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Guest Occupation: Diviner, Psychic Reader, Teacher, Healer, Meditator
Guest Biography:

Joe Mullally - Traditional Healer Diviner and Psychic Reader A traditional practitioner and teacher, he lives and works from the ANAM Centre Tralee Co. Kerry and Blessington - just outside Dublin City in Ireland. Joe is a former chairman of the Irish Society of Diviners and The 'Irish Psychic Society' He holds a T.Eng qualification in Electrical Engineering. Joe Mullally has been a practicing diviner, psychic reader and healer for over twenty years.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Yoga, Self Help, Motivational, Tantra Sex, Spiritual, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Huna Materials Publisher, Hawaiian Culture Expert, Novelist, Author, Shaman, Speaker, Lecturer, Teacher, Workshop Facilitator, Storyteller, Scholar, Psychologist, Healer, Humanitarian
Guest Biography:

Serge Kahili King, Ph. D., has published the world's largest selection of books and tapes on Huna, the Polynesian philosophy and practice of effective living, and on the spirit of Aloha, the attitude of love and peace for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. He also writes extensively on Hawaiian culture and is a novelist as well. Critics describe his style as "practical, down-to-earth, and easy to grasp." He maintains this clarity in his books, his audio and video tapes, and his articles. You can find many of his works at The Huna Store, and you may read some of his articles at The Library Hut of the Hawaiian Huna Village, sponsored by Aloha International.

Using his academic background, his years of training in African and Hawaiian shamanism, his experience in community development, and his cross-cultural research as source material, Dr. King has developed lectures, workshops and courses to provide people around the world with ways and means to improve their lives. In addition to speaking and teaching in many countries, he has formed Aloha International, a world-wide network of teachers, counselors, massage therapists and more than ten thousand individual members for the purpose of sharing his teachings. On his home island of Hawaii he gives workshops and trainings throughout the year, and holds teaching sessions every month that air regularly on cable television in the islands and on the US mainland.

Dr. King is the author and designer of Search For Pele, an edutainment CD-ROM game based on the legends, language and geography of the Big Island of Hawaii. He is also the author of Dangerous Journeys, a teaching story for Urban Shamans, and is well-known for his fascinating presentations of traditional legends.

His academic background includes a Ph.D. in psychology from California Coast University, a Master's degree in International Management from the American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird) in Arizona, and a Bachelor's degree in Asian Studies from the University of Colorado, where he also became a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. King also teaches and guides healing circles on two virtual islands owned by Aloha International in Second Life.

During seven years in West Africa, Dr. King directed community development and disaster relief programs for Catholic Relief Services in Dahomey (now Benin), Togo, Senegal, The Gambia, and Mauritania. He organized, funded and administered school lunch programs, nutrition education programs, agricultural development programs, social services programs, leprosy treatment programs, and credit union programs. President Leopold Sedar Senghor, then president of Senegal, gave him a medal and inducted him into the Grand Ordre National du Senegal in recognition of his services to the African people.

When Serge Kahili King was fourteen he was initiated into the path of Hawaiian shamanism by his father. At eighteen he was adopted as the grandson of Joseph Kahili of Kauai, a "kupua" or shaman of the Hawaiian tradition. In addition to his years of training with the Kahili family, Dr. King spent seven years in West Africa being trained in African shamanic traditions, and has made in-depth studies of other such traditions around the world. Today he teaches people how to use shamanic healing techniques and uses his knowledge to help others discover their own creative power.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, History, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: West African Elder, Author, Teacher, Village Representative, Ancient Wisdom Teacher, Visionary, Keynote Speaker, Workshop Leader, Retreat Facilitator, Trainer
Guest Biography:

Malidoma Patrice Some´ Phd., West African Elder, author and teacher, as representative of his village in Burkina Faso, West Africa, has come to the west to share the ancient wisdom and practices which have supported his people for thousands of years.

