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Don Joseph Goewey
In a world where stress is endemic and depression is prevalent -- considerably more so since the pandemic -- Anthony DeMello's simple and eternal message is the light in the darkness -- a relief, a balm and a path to peaceful, happy and stress-free living.
DeMello deeply influenced Eckhart Tolle, Rhonda Byrne, Neil Strauss, Adyashanti, Thomas Moore and Paulo Coeho. A Jesuit priest, profound mystic and global spiritual philosopher and leader, Anthony DeMello speaks to us clearly today, during this time of extreme urgency and crisis, even though he left the planet in 1987. 
In the newly issued book from Beyond Words (publisher of The Secret), Stop Fixing Yourself: Wake Up, All is Well, Anthony DeMello's, simple and easy-to-grasp concept offers a new way to live that eliminates all the unnecessary struggle, stress, anxiety and pain in life. Leaving one to appreciate in profound joy every moment and everything. 
Don Joseph Goewey, who edited this collection of short essays, poems and parables from DeMello into this sublime book, and who is the director of the DeMello Spirituality Center, is reacquainting the world with DeMello's key message of how to simplify life to its core and return to a state of daily, ongoing wonder that we only experience in childhood. Goewey, who has appeared on The Today Show, Dr. Oz, ABC, and NBC, also served as chief administrative officer at Stanford University's Department of Psychiatry.

DeMello, born in India in 1931, was groundbreaking in his blending of Eastern and Western spirituality. During his years in the priesthood, he founded the Sadhana Institute in India and published two bestselling masterpieces Awareness and The Way to Love, along with 11 other high regarded books that have been translated into 21 language. He was considered one of the foremost spiritual teachers of the 20th century, traveling globally to deliver this simple concept, which takes a few minutes to grasp. And a lifetime to implement and practice.
DeMello's restoration to the pantheon of great spiritual leaders and the publication of Stop Fixing Yourself: Wake Up, All is Well are exceedingly well-timed. One-third of Americans are living with extreme stress and nearly half of Americans (48 percent) believe that their stress has increased over the past five years. Stress is taking a toll on people -- contributing to health problems, poor relationships, and lost productivity at work, according to the American Psychological Association.
So when you interview Don Joseph Goewey on DeMello's profound message, he can further address these topics:
The End To Overwhelm Once And For All How To Live Happy and Alive, Even When Everything Is A Mess The Secret To Feeling Fulfilled Even In Stressful Times Loving Your Life Even If You Are Overwhelmed and Insecure 5 Simple Steps To Rediscover Your Life's Purpose
If you would like to interview Don Joseph Goewey, please  send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.
United States

Don Joseph Goewey is the executive director of the De Mello Spirituality Center. Previously, Don was director of a human performance firm with the mission of alleviating stress and elevating the experience of work. He is also the author of the bestseller, The End of Stress ~ Four Steps to Rewiring Your Brain. His book is based on breakthroughs in neuroscience that facilitate the specific shift in mindset that changes brain structure to quiet stress reactions and amplify the higher brain function that predicts greater success and happiness in life.

Previous to the De Mello Spirituality Center., Don managed the department of psychiatry at Stanford Medical School, ran a regional emergency medical services system, and for twelve years headed ICAH, which received the 2005 Excellence in Medicine Award from the American Medical Association for pioneering a breakthrough approach to overcoming catastrophic life events.

He has worked with some of the most stressful situations on earth – with people facing terminal illness, parents struggling with the loss of a child, prisoners serving life sentences, and refugees of the genocidal war in Bosnia struggling with extreme post-traumatic stress.

Don spent six years directing a research effort that integrated breakthroughs in neuropsychology into a model that changes brain structure to extinguish stress reactions and amplify the higher brain function that enables a human being to flourish. The model has achieved outstanding results in high-pressure organizations.

