The Sports Doctor, June 14, 2023
The Sports Doctor with Dr. Robert Weil
Guests, Cathi Lamberti and Esther Gutierrez Sloan
Headlined Show, The Sports Doctor June 14, 2023

Cathi Lamberti, Founder & CEO of Smartfit Inc. with brain health strategies & solutions both physical & mental for various populations joins me along with returning Esther Gutierrez Sloan, Founder & President of Salsarobics & National Fitness HOF teammate. Then, it’s 'The Sports Doctor Is In' with some “Bob Gajda Wisdom” & your emails!

Guest, Cathi Lamberti

SMARTfit Inc. was formed in May 2013 develop a technology to offer evidence based, scalable brain health solutions focused on neuro-rehab and neuro-motor training. The purpose is to address major health related conditions attributable to modern day inactivity and will have profound diagnostic, therapeutic and performance related outcomes for users from childhood through advanced age.
We have created an advanced Dual Task training technology platform called SMARTfitOS that enables a person to take a 5-minute dual task cost test and receive an instant report. This report provides the information required to design a customized rehab or training program in a matter of minutes.
SMARTfitOS has great utility in a variety of global market opportunities including rehab, memory care, fitness, wellness and advanced sports performance training techniques.
SMARTfit's iOS/Android App provides access to its Cloud-based user-interface making it easy for trainers/clinicians to access over 2,000 filmed protocols to quickly customize and design client workouts, track results, take baseline tests and generate progress reports.
Now used by leading hospitals such as Rancho Los Amigos, Dignity Health, Pacific Neuro-institute, Banner Health, Casa Colina, Keck, and Kerlan Jobe/Cedars Sinai as well as professional and college sports teams including the Los Angeles Lakers.
Catherine Lamberti, Founder Board Chair and CEO, SMARTfit Incorporated
Guest, Esther Gutierrez Sloan

The Sports Doctor

The Sports Doctor is in! Dr. Robert A Weil, Sports Podiatrist, specializes in orthotics that improve alignment, stability, balance & performance. He has practiced podiatry & sports medicine for over 30 years in the Aurora- Naperville area and was recently inducted into the prestigious 2019 National Fitness Hall Of Fame. Dr. Bob has treated many of the world’s premier athletes from all types of sports. He is the host of “The Sports Doctor™” Radio Show. The show is now featured on BBS Radio Network, UK Health Radio Network & Sports 4 Fanz Radio. Dr. Bob was formerly on HealthyLife Radio and was also on WDCB public radio in Chicago for over 20 years. He has written articles for many newspapers & magazines and is a frequent guest on other networks. And his new book, co-written with Sharkie Zartman, titled '#Hey Sports Parents! An Essential Guide for Any Parent with a Child in Sports' - is now available on Amazon!
Join the Sports Doctor and his great guests for important topical information for injury free exercise, wellness and sports performance for both adults and kids. Frequent topics include, the role of the foot in sports, all aspects of sports medicine including, proper sports shoes, youth safety, health, wellness, and sports performance for both adults and children.