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The Beyond Earth Show, August 24, 2024

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The Beyond Earth Show
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The Shift, Energy, Reclaiming your life, Finding ways for Self-Care and Prayer, Manifesting and Affirmations

The Beyond Earth Show with host Ray Trujillo

The Shift of energy, Reclaiming your life, Finding ways for Self-Care and Prayer, Manifesting and Affirmations 

The Beyond Earth Show

The Beyond Earth Show with Ray Trujillo
Show Host
Ray Trujillo

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The Beyond Earth Show with Ray Trujillo

Are We Really Alone?

BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show -e-
3:00 pm CT
3:55 pm CT
1 Following
Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

3D games and welcome to the beyond Earth show I'm your host Ray Trujillo and thank you all for joining me here today on this August 24th 2024 transmission is always an honor and a privilege to be here with all of you and many of you may be feeling the shift many of you may be encountering a deeper Great Awakening and those of you may be feeling it for the first time or for the hundredth time and also we could get into technicalities about incarnations and the souls recall and the memory systems in our DNA genetically and Cecily and also in our DNA blueprint of course and so things that are feeling in the familiar sense of our reality and then also optional realities<br> things that we can call in from the heavenly father from The Divine forces from the cosmic frequencies from The Duality and which we are blessed with us but also the same time the unit Yang principal and the Hermetic dictum of what is above and what is below and in Through The Eyes Of God the alpha the Omega and the beginning and the end and therefore down to Energy System so many of you may be feeling the shifts and the call and observing from your own interpretation and again the shows for everyone from all backgrounds and belief systems and yes I do speak from a certain perspective from my interpretation but that is the beauty of this because we can all confer with one another and speak of our interpretations and speak from our own backgrounds and our beliefs<br> beautiful shared unified coherence of love and if you are in the state of let's say feeling overwhelmed or if you are in a place of my goodness I'm feeling a bit lost a bit tumultuous and feeling things are a bit misaligned or balanced well I don't always mean to say blame it on and I did want to just remind everyone that we are still presently in well since early August of course five planets in retrograde and so before I begin to get into the theme of the show today<br> which we're going to discuss energy and reclaiming your life and finding ways of self-care and also prayer manifesting and the affirmations to manifest into V repairs or to invoke the Divine into you and for you and upon you and whichever is respective to you and your belief systems but it is very imperative to mention that as we're at the end of August today is the 24th of August the year 2024 so 8-24-24 and as it draws to a close we can certainly find ourselves in the midst of encountering more Notions that we can discover within ourselves within our Neurosis of ourselves with while what is relatable<br> what is a scene Within Myself of me as a individual right and being a spiritual being in a human vessel by Jesus said to be in this world but not of it and so when we encounter size prints not just what five planets in retrograde well and also essentially going backwards there the illusion of looking backwards but and also further away from in the solar system in that lineup but Mercury is always been known Mercury's a planet of communication and also what intercepts with a technology communication transportation and you're going to see that seems that the time to redo revisit to reassess we analyzed reunions but they Rejoice we can Resurrection we can do all sorts of that which is in<br> Junction because it's ruled by a jerk Gemini and the communication and the twins and also in the genius mentality of that precept Mercury to work with as it is right that is also double check triple check don't do anything of major significance at this exact moment if it's the first time you've visited this what's a notion of thinking because it can come with its own mistakes and you know we can even go as simply as something's the delay there's a delay in receiving something or an email was sent to the wrong email address he or a text was sent intended for someone and sent to someone else those are on the small aspects that can also have a gargantuan effects if it's something that is not so innocent let's go to contacts<br> of the messaging and when I go into the Baseline episode<br> it's a time to reflect and it's also time to slow down so you think of it like everything is accelerated accelerated accelerated then suddenly the brakes are on and then everything starts to catch up and realize and it feel a little bit chaotic it feels a bit activating for the nervous system makes you feel a bit over sensory overload over stimuli right and so when we encounter that to begin with just even with Mercury<br> we are forced to there by take a moment to breathe to inflow outflow and to go into prayer to go into our<br> deep meditation or chanting are affirmations whatever it might be that is your sacred medicine