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Saving with Steve, December 19, 2023

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Saving with Steve
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With Guest, Dan Otoole, on Porch Pirates Beware

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

With Guest, Dan Otoole,

Episode 160: Porch Pirates Beware

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br> hey welcome to the shaving with Steve so where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything in the center at least you having a happy healthy relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I thank you for joining us we just treated 700,000 lizards in the United States were well over 100,000 oversee so we appreciate you sharing this with your friends and family today we're definitely talking about money you know what the holiday season upon us millions of people will be sending gifts around the country around the globe you'll be ordering stuff on Amazon and many other places you know what hours you a lot of times it doesn't make it to Addison Taylor person the more we buy online the more package gets stolen the good news is something can be done about it to help protect actors from Port Pirates that's why we have Dan O'Toole the sea override to educate us on what's going on and what's being done about it Dan welcome to the show<br> thanks to you for having me and thanks to all the listeners out there really appreciate the opportunity to talk about a ride tonight thanks I'm just going to say this<br> my wife orders all the time we're actually very lucky and I'm probably should be knocking on wood right now but we can we talk to people all the time where they've ordered some nice things they show up on the porch and somebody goes and takes it and then either have to get the refund or some cases you know what they get into dispute and all that and they never really get their money back it's frustrating for everybody out there as well as the you know the the businesses and you know what I'd love for you to talk about what's going on with that I know it's very big or the bigger experiences of the Metro areas like San Francisco Seattle office in Los Angeles and firm in Sacramento Fresno in Milwaukee where they are really high rates but you know what help out everybody understand what's going on what's the real impact cuz I'm understanding is I can a hundreds of millions of packages that are being affected<br> yeah yeah right now and then just in the us alone every single day there's 1.7 million package is stolen so it's a huge staggering number its billions of dollars a year in the reality is we are all paying for that everything's it's free just call Amazon and pay my package didn't show up and you get a new one magically the reality is all that's built into the cost of you pay every single day<br> you just said 612<br> million packages get stolen each year that's why nobody in our small little bubble world we really have no idea that is the actual reality of it wow no sew<br> help us understand more so what's going on how are obviously we've got some groups that are more well organized than others that are stealing these things you know there are a lot of things people can do to reduce the impact or possibility of something getting stolen and I'm just curious what are things people do and then let's talk about what a ride does I really appreciate that absolutely you know right now in a certain things can't even be delivered without you being home to sign for the new laptop or a cell phone or something like that so you got people missing work to stay home people watching ring cameras in doorbell cameras and all these things in some cases merely watching items being stolen right so you know that that's a frantic feeling for all of us so you know the things you can do in the interim I and I say yes, because<br> where are the new company and they were going to talk about this is what we're rolling out of it and it between now and when we roll out the other things that can be done to try to deter our state's better to deter them cats cuz when you catch him we all know this probably not very many consequences in your your items already lost or destroyed remedial one of the Baseline things you can do is have a home camera maybe you can use what you got her from that to get it back so that's getting them people walk up maybe they see the camera. The church, you can arrange deliveries to have a signature so there could be a scheduled time of delivery or somebody does have to be there to sign for it if you're at work during the day. Perhaps you could have the item shipped to your work address during shipping hours in and then those items would show up at your work versus at home so you're so somebody's there to go to receive the<br> you can have lights that trigger on when things go over show activity trying to see some of my other packs here that we'd like to use Odyssey speak with your neighbors if you're not going to be around maybe somebody can keep an eye out for you and collect the parcels is there delivered so that you don't have to worry about that you know that was sitting out for very long in for being a day for people to watch them at the end of the day it's just being there to receive your best solution right Steve<br> well now I get it you know what I keep thinking myself well if you can't be there other and if you're not at work and you got to go live your life and you know what you do you do you have prescriptions coming you got all sorts of things coming you know what you know what can you do is it you know and that's one of the reasons why when I saw you arrive like hey wow this could be a game-changer and I'd like you to talk about what a ride does and how it can help people and protect against some porch Pirates tracking enabled on a