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Heather Obadal

I'm here to raise awareness and funding for Men Have Lupus

United States

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Lesley Clay

I am a patent inventor of The Easy Breeze-Plus Wipe. Ready to change the sanitation in these public restrooms now at the outbreak of this Coronavirus and thereafter


My name is Leslie clay I am a Book Arthur a patent inventor a singer-songwriter and a basketball Mommy

Lee Austin
Good Evening BBS Radio,
There isn't a topic more divisive and ridiculed than the flat earth theory.  Yet, according to a Forbes article, only two-thirds of American Millennials believe the earth is round. Narrated by Lucifer, "Morning Star's Tale" reveals the steries about the flat earth and universe.  Paperbacks and E-Books of "Morning Star's Tale" are available at Amazon.
Lee Austin
United States

Lee Austin is an American broadcaster known for his alternative talk show, Outcast Radio. Pushing the existential envelope with topics including theology, metaphysics, and conspiracy theories. Lee's show flourished as a late-night favorite for those in search of the truth.Born in Boston. Lee moved to Los Angeles in his early twenties to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. With the entertainment bug firmly planted, Lee found his calling in radio.For over thirty years, he's criss-crossed the country as a talk show host, disc-jockey, copy-writer and program director for numerous radio stations.In 2017, he wrote Morning Star's Tale, a sci-fi novella, covering many of topics discussed on Outcast Radio

Carol Graham

My passion is sharing hope from the position of someone who has walked in the shoes of many who have experienced trauma in their lives.  My story is unique in that the agony I experienced was in a variety of areas

Loss of a child

Gang-raped and left for dead

Husband falsely imprisoned

Uterine cancer

Husband's car accident leaving him with permanent brain damage

The estrangement of our son

But I was victorious in each circumstance because I chose to be a victor and not a victim.  My memoir, Battered Hope, and my talk show. Never Ever Give Up Hope, have a strong message of never giving up.

I am prepared to speak on any number of subjects including:

Through multiple traumas and losses, never stopped believing you can be successful

How a positive attitude will bring a change to your circumstances

I wrote my memoir at 65 years old and it pole-vaulted a new career in writing, speaking. hosting a talk show, entrepreneurship, and coaching.

United States

Carol Graham is an expert in staying alive and surviving against all odds.  She is a master charismatic storyteller whose message is passionate, uplifting, and humorous. Carol shows how humor, faith, and a positive realistic attitude is the key to self-improvement, personal health, learning resiliency; and overcoming obstacles when life sends you a catastrophe.

Animated, high spirited and engaging—that's Carol's style which leaves your audiences with new inspiration and motivation to soar above any trauma. With riveting stories and fresh humor, Carol conveys how to handle grief and loss, never accepting defeat.

Her passion is sharing hope from the position of someone who has walked in the shoes of those who have experienced trauma in their lives. She shares her story of triumph over multiple and unrelenting challenges but refused to see herself as a victim. Carol's roots established a foundation of faith she learned to draw upon throughout her entire life and gave her the strength to never give up.

She inspires transformation and healing by using her own compelling life experiences to engage and connect with her audience on a deep emotional level. Through laughter and tears, she teaches how to move forward without denying the past.

Carol is an award-winning author of Battered Hope, columnist, talk show host for Never Ever Give Up Hope, keynote speaker, certified health coach, jewelry store owner and dog rescuer of over 30 dogs.

Audience take away:  

How to change your mindset  How to use setbacks as stepping stones Coping mechanisms


Jay Hix Jones – Field producer, "Hoarders" "Ice Road Truckers" "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"   -- Hungry Fish Media Founder & CEO Creator & Executive Producer of "The Experience" for UplifTV

"Carol Graham's message of hope is an amazing story!  A story that would make a very inspirational feature film and/or television series."

Ted E Mattingly

Teaching about the Understanding of Self...

United States

Long Journey...

Sharon Lynn Wyeth

Do you rely on first impressions? Well, the next best thing is here!  When you learn how to read a person’s name, you will instantly know how the person really thinks, feels and behaves!

Each letter in our name holds a key to unlock our true essence.  Our name contains both our gifts and challenges.  Neimology® Science discovers personality secrets hidden in the placement of the letters of our names including the first and last impression people remember about us.  Our names reveal our strengths, challenges and the purpose of our life. Similar, yet different than the Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram, Neimology® Science reveals ones personality traits. Neimology® Science has also been compared to astrology, numerology, and other similar modalities. However, Neimology® Science is different as it’s based on patterns that can be learned by everyone quickly and easily.