or all of the above so this is definitely been a world and there's also been a lot of Revelations that have unfolded so there's a beauty that there's a big part of me here so there's a beauty and the kale at the same time so there's this<br> like we have lights and darks we have light we have tarek we have the dichotomy of the spectrum's we have the lower vibration in the higher vibration with finding that neutrality finding that stable Baseline to operate from which he has is not always possible to operate from that 24/7 throughout the rest of our lives yet the key is is that if we fall seven times to get back up eight times right and that we continue to persist and move forward and have that progression in order for the self-actualization for our souls alignment<br> or mental and emotional precepts and matters of our heart so with our its Mind Body Spirits are intellect what we're blessed with what we have carne twice and if you don't believe in encouraging that's fine but if you don't leave Incarnation is that actually let you come into this realm with what you enter this physical vessel in this particular life with<br> and in order to apply appropriately with the intellect and the mind heart soul body precept the energy in slow the energy out and if we envision with the auric field that many vibrate on a very beautiful high frequency and many might not another of those are so deeply empathic that they feel everything and then they can literally walk in a room and light up the room but then they're drained and then they can give love to fellow humans and animals and the planet that they have to take a moment to recharge and sometimes those moments are not just your ordinary moments<br> so we can get a linear and nonlinear in just a moment here however this is a time to really have self-reflection and so<br> when we as humans have a let's say indication of perception of what life should be like you're in planet Earth all of these retrogrades are here to truly be that reminder and not so gentle at times sometimes it's very bold and in your face and it's truly that think of it as they<br> a nod or a an alarm clock at times or even like a gentle tap on your shoulder that feels really nice and thank you for reminding me that our pads are not linear and so we can feel uncomfortable and we can also feel comfortable during the aspects of when we were approached with these alarm clocks whether it's in the very blunt straightforward way very direct and it can feel different for everyone yet<br> when we encounter these moments and when we're uncomfortable that's what sets of socks you really think and if we were set into a place of where we feel comfortable then we have a moment to be and self-reflection and being gratitude and then we're back to the uncomfortable notion we can also there by going to the place of gratitude for what we have felt comfortable with in the prior and so would we experience the planets and all in this beautiful Symphony and they're all in their lineup their movements and their retrograde<br> wait can go through this let's say nostalgic aspect where wow like thinking about things from 10 years ago five years ago 1 year ago 20 years ago even when you were five years old weather was pleasant or unpleasant the scenes archery her and that can happen regardless of planets in retrograde Mercury retrograde that can happen with what you're doing a self Exposition a historical account when you're doing your hero's journey let's say you go through the Genesis of yourself think Joseph Campbell's the hero's journey and Hera has a thousand Paces I mean there's so much to discuss with that but if we really go into<br> retracing our steps and reliving and what we could have should have been would have done our regrets our past actions and in essence all the things that make us inherently ourselves and our inherent learned behavior and the it is truly the sacred self so in the embodiment of our sacred self what we go through to the process of self-actualization and how it begins to unfold a certain way and so when we go to the place of compassion and understanding and that awareness and self-awareness there's a lot of key elements there to wear that grand realization process starts to exponentially the weekend and then we can also look upon<br> the ideas in the outflow of what we like to manifest and call into our future selves or like our tomorrow self or next week self our next year so whatever the gold made because there are so many goals that are important to the individual self Weatherby hell's going through an emotional process and working through engraving or working through self-limiting beliefs systems that has oppressed you that has caused you to really hold yourself back and you could have taken a step forward but you were holding back due to the Past are due to what others had said to you or to what you thought others had stopped of you and remember also that opinions are really no one's business not even mine not even know what I'm speaking of my opinions they might matter to me but they might not matter to you and that's fine<br> but when we go until play so well so and so. Told me that this was an impossible feat to encounter and I should just not pursue this well that truly up to the interpretation of the personal self and so if you feel that it's something that you want to do and it's not dangerous or injurious to yourself your finances are two physical body and it's something that is