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Guest Occupation: Psychologist and Life Coach
Guest Biography:

Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman is a licensed psychologist, certified life coach and author of 21 books, including, ‘Dating from the Inside Out,’ published by Atria Books and the upcoming, ‘The Book of Sacred Baths,’ published by Llewellyn Worldwide this August.  After having survived breast cancer 4 years ago, she decided to publish a legacy of 22 books.  She’s now on book #21 and is feeling great.  She has a private practice in Manhattan and does life coaching by phone.  With 20 years as a therapist, she is often featured on JDate and has a monthly dating column in Eligible Magazine.  She’s also an expert on television shows like the CBS Early Show & the AM Northwest Early Show and a radio guest on the Curtis Sliwa show, NPR’s Cityscape, Pathways and others.  She's quoted on, USA Weekend, the NY Post, Newsweek,, More,,, Fox Business, Crains, Better Homes & Gardens, Reader’s Digest, Redbook, Glamour, Forbes, Woman’s Day, Metro newspapers, Men’s Health, Seventeen, Men’s Health, New York Magazine, Web MD, Everyday Health, Complete Woman magazines, the Huffington Post and the NY Times. 

Cultures around the world have long used bathing and bathhouses to connect with Spirit and to promote personal wellness and cultural milestones. The Book of Sacred Baths shows how to use this wonderfully relaxing practice to create transformation in your love life, career, health, and spirit. Discover everything you need to know about the history of sacred baths, the healing medium of water, meditations and prayers, creating intention, essential oils and crystals, visualization, Law of Attraction, and much more. Discover 52 recipes for sacred baths, one for each week of the year. Each bath recipe is tailored to a specific emotional or spiritual need, and helps you align your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to attract your highest good. Use essential oils, crystals, candles, and color therapy along with visualization and ritual practice to raise your vibration and release negative energy down the drain.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development
Guest Occupation: Holistic Health Coach
Guest Biography:

James Duignam is a holistic health, spirit/mind/body coach and founder of Renaissance To Wellbeing.  James is a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition — a writer and author of “Why Meditation Works: A Glimpse Inside Your Mind and Brain” — a Reiki and BKP Kinesiology Practitioner. James provides nutritional guidance, lifestyle support and energy healing.

Contact Information

James Duignam

Renaissance To Well-Being

"Rebirth Your Health"


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Philosophy, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Lifestyle Coach
Guest Biography:

Susan Finley is a certified Life Coach and Catalyst, specializing in happiness, personal empowerment, spirituality, the Law of Attraction, and metaphysics. Susan teaches classes on: Keys to Essential Happiness, Keys to Unlocking the Law of Attraction, How to Be Happier and Attract What You Desire, How to Keep Your Vibration High Through Difficult Times, How to Energetically Clear Negativity In Your Life, Love-What is it and How to Get More Of It, Your Essential Chakras, and How To Make 2016 the Best Year Yet.  Susan was an elementary school teacher for 30 years and earned the “Teacher of the Year” award. She started her Life Coaching Career full time, after teaching for many years.

Guest Category: Education, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Chaplain
Guest Biography:

Chaplain Tom Bridges dedicated volunteers have been serving the Montgomery community through let God arise Ministries a 501 C3 non-profit into our local County city and federal jail since 1992 chaplain Bridges AKA brother Tom known to those he serves behind prison bars have responded to the Gospel of Jesus Christ through personal commitment and by sharing their faith with others in jail brother Tom and the team of volunteers have witnessed Jesus Christ to 22,500 souls

Guest Category: Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: South African artist exhibited worldwide
Guest Biography:


Jabu is a South African artist who has been exhibited worldwide. Brought up in the Apartheid era, he uses his artwork to express his experiences of what is often an unfriendly world, there by bringing a positive element into it. His artwork is unique with a twist of both urban and contemporary touch. The rich and vibrant colors capture diverse appeal from abstract work to artwork inspired by elements and tapestry from his African background. The choice of timeless materials from mixed media to oil, to maple wood and polished aluminum add to the value of his creations. This has created a growing demand for his signature style and contemporary perspective collection.

Jabu’ calls his work “Transformative Art” because he chooses themes and subject matter that inspire change. His focus is to create beauty and balance while bringing attention to causes he is passionate about.

Here are some of the cause driven series he has created:

Wildlife Series:

Growing up in South Africa, Jabu loved the wildlife and nature reserves. He enjoyed seeing the animals roam free while his own freedom was limited. Over the years, Jabu became

aware that the freedom of the animals around the world was threatened. Recently, the need to protect the wildlife of our planet has become desperate. He chose to create the “Wildlife Series” because of his passion to save endangered animals. The last great animals of our earth are threatened due to human destruction of their habitats, pollution, fishing and hunting. His work captures the wonder and majesty of wildlife and their habitat. It is his hope that people will have a real call to action to do something today by supporting his work in turn supporting Non-profits who are fighting for this cause.