lot of times they offered notifications are kind of pretty close to real time so there's a couple more ideas for you but I arrive thanks for letting me have the opportunity again Steve I'm arrived is, the next Generation mailbox it's an autonomous Thomas delivery Network in but as the SL Thomas to Liberty Grill<br> School's Out Brown speaking about drone delivery robotic Delivery Man driverless vehicles in the breed as well as you know conventional delivery like Amazon ups and US mail we're consolidating all delivery wants to cheer point you know the total addressable Market in the US there's a hundred sixty million addresses that ever graced by 4,000 you a dresses every single day to the mailbox hasn't changed or been disrupted since 1858 you always got Smart Car Smart Homes computer but how do you get the mailbox to catch up on these are the things that were thinking about so we have 150 patent claim as a weed eater or or being awarded then we got great things like we have a heated and cooled cargo area<br> we have an emergency my future so if you have an emergency at your home or business you can use her at your arrive app 22 trigger police fire and ambulance service you need I'll send an automated dispatch at that same moment your arrival point will start scrubbing red and blue or red and white or red lights and turn on the service you need the First Responders going to be really find you and you know where is a time is life so they get to you quicker you know they're going to be able to intervene and save or whatever circumstance you have going on you know 80% of the workforce at one point was disrupted in and remote of that 40% of those people will never return back to an office environment so you got a lot of outsourced situations that I've never heard before Fort Wayne Indiana today<br> UPS will deliver to 6,000 more unique locations than they did in Fort Wayne Indiana three years ago in Fort Wayne Indiana Scott City Inn in Indiana so if you extrapolate that across the whole country across every carrier is he there is a huge demand on last-mile Logistics and so that's why all these other autonomous nodes of delivery are starting to so are the reason we came up with a lot of the things that we have that we actually have a process that disinfects packages back when people are afraid to bring their Amazon packages in their house and could be so they're bringing virus in we just happen to have that in our patent process the deal with that are so many things that really could be really convenient if your mailbox can offer these I can be done it's great to receive items<br> but what if you have a shipping store on your door and you can use your app to our platform to not only receive your items that are delivered every day but he has something he needs his ship out it's a lot more convenient going to Kohl's for to Amazon return the UPS store or something like that so then I'm going to write back just want to be listening to this cuz it's really really very important I got to have Dan Oatfield he'll be back in just a moment got to pay some bills will be right back with more saving this seat<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey welcome back to the same thing with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money I just want to let you know all the replays are available at w.w. Saving with Steve. You asked if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information inside on saving the Steep I encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel so you never miss him his child check out our Affiliates at UK Health radio BBS ready to talk radio in New York City e360 TV Las Vegas TV network all these networks are dedicated to empower you to solve problems uplift your spirits live a life of personal financial Freedom also follow us on Facebook is saving with Steve Sextons Insider Club to get all the replays exclusive guess just go to saving with Steve. You as now we're back here with Daniel to owe ya one last thing I want to thank you for sharing this with your friends and family were coming up on over a million listeners so we're really very excited about that and would have never happened without you guys so if that I want to<br> back Dan O'Toole I've arrived we all know we've got a problem with porch Pirates we all know the exact people at prescriptions getting gifts being sent to friends that don't show up that you can't do anything about you how so have it I guess that are not gifts but things you order from Amazon and other suppliers that never show up that you have to get refunds with your pain either have to be there to get it or you're in a situation where you have to have to send it to work and it just it just nuts so when things are down was talking about with a ride it gives the ability for people to receive her packages offered by robot by drone you know it and I dance dance they hate how does this work would be with some of these experienced be for example if they were to our prescriptions delivered to the house I would that work so Dan thank you for being on her show I love for you to share all this with us and we're really looking forward to it cuz everybody's been blogging is if I can ask him<br> hey thanks thanks for listening out there really appreciate that and really want to share my vision for the future with you guys so with that said Steve you know arrived we are envisioning the future of logistics and we want to be as robust as comprehensive as feature-rich is possible some of the things that we always say are better faster pressure cheaper reader and safer those are all elements in metrics that we're delivering to are autonomous smart mailbox we want to be the conduit to the Future the conduit to your Marketplace you know we envisioned all of your ordering count going through or out what that get you and Sam in the pharmaceutical