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If you’re looking for logic, you might be wondering what an adult Alaskan Malamute is doing in a public library.  You might be wondering if it’s in accordance with the library regulations to bring string cheese and water to nourish said Alaskan Malamute (and her sister Malamute) during the visit to the library.  You might be wondering why a public library would allow two big, furry, energetic dogs to shed, explore, and possibly incite the fear and allergies of who knows how many children and adults who are scared of big dogs and sensitive to animal dander.

During times of retrograde, we are presented with opportunities to find resolution with our past and the people who have been in our lives.  Are people from your past, sometimes your distant past, finding you during this time of retrograde?

So I asked God to send me a partner in love, in light, in service, and in life.

I’ve joined with more than one partner to do these powerful things together until death did us part.

I met my most recent partner when neither of us was ready or willing to open our hearts to each other.  Circumstances brought us together, but circumstances couldn’t make us love each other until we both relaxed our resistance to love.  And that took years.  Neither of us gave up on each other, although we both were tempted to leave the relationship along the way.

Vast political differences, conflicting agreements on climate change, rising fundamentalism and horrific scenes of aggression are igniting the question:

Will humanity survive the next few years…and if so, what will remain?

There is a seeming challenge ahead for those who have chosen to be awake to the rising energies of the fifth dimension.  The daily onslaught of the third dimensional experience is viscerally becoming denser. The expanding fear and emotional reactivity is difficult to ignore and the outer world seeks to keep you stuck in fear, doubt and judgment.

The problems we are dealing with seem so immense, so insurmountable, we don't know how we're going to overcome them.

We feel so mired in the situation we're in, we only know we don't want to be here, but can't imagine what it would be like to be out of it. That's okay. You don't have to know how (or even what).

In fact, in some way, not knowing how or what is a good thing.  Our best thinking got us into this, so using the same thinking is only going to create more of the same.

Consciousness is not heavy or work. It is about the interaction of the expansiveness of Being. You feel the sacred, the stillness, the life, the weightlessness of the All. What also is present can be the absolute sublime sense of joy of Being and also the physical release of laughter.  It is as easy as opening your inner eyes and senses and noticing what is around you.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to revisit many conflicting feelings. My own emotional state was joyful - I am starting a small online coaching group and have been contacting select people about it. It feels wonderful to connect and share this great opportunity with folks.

How easily do you connect with the Field of the Heart, Unified Consciousness? This field is about understanding that the sacred is present, always, just waiting to play with you in the most delightful manner. Easy, effortless, this reality state is about potential and shift in the moment. You can feel it. It is real. Bring what concerns you and let's see what answers show up. We have been having fun.

What a crazy time we are in. There has always been craziness, but we haven't previously had the global media pushing it in our faces to this extent before.

Tapping into our connection as Consciousness is easy. Feeling it can rock your boat. Understanding what is happening is optional and not really important at times. And there might not be a lot of words available to articulate as it is our right brain that is engaging and not our left brain verbal processor. We will show you the very simple steps and let our authentic voices make themselves heard. And, then, the shift. That is the key. What fun!