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The Spirit Revolution, May 17, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Philip provides an update on the Megalithomania Conference, focusing on the Bosnian Pyramid and Carnac. In 2006, Sam Osmanagic announced the likely presence of the greatest pyramid on earth, in Bosnia, and received not only the worlds media attention, but also the boycott of the Western European archaeological community. He nevertheless persevered and five years later, has a large body of scientific evidence that shows the pyramids are manmade. At the conference, Howard Crowhurst also showed that Carnac and its series of stone rows was carefully planned according to a mathematical master plan. Philip next delves into the 2012 controversy, because of the launch of his new ebook, 2012. Science or Fiction? and explains the purpose of the ebook: to provide the general public with a clear and concise understanding of what 2012 is all about.

The Spirit Revolution

The Spirit Revolution with Kathleen McGowan and Philip Coppens, banner
Kathleen McGowan and Philip Coppens

The Spirit Revolution is a weekly one hour radio show, in which Kathleen McGowan and Philip Coppens serve up a riveting cocktail of news, opinion and interviews with leaders in the fields of alternative science, revisionist history and transformational self-help.

Kathleen McGowan is an international bestselling author, including The Expected One, which has sold more than one million copies in the US and has been translated in over fifty languages.

Philip Coppens is an author, journalist and broadcaster, whose articles have appeared in magazines across the world and is known for his pioneering and insightful and controversial material.

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