The Spirit Revolution with Kathleen McGowan and Philip Coppens

The Spirit Revolution is a weekly one hour radio show, in which Kathleen McGowan and Philip Coppens serve up a riveting cocktail of news, opinion and interviews with leaders in the fields of alternative science, revisionist history and transformational self-help.
Kathleen McGowan is an international bestselling author, including The Expected One, which has sold more than one million copies in the US and has been translated in over fifty languages.
Philip Coppens is an author, journalist and broadcaster, whose articles have appeared in magazines across the world and is known for his pioneering and insightful and controversial material.
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Kathleen McGowan
Kathleen McGowan is an international bestselling author whose work has been translated into more than thirty languages. Her fiction series includes the instant New York Times bestsellers, “The Expected One” and “The Book of Love”, and has sold more than one million copies worldwide. Her latest books are a non-fiction inspirational guide to transformation through prayer, “The Source of Miracles”, and “The Poet Prince”. Kathleen lives in Los Angeles (California), Scotland and Southern France with her husband Philip Coppens.
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Kathleen McGowan is an American novelist. She is notable for her bestselling novel, The Expected One, which sold over a million copies in the United States and has appeared in over fifty languages.
The Magdalene Line is a series of novels, featuring historical female characters which the author believes history has either misrepresented or obliterated.
Kathleen McGowan began working on the first novel The Expected One in 1989. Focusing on the role of Mary Magdalene, it was self-published in 2005, and sold 2,500 copies. On July 25, 2006, the book was re-published by Simon & Schuster under the Touchstone imprint. The novel focuses on the Christian saint Mary Magdalene, evidently inspired by books such as the 1982 The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail and incorporating key symbolic elements found within the mythical organisation Priory of Sion, and became an instant bestseller.
The second novel of the series is The Book of Love, published in 2009, focusing on the life of Saint Mathilda of Canossa.
Each novel of the series features the heroine Maureen Paschal, who is tasked with uncovering historical, Christian enigmas. Other characters include Berenger Sinclair and Tamara Wisdom, as well as the enigmatic character Destino.
Philip Coppens is an author and investigative journalist, ranging from the world of politics to ancient history and mystery. He co-hosts The Spirit Revolution radio show with his wife Kathleen McGowan and is a frequent contributor to NEXUS Magazine and Atlantis Rising Magazine. Since 1995, he has lectured extensively and has appeared in a number of television and DVD documentaries, including Ancient Aliens: The Series (The History Channel). He is the author of The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel, The Canopus Revelation, Land of the Gods, The New Pyramid Age, Servants of the Grail, the ebook 2012, Science or Fiction?, Killing Kennedy and The Ancient Alien Question.
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Philip Coppens’ publishing career began at the age of 23, when he edited the legacy of the late Belgian historian Marcel Mestdagh’s research into European megaliths into a much-anticipated sequel. That same year, he also helped edit a controversial non-fiction thriller on the theft of Jan Van Eyck’s The Adoration of the Lamb, which was made into a documentary both for Flemish television and the BBC.
If there is one thing that sets Coppens apart from other writers, it is that he is often ahead of the trends. He wrote the first guide in more than four decades about Rosslyn Chapel – the only one to do so before The Da Vinci Code made that Scottish chapel world famous in 2003. He also researched the origins of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull, before the 2008 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull movie, resulting in a series of controversial articles, which even came to the attention of The Washington Post.
As a journalist, he had investigative research into the Kennedy assassination submitted before a US government enquiry in 1993. Two years later, he broke the story of the existence of Chinese pyramids to an international audience. Many of the stories in the so-called “esoteric field” have at one point passed through his hands, including The Templar Revelation, the book on which The Da Vinci Code was based. In 1999, he was the principal researcher for Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince’s The Stargate Conspiracy, which investigated current politicians’ apparent obsession with ancient Egypt, thus combining his passion for politics and history. The book was dedicated to him.