Troia Butcher
For your upcoming stories, please consider grieving coach and author JustTroia, who coined the term "Good Grief" to help individuals understand that learning to grieve will help them to live through the loss. Troia Butcher's journey began after several significant deaths left her emotionally+spiritually broken and she had to find a way to get back to God and herself, so she wrote her way back with the book SoulTies: Letters of Love: Finding Ways to Live Through Loss. During her grieving process, Troia realized the church was not addressing her grief properly, and feeling alone propelled her forward. 
In honor of frontline warriors during the pandemic, grieving coach and author Just Troia has launched a healing kit ($60) which contains a journal, pillow, mug and bag for The Appreciation Initiative, providing kits to essential workers in hospitals, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes. When you make your donation, you can specify which hospital, assisted living facility, or nursing home to show your support for, or JustTroia will give a gift to one of the many workers identified.
Her unique approach to translating the Word of God and Christian Life Coaching provides results for anyone that feels stuck in life or those who are a beholden to destructive behavior(s). Troia launched an online virtual grief support program on FB, as well as Soul School: Bible Made Easy FB live. She offers Grief Support Sessions. She can touch upon the following hot topics and book chapters:
How to handle someone who has lost a loved one and cannot find their way back to living again. How to find hope and guidance and begin the journey back to L.I.F.E (Living an Infinitely Fulfilled Existence). Practical ways to honor those who are no longer with us. How those who have transitioned are still tied forever to your life and Soul.  How to turn your pain into power! Recognize that grief is a process and no two people grieve the same.

Troia says, “You are not Humpty Dumpty. You don't have to be put back together again. The story is it is ok to not be ok. Grief is a process. So often, we tell or expect people to get over a loss and move on, but we rarely tell them how to move forward. Sit in the space of the pain of the loss and truly grieve the moment. We must give people the permission to not be the same person they were before their loss. During this pandemic, we have all lost something and when it is over, there will be a 'new normal', and it will not look the same as it did prior to March 2020."

Please visit the links below and contact or call 3054905911.

More about Just Troia

Just Troia is a Transformational Healing Coach, Life Coach, Author, and

Transformational Speaker. During her grieving process, Troia realized the church was not addressing her grief properly, and feeling alone propelled her forward. Her unique approach to translating the Word of God and Christian Life Coaching provides results for anyone that feels stuck in life or those who are a beholden to destructive behavior(s). Troia launched Good Grief an online virtual grief support program on FB and YouTube. She offers group and individual Grief Support Sessions.
United States
More about Just Troia
Just Troia is a Transformational Healing Coach, Life Coach, Author, and Transformational Speaker. During her grieving process, Troia realized the church was not addressing her grief properly, and feeling alone propelled her forward. Her unique approach to translating the Word of God and Christian Life Coaching provides results for anyone that feels stuck in life or those who are a beholden to destructive behavior(s). Troia launched Good Grief an online virtual grief support program on FB and YouTube. She offers group and individual Grief Support Sessions.