just part of your path then you have the right to pursue that with space measure if you love the purple and someone else is allowed purple that's their opinion doesn't matter and many people have been discredited and minimized by friends and colleagues<br> literally minimum minimizing that person's vision and it's upset person within safe measure again within safe measure where there's no Financial injuries there's no physical or mental injury is just in the precept that this is my goal I want to paint my room purple horse just say when someone says oh that's ridiculous purple it's not a good color and then you could have a thousand people and save her. You listen to thousand people take purple is bad luck and I know it's so fortuitous it's wonderful fun whatever it may be<br> but at the end of the day it belongs to that own their own individual cells they the goal of the self so this is what I'm speaking of an amusing very mynute examples but you noticed that people say later in life wow well I wanted to pursue this and it was just a hobby and it was a safe Hobby and I was told no and I know that stupid for wanting to do that but now it's been on my mind for 20 years and I actually feel stronger now and I'm safer in my boundary is where I feel that I can assert myself in a firm to myself said yes if my hobby is to learn to play chess how is that going to hurt anybody well I'm going to play chess I'm going to learn to play chess whatever it may be okay and this is not like rock climbing Cliffs like for the average person who has no training I'm not speaking about those types of goals but in the aspect of<br> call orientation during this particular time it's very important because the history lines up your Genesis lines up your historical account your Exposition starts to be drawn into the field and that Nostalgia comes in you reminisce about how I was on such a good path why did I have to stop because I listen to other people or I didn't believe in myself and also that is in conjunction with that because of the personality<br> of the South when sometimes if you don't have enough strong conviction and you need to rely upon others to kind of help to help you ascertain that yes I will firm this and we all need a village we all need a surely sis we all need to be Champion we all need a support system we all need coaches even the most top performers we all need a coach at some point our lives but sometimes we really need that urge and that positive Embrace and then sometimes you'll see the warning at the same time but I'm speaking of then the safe rooms so let's say you have something and someone wanted to pick up guitar 20 years ago and someone said oh no that's stupid foolish don't do that and twenty years later your subsisting in this mindset every time you see someone perform whatever music genre could be like well if I would have picked up my guitar and learn how to do it from years ago maybe I could be pretty decent by now or it's just for my own pleasure<br> you know that I learned how to play Led Zeppelin or something so you know. Everyone needs to be Stevi this planet and that's okay but at the end of the day you know if you can have your own frequencies where you can find what works for you and that you have the right to say you know what this is what I want to do for me and I want to instill that Within Myself I want to make my story my story and reframe that and because we have the closure of aspects of her life and I'll be today in clothes off goodbye<br> and we might see you again maybe not but I'm going to say goodbye to this chapter that never truly truly ended that are in a definite need to be ended and there's also those places where maybe I'll say bye now and I'll see you again that need to be revived and those places that need to be revived are very important to the self because that's something they're in the Nostalgia that wow I needed to not let go of that I let goes out to prematurely so these are your own personal stories<br> and you know if you if you go to the place in the mind of the say the say the Consciousness that before you were ready to be ready right you had a dream you had a vision but you weren't truly ready to behold it yet sometimes it takes time because if you don't have that conviction in that self-initiation or that self-initiative to be self-motivated self-starter and you have to rely upon others there's a place there that you eventually get to the place where you superseded do you say you know what I'm just going to go for it I don't care what everyone else says I'm going to pick up with a guitar me to go buy gifts and I'm going to go by sonder I'm going to go start with an acoustic and I am just going to start today<br> if I'm 65 years old today and I want to start playing Guitar you have every right to do it you're 75 you have every right to do it and I'm sorry that someone told you when you were 30 don't do it or when you're 16 oh don't do that there's always a cause and a time and a place for everything in life and sometimes there's things that you can find the joy in later and it has a new meaning because when you see that guitar there's that symbol and it's this inherent symbolism for you that this is something that's meant a lot to me<br> and I don't need to be the best but this is something means a lot to me and I want to be the best for me and just by practicing and learning this then okay even if it's a few chords whatever it might be just say whatever your goal