Resonation Podcast, November 13, 2024
with The Eunice
Resonation Podcast

Resonation Podcast with The Eunice
A high-vibe variety show! A little talk, philosophy, music and comedy!
Topics include; health and wellness, natural living, local farming, traditional practices in nutrition, energy, frequency, resonance, raising one's vibration, music and sound therapy, electromagnetics, and biofields, grounding, consciousness, meditation, animal healing and communication, community, barter and trade, collaboration centers, child-led education, music, comedy, philosophy, minerals, crystals, precious metals and true sovereignty.
Concepts/themes of channel:
The message over the messenger
Light over dark
Resonate = return to sound
Re-sound = re-"sounding" information, truths, experiences of others
Basis of show; what RESONATES with audience
Reso-NATION = community, country, world and UNIVERSE!
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