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Embrace Your Sphere of Influence, October 24, 2018

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Embrace Your Sphere of Influence
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Guest, Laura Van Tyne and Tina Erwin, of the Karmic Path

Embrace Your Sphere of Influence with Lexa Rollins

Guests, Laura Van Tyne and Tina Erwin, Co-Hosts of The Karmic Path.


Tina Erwin is a retired US Navy Commander and a psychic. Laura Van Tyne is a retired public school educator and psychic. Together, they are a psychic team with a spiritual mission. As co-hosts of The Karmic Path, they unite spirituality, science and psychology to help people to gain unique, down to earth insights into the world of karma. As professionals, they have had challenging experiences that forced them to learn how to cope with psychic/spiritual issues.

They lay down the logic trails of life (and death) and offer useful tools and resources to enable people to learn how to take their power back. Bad things seem to happen to good people. They offer logical explanations and practical solutions and insights into spiritual problems, such as:

  • Why did my dad beat me?

  • Why was I raped?

  • Why did my mom leave me?

  • Why is my brother handicapped?

Talking Points:

  • What is karma?

  • What is a karmic ripple effect?

    • What happens when we begin to understand this?

  • In a world out of balance, the best we can do is to learn how to best help our sphere of influence

  • The microcosm: (We can use you as an example, if you like about how your accident forced you to change your karmic path and lead you into a new direction or we can use an example from Tina or Laura)

  • The macrocosm: Corporate influence

    • Georgia Pacific replanting to keep the earth in balance VS Loggers in Siberia who have decimated the permafrost, which will have a global impact.

Guest, Laura Van Tyne

Guest Name
Laura Van Tyne
Guest Occupation
retired public school educator and psychic
Guest Biography

Tina Erwin is a retired US Navy Commander and a psychic. Laura Van Tyne is a retired public school educator and psychic. Together, they are a psychic team with a spiritual mission. As co-hosts of The Karmic Path, they unite spirituality, science and psychology to help people to gain unique, down to earth insights into the world of karma. As professionals, they have had challenging experiences that forced them to learn how to cope with psychic/spiritual issues.

They lay down the logic trails of life (and death) and offer useful tools and resources to enable people to learn how to take their power back. Bad things seem to happen to good people. They offer logical explanations and practical solutions and insights into spiritual problems, such as:

  • Why did my dad beat me?
  • Why was I raped?
  • Why did my mom leave me?
  • Why is my brother handicapped?

Talking Points:

(If you have other ideas, we are open to suggestions to what will benefit your audience.)

  • What is karma?
  • What is a karmic ripple effect?
    • What happens when we begin to understand this?
  • In a world out of balance, the best we can do is to learn how to best help our sphere of influence
  • The microcosm: (We can use you as an example, if you like about how your accident forced you to change your karmic path and lead you into a new direction or we can use an example from Tina or Laura)


  • The macrocosm: Corporate influence
  • Georgia Pacific replanting to keep the earth in balance VS Loggers in Siberia who have decimated the permafrost, which will have a global impact.
  • Skype name:

  • Firstlight11
  • Back up Phone Number:

  • Landline: 619-466-6918
  • Mobile: 619-517-7824
  • Current Email:

  • Questions@TheKarmicPath
  • Or

  • Laura Van Tyne is a psychic and former public-school teacher. One morning she discovered her daughter could see and talk to ghosts and other beings. Many of these beings were nefarious and soon their home turned into a “house of horrors” with sleepless nights and many events they could never share with family and friends. Psychic ability, spirituality and karmic laws are tied together. She shares that when we begin to understand how they work, we gain insights that are crucial to our soul evolution and spiritual paths.

Guest, Tina Erwin

Guest Name
Tina Erwin
Guest Occupation
a retired US Navy Commander and psychic and author
Guest Biography

Tina Erwin is a retired US Navy Commander and psychic, enabling her to fully understand the “military mindset”. She has taken these skills and applied them to a deep-rooted dedication to learning how the unseen world really works and the role karma plays in all we do. Her perpetual desire for service has led her on a life-long mission: Explaining the Physics of Metaphysics®. Tina lives in San Diego with her husband of over 40 years and enjoys spending time with her children and grandchildren. 

We all have a karmic path, whether we are aware of it or not. Each action or reaction creates a karmic ripple effect. Laura and Tina show you how karma can change your life. They will teach you how the karmic dynamic gives you your power back. Laura and Tina show you how walking your karmic path with intention empowers your very soul. Each week Laura and Tina discuss topics from light hearted elements like parking karma or what church do ghosts attend, to the more serious in nature: relationships, healing, and even suicide. Their passion is to help others to create Better Karma for Better Living®.

Tina Erwin and Laura Van Tyne, that charmingly disarming dynamic duo are laying down the logic trails and offering helpful tools of walking your spiritual path with courage and confidence. The knowledge and wisdom they share with you is where psychology and spirituality intersect.™ Join them as they help you integrate the physics of metaphysics into your own life: how karma, spiritual law and psychic ability all combine to awaken the light of the Divine in YOU.

Embrace Your Sphere of Influence

Embrace Your Sphere of Influence with Lexa Rollins
Show Host
Lexa Rollins

Lexa's own experience with transition and trauma ignited a passion and dedication to help others up-level their lives and careers as she is an "executive coach" for the entrepreneur. This is a place where you can meet and be inspired by many diverse entrepreneurs and how they used their "spheres of influence" to create and elevate their own life changing results.

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