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Eyes Can SEE with Empress Em Shar'on


Topic: The SHIFT

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Patty Greer's newest film “Crop Circle Diaries” received 2 new EBE Awards at the 2017 International UFO Congress Convention Film Festival for: Best UFO Feature Film 2017 & The People's Choice Award. The science in this film went further than any other Crop Circle film in history. This is the film where Penny Kelly exposed the real story of William Levengood’s incredible Crop Circle discoveries and the machine they re-engineered in the lab to re-create the Crop Circle spinning technologies.

A Fireside Chat with Lance White, aka Zany Mystic

Julian Rose returns, with updates on the global battles for freedom, clean food, water and air, and the deceptions "at the top".  Articles on his website:

Timothy J Glenn returns, for another irreverent look into the antics of the Inter-Galactic Matrix!

Guest Laura Eisenhower returns for a powerful show bringing us up to date on the energetics affecting humanity.

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Shifts. In the movie 'The Shift', the late Wayne Dyer talks about the change in our consciousness from the morning to the afternoon of our lives. We talk about the shift from doing to Being, from ego to Consciousness, from self serving to a life of service.