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Affirmations For Living, September 25, 2013

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Guest, Omiyale Jube


7 Keys to the African American Resurrection

How did we get From the Pyramids to the Projects? — And more importantly, what’s it going to take to get us From the Projects to the Stars? 

It’s time to Take Control of Your Life’s Destination. Time to Return to the Greatness that Once was Ours. Time for a Resurrection of Mind, Body, and Soul!

Guest, Omiyale Jube

Guest Name
Omiyale Jube
Omiyale Jube
Guest Occupation
Book Author
Guest Biography

Omiyale Jubé is the CEO and Founder of Navigate Your Existence, an organization designed to open new portals of understanding for those who desire to “Take Control of their Life’s Destination.”

Omiyale, also known as Anika Johnson, was born and raised on 125th street in Harlem, New York. Early in life, at the whim of the New York City school system, she was labeled culturally deprived, underprivileged, and emotionally disturbed.  She is a survivor of abusive relationships and an attempted suicide. Her journey began searching for answers. Omiyale’s discovery of her rich African heritage restored a sense of being, a step towards claiming self-worth. Yet, still looking externally for answers and not feeling in control, the quest continued. Searching for answers on a spiritual level opened doors to understanding her being on a more profound level, her very existence.  

Omiyale’s journey consisted of a series of “aha” moments that simplified the most complex and sometimes misunderstood concepts of life, converting them to tools of empowerment fueling her transformation.

She possesses an uncanny ability to provide answers to those yet unanswered, nagging questions about life, provide new perspectives with which to view the world, and guide individuals to look within for direction.

Sharing these “aha’ moments affords an extraordinary connection to her audiences as she guides them to ignite the power within. She utilizes her journey to teach others how to find their internal compass, and chart their course of destination. Omiyale’s journey as an acclaimed speaker and commitment to service has won her numerous awards and recognition from various organizations and persons of distinction.

Currently, Omiyale resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Amongst her accomplishes, she is an Author, Inspirational Speaker, Personal and Spiritual Coach, and Reiki Master.  A retired school administrator, she has always been inspired to share knowledge, effect change, and champion the evolution of humanity. Her speaking and coaching series is dedicated to the resurrection of mind, body, and soul, and to the ascension of consciousness for the human collective.  

Affirmations For Living

Affirmations For Living with Dr Edwige Bingue, banner
Show Host
Dr Edwige Bingue

Each week you’re invited to join in on our upbeat discussion as we look deeper into spiritual based principles that can change your life. For it’s your birthright to live with passion and purpose, and to prosper! If you want to learn how to connect to your true authentic-self, and become aware of your Higher-Self, then this is the right place for you!

We have reached the dawning of a new day. What does life look like for you? Do you have the vision to create powerful moments each day in your life? Are you ready to stand up and be the change that you’ve been waiting for? Are you ready to go within, deep within to those places you’ve been hiding from? We will share the tools that will support the manifestation of your dreams and desires!

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