I created Neimology® Science, the study of the placement of the letters in a name, after 15 years of research done while an educator and principal of a high school, followed by 3 years of testing my theories in over 70 countries, including Russia, India and China. I continued to develop how to interpret names over the next thirty-seven years, which is why Neimology® Science is so accurate today. I’m continuing my research, which will be used as part of my Ph.D dissertation.  

Popular Media Topics

1.    Is He A Keeper or a Creeper?

2.    Are You Being Judged by Your Name?

3.    Does Your Name Determine Your Destiny?

4.    Does the Name Determine How to Sell?

5.    How do you Hire the Ideal Employee Utilizing Names?

6.    What are our political candidates hiding that is revealed in their names? 

Do you rely on first impressions? Well, the next best thing is here!  When you learn how to read a person’s name, you will instantly know how the person really thinks, feels and behaves!

Each letter in our name holds a key to unlock our true essence.  Our name contains both our gifts and challenges.  Neimology® Science discovers personality secrets hidden in the placement of the letters of our names including the first and last impression people remember about us.  Our names reveal our strengths, challenges and the purpose of our life. Similar, yet different than the Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram, Neimology® Science reveals ones personality traits. Neimology® Science has also been compared to astrology, numerology, and other similar modalities. However, Neimology® Science is different as it’s based on patterns that can be learned by everyone quickly and easily.

I created Neimology® Science, the study of the placement of the letters in a name, after 15 years of research done while an educator and principal of a high school, followed by 3 years of testing my theories in over 70 countries, including Russia, India and China. I continued to develop how to interpret names over the next thirty-seven years, which is why Neimology® Science is so accurate today. I’m continuing my research, which will be used as part of my Ph.D dissertation.  

Popular Media Topics

1.    Is He A Keeper or a Creeper?

2.    Are You Being Judged by Your Name?

3.    Does Your Name Determine Your Destiny?

4.    Does the Name Determine How to Sell?

5.    How do you Hire the Ideal Employee Utilizing Names?

6.    What are our political candidates hiding that is revealed in their names?


Sharón Lynn Wyeth [Shah-rone-Lin-why-ith] is an internationally acclaimed neimologist and award-winning author who specializes in guiding people by leading them towards more purposeful lives, and helps them towards more meaningful social interactions in their business and interpersonal relationships.

Wyeth is a frequent featured guest in both the national and international media. She is presently working on her third book which is part of a trilogy. This includes her best-selling book, which has won an award for excellence in writing, "Know the Name; Know the Person" and "Know the Name; Know the Spirit.”. Wyeth is the founder and creator of Neimology® Science, the ability to know an individual’s personality traits by utilizing the letters in their name. In her decades of studies and research on all major and esoteric modalities all over the world, she has visited over seventy-two countries, including working or living in China, Japan, India, Russia and Australia, spanning six continents. Wyeth is a highly sought-after consultant who applies her knowledge of multiple modalities in her work with governments, organizations, and businesses.

Over the years, she has been able to support thousands of people around the world in understanding themselves and others better.  Today she assists HR departments of different businesses and organizations in narrowing down the candidates to be interviewed, assists lawyers in how to present cases to judges, and aids couples and families on how to better communicate with each other. Wyeth also creates names for new businesses, new products, and when people wish to change their names.

Know the Name; Know the Person
Donald Grothoff

Did you know that March 19th is “Absolutely Incredible Kids” Day? It is a little-known holiday that could be very powerful for parents and kids.

Parents want their kids to grow up to be these absolutely incredible kids, so they are independent and confident adults. Kids become independent and confident if they are respected, loved and feel secure.

Unfortunately, parents have lost connection with their kids and their relationship is struggling. Parents are lost in how to get that relationship back. How do they do that?

One of the ways kids become absolutely incredible kids with independence and confidence is through a conscious shift in parenting.

What better day to promote parents learning how to make that conscious shift with their children! Gina and Don Grothoff know how to make that shift and one part of their process is through communication. They go around doing workshops and speaking based on a best-selling book called “How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk” by Faber / Mazlish.

It is a hands-on, common sense guide to communicating with your child in order to change behavior and bring down anxiety. This book and discussion are needed ever so badly now as anxiety, especially among kids, is extremely high.

We heard about your show and how you all are making a difference in this world with interesting interviews that listener’s value.  I firmly believe that our own story would be of benefit to your listeners and in fact, we would like to share key lessons on how we overcame our family struggles and make the conscious shift.

Parents are struggling and we would love the opportunity to bring value to your listeners by sharing our story and offering the lessons found in this book and our experiences.  I have attached my press kit sharing our story and lessons in greater detail.  We teach parents how to change behavior, develop strong communication, and rebuild their relationship with their kids

Thank you for your consideration
Gina and Don Grothoff

United States

Gina Grothoff

Gina, who has over 25 years as an Occupational Therapist, assesses the whole family, parents and children looking at environment, nutrition, health and emotional state. Her work in the practice includes sensory conditioning exercise work, personality inventory evaluation and communication training.

