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Article by Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer May 9, 2016

Laila Through Layla
Do You See Love Here?

If weâre looking for love, weâll see it in the most unexpected places. I saw love three weeks ago in the face of an Alaskan Malamute in the Childrenâs Room of the Stafford Township Public Library.

If you’re looking for logic, you might be wondering what an adult Alaskan Malamute is doing in a public library.  You might be wondering if it’s in accordance with the library regulations to bring string cheese and water to nourish said Alaskan Malamute (and her sister Malamute) during the visit to the library.  You might be wondering why a public library would allow two big, furry, energetic dogs to shed, explore, and possibly incite the fear and allergies of who knows how many children and adults who are scared of big dogs and sensitive to animal dander.

Way back when, I was detail oriented.  I was one of those people who’d  wonder why dogs who weren’t wearing the service dog uniform would be allowed, along with their food and drink, in a public library.

I used to see logic until I realized I was a lot happier if I chose to see love and magic.

I now see love and magic wherever I go.  If the details of what I’m seeing don’t support my feeling love and magic, I let them go.

As you might imagine from the name of this website , I am fascinated by love.  I believe that love, not just the holistic veterinary care, saved my dog’s life three years ago.  I believe that love, not just the holistic protocol I’d designed with the doctor’s approval, kept my mother more functional than nearly all the other dementia patients in her memory care unit.  I know that feeling unloved and unsupported nearly killed me four years ago.

My friend and frequent radio guest, Body/Mind/Spirit Medicine Expert and Bestselling Author Dean Shrock, Ph. D., has the education, the work experience and the academic credentials to explain the quantum physics behind the healing power of love.

I have a much simpler explanation:

To me, love is magic.

Because I have learned that love is magic, I have a difficult time understanding why so many people don’t celebrate love in this moment.  Why do so many of us choose not to fully embrace the opportunity to share an experience of love when it is presented to us?  Why do so many of us place limitations on the amount of love we will give and the amount of love we will receive?  Why do so many of us place limitations on how long we will extend our love and compassion to another who is in need of support?  Why do so many of us think that love is something to be scheduled somewhere down the line, when it’s more convenient?

Why do so many of us not understand that, while we’re using our logical mind to schedule and limit love,  while we’re focused on celebrating that which is love’s opposite, countless people are dying because they don’t feel loved?

Four years ago, it nearly happened to me after a year filled with deaths, losses, shocks, and traumas.  Forty-five years ago, it nearly happened to my mother as she went through a series of coronary events after surviving the sudden deaths of her husband and her parents sixteen months apart.

Trust me on this, I’m not exaggerating the point.

Love is magic.

I may lose some of you as readers when you read what I am about to say.  I’m still saying it.

My beloved grandmother died in 1971.  I still have the last gift she ever gave me, a crepe blouse that is unwearable because it has yellowed with age.  I keep it because she gave it to me.  In 2013, I saw a woman in Whole Foods who looked exactly like my grandmother would have looked if she’d been alive:  same beauty, same glowing skin, same facial expression, same attitude, all while wearing modern clothing.

My father died in 1970.  Because I look for love, he and I have evolved a different relationship, a relationship in which he offers his guidance in many unexpected ways.  In either 2012 or 2013, I forget which in this moment, I saw a man working at a local gas station of a very different nationality but with my father’s exact facial features, a man whose eyes transmitted my father’s love for me and my father’s eternal spirit.

My dog Laila died in 2015.  I miss her more than I can say.  During the final few years of her life, she looked at me with enormous love in her eyes.  I felt at the time that she wanted me to remember how deep her love was for me.  In April of 2016, I saw an Alaskan Malamute named Layla who, when I called out her name, momentarily looked at me with my Laila’s exact facial expression and with all the love my Laila felt and still feels for me.

Real love is eternal.  While I am in the place between the loves I have been blessed to experience and the loves I have yet to experience, if I look for love, if I allow myself to receive the magic of love, then magical things will happen for me.

Because I look for love each day of my life, I know my loved ones have found ways to communicate their undying love for me.  If you look for logic each day of your life, you have every right to think I’ve lost it.

I honor your choice to think I’ve lost it.  As for me, I’m still looking for love.

Did you see love when you first looked at the above photo?  After reading this post, do you now see love when you look at the above photo?  And after reading this post, will you now look for love?

Are you finding your way back to life?  Are you wanting an infusion of let’s-get-back-to-living- spirit?  Did reading this blog light you up?  Good!  I invite you to visit and learn about the various professional services I offer.   I’m here for you.  Let’s schedule a free consult to see if we’re a match for each other. 

Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer

Catalytic Radio