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Logical Thinking, February 5, 2022

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Logical Thinking
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Guest, Anahata Holly Hallowell, the channel of Assisting Frequencies and the Creator of Anahata Codes

Logical Thinking with Paul Biener

Guest, Anahata Holly Hallowell, the channel of Assisting Frequencies and the Creator of Anahata Codes

Holly Hallowell is whole-heartedly committed to facilitating communication with your higher self in order to achieve physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional balance and allow you to remap your patterns to align with your whole and complete self.

​Anahata is the channel of Assisting Frequencies and the Creator of Anahata Codes. She is a teacher of the new biology, speaker, medicine woman, a Christian, and teaches the Art of Activating Assisting Frequencies using Anahata Codes worldwide. Anahata facilitates workshops to activate and integrate the codes as well as mentors Certified Anahata Code Practitioners and Mastery Students.

Holly is not a Doctor and she'll be the first to tell you that in fact, she is not doing the healing, you are! Our bodies were created to heal and capable of complete health and wellness when imbalances are released and assisting frequencies accessed. She is a Quantum Physics "geek" and believes in the principle of Entanglement and the fact that all is One, and all is energy. She has a strong faith in God and Jesus is her Lord and Savior. She welcomes your Angels and guides to participate in your session. 

She channels Anahata Codes; Assisting Frequencies for Holistic Health and Ascension Support.

Logical Thinking

Logical Thinking with Paul Biener
Show Host
Paul Biener

Logical thinking is an eclectic variety of subjects examined from a logical and intelligent perspective. From lawful to legal, terrestrial to extraterrestrial, physical to metaphysical and so much more.

One thing is certain, you will find the very best sources of information and a logical, often passionate, perspective here. 

Welcome to the program!

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