He is the author of The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel (2002), on the enigmatic Scottish chapel and its relationship with freemasonry and the Knights Templar; The Canopus Revelation (2004), on the lore of the star Canopus in ancient cultures; Land of the Gods (2007), on the prehistory of Southern Scotland and the myth of King Arthur; The New Pyramid Age (2007), detailing the most recent discoveries that have changed our understanding of pyramids; and Servants of the Grail (2009), identifying the real people encoded into the medieval Grail legends. Most recently, he has published an ebook, 2012. Science or Fiction?, with Digital Journeys, which aims to bring clarity as to what 2012 is truly all about. The ebook is also the first to have incorporated video, featuring an interview-style conversation with Philip. In The Ancient Alien Question (2011), he addresses the question whether extra-terrestrial contact has occurred in our past. His latest book is Killing Kennedy (2012), on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, showing Oswald was not the assassin and the murder itself the result of a conspiracy.
Apart from English books, he has also one French language bestselling book to his credit, La Quête de Saunière (2008), co-authored with André Douzet. In 2004, he also wrote De Da Vinci Code Ontcijferd, a Dutch guide to The Da Vinci Code, which saw a reprint within three weeks of publication and was a top ten bestseller in the Netherlands.
Philip Coppens has also contributed to, or been acknowledged in, the following publications:
Pre-Atlantis (Dutch title), co-author with Marcel Mestdagh (1994)
The Templar Revelation, by Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince (1997)
The Stargate Conspiracy, by Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince (1999)
- Saunière's Model and the Secret of Rennes-le-Château, by André Douzet (2001)
- EGYPT: "Image of Heaven" - Het Sterrenbeeld van Horus (Dutch title), with Wim Zitman (2006; Dutch edition 2000)
- The Dan Brown Companion, by Simon Cox (2006)
- Rosslyn Revealed, by Alan Butler & John Ritchie (2006)
- The Cygnus Mystery, by Andrew Collins (2006)
- An A to Z of King Arthur and the Holy Grail, by Simon Cox & Mark Oxbrow (2007)
- Darklore (Volumes 1-5), compiled and edited by Greg Taylor (2007-10)
- Unearthing Ancient America, compiled and edited by Frank Joseph (2009)
- Ancient Code - The Book. Are You Ready for the REAL 2012? (2009)
- The Source of Miracles, by Kathleen McGowan (2009)
- Beneath the Pyramids, by Andrew Collins (2009)
- PARANOIA: The Conspiracy Reader, Volume 1, by Joan d'Arc and Al Hidell (2010)
- The Poet Prince, by Kathleen McGowan (2010)
- Ancient Aliens: Season One (2010), Season Two (2010) and Season Three (2011)
- The Lost Empire of Atlantis by Gavin Menzies (2011)
- Exposed, Uncovered, & Declassified: Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past, by Kirsten Dalley and Michael Pye (editors) (2011)
Apart from books, Philip Coppens also devotes a lot of attention to essays and feature articles, which have appeared in magazines and anthologies on all continents. His articles have appeared in Fortean Times, NEXUS, Hera, Fenix, Mysterien, New Dawn, Atlantis Rising, Ancient American, Paranoia Magazine, Legendary Times, etc. and has a large and dedicated following on the internet. He holds the record as having most articles published in NEXUS, a magazine published in more than ten languages, with newsstand distribution in Australia, Great Britain, the United States, Italy, France and many other European countries, bringing to the world exciting new discoveries, such as the existence of pyramids in China, Bosnia and controversial articles on the state of modern archaeology and Egyptology, as well as politics.
In 2009, he wrote and principally featured in Reality Entertainment’s 2012: Signs of the Times (released in US via Warner Home), providing a unique perspective on the 2012 phenomenon.
In 1995, he established Frontier Magazine (formerly Frontier 2000) together with Herman Hegge, a newsstand magazine in the Netherlands and Belgium. Since 1995, Frontier Sciences Foundation has grown to incorporate, amongst others, Frontier Bookshop and Frontier Publishing, as well as hosting the annual Frontier Symposium and Frontier Award. In 2008, he organized the Histories & Mysteries Conference in Edinburgh, which included the first ever public display of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull, receiving blanket media coverage for the event from the UK press (newspapers, television and radio).