It is possible that we have been brought together at this time because we have profound truths to teach each other. Toward that end, I offer the wisdom of the African ancestors so that Westerners might find the deep healing they seek.

The spark of this ancestral flame, which I have brought to the land of the stranger, is now burning brightly. Increasingly, I have been and will be encouraging westerners to embody these traditions as a testimony to the indigenous capacity to assert itself with dignity in the face of modernity. In this way the ancestors will know that this medicine has found a true home- that it is more than an honored guest.

At this critical time in history, the earth’s people are awakening to a deep need for global healing. African wisdom, so long held secret, is being called on to provide tools to enable us to move into a more peaceful and empowered way of being, both within ourselves, and within our communities. The indigenous spirit in each of us is calling for cleansing and reconciliation. The ancestors are responding. – Malidoma

These programs detailed here are some of those most often requested when Malidoma’s teaching and facilitation are invited into a community. Malidoma’s indigenous wisdom is equally applicable to individuals, families, communities and corporate organizations, and we look forward to opportunities for collaborative enterprises committed to manifesting the visions that the spirit world is calling forth. If you are considering inviting Malidoma to be a keynote speaker, workshop leader, retreat facilitator and/or trainer, please contact the office for further information and support.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, History, Self Help, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Siberian Wisdom Conveyor, Psychiatrist, Researcher, Traveler, Author, Cliffhouse Publications Founder
Guest Biography:

Olga Yahontova (aka - Olga Kharitidi) was born in Siberia, in the former Soviet Union. She has traveled extensively throughout Siberia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, following the ancient wisdom that spread from Siberia to Central Asia, Tibet, and the Himalayas. She is now in the United States, conveying her knowledge of Siberian wisdom and continuing her path of exploration and discovery.

BOOK: Master of Lucid Dreams

Why don’t people heal? Why do they stay wounded--some even driven to suicide by their pain-despite the best that organic and psychological medicine can offer? To find the answers, Russian--born psychiatrist Olga Yahontova (aka - Olga Kharitidi) traveled to exotic Samarkand, a major cultural and spiritual crossroads, and ancient capital of Uzbekistan, in the heart of Central Asia.

BOOK: Entering the Circle

Olga Yahontova’s (aka - Olga Kharitidi) debut book is a remarkable account of her spiritual adventure in snowbound Siberia. Joining an ailing friend on a spontaneous trip to the Atai Mountains, Dr. Yahontova is taken into apprenticeship by a native Shaman who guides her through bizarre, magical, and often terrifying experiences that open her eyes to a wellspring of deeper learning. On the road to Belovedia, a fabled civilization of highly evolved beings, she encounters revolutionary mystical teachings while discovering ancient secrets of magic and healing. At once a modern odyssey and a timeless dreamscape, Entering the Circle is an inspiring story of personal growth and an insightful work about the limitless potential of human spirit.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, History, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Counselor, 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Embassador, Healer
Guest Biography:

In 2004, I prayed for a vision that my highest service would be offered in the years ahead. What I received was something I could not have imagined: Spirit told me that I would be entrusted to bring together some of "her most precious jewels" into a single basket.

Those jewels are the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers – a council of elders from around the world that came together with great beauty and remarkable synchronicities. Through connecting with these elders, I discovered that this Council had been the subject of many ancient prophecies, all of which agree that they are to play a prominent role in global healing at this time.

For the last years, we have traveled to each others’ homelands for collective rituals that are committed to healing work, as well as to visit with leaders such as the Dalai Lama. Everywhere we have gone, profound, magical, amazing transformations have happened.

I have become clear that this circle is divinely guided, that the lineages they offer are a key for collective transformation and that they are giving us a profound medicine for our times. That’s why I have committed my entire life to advancing their work.

When we did our first virtual Grandmothers Solstice call with The Shift Network, 20,000 people responded from around the world – a remarkable outpouring of love, prayer and blessing. Now, we are working to bring more of their wisdom to people who cannot travel to a live circle and who want to go deeper than a book or DVD.

