not mean well. Once we’ve grasped that, we’re far more capable of effectively doing good ourselves.” – David Swanson, author of  War is a Lie

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Rapper 9-5 Occupation
Guest Biography:

My names Julian DeLeo aka "Jayy". I am from Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. I love my hometown. I am 18 years of age and working hard to make my mark in the music industry!  Music has always been around me and my close friends. Music is something we really like doing and we all have a big passion for the craft. I started writing because I would see people around me in my neighborhood and during my time in school much younger then me rapping and drawing crowds by their talent to ryhme. Just that notion itself set something off inside of me and I knew that I could do the same. So I decided to start writing my very own ryhmes and verses. So I tried both writing and freestyling and people thought it was very good at it. Many have told me to never stop rapping and writing because I have got something special. Whenever I write or freestyle to a crowd, I can really feel the vibe from me and the crowd, or whoever listens to me recite my written ryhmes. It just got better and better so I kept going. I write just about just everyday now. I have big goals and dreams to make it as an artist someday. I really feel that I can make it somewhere with my music. I like being different so being unique only makes it easy for me to keep it original!. Im determinded to be a successful indie artist and possibly discovered for my talent and hard work ethic. I am loyal and keep a tight circle with my friends. I am known for my integrety. I stay socialize openly with my friends and they do the same. They are my squad. We are all headed for success because of our love for one another and our true passion for the music.

                                      I am Julian DeLeo!

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Author/Speaker
Guest Biography:

CHRISTOPHER LANGAN was born in San Francisco and spent most of his early life in Montana. His mother was the daughter of a wealthy shipping executive but was cut off from her family; his father died or disappeared before he was born. He began talking at six months, taught himself to read before he was four, and was repeatedly skipped ahead in school. But he grew up in poverty and says he was beaten by his stepfather from when he was almost six to when he was about fourteen. By then Langan had begun weight training, and forcibly ended the abuse, throwing his stepfather out of the house and telling him never to return.

Langan says he spent the last years of high school mostly in independent study, teaching himself "advanced math, physics, philosophy, Latin and Greek, all that". His brother recalls that "when Christopher was fourteen or fifteen, he would draw things just as a joke, and it would be like a photograph. When he was fifteen, he could match Jimi Hendrix lick for lick on a guitar."

After earning a perfect score on the SAT Langan attended Reed College and later Montana State University, but faced with finance and transportation problems, and believing that he "could literally teach his professors more than they could teach him", dropped out.

He took a string of labor-intensive jobs, and by his mid-40s had been a construction worker, cowboy, forest service firefighter, farmhand, and for over twenty years, a bouncer on Long Island, New York. He says he developed a "double-life strategy", on one side a regular guy, doing his job and exchanging pleasantries, and on the other side coming home to perform equations in his head, working in isolation on his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe.

Wider attention came in 1999, when Esquire magazine published a profile of Langan and other members of the high-IQ community. Billing Langan as "the smartest man in America", the article's account of the weight-lifting bouncer and his CTMU "Theory of Everything" sparked a flurry of media interest. Board-certified neuropsychologist Dr. Robert Novelly tested Langan's IQ for 20/20, which reported that Langan broke the ceiling of the test. Novelly was said to be astounded, saying: "Chris is the highest individual that I have ever measured in 25 years of doing this."

Articles and interviews highlighting Langan appeared in Popular Science,The Times, Newsday, Muscle & Fitness (which reported that he could bench press 500 pounds), and elsewhere. Langan was featured on 20/20,interviewed on BBC Radio and on Errol Morris's First Person, and participated in an online chat at He has written question-and-answer columns for New York Newsday, The Improper Hamptonian, and Men's Fitness.

On January 25, 2008, Langan was a contestant on NBC's game show 1 vs. 100, where he won 250,000.

Today Chris continues to work on an upcoming book soon to be published.