was in life<br> and it was downplayed or downgraded by someone else's interpretation these are the types of things that come up in the he's a terror attack in the metaphysical that are all part of the symbolism that arise within the Deep ingrained Notions of where our soul holds memory and our intellect the Hall of memory and with this isn't opportune time to revisit to reassess reanalyzed and yes people say okay it's a good time to maybe clean out my closet physically literally clean out my basement literally physically but in the metaphysical aspect so in the metaphorical state of it if you can use that time to clean out your<br> mental closet your emotional closet your spiritual cause of your heart face closet and then your heart based basement your mental and emotional and spiritual basement<br> wow so much can be prepared to make room for the new to come in and so when you look at that that's part of the story to be restrained and so when you look at these it as an eyewitness account that things that you felt like you needed to put away closure but when you look at it there's a new acquired perspective and in that New Perspective that your or what is acquiring in essence it reflects the story that Journey forward so that journey in the past you have that nostalgic journey into the past brought back in the Forefront and then you have further self-awareness and then fight cleaning out less metaphorical closets in basements that spaciousness is created and then you have that necessary<br> room right that you would need and the assimilation process begins and so it's about having this capacity for that reflection and that reflection is a sacred gift and then we can have we can also call yourself like a sacred Temple that your goals are sacred that your body is a temple yes but your mind your heart spirit<br> all-in-one in that Divinity is the sacredness so everything that you do is sacred when you eat your breakfast it's sacred we thank God we think the universe we think whoever that thank you for this breakfast thank you for this lunch thank you for this dinner thank you for this water thank you for this clean beautiful water there are so many that don't have access to food so many they don't have access to clean water or water in itself and so they go into the software and processes and that sacred pause we go to that gratitude and it builds up that in her capacity to say wow I have so much and even if you have little<br> in the physical<br> there's so much in the spiritual and that supersedes all because<br> at the end of the day the poorest people can have all the money in the world right and at the end of the day he could have those that are just so rich with joy and happiness and virtue and that integral power to be authentically pure and the beat like a saint<br> close to a stage of the human conviction here upon Earth and the abuse of ourselves for your kind be good to do good and to just do your best while we're here I am just do your very best and yes not all people as we know follow those precepts but when you have within yourself and of course it's a very inverted world the crazy world right now and it's always been a crazy world but more so now than ever so the chaos the conflict it's finding your sanity truly it's to be actually the key here and I'll get back to the playlist and go to be<br> I would say well-adjusted to an insane Society<br> and this is why I speak of these things because when we go into the attitude adjustment to self awareness those proclivities to know what you want and how does healthy boundaries that way when you do deal with the spiritual warfare that we are going through and its inverse reality is paradigm shift is upon us this is a time to express your real most authentic self for yourself with him safe balance but like really let your light shine because a Great Awakening is here and I was time to upgrade your energy systems I get it again even though there are so many that don't want us to upgrade our Energy Systems because they are really trying to suppress us and to keep us down in the dark and to keep the shadow alive and<br> cheapest demoralized and so if you can adjust yourself right now or begin to attune yourself to that adjustment that is so necessary for the next upgrade of the self because this is an inverted reality our society right now is going through on so many levels and skills it is biblical it is biblical and if you don't believe in the Bible okay fine then it is an Abomination it is literally like the chemically induced lobotomized zombie apocalypse like it is happening it is happening it's been happening<br> and many people have been in a place where I don't condemn them at all I have no room to condemn anyone or anything but it's so hard to really tell them what is going on and we want to turn a blind eye because it's easier because once we realize once we concede to the fact that darkness is here Satan time on planet Earth is alive and well or we can say the darkness has really accelerated their timeline because it knows it's running out of time and so the brightness of The light workers the truth stairs the the givers of the world the diplomats of the world the kindness of the world all of that and actually just common decency<br> each day we are confronted with the annihilation of those Notions the simple decency is being stripped from us all across the globe and we are in the Twilight Zone and so that is why it is so imperative that whatever your