That’s why all the Grandmothers are excited by this virtual gathering, which offers them a way to share their wisdom and support our collective work, so that together we can all contribute to the healing and growth for our planet.

I cannot promise you exactly what you will learn or what they will teach. So often, their guidance is immediate, spontaneous, and in the moment. So the "curriculum" will be looser than you might expect for a virtual offering.

But what I’ve seen is that the spontaneous healings that come from entering into a space of reverence and prayer together are life-changing and well worth it.

I thus invite you join us in this virtual circle where we will share wisdom and deepen our journey together. Mother Earth is crying out for healing and together we can create some powerful openings for a renewed world.

I hope you can join us!

Ambassador of The 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, History, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Shaman, Artist, Field Associate, Audio and Video Producer, Educator, Columnist
Guest Biography:

I am a member of the Choctaw Nation and have been practicing the Shamanic Art for 40 years.

I am available for both in-person and long-distance healing sessions.

  I am an artist. You are cordially invited to visit Pastels by Susan to see some examples of my work

I am a Field Associate for the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, specializing in audio/visual documentation, and I have produced two videos and one audio CD:

  • (Video) A remarkable documentary filmed in North China and Inner Mongolia allowing you to experience the living traditions of the Manchu and Mongol people.  The 37 minute film includes an ancient harvest ritual, a ceremony for healing and interviews with shamans.
    Order online

  • "Healing Rituals of Tuvan Shamans" (Video) This 45 minute video shows a divination, several healing rituals, and an explanation of Tuvan healing techniques.

  • Order online

  • "Tuvan Shamanic Healing" (audio CD) Tuvan Shaman Ai-Churek Oiun learned the ancient art of throat singing directly through her relationship with the drum and the spirits. The drumming style used by Ai-Churek is not typical of Tuvan shamanism and is distinctive to her. This healing ritual was recorded in California during a workshop sponsored by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. A circle of healing, rich in vibratory overtones, is woven by this one female voice, her drum and her dream.

  • Order online

I recently retired as the Vice President of the non-profit foundation, Native Cultural Alliance, which provides educational programs and health supplies to a district in the Brazilian Amazon Rain Forrest.

My various articles include, "Healing and Trance Dancing in Grenada", "In the Words of the Shaman", and "Shamanic Response to an Allergic Reaction".

My work was featured in an article in September, 2003 issue of SELF magazine, titled "A New Prescription for Happiness" by Deb Abramson. The section about my practice is called "Shamanic Healing - The Chanting Cure"

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Self Help, Spiritual, Shamanism, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Dream Teacher, Active Dreaming Creator, Dream Expert, Shaman, NDE Experiencer, Speaker, Teacher, Lecturer, Novelist, Journalist, Scholar, Visionary, Healer, Workshop Facilitator
Guest Biography:

Robert Moss describes himself as a dream teacher, on a path for which there has been no career track in our culture. He is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a three-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he is a best-selling novelist, journalist and independent scholar. His nine books on dreaming, shamanism and imagination include Conscious Dreaming, Dreamways of the Iroquois, The Dreamer's Book of the Dead, The Three ""Only"" Things,The Secret History of Dreaming, Dreamgates, Active Dreaming and Dreaming the Soul Back Home: Shamanic Dreaming for Healing and Becoming Whole.

He identifies the great watershed in his adult life as a sequence of visionary events that unfolded in 1987-1988, after he decided to leave the world of big cities and the fast-track life of a popular novelist and put down roots on a farm in the upper Hudson Valley of New York. Moss started dreaming in a language he did not know that proved to be an archaic form of the Mohawk language. Helped by native speakers to interpret his dreams, Moss came to believe that they had put him in touch with an ancient healer, an arendiwanen or "woman of power" and that they were calling him to a different life.

