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New Realities, November 3, 2015

Sonia Barrett
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New Realities
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Guest Sonia Barrett

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

Interview with Sonia Barrett, author of The Business of Disease

Guest, Sonia Barrett

Guest Name
Sonia Barrett
Sonia Barrett, from Spirit in Form
Guest Occupation
Author,Founder of Timeline Publishing & Media Relations,Publisher of Reality Bridge Magazine ,Coaching /Consultations
Guest Biography


Sonia Barrett is known for her cutting edge insights with much of it supported by quantum physics. Theoretical Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami refers to her as a true mystic. Her work bridges the gap between science and spirituality in a simplified format. She addresses the programming, beliefs and concepts by which we have lived our lives both individually and collectively.

Sonia Barrett is the author of The Holographic Canvas: The Fusing of Mind and Matter and her second book, A Journey of Possibilities. She is also the publisher of the book Health: An Inside Job an Outside Business (a supplement to the film- each chapter is written by those in the film) and her latest book and 7 Day Program, Simple ways to step outside of your comfort zone; Letting go of an outdated life.

She has been  a popular radio guest appearing on such shows as Coast 2 Coast AM with host George Noory, Red Ice Radio, Conscious Media Network/Gaia TV and a host of others..

Sonia Barrett has been a Key note speaker at such conferences as the Alchemy Conference, Conscious Life Expo, the ISSSEEM conference, Conspiracy Con, The Bay Area UFO Conference and more. She has appeared on panels with such visionaries as Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, Dr. Jacob Liberman, Amit Goswami Ph.D, Rev. Michael Beckwith and others.

She has appeared in a number of documentaries, Openings; a search for Harry, Ghetto Physics the movie Co-produced by E Raymond Brown and Will Arntz (Producer of What the Bleep do we know) iTHINK, and soon to be released Punk Science the Movie, produced by Dr. Manjir Samantha-Laughton.

“Recognizing our spiritual and perceptual boundaries and comfort zones is a major factor in our quest for answers. In general we are unaware of what we don’t know and the distance widens even further when we are affixed behind a barrier of limiting beliefs. Reality is a great science that has no boundaries only those that we create for our comfort. There is no right or wrong way to grow but it can be of tremendous assistance in recognizing the limitations which hold us bound. ” Sonia Barrett

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New Realities

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld
Show Host
Alan Steinfeld

New Realities has been the leading edge, new Consciousness cable program broadcast from New York for the last 12 years. The series is hosted & produced by Alan Steinfeld. I firmly believe that – ‘A mind stretched to new realities never returns to its original dimension.’ - Alan Steinfeld New Realities is dedicated to exploring evolving human potentials in an evolving world. This series explores the idea of how to become more conscious beings. We present programs that invite the viewer to look at automatic behaviors and take free reign of their body, mind and spirit so that we can hope to inhabit and create a better world.

This program is constantly on the look out for new and different perspectives in achieving a greater and more peaceful reality for the planet. It is about embracing a synthesis of rational understanding with mystical awareness. We must continually be on watch for ways in which we may enlarge our consciousness. We must not attempt to limit our slice of the world, which is given us, but we must somehow learn how to transform it and transfigure it.

BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show -e-
11:00 pm CT
11:55 pm CT
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