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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

Affirmations For Living with Rev Dr Edwige Bingue

Affirmations For Living with Dr Edwige Bingue, banner
Show Host:
Dr Edwige Bingue

Each week you’re invited to join in on our upbeat discussion as we look deeper into spiritual based principles that can change your life. For it’s your birthright to live with passion and purpose, and to prosper! If you want to learn how to connect to your true authentic-self, and become aware of your Higher-Self, then this is the right place for you!

We have reached the dawning of a new day. What does life look like for you? Do you have the vision to create powerful moments each day in your life? Are you ready to stand up and be the change that you’ve been waiting for? Are you ready to go within, deep within to those places you’ve been hiding from? We will share the tools that will support the manifestation of your dreams and desires!

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

NAVIGATE YOUR EXISTENCE, September 25, 2013 Guest, Omiyale Jube
SOUL EVOLUTION, September 18, 2013 Clear and Flow of Lower Self
THE ART OF BEING HAPPY, September 11, 2013 with Rev. Dr. Edwige
Journey Of The Awakened Heart, September 4, 2013 Guest, Jeff Fasano
TIME-MAP SYSTEM, August 28, 2013 Guest, Rev. Thabiti
VISITS TO HEAVEN, August 21, 2013 Guest, Lisa Lachapelle
CHANNELING YOUR GOD POWER, August 1, 2013 Becoming A Channel For God Power
MORE HIGHER LEVEL CLEARING , July 18, 2013 Guest, Kane
HEALTH THROUGH HERBS, July 11, 2013 Guest, Latricia Wright
UNIVERSAL LAWS II , June 27, 2013 Master Principles Behind the Universe and Nature
UNIVERSAL LAWS I, June 20, 2013 Applying all the Universal Laws for Life
LIVING SUPERFOOD, June 13, 2013 Guest, Chef Keidi Obi Awadu
INTER-DIMENSIOANL BEINGS, June 6, 2013 Guest, Cherry Divine
DREAM TIME, May 30, 2013 Answers and Perspectives from your Dreams
SOUL TO SOUL CONNECTIONS, May 23, 2013 Guest, Carole Obley
MANIFESTING 101, May 5, 2013 Conscious and Subconscious Minds and Manifestation
WHAT IS ON THE OTHER SIDE, April 18, 2013 Guest, Carole Obley
OPTIMAL HEALTH, April 11, 2013 Guest, Dr. Thomas Brewer
WHAT IS YOUR ENERGETIC IMMUNE SYSTEM, March 28, 2013 Guest, Rebecca Cherry

Featured Guests


Guest, Anthony Lamar Smith February 14, 2013
Guest, Linda Martin February 07, 2013
Guest, Leah Young January 31, 2013
Guest, Dionne Blackwell January 24, 2013
Guest, Mal Duane January 17, 2013
Guest, Keidi Keating January 03, 2013
Guest, Kat Mandu December 13, 2012
Guest, Victoria Reynolds December 06, 2012
Guest, Regina Murphy November 29, 2012
Guest, Colette Lundy November 15, 2012
Guest, Mercedes Warrick November 08, 2012
Guest, Ernie Martin November 01, 2012
Guest, Karen Blaine October 25, 2012
Guest, Bonny Hughes October 18, 2012
Guest, Regina Murphy September 20, 2012
Guest, Christina Ambubuyog September 13, 2012
Guest, Llenar Bragg September 09, 2012
Guest, Victoria Reynolds August 09, 2012
Dr Edwige Bingue Msc. D.
Las Vegas
Lightbody Mentor, Healer, Author, Speaker & Radio Show Host

Dr. Edwige is a Light Body Mentor, Light code Activator, Metaphysical Practitioner, Author, and Speaker. Who holds within her being the Template of the Lemurian Seed. These seeds are part of the core of the soul's essence that is sourced from within the galactic core. Helping to position you for “Ascension” and the return to your original Divine Blueprint. Even for those souls whose patterns are scrambled, confused electromagnetically and karmically imprinted. She can provide assistance to move your schematics into higher, healthier, holistic frequencies which will benefit your individual soul and help contribute to the overall upliftment and shift of Gaia/Mother Earth. The qualities embodied within the Lemurian seeds are among those that are needed to live in the Golden age. There are of a feminine nature and exist to balance the strength and power of the masculine force that has dominated on earth for 26,000 years. Once implanted, you will experience an increase in your frequency to align with that of the Divine feminine and (depending on your degree of resistance) a deep sense of knowing that which you know is so, daily miracles, inner peace and physical healing. Now is the time to return to a balance by embracing the energy of the Divine feminine. Through this cycle, humanity will come to know itself as a soul of God sourced from within the core of the Galactic beam of the Milky Way. My spiritual journey began at the early age of twelve, when I was often visited by what I would now refer to as a benevolent being of light. Little did I know what was to come. During that adventure we would fly to the stars, land on a bridge and dive in to the depths of the ocean. Creation at its best I'd say! He showed me that I came into this existence with fourth dimensional consciousness, that I was a child of the stars, that I could move through time and space at will and that earth was but a short stop on my path to mastery. Then one winters day in 2004 the calling came, it was time to begin the process of awakening to my souls purpose. You see I was to be a bridge between heaven and earth. My team showed up working on me diligently for the next eight years. Guiding me to release all that was an illusion, all that no longer served by soul's purpose. Once again I found myself traveling to heavenly realms and beyond. Discovering my ability to break free from the matrix of separation. Step-by-step I was becoming my God-Self. One morning as I lay watching beautiful colors spiraling in my vision and vibrating, I experienced my light body move into me, I knew that I would be forever changed and that I was now ready to be that bridge. I was gifted spontaneously by Divine- God-Source the ability to clear energies around your field that are blocking the flow of source from moving in to you. This happens through my body acting as a clear conduit of vibrational energy. To also facilitate the activation of codes deep within to awaken you, bringing with it full integration of your soul and Light body, while helping to bring your physical body back into alignment of health and well being. Whether you have blocks that manifest as physical illness or limiting beliefs, they keep you separated from becoming your God-self realized. These processes happen at your souls pace, like a caterpillars transformation in to a butterfly. I help you navigate your path. I was guided by spirit to journal my experiences of awakening, and hence my first book was born. You're Not Crazy, You're Awakening - Journey To Discovering Your Soul Purpose, Joy And Abundant Life it is a bridge between the Paranormal and the Spiritual. I received my Doctorate of Metaphysical Science, Msc. D. from The University of Metaphysics and Sedona. As a Spiritual Light Body Mentor and Metaphysical practitioner I help you integrate higher conscious experiences into your everyday life, thus improving your one-to-one connection to God-Self. I have combined the principles from all of my studies and experiences with my 24 guides to create a step by step approach to helping you awaken the light within, and your soul integration. I am deeply committed to providing you with practical body, mind, and spirit principals that will enrich your daily life and help you gain insight and clarity in a way that produces powerful results. You will discover what works best for you and you’ll learn how to leave the baggage behind!