world that talk about medicine so you have a CVS order that you want to place you on your app pull up CBS<br> place your order has authenticated that delivery is made your notified but we're also doing is we're allowing CBS to control the heating and cooling inside you're a rock point so if you have Madison we're going to let them turn on the cooling to preserve that for you so you have to be there right at that moment and if you know the sound 110° beating down you know we're not going to have a get a degradation of the medicine right now if you're ordering a pizza we're going to let Domino's you know you're going to access the Domino's app to your hours and it won't let Domino's turn on the heating<br> keep your pizza warmer your food doordash or ubereats any of those things as far as like return Logistics the return Logistics Market in this in the US alarm is a 1 trillion dollar market in the people ordered today you're driving to The UPS Store on Nicole's are you an Amazon drop off point where that is but what if you could pull up your app populate your last ball purchases select the item you want it would notify the vendor pay Amazon same time it would dispatch UPS out you drop an item seamlessly into your arrival point you know how to print a label you have to find the receipt that item gets picked out does back it's all autonomous and then you get the credit for that you think about that he used to that would create for all of us and that's where we're at<br> yeah everything that we are setting out to do purposely is is awesome but even the byproducts of that you know and I don't want to butt drugs will be accessing us as the crow flies so you're going to get it a lot quicker in the time it could take you to go out and you'll put your shoes on your coat get in your car you know within 5 to 7 minutes and I could be delivered to you and then so that goes to the better after pressure cheaper Greener safer you all the traffic on the roads in reducing greenhouse gases reducing cost Franklin near the encrypted authenticated delivery aspect of what we're doing because if product gets delivered is going to be secured you're not going to have the theft that you do all those things are going to act to lower the pricing of the items that were all purchasing everyday<br> take out the staffed element that we're all paying for that there's a there's a factor built into every purchase for others to perishability or staff during this thing and if you could Factor all those things out think what I could do to the cost for all of us so these are the things were working on every day I like to say is you yeah we are not selling are you nuts you can only get them by subscribing it's very similar to an Amazon Prime model we want to have a very low barrier-to-entry very late so that we can saturated and get density and area that's how we get to network in fact I'll be able to deliver several items and have all the delivery infrastructure in place so we want we want to have it be affordable for everyone can you want anybody to be able to share and all the benefits of conveniences and then we're going to be delivering<br> that's wonderful that's what's up so I just you know why everybody loves a new technology so when like with like robots do you have it on Tunnel has carpool and there's a robot obviously inside of it and they're pulling out your package are they letting you know hey pizza's here or packages are as arrive yours in your secure location how to how does that work or how would that work well in that case the the driverless vehicle and pull up with sin and authenticated signal to our arrival point if we would verify Street electronics and safe to text the right vehicle delivering the right and to the right box once that happens when the Box interfaces with a vehicle we have a drop-down I don't want to be set on and it can bears into our box the heating in that case would be turned on for<br> for a pizza or something same time you would be so my notification that your food is it has arrived and then you would come out and grab it you know we do have some areas where we're going fishing with robots were in autonomous box and can be used in a commercial setting a hospital setting for your mail or at your home mailbox they were or just a convenient way of delivering items in a synchronous way which means that both sides of the delivery point or receiving Point don't have to be present at the same time they can happen independently of each other at your convenience and ease ear extract the Autumn when you decide and you know it's there and it's preserved when I threw his ardor cooled as protected because it's safe and secure<br>you know what that's going to say people so much time just not going to Kohl's to return your Amazon with the intensity I really want to thank you for being here today in sharing with Will Rise doing if people want to check out a ride how can they go about checking out a ride what's what's the emails are you know if they want to sign up on your service or something like that how the hell they go about doing that thank you Steve get my name is Deanna 02 on the founder and CEO at arrived my personal email address is Dan like Daniel at arrive a r r i v e t e c h I also get my phone number routinely we have nearly 5,000 investors and I talk to them every week my number is 317-694-7520 that's the same cell phone up after 40 years and I are welcome in the corresponding subject<br> call Matt obvious to the We the People story we beat Amazon by four days on our first half in the end we've all got this great investor community that are working or deliver the future and that so I really pleased to be able to share that she thank you for allowing me to do that<br> Dad I appreciate you being here and you know what I'd love to have it down here down the road down the road just to tell