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Paradigm Shifters, March 12, 2019

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Paradigm Shifters
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Guests, Dr Pia Smith Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle and guests Dr Pia Smith Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith

Paradigm Shifters presents LAARKMAA

This week on Paradigm Shifters:

Paradigm Shifters  RE-presents LAARKMAA, channeled through Pia Smith Orleane, and Cullen Baird Smith.

With the disinformation pulling our minds this and that way these days, it is teaching us to trust love, only love and truth. We often need to reach for it into the higher vibrations of the BEYOND. So I chose the Pleiadian views of LAARKMAA from our past interviews. They teach us a new, a chosen reality.

Laarkmaa writes about “Belief…. and how it is  "Made up" of conglomerations of ideas incorrectly built upon assumptions and experiences….. to support individual positions about what one thinks is "Real” on page 23 in Conversations with Laarkmaa. As many of us study thought, the practice can challenge us, to “only know truth and trust” exist. Many of our familiar philosophies note that. Yet we often have trouble accessing our own.

It can be soothing and courageous to find that inner space that centers us and our planet and from which we can connect with higher consciousness and the subtle energy forces that can inspire answers to the tumult of our questions.

This is a great stabilizing interview for these times.

Tune in, Tuesday September 7th, 8 PM PT or on this site, I tunes, and more podcasts.

Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~September 7th.

Special Guest ~ LAARKMAA

tune in on

~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to to worry - you can listen several days later on:

A Message from Veronica --

HI Everyone,

How do we sort through the DIS-INFORMATION puncturing possibilities of thought and new evolving ideas and ideals.

Listening and reading, find COMPASSION, as you learn of various approaches. Till we get into that sphere of reference deep within ourselves, THE HUMAN FAMILY, all of us, cannot accept the mantle of evolution, of reaching for the wonders of multi dimensional realities, each of us consciously spiraling our inner lights upwardly to become a vortex of inspiration for all of life around us.

It is more than possible. We can make choices:

to center, to breathe, to see within ourselves the light that we  can draw in. A bright golden laser from infinity through your head, then your torso, into the core of the earth.

Practice seeing yourself as this light vortex.

You'll influence people everywhere you go without dissension.

Love to hear how it goes with you. Maybe its time for your session and see how your vortex is growing!

Much love


510 595-5564

Veronica Entwistle is an intuitive energy counselor whose guides take her into a deep and loving exploration of the inner conscious, the universe, and the realms beyond. She is known for her wit, love and compassion, and ability to unhook realities from limiting patterns.

Call 510.595.5564 to schedule your session.

Headlined Show, Paradigm Shifters April 6, 2022

Paradigm Shifters presents Laarkmaa
Broadcast Date

Paradigm Shifters presents Laarkmaa

This week on Paradigm Shifters:

Paradigm Shifters is featuring  Laarkmaa this week - a loving group of Pleiadeans dedicated to the evolution of mankind.  We need to hear them guide us through the sticky sands of war, prejudice, climate change and even the again sticky issues of value and the Power of LOVE.  Do we have to keep living through karmic troughs and pathways?  It's as if the decisions for war are just following programs of survival, not thinking.  Not understanding the Divine Rights of humanity to transcend, we strain and bulge against the containments known as my way or your way. The Pleiadeans teach us those universal beings invite us to shuck defensive defiance and learn that there is a deep, infinite and unifying power without and within.  An entire shift in consciousness is not only possible, but we can all steer it.  


Tune in on Tuesday, 8 PM April 5th to hear and feel some of the routes through karmic troughs and pathways lit by Divine Mind.


Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~ April 5th

Special Guest ~ Laarkmaa

tune in on

~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to worry - you can listen several days later on:

A Message from Veronica --

H Everyone,   

Like most of you I am in deep angst over war. When does humanity rise above war?  Or below it? 

How do we contribute positively to the global political ferment, but not be a catalyst for its venom? 

Meditatively I keep praying to feel and ideally recognize and tame universal urges - in me, against you, get before we are gotten, fearful possessing of resources so I don’t run out, and that ultimate competitive question, who is the best of us anyway?

That’s only a bit of the litany on the infinite conveyor belt that runs through the subconscious of humanity, keeping us anxious, defensive, and actively working for survival.

We know that there is consciousness abundant throughout our universes, and there are beings “out there” around us, all "screened" so we can’t see them till we are ready, or that like the Pleiadeans and other channeled consciousnesses, shining lights into the minds of many purveyors of wisdom round the world.   

