Cosmic LOVE, November 1, 2014
Cosmic LOVE with Dr Christopher Rudy
Guest, Hillary Raimo

A well known talk show host for over four years on Achieve Radio and World Puja Network, Hillary Raimo's thought-provoking interviews on her Internet Radio Show are appreciated worldwide by millions of listeners. Her discerning, inspiring, and empowering interviews include famous experts, authors, artists, teachers, scientists, researchers, and military/industrial complex executives and officers.
In her interviews, Hillary focuses on issues ranging from urgent earth matters to space and defense, metaphysics, technology applications to solving problems of health, the environment, and energy, to the spiritual, paranormal, and consciousness realms. Hillary explores esoteric and scientific teachings, including new discoveries of the mind/body connection.
Hillary Raimo is an internationally renowned clairvoyant. She is also an expert on multi-dimensional healing. Hillary specializes in communicating about how the mind/body healing process frees consciousness on a personal to global level in order to help enable body energy and collective consciousness to transcend time and space.
Her international client-base consulting ranges from high level corporate complex executives to filmmakers, best selling authors, celebrities, and to thousands of world citizens.
Hillary's interviews, writings and client work include her focus on personal and on current world situations and events, interpretations and perspectives with a deep understanding of ancient cultures, sacred sites, the paranormal, and esoteric systems applied within the context of the unique universal tapestry of unfolding knowledge, with her intuitive insights. Her writings share the combination of her special intuitive and self-empowerment skills to help people on all levels and from all cultures so they can become aware of current paradigms and choices available for their future. She presents updated researching and information that can help everyone move into states of higher frequency in order to live in the best of health and well-being for multi-dimensional living.
Hillary is a project consultant to the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty founded by Dr. Carol Rosin. She is a board member for Yraceburu Earthwisdom and founding member of Taa-nash-kaa-daa Sanctuary in New Mexico. She is a founding member of Health Source Now, and maintains a full-time Reiki practice as a licensed Usui & Karuna Master Teacher at A Peaceful Place in Clifton Park, NY. Hillary is a sought after facilitator and has been invited to numerous conferences as a key note speaker, and has participated frequently on guest panels across the country as an expert on a variety of topics ranging from higher consciousness to healing.
Hillary has contributed to numerous articles and publications including recently published books entitled Kids Who See Ghosts, by Dr. Caron Goode, Prophetic Voices, by Maria Yraceburu, Whose Stuff Is This? by best-selling author Yvonne Perry, and Oracle of Initiation: Rainbows in the Dark by Melissa Weiss-Steele. Hillary is the author of Money Matters for Mind, Body & Spirit, and Life According to an Unknown.
Among her most popular articles are Money Matters for Mind Body and Spirit (published Healing Springs Magazine April/May 2007, re-published Healing Matrix Magazine August 2008, and Spiritside Ezine August 2008 Issue), Relationship Matters for Mind Body and Spirit (published Healing Springs Magazine Oct/Nov 2007), Soul Connections: Understanding Karmic Relationships in Today's High Tech World (published Healing Springs Magazine Aug/Sept 2008), The Economy: A Reflection of Higher Consciousness (published Healing Springs, Spiritside Magazine, Wisdom Magazine), Bridging Dimensions (published Healing Springs April/May 2010), Multidimensional Healing (published Healing Springs Magazine, 4Corners Magazine Oct/Nov 2009 issue)
Internationally recognized, Hillary has been an invited guest star on a variety of radio and TV shows including Universal 7 Radio, LA Talk Radio Sam & Suzy in the Morning, Dr. Gabriella Kortsch Radio in Spain, Dynamic Transformations with Mark Patterson, Extreme Dream Radio with Laurie Santos, Wake Up Your Magic TV with Susan Guild, Knights of Awakening Radio, Multidimensional Healing with Esateys on World Puja Network, Law of Distraction and Interruption with Joe Carroccio, The Lois Berman Show WXBR 1460AM radio, The Love by Intuition Show with Deborah Beauvais WARL 1320AM, Higher Dimensions with Phyllis Pricer BBS Radio, Inspirations Expressed with Tina Bueno, The Wise Woman Way with Susun Weed, Sisters of Honua Radio, Red Ice Radio, Spiritual But Not Religious TV with Host George Lewis, Raise Your Intuition IQ with Monique Chapman, The Gary Mantz Show 1150am KKNW Seattle, WA, Temple of Health Radio with Dr. Susan Kolb, Heaven Scent KKNW 1150AM with host Maureen St. Germain on The Doctor Pat Network.
Hillary has been interviewed in numerous films and documentaries including The Path: Afterlife Series and Hope for Humanity.
As a highly respected writer and producer for radio, television, movies and documentaries, Hillary has produced and consulted on many projects.
Cosmic LOVE

'Dr. Christopher' pioneered quantum medicine in 1991 and is publisher of the Heartcom Network, culturing Net reality in our global village with quantum science as it relates to the Golden Rule-Law Language of LOVE in "form" (spiritual geometry) and "frequency" (heart coherence).
As the producer and host of Cosmic LOVE since 2007, Christopher has interviewed numerous guests ranging from Lynne McTaggart and Dan Winter to Foster Gamble of the Thrive Movement. Recent years have focused on galactic alignment and 0-point phenomena as relates to thinning of the quantum 'veil' and the emergence of Net reality with Effective Sensory Perception and a more enlightened social conscience in our interactive global social networks.
This year's theme for the Cosmic Love Show is '2023 Mainstream Awakening'