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Donna Seebo Show

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Show Host
Donna Seebo Show

Donna Seebo is an international mental practitioner, psychic, award winning author, teacher, counselor, minister, speaker and radio/television personality.

As a talk show host Donna really excels. Guests on her programs include CEO's of Fortune 500 companies to working mothers. Her interviews embody a golden voice that shines with passion, purpose, sincerity and humor. She is one of the few media hosts in the country who actually read the material authors submit before booking them on the air.

Tune in for an "Hour of Mind Power". Callers are welcome to call in for a live on air psychic reading during the second half hour of each show.

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Guest, Damien Birkel

Guest Name
Damien Birkel
J. Damian Birkel
Guest Occupation
Career Counselor
Guest Biography

J. Damian Birkel is a Certified Career Counselor and the Founder of Professionals In Transition ® Support Group, Inc. (PIT®), a national non-profit organization founded in 1992 to assist downsized employees.

His latest book,The Job Search Checklist, Everything You Need to Know to Get Back to Work After a Layoff (as told to Linda Speaks) will be published this Fall by the Ameican Management Association's AMACOM Book Division.

Nationally recognized for its unique program, Professionals In Transition®) has been highlighted in numerous printed and electronic publications including the CNN, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Fortune, NPR, Parade Magazine, and many others.

He is a recipient of the Jefferson Award for "Outstanding Public Service Benefiting the Local Community." The award has honored nationally recognized history makers, side by side with grassroots "unsung heroes" and include: Barbara Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Oprah Winfrey.

Having lost a job as a result of downsizing and survived three company reorganizations, Birkel established PIT to create "safe space" where members could discuss the issues surrounding unemployment. He has written widely about career topics in numerous publications and is the co-author of Career Bounce-Back!, and the Career Bounce-Back Workbook..

Prior to joining Forsyth Tech, Birkel built a successful career in marketing management over a 22-year period with leading Fortune 500 corporations, including Sara Lee Corporation, Dillard's Department Stores (Higbee's) and Macy's (The May Company Cleveland).

He earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Cleveland State University and was the graduate assistant of Dr. John P. Wilson, PhD. (one of the world's experts on Post Delayed Stress Syndrome and war trauma).

Specialties:Career Counseling, Public Speaking, Seminars, Group Facilitation, Non-profit Management, Marketing, Product Development, Publishing. Author and National Employment Expert Commentary (Television, Radio, Newspaper and Internet).