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Responsibility and Burden. Whether it was in group, in myself, in mine or others’ clients, this is up in our stories. And they seemed to be glued together. When you consider the meanings of each they are different but you can see how they can get fixed that way.  

No matter your trainings or beliefs, spending time with your authentic voice, your inner voice, is more important than the way you get to it. We are using Consciousness Technologies as the medium to being in the field of the Heart or Unified Consciousness. The sea of potential that is Consciousness is what we bask in and allow to permeate our beings.

Hello All,

What if you felt peace inside you as the norm? What if you felt compassion as your norm? What if the world was in peace and chaos was a way to incorporate change as the norm? There is a lot of stuff in the world that would say that war and mayhem and discord are everywhere and we are all “going to hell in a hand basket". Whether it is money, war, abuse, religion, politics, spirituality, science, or medicine, all have organized energy in them that can challenge peace and compassion in our centers. 

OBEY...Your Outcome-Based Future!


Novus ordo seclorum:  "New Order of the Ages"

For quite some time I have been reporting that everything you do...has been pre-planned for a long time. Globalization and the advance of the New World Order, designed by the Regime to eliminate sovereign nations - has never been more evident than at the leadership conferences in Davos, Switzerland. 

Coming to America: One invader every 27 seconds.

Over the years we have been reporting on illegal immigration.  We have shown you that Agenda 21/2030 calls for NO Borders.  It requires and demands that the UN be the end-all and be all for its One World Governance. All policies must comply with the United Nations.

One just needs to look at the actions of Obama and Bush, to see where their orders are coming from. They come from unelected boards and regional councils - created right out the UN play book!

Hello All,
The Dalai Lama speaks out about the mass brainwashing of society that is so present. 
One on our friends sent this out this last week. It bears passing around. If we all sit in heart centered awareness and read along, clarity will prevail. Fear and propaganda abound in our media outlets these days. Everything gets tremendously magnified very quickly. We need to pay attention and be responsible in our dealing and sharing with each other.


America can no longer fight politically-correct wars.  Life is not politically correct.  No matter how often the Regime tells us how GREAT things will be, if they just had more money, more time, more government, more programs....WE KNOW THEY ARE JUST LYING!

Americans, I am glad to say, are finally coming together, realizing we are out of money and out of time, despite more government programs and intrusion into our private lives.

"What Ifs" And Parallel Lives ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

Reading about the Canadian Prime Minister this morning; I was a teenager in Ottawa when his dad was Prime Minister. It made me think - what if I'd stayed in Ottawa? Gone to a Canadian University? What would life be like now?


(Here you go, again, Karen.  Back in Black!! Whassup with that??)

Now that you're all turkey'd out for the year, it's time to cleanup and prepare for the next round of Holiday, er, REGIME shenanigans....

BTW, this week was the 25th anniversary release of the movie, "Home Alone".