Don Grothoff

Don, who has over fifteen years of training and experience and holds a certificate from The Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques (AAMET) in Emotional Freedom Techniques. Through his coaching work Don helps people deal with emotional blocks and challenges.

Don is the author of the E-book “A Trip to the Non-Sensical: A Dad's Journey Through His Daughter's OCD”, in which he shares his personal experience guiding his family through a traumatic diagnosis. Now in process of becoming a book.

Topics We Address

Behavior Issues |Parent Issues | Children Issues | ADHD | OCD | Family Disfunction |Parent Child Communication | Anxiety Issues | Personality Inventories

Typical Interview Questions

What lead you to working with families?

What is OCD?

How do kids get it?

What are the signs of OCD?

How did you get your daughter out of OCD?

What was a typical day like when dealing with your daughter’s OCD?

How were you able to pull your family back together?

What other behavior and anxiety issues do you work with?

How do you work with a child?

How do you work with a family?

Sherry Genga

The Shattered Oak, Overcoming Domestic Abuse and a Misdiagnosis of Mental Illness," by Sherry Genga is published by Safe Goods in Sheffield, MA is based on a true story. It is an open and honest reflections of personal experience with domestic abuse, the profound realities of recovery, and a startling, and ultimately triumphant, resolution. This book is a valuable resource for those in need of help and reveals how one heroic soul faced extremes of abuse and trauma with love, and with determination recovered her life.

If you enjoy a book that you can “experience” then The Shattered Oak is for you. The first-person narration without any doubt, creates a sense of pronounced visions that come alive and create emotion deep down within your subconscious mind and soul. Barbara’s is a powerful story to treasure about survival, perseverance and a depth of love only a mom with her faith can endure and conquer. 

Since writing this story, I have learned that I have the capability to make my own choices in life. It’s how I elect to see, digest and live my life that matters, realizing laughter and smiles can inspire us to get through our deepest darkest days and free our souls from depression. Domestic abuse, suicide, and mental illness all can be managed with the right resources if we are all willing to help inspire those who are in need. Barbara needs her oak tree to stay strong through the story. Just like her, I find my peace and serenity in nature. The calmness in the air helps me to understand how I can respect myself by discovering my clever spirit along the way and unearthing my inner peace. I hope you as a reader of The Shattered Oak, can benefit from the story to help you survive your own life’s journey. Some would say there is strength in numbers. Reach out to those who you love and provide comfort and protection. Seek shelter with friends if you are struggling from spousal abuse. Fear alone can take from one’s innocence. Fearful of your next attack can weaken your soul. Remember, some stories are meant to be a secret, and some stories are meant to be forgotten. Some stories need to be heard, to help the survivor live. May you all find comfort and peace in your voice that must be heard. May your prayers and your strength heal your life misfortunes. I wrote The Shattered Oak with the intention of empowering hope and strength to those who need help with domestic abuse, depression, suicide or mental illness. Reassuring them all that they are not alone in this situation and that there are resources available.


I am a firm believer of the principle that everything happens for a reason. The more I share Barbara’s story, the more I see the need to heal the delicate minds that are so unbalanced. If I knew I could not fail, I would spread the word on paper and post it on every oak tree, every bulletin board and talk to every ear willing to listen. I have learned so much about writing Barbara’s story and feeling her emotional pain that I have mapped out my own path for a more positive life. Our visions need to stay clear and only reflect on what is important, without focusing on the negative. Valuable knowledge can be extracted from our past by absorbing our mistakes along the way. Life is meant to grasp at our experiences, learning how our impressions can change us for the positive after living through our heartaches and burdens that transform our future into proud accomplishments. I have experienced trauma myself first-hand by growing up in a house full of domestic violence but thankfully ended by the salvation of divorce when I was seven. I am currently married with two beautiful children residing in my hometown and am at peace. 

Patricia Herlevi

I am Astrologer Patricia, AKA, the Neptune Girl. I focus mainly on outer planet transits, current trends, energy shifts, as well as, using astrology to make personal or global changes. I would like to be interviewed about the current and upcoming transits of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto; the transformation underway and what we can expect in the near future.


Patricia Herlevi is practicing astrologer, spirit channel, card reader and YouTube host of Astrologer Patricia. She started out as an art journalist, turned to music research, and then started practicing astrology to make sense of personal and world events. She works with clients from around the world and is based in Washington State. She also gives oracle and tarot card readings and she channels spirits.