belief system is that you rise up with your love your lights because love and light is a sacred super power and so when you upgrade your energy systems on this is also in conjunction with a planetary systems as well and that would literally Mahatma Gandhi said you be the light of this world<br> you know you people like you be the change you want to see in this world the message of Jesus Christ to just love one another and be kind one another I mean tell me messages I'm paraphrasing right now but the Great Awakening is truly here and those of you that water research yes research yourself there's so much propaganda as we all know the chances are that she listened to the show you're pretty much awakens and what is in their reality and so in the other flow of what we are<br> let's say<br> it seems like the hypnosis of times there's like the attempt of hypnosis of our mind and we also have to confer with I would say<br> the division that has been falsely created through that propaganda and so that hatred and that vitriol it's corrosive and so when we think and we think I let Sadie Masaru Emoto dr. Masaru Emoto and the secret language of water right so let's just go in just for a moment if I say I love you to the water the water molecules of crystal for me from formulations crystalline responds view play Ave Maria wow so beautiful but if you play Demon seed types of let's they lure vibration<br> music or if you speak negative word such as couldn't quote<br> hatred right well<br> it has a different response system so we are made of water and our body consists of 8 L of water and so we are what we eat we are what we think we are what we eat drink and our bodies retained up an electrochemical molecular absorption and so we are all connected to the Divine One Way or Another whatever regardless of what beliefs is<br> or believe is not<br> it is undeniable that we are these miraculous beings we are not just here to just be here there's a Divine sacred purpose to our existence here<br> and so why not co-create love why not co-create compassion why not co-create on the sea and why not create unification to save each other save ourselves save the country save the world right so when we are when there is a<br> I would say by Design<br> to implement us to be demoralized consistently to not feel like we have a chance to not feel like we have hope<br> and everywhere we turn we're faced with<br> the Darkside we are faced with that the degeneration of Our Hope write the degeneration of our optimism and that can be unsavory and that is I would say<br> an understatement at Best Yet when we're here in this Fifth Dimension and we're working from the third dimension plane in this realm in this world realm of planet Earth but we're operating in The Fifth Dimension and we call upon God Heavenly Father the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ consciousness<br> and also the galactic council's artery and Council the mauryan and so much more<br> there's a Divinity that walks amongst us and that Divinity also live within you myself every sentient being the animal kingdom the creature Kingdom the marine life that ocean the ocean itself<br> is life and the form of life and we are of water and we are also in that manifest of that cook fries so we have so much to contribute to this role yet there are many humans or let's say non-humans let's a void of a heart that wants to<br> enslave us and taken away from us and these are people that I've been running many things for so very long so very long and right now is the time of their striking even more than ever and so when you notice in your own self<br> that you're finding this oppression and in the sacred part of your journey when you're moving forward you want to really fortify that strength like I was saying if you fallen seven times you can stand up eight times and so let me look into the Unseen World right over they might steal that I've seen World in The 5th Dimension and Beyond and we feel these insights and then we also go into abstract in the Underworld what is above and what is below As Above So Below you going to the mind and your sacred memory you're up to genetic memory and you feel this greater understanding that my goodness<br> what goes on within our inner worlds<br> inner outer worlds and what goes on in our society that there's a solar system that is ongoing and each of us there's a solar system going on within our vicinity There's No Sora solar system like the lactic aspect as well and so would we go and that awareness and we turn on that light we shine that light each and everyone of us that light transcends all the darkness and so we are in the downward spiral that we all could go through and hermit L alive dependent upon circumstances and situations that we adore but when we see the Decay around us we see what's going on the war of genocide<br> the force in ovulations nearburg 2.0 coincident that you know we are just there so much I could speak of in this is a spiritual show yet it's also the times are so abrasive and so corrosive that I have to speak of certain things to help everyone to transcend from The Forest of energy of that demoralisation that degeneration if whatever it is within you if you want to not pay attention to what's going on out there but you feel it because you feel it so much<br> I'm fine I respect that but I just want to remind you this is not negative speech at all this is awareness to remind you to amplify your light a fire self-care