Kat Fleischman

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Courtney Marchesani
New from Hay House:
Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive:
Embrace the Science of Sensitivity, Heal Anxiety and Relationships, and
Connect Deeply With Your World
By Courtney Marchesani
Discover What Type of Sensitive You Are:
Learn How to Make the Most of Your Gifts! And Defeat Sensory Overwhelm!
Sensitives...if you are feeling marginalized or anxious, out-of-sync with the mainstream world, overwhelmed by outside stimulation, or that your gifts are undervalued by society and your peers, then Courtney Marchesani is your champion!
In her extraordinary new book from Hay House, Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive: Embrace the Science of Sensitivity, Heal Anxiety and Relationships, and Connect Deeply With Your World, Marchesani de-stigmatizes the term "sensitive," illustrating how "sensitivity" is a powerful advantage, and provides a pathway to an effective balancing act between being highly aware and participating fully in the world without feeling the need to shut down or self-anesthetize to avoid pain, people or environmental stimulation.
Marchesani first became aware of her own gifts when her intuition prevented a fire in a Seattle brownstone. A "raw gut feeling" made her insist she and a friend return to the friend's apartment just in time to find a candle about to alight a bamboo shade.
Now a coach, teacher and health advocate with a master's degree in mind-body medicine, she has spent the last 20 years passionately exploring the research gap that exists between what medical science believes and what the gifted sensitive feels. She provides an enlightening ride through early to now-emerging science on sensitivity and the abilities of the highly sensitive. With interpretation of what this means for you today!
Courtney paints a clear picture of how to claim your "specialness," for yourself and the good of mankind. But also how to live with and adapt for your tendencies, so that you can embrace them and thrive at peak quality of life.
The most illuminating aspect of the book is her analysis of the four types of highly sensitive people-the four gifts:
Sensitive-empaths (feeling others, sensing physical responses, attuning to environmental stimuli, animals, plants and others) Sensitive-intuitives (acquiring knowledge through higher consciousness) Sensitive-visionaries (perceiving or constructing a future though inner vision) Sensitive-expressives (expressing emotions and perceptions through artistic endeavors on any medium or performance platform)     
Having worked with hundreds of "sensitive" clients and patients, she has clearly delineated the strengths and the drawbacks of having each of these types of gifts. She sites case histories from her experience and also denotes famous sensitives within each of these categories of distinction. More importantly, Courtney provides specific strategies for playing up your strengths and limiting, countering, overcoming or effectively transforming the "perceived" drawbacks. The second half of the Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive provides an array of exercises and strategies for each of the specific sensitive-types to adapt in a world that may cause sensory overload.
For years, sensitives have lived with the fear of being perceived crazy, hiding their gifts, withdrawing from the world or just shutting down emotionally to avoid judgement by others, anticipation of pain, or sensory overwhelm. With Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive the shame is lifted. Hope is restored. The highly sensitive can be returned to the rightful place as real superheroes in the cosmic sense. And Courtney, of course, indicates that all of us have these abilities, but the highly sensitive currently have them to a higher degree-whether conscious of them or not!
Other fascinating subjects that Courtney's research can shed light on:
Early childhood trauma appears to contribute to the heightening or creation of sensitivity-for better or worse 20% of the world population has a genetically inherited trait of high sensitivity Sensitives feel an emotional response faster and more intensely than others Some sensitives are known for experiencing a suprasensing transcendent ability to see or experience beyond the local or physical The highly sensitive may well be the bellweathers and cutting-edge leaders for a kinder, gentler, more harmonized and compassionate world.
If you would like to have Courtney Marchesani on your show to shed light on the Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive, then please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details.
United States

Pennsylvania born Courtney Marchesani is an author, health coach, yoga teacher, and a passionate advocate of sustainability. Ms. Marchesani received her B.A. at the University of Montana in 1999 and began her successful career working in mental health services. While working as a social worker and lobbying for homeless programs in Washington State, a dramatic turning point in Courtney's life came after preventing a fire in a Capitol Hill, Seattle brownstone in 2002. She had sensed the fire before it happened.

After the experience, she began a relentless search of understanding the power of intuition. She shifted her personal and professional focus by researching and expanding on the works of pioneers Russell Targ (Stanford Research Institute), medical intuitive Carolyn Myss, and the teachings of lucid dreaming.

Courtney never strays from the intuitive pursuits that continue to shape the focus of her studies, writings, or her professional career. Courses and seminars focusing on holistic medicine for wellness, healing, and personal empowerment are offered through Ms. Marchesani's projects guided by her platform, Inspired Potentials. Courtney Marchesani shared her transformational story in her first book, "The Energetic Psychopath" which explains the tumultuous and vindicating journey that unlocked her powerful and innate gift, intuition. By following her intuitive abilities, through trial and error, and prophetic dreams she detailed her search for understanding.

Basing her work on experts like Gavin de Becker, Howard Gardner, Linda Kohanov, and emotional intelligence pioneer Daniel Goleman, she authentically speaks about her own transformational breakthrough into heightened sensory awareness. From her research and experiential approach, she designed the multiple intelligence theory of sensory intelligence.

She was named the 2017 Writer’s Workshop Award Winner for her book, “Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive”. Courtney spends her time between Alaska, Montana, Pennsylvania and her proudest achievements continue to be children Bailey, Luca, Jacob, and Maia.

