- Sensitive-empaths (feeling others, sensing physical responses, attuning to environmental stimuli, animals, plants and others)
- Sensitive-intuitives (acquiring knowledge through higher consciousness)
- Sensitive-visionaries (perceiving or constructing a future though inner vision)
- Sensitive-expressives (expressing emotions and perceptions through artistic endeavors on any medium or performance platform)
- Early childhood trauma appears to contribute to the heightening or creation of sensitivity-for better or worse
- 20% of the world population has a genetically inherited trait of high sensitivity
- Sensitives feel an emotional response faster and more intensely than others
- Some sensitives are known for experiencing a suprasensing transcendent ability to see or experience beyond the local or physical
- The highly sensitive may well be the bellweathers and cutting-edge leaders for a kinder, gentler, more harmonized and compassionate world.
Pennsylvania born Courtney Marchesani is an author, health coach, yoga teacher, and a passionate advocate of sustainability. Ms. Marchesani received her B.A. at the University of Montana in 1999 and began her successful career working in mental health services. While working as a social worker and lobbying for homeless programs in Washington State, a dramatic turning point in Courtney's life came after preventing a fire in a Capitol Hill, Seattle brownstone in 2002. She had sensed the fire before it happened.
After the experience, she began a relentless search of understanding the power of intuition. She shifted her personal and professional focus by researching and expanding on the works of pioneers Russell Targ (Stanford Research Institute), medical intuitive Carolyn Myss, and the teachings of lucid dreaming.
Courtney never strays from the intuitive pursuits that continue to shape the focus of her studies, writings, or her professional career. Courses and seminars focusing on holistic medicine for wellness, healing, and personal empowerment are offered through Ms. Marchesani's projects guided by her platform, Inspired Potentials. Courtney Marchesani shared her transformational story in her first book, "The Energetic Psychopath" which explains the tumultuous and vindicating journey that unlocked her powerful and innate gift, intuition. By following her intuitive abilities, through trial and error, and prophetic dreams she detailed her search for understanding.
Basing her work on experts like Gavin de Becker, Howard Gardner, Linda Kohanov, and emotional intelligence pioneer Daniel Goleman, she authentically speaks about her own transformational breakthrough into heightened sensory awareness. From her research and experiential approach, she designed the multiple intelligence theory of sensory intelligence.
She was named the 2017 Writer’s Workshop Award Winner for her book, “Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive”. Courtney spends her time between Alaska, Montana, Pennsylvania and her proudest achievements continue to be children Bailey, Luca, Jacob, and Maia.