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Guest Category: Education, Physics & Metaphysics, Science
Guest Occupation: Radio Free Asia Tibetan Service Director
Guest Biography:

TENZIN TETHONG is the founder of key Tibet initiatives in the U.S. including the Tibet Fund, Tibet House – New York, and the International Campaign for Tibet. He is currently a distinguished fellow at the Tibetan Studies Initiative,Stanford University (a program he played a key role in establishing), the President of the Dalai Lama Foundation,and Board Chair of the Committee of 100 for Tibet. In addition to serving as an advisor to the local Tibetan Community Center project, he is co-founder of the Missing Peace art exhibit and recently launched “Tibet in Exile-Fifty Years”, an online documentation effort to commemorate the last fifty years in exile of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people. He currently serves as the director of Radio Free Asia’s Tibetan Service, which delivers uncensored, timely news and information to people living in China’s Tibetan regions.

In the early 1990s, Tenzin Tethong was Prime Minister (Kalon Tripa) of the Central Tibetan Administration based in India. In 1995, he left this post and moved to the United States. That year, he became a principal advisor for the film “Seven Years in Tibet.”

In 1996, he was invited as a visiting scholar to teach courses in Tibetan history and contemporary politics in the History Department of Stanford University. Tenzin Tethong played a critical role in securing the first 1,000 visas for Tibetans to immigrate the United States, Fulbright scholarship program support for Tibetan students and the creation of Voice of America’s Tibetan Service.

For Radio Free Asia, Tenzin Tethong has overseen the operations of its Tibetan Service since last year. RFA’s service was the first to report on many of the self-immolations among Tibetans protesting Beijing’s rule. Since the deadly protests began, 131 Tibetans have self-immolated despite heightened security.

RFA, an independent, non-profit news services, reaches its target audiences in nine languages in six countries that restrict and limit the free-flow of uncensored information. These audiences are in China, North Korea, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Through webcast video, television, satellite, social media networks, and digital content on its websites, in addition to trusted short- and medium-wave radio broadcasts, RFA delivers its unique, award-winning, brand of journalism. RFA also functions as an open forum for those living in some of the most closed societies to voice and discuss their opinions freely. RFA is funded annually through a grant from the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Activist
Guest Biography:

HEDY EPSTEIN (née Wachenheimer) was born August 15, 1924 in Freiburg, Germany. She lived with her parents Ella and Hugo Wachenheimer in Kippenheim, Germany. Her family had lived in Germany for many generations. Both sides of the family originally came from Spain.

Hedy's father operated a dry-goods business with his brother. The business had been started by his grandfather Heinrich Wachenheimer in 1858. Hedy's mother was a housewife. Hedy was their only child.

Hedy was 8 years old when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany on January 30, 1933. She remembers her parents and other adults talking about Hitler, saying that they hoped he would not gain power in Germany, and then, after he did, hoping that he would not remain in office very long.

After that January day, things began to get slowly worse for Jews and other minorities in Germany. A boycott of Jewish businesses. Anti-semitism in schools. Revocation of German citizenship for all Jews. Kristallnacht, known today as Reichsprogromnacht in Germany. Burning of synagogues. Jewish males over the age of 16 placed into "Schutzhaft," or "protective custody," in concentration camps throughout Germany. Finally, all Jews deported into labor or concentration camps. The death of 6 million Jews and 5 million others in those camps.

On May 18, 1939, Hedy went to England on a children's transport. Five hundred children were on this transport, part of the almost 10,000 children that England took in between December 1938 and September 1, 1939, the beginning of World War II. Hedy's parents had tried for many years to leave Germany as a family, but were unsuccessful, due to emigration restrictions in various countries around the world. Finally, after consulting with the 14-year-old Hedy, her parents found a way out for her on the children's transport.

Hedy never saw her family again. Hedy's parents and other family members were deported on October 22, 1940 to Camp de Gurs, a concentration camp in what was then Vichy France. France at that time was occupied by the Nazis. Men and women were separated by barbed wire. Living conditions were horrendous. Hedy, however, did not learn of this until after the war.

Due to an aberration of the war, inmates of the camp in Gurs could correspond with the outside world. Each person was allowed to write one page each week. Hedy's parents sent her letters for the next two years, but they were careful not to mention the atrocious living conditions they had to endure. They wanted to protect their daughter.

In the spring of 1941, Hedy's father was sent to another camp in France, Camp les Milles. In July 1942 Hedy's mother was sent to Camp de Rivesaltes. Between August and September 1942, Hedy's parents and all other surviving family members were sent to the concentration camp Auschwitz. Inmates were not allowed to correspond with the outside world. None was ever heard from again.