amplify your self-love on your self empowerment because of you can do that and have custody of your mind custody of your spirit and the same two cheese enchilada sauce should be free and be an autonomous self of origin to regain and retain your Sovereign see that is what we're nearing we have seventy three days and then a little more till May many things are occurring and we have Civil War to contend with we have World War 3 to contend with so just everyone brace with your armor armor up in the Spiritual armor in the intellectual aspect of yourself armor up with you<br> self-love is self-love and love and empathy and compassion is one of the most powerful anecdotes or the Diabolical forces forces<br> so just have it just staying for a peace love Humanity Harmony Unity<br> and when you have integrity and loyalty the Diabolical dialogue speak so<br> they feed us that when you don't have it or when there's the destitution of the soul and that demoralisation that Compass goes south so awareness is everything there's he<br> aspects with being aware of the light and if you go into the place of your own let's say<br> you might have the reintegration your consciousness of<br> well I'm acknowledging I am interesting right now<br> I'm making big decisions for myself and I just don't know if they're the right things to do while use want to speak to your high self you want to pray about it you want to call in your higher self you want to go into a place forward movement will this help me a week from now if I do this today will this benefit me a month from now if I do the same if I lose belly fat meat one year from now and also you can look at the contrary the unnecessary quarrels that the Diabolical forces just loved so you'll find that there's moments in time where wow something just seems so, Cole it's almost like Divine Comedy right<br> and so you have like a situation circumstance and it comes to you with so much of your time and your energy but here later it means nothing is like water under the bridge and you may learn from it maybe you didn't leave it just a waste of your time to look upon those things that are they really that catastrophic you know because we have a lot of people that are in this histrionic mentality and everything is just<br> a catastrophe catastrophe has everything right and then when it's something really is happening just like the boy who cried wolf right then no one will believe that person because they had 100 plus infinite catastrophes that didn't pan out and it was literally nothing well I'm not speaking in that tongue for any of you yet you can work with this type of<br> decision with what you choose like when they say pick your battles right how to navigate around that especially during planets when they're in retrograde and so especially so many right now you really want to clear away anything that is the unnecessary noise that distraction because there's a lot of that going on and then there are some things that you should pay attention to but if there are corals from a family and colleagues let's say<br> and you feel it yourself you say okay right now I'll just let them be with that because that really is insignificant it's unremarkable and thereby I'm just going to wish them well with that and I have to keep moving forward in my own mind now that some of you can problem solve and it's meaningful and significant of course go for it but there's going to be a lot of that and quiet contemplation is so Paramount right now taking deep sacred breath<br> actively listening to yourself and also watching impulse control because oftentimes there are moments where people can get very disruptive with themselves and hard on themselves and really really really self demeaning self-sabotaging because they feel that it is I would say they're at their wit's end and this is a time and place right now where the planetary placements and the retrograde 10 / Wellness how much in conjunction with the Twilight Zone world that we're living it's exciting times it really is you hear that yes is an exciting time to be alive it is certainly not tall but my dear I can be else is so overwhelming and the rap did the quickening the quickening<br> you know where where in that shift and are in our pole shift magnetosphere we have solar flares that are just incoming at Progressive non-stop sequences and so there's so much going on all I wants we are literally enjoying everything you can think of all at once and it feels like it's a movie it feels like it's a fiction story but it's true we are in orwellian times it feels like you know the answer to 1984 1776 that is so true right and so when you feel that you're losing<br> parts of your concentration parts of yourselves the focus you feel like my goodness that's the time to go into deep prayer or two also going to deep active and sacred breathing and you can really apply that it sounds so simple that you can do it anywhere and it changes everything decelerates a deactivates the nervous system to a degree at least to get you through to the next plan of order and so you want to raise your vibration as best you can and activate that sells live with self-care with proper sleep proper nutrition the best that you can I know there's so many of you and your driving across the country working and you're driving 18 in all these shifts and so many people are just doing so much<br> help us with our let's say our<br> it would be in a lightworker spectrum where we have all these people out