Donna Seebo Show, November 13, 2013
If you are interested in history, the role of religion and faith throughout the centuries, and how people are developing their own perspectives...well, I think that you'll find the research of Margaret Johnston very interesting.
Guest, Margaret Placentra Johnston

Margaret Johnston has spent decades improving people's eyesight. Now she offers clearer vision on a higher level.
After a quarter century practicing Optometry, Margaret Placentra Johnston now offers people clearer vision of a different sort - through her writing. The author of Faith Beyond Belief: Stories of Good People Who Left Their Church Behind, she feels the spiritual development stages have the power to bring an end to religious intolerance and should be part of the general knowledge of our culture.
Donna Seebo Show

Donna Seebo is an international mental practitioner, psychic, award winning author, teacher, counselor, minister, speaker and radio/television personality.
As a talk show host Donna really excels. Guests on her programs include CEO's of Fortune 500 companies to working mothers. Her interviews embody a golden voice that shines with passion, purpose, sincerity and humor. She is one of the few media hosts in the country who actually read the material authors submit before booking them on the air.
Tune in for an "Hour of Mind Power". Callers are welcome to call in for a live on air psychic reading during the second half hour of each show.