Back in the “olden days,” planning a family vacation was a complicated undertaking, involving numerous phone calls to airlines and hotels to compare availability and cost. Booking extra excursions and reservations at local restaurants beforehand were all but impossible. Everyone had “their” travel agent who took care of everything and was often the difference between a fantasy voyage and a bad Chevy Chase movie.
The internet made these middlemen virtually obsolete (pun intended), as most travelers were able to book their flights and resorts online in a matter of minutes; eateries, and their customer reviews, were also a click away. Even online travel giants such as Expedia were not safe; in fact, this 2019 Forbes article served as a warning that Google, with its “Flights” tool, was nipping at their heels. 
Enter Covid, the ultimate disrupter. The pandemic that has crushed so many industries has proven to be a savior to concierge travel. Travel advisors, as they are now called, have once again become highly sought after for their ability to help travelers stay safe while indulging their wanderlust.
Nowhere is the uncertainty of Covid more evident than with regard to travel, both within the US and internationally. Most states currently have no official restrictions on interstate travel; however, several have nuanced rules travelers must be aware of. Illinois, for example, has no restrictions…unless you are going to Chicago. And if you’re headed to Vermont and have not been fully vaccinated you must be tested for Covid within three days of arrival. Things get infinitely more complex (and scarier) when venturing outside the country. There are new advisories issued almost daily from the US State Department – not to mention the dangers of getting sick thousands of miles from home. The ideal travel advisor will keep abreast of this fluid situation and steer clients toward states and/or countries that are lower risk, or at least more compliant with preventative measures.
Vetting resorts is just as critical. The last thing anyone wants is to arrive at their location and see people partying like it’s 2019.  Of course, every resort’s website will list all the things they are allegedly doing to prevent the spread of Covid, but only an industry insider will be able to get the real story.  In fact, some travel advisors are only recommending resorts they visited during the pandemic to make masks and social distancing rules were strictly adhered to by guests and staff.
Let’s not forget the rules imposed by other nations. Currently, one hundred and twenty-two countries – including all of Europe, Australia and most of Asia – are “partially open,” meaning entrance depends on where travelers are coming from and other individual criteria. Travel advisors keep their clients informed of last-minute changes and, if necessary, change or cancel the trip. Travelers must also show negative test results, which is where concierge testing services come in. Concierge medicine has exploded during the pandemic, with providers coming to clients’ homes to administer the test. Results are available within hours.  
Modes of transportation have also shifted, most notably with respect to air travel. Planes are flying petri dishes even in the best of times, as reported in this 2019 The Wall Street Journal, so it’s no surprise that during Covid the private jet business is booming. Pre-pandemic, many people who could afford to charter a jet thought it an unnecessary luxury; now, many travel advisors are incorporating it into their list of offerings.  It’s safe to say that travel won’t be completely, well, safe for some time to come.  There are just too many variables, from the differences in the ways local, state and international governments are handling the pandemic to individuals within those areas who choose not to take precautions. Travelers still won’t be able to completely let their guard down, but with these professionals guiding them they will at least be able to experience a bit of normalcy for a while.

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EstateSpace has developed the world’s first asset management solution that provides a single point of record for a family’s physical assets. This intelligent financial management solution enables and simplifies how families manage valuable physical assets to increase and protect generational wealth. 

United States

Jonathan B Fishbeck is the Founder and CEO of EstateSpace, providing individuals and family offices a platform to manage all of their assets. Simplifying complex operations helps reduce risk and protect our client’s interests.

Before devoting his work fulltime to EstateSpace, Jonathan served as the Founder and CEO at a design-build firm whose focus was advising, developing and operationalize sizable estate properties for U/HNW families and family offices. It’s this experience and expertise combined with Jonathan’s technology background that was the genesis for EstateSpace.

The firm is family owned and operates platform business consisting of easy to buy subscription and a marketplace for luxury service providers to support our clients.

