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The Power of Synergy with Gabrielle Cardona

The Power of Synergy with Gabrielle Cardona

April 21 Radio Show Theme:

My Coaching Program, Part 4

Tools and Resources for success


Segment 1:

1. Losing Focus 

2. Feeling Alone 

3. Destructive Thoughts 

4. Internal Resistance 

5. Low Energy 

6. Negative Emotions  

Losing Focus: Milestones and Rewards

4 milestones are good enough to be motivational, but still challenging

Feeling Alone: Setting up a support system

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce


Talk about Present and Past Life Regressions, Affirmations

Music Recordings – using your imagination and inner feelings

How can this be of help with your ascension?

Elizabeth continues with self-help and upliftment information

Why use the word and feeling of comfort

KickAss Radio with Jo Sainsbury
KickAss Radio with Jo Sainsbury
Topic: “Kickstart” Episode# 13 Job Searching & Affirmations
Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we are talking about using affirmations vs. “afformations,” and how our thoughts and beliefs create the reality we live in.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we discuss flying with eagles and how what everyone does in even the smallest deeds matters and makes a mark on the world.


Manifesting Part 2. We are finishing our talk on Manifesting. We'll discuss Partial Manifestations, Why affirmations and visualizations don't work, my formula to successfully manifest your true desires and how to control/protect your vibration.

Dr Kathy Gruver is an award winning author and host of the TV show based upoon her first book the Alternative Medicine Cabinet.
Dr Tina Tessina is a licensed psychotherapist with 30 years experience and author of 13 books in 17 languages.

Guest on the show next week will be Becki Hawlins (left) and Debbie Campanelli.

Becki Hawkins is a natural storyteller and a great listener. She brought those gifts with her as she sat by the bedside of seriously ill or terminally ill patients for more than 30 years as an oncology and hospice nurse. And it is her compassion and warmth that encouraged so many of her charges to share their heartfelt thoughts and experiences with her.

The Art Of Being Happy" Living happily depends mainly on your inner life, meaning your thoughts, emotions, desires your entire mental and emotional scene. Happiness is about what you think and believe, how you feel, how problems affect you. This may sound obvious, but often we focus instead on our external lives, on getting and spending and “having fun” and then wonder why we are not happy. But it’s when our inner lives are serene that we are happiest – and this is inner peace. 

Join us as we discuss the many levels of Heaven, and how we continue to go to school on the otherside.