Galactic Connection, March 16, 2016
Another outstanding interview by Alexandra Meadors!
Taansen Fairmont doesn't just articulate the path of financial sovereignty clearly and beautifully - he more importantly lays out the golden signposts that are legally available to attain that sovereignty - here and now.
Some of the most important topics covered are the different types of trusts, the importance of language, and how simple the process of transforming ourselves within our relationship to abundance can be.
Liberty Debt Elimination System
House of Freedom Trust
La Verite Credit Restoration Program
The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.
Guest, Taansen Fairmont
Taansen Fairmont is a consultant on debt elimination, common law trusts and asset protection. He is also a meditation teacher, musician,artist and writer on Vedic Science, higher states of consciousness and the dawn of the Age of Enlightenment.
Taansen was educated at Maharishi International University in America and at the Maharishi European Research University in Switzerland, where he received the title “Governor of the Age of Enlightenment” in 1977 at age 22.
He is a former keynote speaker at numerous international investment conferences worldwide, on ocean cruises and at many exotic tax haven resorts, around the Pacific Rim and the Caribbean. He is the author of the 1997 book Sovereignty Consciousness.
Taansen has been a non tax-filer since 1990, and has been a manager of various pure natural sovereign irrevocable trusts since 1993. He has either spoken at or attended hundreds of seminars on asset protection, freedom from income tax, individual sovereignty, government exposés, patriot campaigns, high yield investments, the UCC, the banking cabal, commercial remedies, mortgage fraud, debt elimination, prosperity programs, the global currency reset and more.
Out of the thousands of programs, techniques, methods and systems that attempt to provide asset protection for individuals and families, Taansen has been focusing on the few solutions that actually work consistently.
The solutions he has found enjoy a 100% success rate … and these are
his simple system for cancelling unsecured debts,
one of the best credit repair services in America
his approach to asset protection by using one of the best trusts in the world.
Galactic Connection
Galactic Connection... connecting minds and hearts everywhere to step out of the 3D matrix unilaterally. Even those of us who have done an immense amount of work are still learning how much the 3D set of rules and limitations has pervaded our recent outcomes.
What you will learn as you listen is news, education, research, healing information, and out-of-this-world perspectives in regards to people, government, country, world, planet, aliens, UFO’s, Galactic Brotherhood, Ascended Masters, solar systems, ancient civilizations and beyond.
This show is designed to get you to start seeing yourself and the planet you live on, in a more expansive view, recognizing that becoming spiritual is synonymous with becoming galactic. Higher dimensional beings will be visiting us, sharing knowledge, wisdom, and vibration that will trigger us beyond our comprehension.