In addition, Jonathan serves a number of philanthropic organizations where his passion for helping veterans, supporting children in need and supporting blood cancer research shines through. These positions and organizations include Co-Chairman, Fisher House Foundation, Board Member, Children’s Voice International and Board Member, There Goes My Hero, respectively


Every crisis facing our planet can be linked to our business model. fix it we can fix everything. The why of the blockchain is to do that with something called smartDAOs. here is the outcome


Live in the heartland of Zen. inventor of the smartDAO, Inspired the blockchain worked with the founders of Ethereum in 2011. ushering social beneficial capitalism built on foundups. 

Michael Goddart


Your Guide to Mastering Wisdom Daily, Achieving Equilibrium, and Empowering Your Nobler Self

By Michael Goddart

A Powerful Guide to Becoming Your Most Aware Self

Knowing How to Get to and Stay at Equilibrium is a Major Gift of This Book

Your Gateway to Access Higher Consciousness,

As well as a Meaningful, Peaceful & Joyful Life of Purposeful Service to Yourself and Others 


If you are riven by the thoughts, emotions, self-judgments, addictions, worries or the actions of others that create turmoil and strife in your life, then hope is at hand.

There is a new book that will show you how to get to equilibrium and maintain that state. Equilibrium opens you up to an expanded state of higher consciousness—an untapped reservoir of awareness that provides greater wisdom, clarity, peace of mind, enhanced intuition, positive and purposeful living, and meaningful engagement in the world without struggle. Equilibrium is your real home—from which all good and happiness flows!

Michael Goddart’s A NEW NOW: Your Guide to Mastering Wisdom Daily, Achieving Equilibrium, and Empowering Your Nobler Self is a life-changing manual on how to live in your expanded awareness of your innate higher consciousness on a daily basis. By mastering the wisdom in this book, you’ll achieve equilibrium and not be tossed by the tides of everyday life. From equilibrium and your increasingly aware consciousness, you’ll make choices that honor yourself, your fellow beings, the planet and the underlying unified consciousness

In practical, inspiring ways, A NEW NOW answers the essential question: How can I live as my aware self? When readers embark on this journey, here is what they will learn as they experience their New Now step by step:

The treasure of 33 wisdoms, including the 11 Loving Wisdoms, the 11 Guiding Wisdoms, and the 11 Evolutionary Wisdoms The 10 Keys to Achieving Equilibrium The 5 Sources of Wisdom The 5 Prerogatives of Equilibrium How to empower and be their nobler self

In this transformative book, multiple award-winning author Michael Goddart gives readers an invaluable guide to awakening and empowering their higher consciousness so that they can readily navigate their life successfully, happily, easily. Readers will feel Michael’s warm and encouraging guiding presence while working with this book so that situations, people, thoughts, and desires are more easily negotiated moment to moment. The discussion is informed by the author’s many decades-long study and practice of the teachings of fully realized Saints and Masters. Key essential mystical and spiritual truths elucidate and further the reader’s realization of their New Now.

“The more wisdom you possess, the closer you are to omniscience. Being omniscient is having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight; knowing all things; spontaneously accessing perfect wisdom. This is your divine birthright,” says Michael. 

Michael Goddart has been a seeker of wisdom from the age of 10. Meditating since his teens and for more than two hours a day, starting at 21, Goddart has also been heightening his sense of knowing and accessing his soul consciousness for over three decades. Unexpectedly in March 2013, he began to recover exact, amazing details about 88 of his past lives. This discovery he chronicled in his internationally recognized book, In Search of Lost Lives: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind&Soul. The winner of four book awards, In Search of Lost Lives illuminates Michael’s spiritual evolution across thousands of past lives which prepared him to be initiated in his current lifetime in his main spiritual practice.

And now, A NEW NOW brings forth a pathway to infinite awareness and sustainable equilibrium that is accessible and practical for anyone.

If you would like to interview Michael Goddart on how to experience A NEW NOW, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details


Michael Goddart, MFA, is the author of In Search of Lost Lives: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind&Soul, a winner of the American Book Fest Best Book Award, the Living Now Book Award, the Body Mind Spirit Book Award, and the National Indie Excellence Award.