everybody how's everything going and I'd love to have you know what when things are things getting a full force I'd love to have a couple consumer say yeah this is awesome lets you know that I'd love to do that with you so if you're open to that maybe we can do that in the future sometime I hope you will see if I'm definitely open now thanks everybody Merry Christmas happy holidays in preciate the opportunity so much<br> thanks for the thanks and hey everybody will be back in just a few moments with more saving with Steve<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money it was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey is everybody welcome back to the same thing with Steve show where we do talk about the ins-and-outs of money my name is Steve sexy, thank you for joining us we just exceeded 700,000 listeners in the United States we're well over 100,000 overseas so we appreciate you sharing this with your friends and family today we're definitely talking about money you know what the holiday season upon us millions of people will be sending gifts around the country around the globe you'll be ordering stuff on Amazon and many other places you know what our you know a lot of times it doesn't make it to Addison Taylor person the more we buy online the more package gets stolen the good news is something can be done about it to help protect actors from porch Pirates that's why we have Dan O'Toole the sea override to educate us on what's going on and what's being done about it now let's talk about what's going on here for the rest of the year right now is a wonderful time to take a look at<br> taxes in fact if you're working with a financial advisor are not having that discussion if they're not initiating that discussion you need to do that okay because what you do now could make a difference for what happens next year at also could make a difference for your taxes this year so let me make sure we're really close to check this out did you know there's a 12% tax bracket most people do okay if it changes little Bittle to you 15 but if your income is in that 12% tax bracket do you actually pay zero on your capital gains in your dividends just think about this we had one client they were just above that 12% tax bracket threshold they're paying about $5,000 a year in taxes and they're looking to find their new grandchild 529 program and they said what if we did this let's move some of this money and it's creating an interest income that's going to go on your tax return that you don't even spend and put into<br> nothing is tax deferred if they don't take it out they don't spend money on taxes by doing so it lower they're just gross income to below that 12% threshold with Menthol there are tax-free and as a result they want from paying over $5,000 a year in taxes if fifty bucks that's one thing you do many people are looking at gifting this year one of the ways you could do it if you're retired over 70 and a half you can gift through a direct charitable distribution from your IRA directly to a charity and get a tax deduction a dollar-for-dollar deduction and you can do it for up to $100,000 so if you're too high on taxes you don't need that required minimum distribution you want to make sure your church was getting some extra money you can do a qualified direct charitable contribution directly to that 501 c 3 and all you do is you talk to your custodian and say I want to send $30,000 to this charity.<br> charity number he was all that stuff and they send a check directly you get a dollar-for-dollar deduction that one of the big things if you're looking to reduce your taxes is this understand that you're getting a deduction here it goes on your itemized deduction list if you've got no deductions just now if you're married and you're over 65 the first $30,700 isn't going to do any good but if you're still paying a mortgage you got mortgage interest you got your local taxes and all that stuff and you're added $30,000 to it it could make a big difference on your taxes the second thing that you want to know about the whole thing is just some people have the ability to write a check from their IRA and they have that ability because that's what their broker-dealer he'll swap Fidelity whoever gives you the ability to do with some people will write that check just before the end of the year from their Ira directly to that charity and send it to him the problem is if they do not cash the check before December 31st<br> guess what you're not getting credit for the deduction so it's very important that you do that properly cuz you don't want to have that deduction disallowed for this year when you need it other things you should do now take a look at your poor volume you have winners you have losers that's what's happened in the last year or last two years this might be a wonderful time to take profits accessory since the market is trading in almost thirty three times its earnings okay and you got big people like Warren Buffett Jamie dimon the CEO of Nvidia and others selling off a lot of stock putting in the Cavs what are they getting prepared for a downturn this might be a great time to sell off some games but offset those games with selling off some of those losses to your taxes are reduced or eliminated on top of that if you're still working this is a great time and make sure you maximize your 401k or Roth 401k and so on<br> going to do a Roth conversion. Make sure you understand how it works and you understand how the five-year rule work so to make sure you're not taking out money and pay in taxes on even though you didn't think you have to I hope you have a wonderful day great holiday season look forward to seeing you next week riding around saying we'll see you then bye bye<br> thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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