Since 1995, he has lectured on the subject in the United States, Great-Britain, France, Australia, Belgium and the Netherlands. He has been extensively interviewed for radio and television, including The History Channel (US) with shows such as Civilization Lost and America's Book of Secrets, Coast to Coast AM (US), Belgium's Kanaal 2 and VRT news, Voyager (RaiDue – Italy), Edge Media TV (UK), etc. He is one of the key contributors and interviewees for The History Channel’s most popular television series Ancient Aliens, for the third season running.
All of these books, articles and appearances have made him a household name in the field of alternative science, where he holds a unique position, as he is considered to be a believer by the skeptics, and a skeptic by the believers – a testament to his investigative knack.
Together with his wife, Kathleen McGowan, he hosts a weekly radio show The Spirit Revolution on BBS Radio.
Philip Coppens has lectured since 1995 across the world, including:
Ancient Astronaut Society World Conference (Casino, Bern (Switzerland), August 18-19, 1995; Sheraton Plaza Hotel, Orlando, August 3-8, 1997) - Was the megalithic society the mother culture?; (Gelsenkirchen (Germany), June 25-27, 1999) - The Search for E.T.'s Smoking Gun
Frontier Symposium (Amsterdam, 2001, 2002, 2005) (in Dutch)
UFO Symposium (Kinepolis, Hasselt (Belgium), June 1, 1998) - Fifty Years of UFOlogy (in Dutch)
Saunière Society Conference (Gullane (UK), 1999) - John the Baptist in Florence and Bruges; (Newbattle Abbey (UK), 2001); (Newbattle Abbey, April 2002) - Perillos: The Grail Castle?; (Newbattle Abbey, November 2002) - The Setons and Alchemy; (Newbattle Abbey, 2003); (Dalkeith, April 2004); (Newbattle Abbey, November 12, 2006); (March 31, 2007) - Two priests, two estates, one cult?; (November 1, 2008) - The Mitchell-Hedges skull: a new understanding
Fortean UnConvention (London, April 2002) - The X Files and Modern UFOlogy
Questing Conference (London, November 5, 2005) - The Truth About Egypt's Star Religion
Unexplained Mysteries Conference (Dorchester (UK), April 15, 2007) - The New Pyramid Age
Nexus Conference 2007 (Novotel Twin Waters Resort, Sunshine Coast (Australia), October 20-22, 2007) - Pyramids in Europe and Crop Circles in 2007
Megalithomania (Glastonbury, May 17-18, 2008) - The Mitchell-Hedges skull: a new understanding
The First International Scientific Conference Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids (Sarajevo, August 25-30, 2008) - The New Fire Ceremony: kingship & renewal as a template for pyramid construction
Middle East Project Management Forum 2008 (Dubai, November 18-19, 2008) - The Great Pyramid: a course in project management
Histories & Mysteries Conference (Edinburgh, November 22-23, 2008) - The Lothians: Land of the Gods
Probe International UK (St Anne's/Blackpool (UK), March 28-29, 2009) - The Grail: From Myth to Reality
and at several small gatherings, such as the Edinburgh Fortean Society, The Moot with No Name, The Edinburgh Theosophical Society, and many others.
"Coppens finished the day with a brilliant talk on 'God, Money and Secret Societies' which left most gasping for more."
John Millar, Saunière Society chairman -
"I attended the Nexus Conference last weekend and just wanted you to know how much my friend and I enjoyed your presentation. It was not only informative but very entertaining."
Veronica Wood, NEXUS Conference delegate -
“I was looking forward to seeing this speaker more than any other because I’m a big fan of his articles […]. He is a calm and softly-spoken man who is full of knowledge. […] He didn't let me down.”
Ben Emlyn-Jones, Probe Delegate