Soon after his family moved from Illinois to California when he was 10 years old, Michael started actively searching for the truth about death and how to attain true immortality with everlasting bliss. He began daily meditation at age 19, and at 21 began to meditate for over two hours daily. For more than three decades, he has also been been actively developing his sense of knowing and accessing his higher consciousness. In March 2013, he began to recover his past lives, eventually recovering 88 past lives and depicting them in vivid detail in his longtime spiritual journal, the entries of which are the main part of In Search of Lost Lives.

His work as an international tax consultant and his spiritual quest have taken him to over fifty countries. Since 1974 he has journeyed thirteen times to India and also numerous times to England, Greece, Canada, Spain, and within the United States to be with those rare teachers whom he considers to be fully realized humans. 

Michael Goddart took his MFA in Creative Writing at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. He is the author of BLISS: 33 Simple Ways to Awaken Further, which sold more than 38,000 copies and was a semi-finalist in the HSF&EF, and Spiritual Revolution: A Seeker's Guide, which the Hollywood Spiritual Film and Entertainment Festival named Best Spirituality/Self-Help Book. Australia’s leading spiritual bookshop named Spiritual Revolution one of the ten greatest metaphysical books ever written.

Michael lives in Palm Springs, where he loves the warmth and the brilliance of the light, reading fine novels, and playing with his White Swiss Shepherd.

Paul Auchterlonie

Top 5 signs that your teen/young adult is struggling and may need help - May is Mental Health Awareness Month -

As we are currently in a global pandemic, concerns over COVID-19 continue. But as data suggests, the pandemic is taking a heavy toll on young adults’ mental health.

A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that children’s emergency department visits related to mental health went up by as much as 31% from April to October of 2020. Suicide rates, which were already rising among young people age 10-24, have spiked during months of heightened COVID-19 stress. In addition, preliminary evidence suggests adolescents are using alcohol and drugs to help cope with loneliness, separation, and other pandemic-related stressors in addition to mental health issues.

Paul Auchterlonie, M.Ed., is  CEO of Paradigm which serves teens and young adults between the ages of 12-26 who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health issues. Auchterlonie has nearly three decades of experience consulting for leading healthcare, education, and behavioral healthcare entities nationwide. He says there are signs to look for that a young person is struggling and may need outside and professional support that include:

Change in sleep patterns or appetite – this could be a first sign that something is not right Loss of interest in life– watch your young adult for unusual behavior especially specific behavior out of their ordinary routine Changes in communication not only with parents but friends – Be aware of how your young adults communicates and if there is an abrupt change that could signal a problem Mood swings – For a young adult to have a sudden change in their behavior is a red flag Activities – watch for examples of excessive video gaming if that is their interest or isolating themselves or too much time on social media

Please let me know if you would like an interview.



On behalf of Paradigm Treatment


Paradigm Treatment with 7 locations in San Rafael and in Malibu has been helping teens and young adults ages 12-26 with mental health issues for over 10 years. Paradigm’s medical and clinical teams delve deep to address the root causes of many mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, bipolar, grief, trauma, mood and personality disorders and co-occurring substance use. Help is a phone call away 877-883-1223

United States

Paul Auchterlonie, M.Ed., CEO of Paradigm - Paul has nearly three decades of experience consulting for leading healthcare, education, and behavioral healthcare entities nationwide. As an executive advisor, CEO, and expert in education & behavioral health, Paul enjoys building teams and companies and is passionate about creating socially impactful entities. He is an expert on industry trends and behavioral healthcare for teens and young adults and is a thought leader and frequent keynote speaker in the field.

Paolina Milana

MAY is Mental Health Awareness month:  Paolina Milana's New Book Launches about Staying Sane (& Then Thriving) When Mental Illness Is Rooted In Your Family Tree 

The new book COMMITTED: A MEMOIR OF MADNESS IN THE FAMILY (She Writes Press -- May 4, 2021) shares one woman’s struggle to not lose herself to the darkness while becoming a reluctant caregiver to mentally ill family members. In what’s been called “a modern-day ‘Girl, Interrupted’” and “the best book on mental illness” by Net Galley reviewers, author Paolina Milana’s epistolary memoir is a raw and compelling account told through the use of handwritten letters about caregiving for a mother and sister, both diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, and the toll it took on her mental health. Launching May 4 for Mental Health Awareness Month, Milana’s  story of surviving then thriving as caretaker of a schizophrenic mother AND little sister, recently featured on Doctor Radio (SiriusXM), is one of resiliency and inspiration. 