there that are helping us and we help them and then if one of us stops and someone else is working harder to help us right and we all need a moment of break but in the long-term scheme of things we're all helping each other and at the end of the day<br> it's as if we're coexisting even if we never meet each other even if we've never met one another there's this electrochemical telepathic communication they are brother and sister of Christ or brother sister of the cosmos or on the journey and that right there is part of that Community part of that community that<br> Trillium Bolton's us and strengthens us and so if you have time to take deep breaths to get interior prayer mode into your meditation mode to regardless of your sleep schedule I know there's so many that literally you guys work around the clock and I know it's not easy and you're sleeping whenever you can find sleep but I speak is everyone sleep schedule and their own respective way some of you have been somnia so he have intermittent sleep I understand that but maximizing what you can with your self-care however you can however you possibly can<br> because<br> it's all about right now<br> having you time when you can and clearing away the unnecessary catastrophes that are really not catastrophes butter catastrophize and the illusion of a catastrophe by other people and then it's really not going to affect you at the end of the day or energy or time as sacred and even listening to the show I appreciate you taking your sacred time and energy listening to the show every other Saturday that sincerely mean so much to me and even on the rebroadcast and there a place like that is there 24/7 accessible but when you clear away that chatter the distraction the disruptions<br> you're creating more of those let's say pockets of energy to upgrade and to go into that and you're making space for that inner reflection in Journey to go above and beyond for yourself and so when you do that and you expand your Consciousness you're actually upgrading and you're working through and transcending what has placed a limitation on you before and so you're creating space for not allow your emotions to move through your moving through your intellect and your spirit and your physical body your organs your organs hold onto memory your organs and your cells hold onto<br> memories and emotions good and bad and so that's why is very important to create space for all of those deep subconscious emotions and the subconscious with core wounds to become clear and to work through and to be released and you can detoxify and different ways and a healthy way and healthy Pace but<br> if you're in a place that you're primed and really ready for that new stream-of-consciousness to come in well in that aspect of reflection where you may just really it might be a Savory surprise for the cells and you see what has changed what has improved for you and you look upon when you reflect upon the last you go to the forward future self and then go backward and you see yourself in the future but then once you arrive in the future States you reflect back on the path you say wow I'm really glad I picked up that guitar right I'm really glad that I painted my room purple I'm really glad that I started playing chess I'm really glad that I learned how to swim right you know what I mean so<br> those inner planetary aspects of ourselves the outer planetary aspects that affect your soul is all in conjunction is all there to work with us and<br> so there's a piece here<br> and before I close for today's transmission I wanted to just Express that<br> everyday is a felt reality for all of us and when we are searching for that Clarity in this human existence more searching for<br> the elements of the Divine transformation and we're going into the Cycles because just like the solar planets and we're also in cycles and we can get into cycles of really getting into a good routine healthy routine and to just be and to create that and that can be exciting to start something new and whatever is in that exploration of yourself that is Meaningful for you doesn't mean to do the need to be meaningful for everybody<br> it's okay if you want to purple room it's okay if you want to play guitar play chess or learn how to swim or you know learn how to paint<br> it doesn't matter what anyone else says it matters what you feel what you say and in such Stillness of your sole of your self activating and creating that self-expression and<br> I wanted to thank all of you today for your time and your presence in your participation and thank you for those of you that subscribe to my show and I look forward to the next show that we I will speak of more of this with the Divine energy and the upgrading aspects of the body mind and soul but I just want to remind you all that make the most of it raise your vibration raise and upgrade your Consciousness were going through a sentence individually we're going through the Grand Awakening and in the collective call of it all<br> unifying with your light amplifying your love and your self care self love and self-awareness that is the sacred medicine and the anecdote to all that is diabolical and oppression based here upon this planet Earth and stay safe everyone and be prepared for everything and anything and raise up your prayer and your self love as an honor and a pleasure to be with you thank you again the beyond Earth show your host Ray Trujillo have a beautiful blessed weekend thank you bye<br>