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Article by Janet Barrett December 22, 2015

Janet Barrett
Fuzzy Photons Update/ A Man of Peace

We are Consciousness. No matter the religious label or lack of we are all Consciousness. Every rock, person, tree, snake, whatever is Consciousness in some form. We are all Consciousness experiencing, Consciousness evolving out of the primordial ooze.

Hello All,
The Dalai Lama speaks out about the mass brainwashing of society that is so present. 
One on our friends sent this out this last week. It bears passing around. If we all sit in heart centered awareness and read along, clarity will prevail. Fear and propaganda abound in our media outlets these days. Everything gets tremendously magnified very quickly. We need to pay attention and be responsible in our dealing and sharing with each other.
Everything comes out of a bias of some sort. What is his bias? Love for mankind and this marvelous earth.
Going to inner neutral terrain and letting the authentic voice ring out in each of us makes all the difference. We are better than we think we are. We are better than we demonstrate at times. We are all Consciousness. Not just you or me. All of us. Every human, plant, animal, mineral. Any with, or without a religious label.
We are all Consciousness and in different levels of awareness. We are not on a journey to Enlightenment. We are on the journey of Enlightenment now!
We are each Consciousness experiencing, Consciousness evolving out our primordial ooze.
Love and the happiest of holidays to you and yours,

Janet Barrett

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