The Sports Doctor, May 31, 2023
The Sports Doctor with Dr. Robert Weil
Guests, Diane Cherico and Hilary Loftus
Headlined Show, The Sports Doctor May 31, 2023

Diane Cherico, Licensed Massage Therapist and Medical Massage Practitioner with “Get the Knots Out Massage Therapy” joins me along with returning Hilary Loftus, Education Director for Help Our Wounded Foundation, & the concussed student athlete program with Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Then, it’s 'The Sports Doctor Is In' with some “Bob Gajda Wisdom” & your emails!

Guest, Diane Cherico

My name is Diane Cherico and I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1999 and a Medical Massage Practitioner since 2018. The best thing I've ever learned in my 24 year career was in 2003 when I took my first Active Isolated Stretch class. I now have 95 hours of training in this amazing therapy. I have trained under 2 leading experts in the US. I was so blessed to help myself heal the pain I was in only 3 years into my massage career. Plus, it’s so rewarding to be able to help so many others live their best life free from muscular pain! My clients were so grateful to use this therapy during the pandemic when we couldn’t meet in person. I love hearing how they share this info with others to help them feel better NATURALLY!
The first part of my career was working hands-on with clients who could come to me. The combination of massage and stretching worked so well in helping folks with pain ranging from merely bothersome to chronic. Then I realized that I could reach others via a DVD and, later, a book.
My step-by-step DVD titled "Stretching with Diane Cherico” allows you to stretch your whole body in less than an hour! My book "You Can if You Say You Can" is common-sense approach to better health all naturally. It contains the keys to unlocking your tight muscles. Plus, as you know, features my 85-year "young" mom demonstrating some of these stretches to loosen her tight muscles so she can keep dancing! So this therapy with help old and young folks alike.
Recently, I have noticed places such as “Stretch Zone” opening up different locations so people are noticing the benefit of stretching. Because I always want to stay current with what is going on in the industry, I made an appointment. They didn’t query me as to what areas I needed help with which I thought was important. Also, as they were doing the stretches, they were holding them for 30 seconds which is too long and painful. In Active Isolated Stretches, the hold is only for 2-3 seconds. It’s a much more gentle and effective approach to open up the muscles. I was curious to know what kind of training they had to work on my body and was told “my boss trained me”. Needless to say, I was shocked that someone without extensive training was working on me (and others).
Guest, Hilary Loftus

HILARY LOFTUS - Healthcare Education Director of “Help our Wounded Foundation”, (HOW), & their Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy & Concussions.
Daughter of the first cardiovascular surgeon in Stamford, CT, Hilary grew up in a medical family. Before moving to south Florida, Hilary worked for a physical therapy service in Connecticut, coordinating their Parkinson’s Dance and Fall Prevention programs. Every day, she is excited about the opportunity to spread the word about hyperbaric oxygen therapy and how it helps people with neurological issues.
I am also a "Sports Mom" as my son played baseball and soccer throughout middle school and high school and I love both sports and dance, have a minor in Dance from State University of New York. I also have raced sailboats competitively since age 12 and am currently learning to play golf and loving it!
The Sports Doctor

The Sports Doctor is in! Dr. Robert A Weil, Sports Podiatrist, specializes in orthotics that improve alignment, stability, balance & performance. He has practiced podiatry & sports medicine for over 30 years in the Aurora- Naperville area and was recently inducted into the prestigious 2019 National Fitness Hall Of Fame. Dr. Bob has treated many of the world’s premier athletes from all types of sports. He is the host of “The Sports Doctor™” Radio Show. The show is now featured on BBS Radio Network, UK Health Radio Network & Sports 4 Fanz Radio. Dr. Bob was formerly on HealthyLife Radio and was also on WDCB public radio in Chicago for over 20 years. He has written articles for many newspapers & magazines and is a frequent guest on other networks. And his new book, co-written with Sharkie Zartman, titled '#Hey Sports Parents! An Essential Guide for Any Parent with a Child in Sports' - is now available on Amazon!
Join the Sports Doctor and his great guests for important topical information for injury free exercise, wellness and sports performance for both adults and kids. Frequent topics include, the role of the foot in sports, all aspects of sports medicine including, proper sports shoes, youth safety, health, wellness, and sports performance for both adults and children.