I pray that enough of us can connect in INTENTION and HEART to create a healing wave that penetrates the cells of beings at war all over the world, and especially in the Russia/Ukraine debacle.  "Winning wars" it is called.   Oh Lordy! 

Again, let’s pray that human evolution moves even more swiftly through our species. 

Call for your session and find the inspiration that your Guidance has for you. 

Big blessings and may earth be bathed in love 


510 595-5564

Connect with Veronica

Radio Schedule

Tues in ~ April 5th. ~ 8pm pst

Paradigm Shifters

special guest:


tune in on

Purchase Veronica's New Book:

My Near Life Experience: Or How Do I Know When I am Really Me?

Find it on her website:

Veronica Entwistle is an intuitive energy counselor whose guides take her into a deep and loving exploration of the inner conscious, the universe, and the realms beyond. She is known for her wit, love and compassion, and ability to unhook realities from limiting patterns.

Call 510.595.5564 to schedule your session.

Guest, Dr Pia Smith Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith

Guest Name
Dr Pia Smith Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith
Pia Smith Orleane Ph.D. and Cullen Baird Smith
Guest Biography

Pia Smith Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith are extraordinary interstellar communicators! Guided away from using old paradigm terms such as "channeling", Pia and Cullen state that the information they share comes from an energetic "merging" of their hearts and minds to the hearts and minds of other Light Beings who wish to help humanity evolve. It takes a combined presence of both of their energies to bring forth the wisdom of Laarkmaa. As they join hands, the voice of Laarkmaa begins to speak, sometimes through Cullen, but most often through Pia, whose soft voice resonates with the musical Pleiadian tones. Pia, who has accessed parallel realms of Light and Love since she was a small child, also provides a voice for the divine feminine energies of Mary Magdalene, and the Great Mother Mary. Pia is the author of the literary jewel, The Return of the Feminine, and COVR Award for Visionary Fiction, Southern Piercings. Pia co-authored Laarkmaa's books, Conversations With Laarkmaa and Remembering Who We Are with Cullen Smith. Pia holds a Ph.D. in the Psychology of Consciousness and Spirituality. Cullen is a Visionary, a Sensitive, and an Energy Healer, as well as an Interstellar Communicator. Cullen has participated with non-ordinary states of reality under the guidance of Pan's kingdom and star family since early childhood. Co-author of Conversations With Laarkmaa and Remembering Who We Are, Cullen began supporting the healing of others through assisting energy movement when he was four years old. At age nine, he produced a "Findhorn Garden" in his backyard with the aid of the devic kingdom, preceding the magical Findhorn Gardens in Scotland by a decade. When Laarkmaa began communicating messages of love to Cullen and Pia, they were simultaneously stunned and excited! Years of interstellar-human communication were recorded and transcribed into the two books, Conversations With Laarkmaa: A Pleiadian View of the New Reality and Remembering Who We Are: Laarkmaa's Guidance on Healing the Human Condition. The Journal of Humanistic Psychology describes their work as a "must read for anyone interested in the evolution of human consciousness." Working with Laarkmaa accelerated Pia and Cullen's abilities to communicate with other dimensional beings, and now a myriad of other voices are presenting themselves in an urgent attempt to reach humanity and assist in humanity's evolutionary process of elevating consciousness. Acting as Ambassadors to the Pleiadians, this couple brings Laarkmaa's inspiring and heartwarming messages of hope, love, and peace to all those who are willing to listen. Cullen and Pia have dedicated their lives to bringing Laarkmaa's wisdom into the world, helping with the evolution of humanity, and living with Ahimsa (do no harm), by promoting peace, harmony, and responsibility for all our thoughts, words, and actions.

Paradigm Shifters

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle
Show Host
Veronica Entwistle

Shift out of the dog-eat-dog mentality and transcend to a higher paradigm of love, collective empowerment & global consciousness.

When we are having relationship problems, or lack of money or health, these are all expressions of subtle energy fields that hold programs, either our own or of the collective, or a combination of the two.

LISTEN TO: Paradigm Shifters. CALL IN: and feel the freedom as Veronica and her loving guides tangibly identify and release the energetic bindings that restrict your expression of self.

It is Veronica’s politics, maybe yours too, to move beyond the limitations that keep us poor, trapped in the social consciousness of war, power over, greed, hopeless politics. When we learn to live with the expanded consciousness of our higher selves, and the beings of the higher realms, we enter the potential of multidimensionality, releasing the binding energies from genetics to mental and emotional reactiveness and to - all ways - all ways feel loved.

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