“Too many people suffer in silence when it comes to serving as caregivers for family members with a mental illness or when taking care of their own mental health,” said Milana. “Keeping secrets about the mental illness in our family and pretending to be okay to the outside world when clearly I wasn’t may sound unique, but, unfortunately, it’s not. Too many of us think we’re strong enough to handle it on our own or we’re just embarrassed because we think we should be able to handle it on our own. Silence is what suffocates. Mental Health Awareness Month is meant to shine a light on the importance of mental- and emotional well-being and to help end the stigma associated with mental illness. I hope my stories of being raised by a mother with a mental illness and then becoming primary caregiver to not only her but to my sister, also diagnosed with the same schizophrenic disorder, helps let others know that they are not alone and to reach out for help is a sign of strength and a path to empowerment.”

Order a copy of COMMITTED: A MEMOIR OF MADNESS IN THE FAMILY. Learn more about Paolina Milana, available for media interviews, book discussions, and mental health advocacy consulting here. 

About the Author

Paolina Milana, author of several books and founder of Madness to Magic is a marketing, PR, and media professional with journalistic roots. Her latest book COMMITTED: A Memoir of Madness in the Family is the sequel to her award-winning memoir THE S WORD (2015). Paolina uses storytelling techniques in her coaching to help people become the heroes of their own stori

United States

Paolina Milana, author of several books and founder of Madness to Magic is a marketing, PR, and media professional with journalistic roots. Her latest book COMMITTED: A Memoir of Madness in the Family is the sequel to her award-winning memoir THE S WORD (2015). Paolina uses storytelling techniques in her coaching to help people become the heroes of their own stories -- reimagining their circumstances, rewriting their next chapters, and stepping into their power.

Author of Committed, A Memoir of Madness in the Family
vaBrian Reese

A Vet Who Helps Vets Get the Benefits They Deserve Launches Practical New Book: Brian Reese Says, You SERVED. You DESERVE

Austin, TX – April/May 2021 Brian Reese was good at masking his PTSD, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety. He even told himself he did not “deserve” benefits, which he later discovered was untrue. As an air force officer deployed to Afghanistan, he embodied the motto of “service before self.” Unfortunately, like many veterans, his service came at his own expense, and abusing alcohol and drugs to cope with mental health issues nearly ended his life. But by the grace of God and the power of pure vulnerability, Brian began a transformational journey of overcoming social stigmas and persevering through adversity. This journey has become a global movement of Veterans Helping Veterans Worldwide™.

In You Deserve It: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Veteran Benefits You’ve Earned (Scribe Media – May 11, 2021) Reese provides veterans with a step-by-step blueprint to help them obtain virtually unknown federal and state benefits. With years of personal experience and more than ten thousand hours devoted to helping veterans get the benefits in which they are entitled, Brian provides readers with the unparalleled insight and expertise that forms the foundation of his SEM Method (Strategy, Education, Medical Evidence). Whether having served thirty days or thirty years, this book is designed to educate and inspire veterans to reap the rewards for their honorable service to our country. Areas covered in the book include:

VA Disability VA Pension VA Healthcare VA Mental Health VA Housing Employment & Job Training Military/Veteran Discounts

With eight out of 10 veterans are not receiving the benefits they deserve by law and less than 25 percent (or 4.9 million) of veterans alive today receiving disability benefits by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Brian Reese wrote You Deserve It to change those statistics.

United States

Brian Reese is one of the world’s leading experts in veteran benefits, having helped millions of veterans secure their financial future since 2013. A former active-duty air force officer, Brian deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He is a distinguished graduate of management of the United States Air Force Academy and earned his MBA as a National Honor Scholar from the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. His business is called VA Claims Insider.