The last communication Hedy ever received from her mother was a postcard dated September 4, 1942. The postcard said, "Traveling to the east ... Sending you a final goodbye."

Hedy spent the rest of World War II in England. She went to school and then went to work in a variety of jobs, including a factory producing war materials.

Once the war was over, Hedy went back to Germany to work for the American government. First she was with the US Civil Censorship Division, and later she worked at the Nuremberg Medical Trial, which tried the doctors accused of performing medical experiments on concentration camp inmates. Part of her reason for returning to Germany was to find her family, but she was unsuccessful.

Hedy came to the United States in May 1948. Her only living relatives were an uncle and an aunt who had emigrated to the US in early 1938. Once here, she worked in a variety of jobs. Although she did not realize it at the time, many of those jobs were part of her quest to find her parents and her family.

Soon, Hedy became active professionally and personally in the causes of civil and human rights and social justice. Some of her causes have included fair housing, abortion rights, and antiwar activities. As a peace delegate, Hedy journeyed to Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Cambodia in 1989. Hedy visited the Israeli Occupied West Bank five times since 2003, to witness the facts on the ground. She participated in several non-violent demonstrations, together with Israelis, Palestinians & other internationals, in opposition to Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, the 25-foot high cement wall, and the demolition of Palestinian homes and olive orchards.

Hedy began speaking to audiences in 1970. Her topics include her Nazi Holocaust experiences, her work at the Nuremberg Medical Trial, and her five trips to Palestine since 2003. Equally conversant in English and German, she has spoken in the US, Germany, and Austria to audiences of schoolchildren, college students, and adults. In addition, she has appeared on several radio and television shows as a guest. She is a member of the Speakers Bureau of the St. Louis Holocaust Museum and Learning Center.

In addition to speaking locally, nationally, and internationally, Hedy has appeared on local, national, and international radio and TV programs as a guest.

She has written many articles on social issues which have been published in local, national & international newspapers and journals. In addition, Hedy's autobiography was published in May 1999 by Unrast-Verlag, a German company. The book, titled Erinnern ist nicht genug: Autobiographie von Hedy Epstein ("Remembering Is Not Enough: The Autobiography of Hedy Epstein"), is available in German. The book, written by Hedy, covers her entire life and her experiences. It's ISBN is 3-928300-86-5. Hedy is also a contributor to several current & forthcoming books.

Hedy has received many awards. Among the most recent ones are the 2005 Imagine Life "Education through Media Award" and the 2008 American Friends Service Committee's "Inspiration for Hope Award."

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Naturopathic Doctor
Guest Biography:

Cammi Balleck, Ph.D, is an ANCB Board Certified Traditional Naturopath with 13 years experience, is the author of three health books including Making Happy Happen, and is a leading Happy Hormone Doctor. She specializes in teaching how to unleash your happy hormones naturally. She specializes in hormone balancing. Cammi's passions are helping everyone improve their health and live happy, whole lives. She lives in Colorado, and loves the outdoors and climbing 14,000 foot mountains.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help, Sex
Guest Occupation: Doctor of chiropractor
Guest Biography:

 David J. Barczyk, D.C. is the Chief Executive Officer of ALL !N Wellness.Dr. Barczyk earned his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree in 1994 from Life Chiropractic College and has a robust Chiropractic practice that includes four locations across Southern Louisiana. Dr. Barczyk has dedicated his life to living well and helping others do the same. His motivation stems from the early sickness and death of his father when he was a teenager. This experience has charged him to author a book called Wellness Wake-Up Call, which challenges readers to take ownership of their health. Dr. Barczyk practices what he preaches by maintaining a healthy diet and finding the time to exercise four to five days a week. He and his wife, Dr. Colleen Barczyk also motivate young people to stay fit by coaching a competitive swim team. They reside in Lafayette, LA and have two daughters that are competitive swimmers.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Biography:

Monty Buckley played College Basketball for the California Golden Bears.  Buckley went onto play professionally all over the world.  Buckley has used his life lessons on and off the court to teach aspiring student-athletes the proper way to play the game of basketball, as well as how to be a great person in life.

Guest Category: Self Help, Motivational, Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College, Amateur