Out of these experiences he wrote a series of historical novels (The Firekeeper, Fire Along the Sky, The Interpreter) and developed the practice he calls Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of contemporary dreamwork and shamanic methods of journeying and healing. A central premise of Moss's approach is that dreaming isn't just what happens during sleep; dreaming is waking up to sources of guidance, healing and creativity beyond the reach of the everyday mind.

He introduced his method to an international audience as an invited presenter at the conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams at the University of Leiden in 1994.

Core techniques of Active Dreaming include

The “lightning dreamwork” process, designed to facilitate quick dream-sharing that results in helpful action; the use of the “if it were my dream” protocol encourages the understanding that the dreamer is always the final authority on his or her dream

Dream reentry: the practice of making a conscious journey back inside a dream in order to clarify information, dialogue with a dream character, or move beyond nightmare terrors into healing and resolution

Tracking and group dreaming: conscious dream travel on an agreed itinerary by two or more partners, often supported by shamanic drumming

Navigating by synchronicity: reading coincidence and “symbolic pop-ups” in ordinary life as “everyday oracles”.

Over the past 20 years, he has led seminars at the Esalen Institute, Kripalu, the Omega Institute, the New York Open Center, Bastyr University, John F. Kennedy University, Meriter Hospital, and many other centers and institutions. He has taught depth workshops in Active Dreaming in the UK, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Brazil and Austria and leads a three-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. He hosts the ""Way of the Dreamer"" radio show at

He has appeared on many TV and radio shows, ranging from Charlie Rose and the Today show to Coast to Coast and the Diane Rehm show on NPR. His articles on dreaming have been published in media ranging from Parade to Shaman's Drum.

Moss was a keynote speaker at the IASD world conference in Chicago in June 2009. He was keynote presenter at the East Coast conference of the Institute of Transpersonal Studies in October 2009 and the keynote speaker at the A.R.E.'s Easter conference in 2010. His books have been published in more than 20 foreign languages.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, History, Near Death Experiences, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Shaman, Healer, NDE Experiencer, Channel, Yew Communicator, Wisdom Keeper, Writer, Journalist, Sacred Yew Institute Founder, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Lecturer, Workshop Facilitator, Teacher
Guest Biography:

Michael was born in Glasgow, Scotland 1964. He gradually and painfully became aware of his calling as a shaman - healer following a series of near - death experiences in the late 1980's. The first of these involved an encounter with an Elemental (Sulfur) spirit in the far north of Scotland near Thurso (Thor's River.) A second occurred several years later in Edinburgh. The combination of these encounters with numerous others entirely destroyed his health. Michael began to experience visions, prolonged out of body and altered states of consciousness as well as intense physical pain. Managing his life on a daily basis became an impossible challenge. He was finally rescued by a friend who lived in a small cottage close to an incalculably ancient female Yew tree in the south east of Scotland. This marked the beginning of a 9 + year period of healing and the direct transmission of an initiation knowledge that took place under the vast enclosure of the tree. Michael believes that he was led to the Yew tree. He also believes that the Yew sent him to US to communicate its message. The Yew was once regarded by the indigenous and pre -Celtic shaman-healers (original Druids) as a great source of occult experiential knowledge holding the keys to an an ancient language of healing and rejuvenation. A brief account of Michael's experiences under the yew tree can be read in the book Soul Companions-Conversations with Contemporary Wisdom keepers. A Collection of Encounters with Spirit  by Karen Sawyer. He has also written for the shamanic journal Sacred Hoop and for the Journal of Shamanic Practice (article to appear in Spring 2013 issue.)  In 2009 Michael founded the Sacred Yew Institute. The institute offers a two-year professional training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy as well as a lecture series on the occult history of the Yew tree and workshops throughout US in Yewshamanism and The Essence of the Five Trees Teachings. Michael currently lives in rural Western Massachusetts.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Paranormal, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Shamanism