About the Nelson Mandela Freedom Series:

“I Started this series as my contribution to the Nelson Mandela Legacy. The legacy of Nelson Mandela motivates the human spirit. His message was and still is a global one. He had a profound effect on me growing up as a young man in South Africa. His selfless great spirit motivated me and my fellow comrades to join him for a fight to liberation against apartheid. His courage and bravery helped light the fire in me to fight for global freedom and peace.”

“I had the honor of meeting Mandela for the first time in South Africa after his release from prison and again in Washington DC at an event he was attending arranged by Jessy Jackson. I was there, doing the groundwork for the African National Congress Youth League. Before the triumph of Mandela’s organization there was fear of civil war in South Africa. The world watched this process unfold and there were rumors in the media that retribution would be sought and that mass acts of violence were eminent. What they didn’t count on is people like myself working around the clock to prepare for the “changing of the guard”. I was in DC on a program to study Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University to help with the peaceful transaction, from Apartheid to the new dispensation. My commander has left us and the world an amazing legacy of dignity, humanity, equality and most of all freedom. I am honored to create works of art to continue to preserve Mandela’s legacy.”

About the Transformative Food Series:

“Transformative Foods is based on my roots. Eating home cooked meals was a tradition. Moreover, home grown food was also common practice. As a child I think I was 9 or 10 I did a lot of jobs in the farms during school break. Living in the US Jabu discovered that Americans don’t often grow their own food. Food is mass produced, genetically modified, laden with pesticides and imported from around the world. The need for sustainability and eating food that’s organic is imperative.”

“I prepare my meals with fresh locally grown crop and home raised live stock mostly from farmer’s market, some in my own backyard. The dishes I prepare I use different colors of vegetables, this inspires my creativity. This series allows me to combine two of my passions, cooking and painting. Most importantly, I love to break bread with friends and family to foster great community.”

About the Abstract Series:

Jabu’s abstract work is about happiness. By creating and sharing his art, Jabu creates an emotional outlet for himself and others to help heal from life’s challenges. His unique approach and technique create a soothing atmosphere and captures the essence of, love, nature, life…with vibrant colors, intense forms and dramatic geometric shapes. This visual experience gives you an insight into his world.

Here is quote about Jabu’s work from: ArtisSpectrum Magazine

“Your work: Nuanced by color, variable degrees on depth perception, fluid color, and textures of abstract space, all of the paintings exhibit strength in the use of color and technique to express mood, emotion and milieu. With paint as the purveyor of vision, all of the paintings achieve poignancy through a unique perspective that is evident throughout the body of work. Resolute in style and perspective, I feel that the work will resonate well in New York and with our international audience”.

Guest Category: Arts, Design, Beauty, Visual Arts, Food, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Jazz Guitarist
Guest Biography:


Based out of Los Angeles, CA, Edwing Sankey has devoted himself to creating, playing, and teaching music that is innovative and healing. He is an accomplished Jazz Guitarist, plays healing Siddha Music with his Zithers, and recently invented a New Tuning System for the Ukelele.

Edwing has depth, not only from his rich musical history, but from his international travels, and from many years emerging victorious over life’s obstacles.

After several decades of touring the world, playing Jazz and healing music with his band Indigo Triangle and with his Zithers, Edwing has been making several happy trips to China where he is blessed to teach and play for the Children, and all generations, to uplift, enrich and empower them by enhancing their ability to express through music.

He believes we have to prioritize teaching the children and playing music for them. As such, he devotes his time in China sharing the new tuning system he invented based in pentatonic music – which is easy to play on the 5th interval.

People can continue to play and share. The Ukelele is a tool of expression, and it’s not exclusively for certain people. Together we are creating an environment where all people have access to this wonderfully expressive instrument.

Edwing and his partners see the Ukelele as a tool of transformation for the survival of the future.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Founder
Guest Biography:

A Pet Safety advocate, Lindsey Wolko is best known as the Founder of the Center for Pet Safety (CPS), a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit research and consumer advocacy organization dedicated to companion animal and consumer safety. Her passion for pet safety has received global attention and her accomplishments include creating, overseeing and developing such facets as Carrier & Harness Restraint System Test Protocol & Ratings Systems, Crashworthiness studies and development of the first instrumented and weighted Crash Test Dog.

Guest Category: Pets and Animals
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Terry Kaye is a professional writer, actress and singer, actually she’s just coming off a great performance in “Bill W. and Doctor Bob,” She sang back-up for Jessica Simpson at the American Music Awards, starred as Claire in the pilot episode of "Forbbiden Doors," a series based on the popular novels by Bill Myers and will be in the upcoming thriller “We Go On,” but in her dog Belle's first book, "Dog Only Knows," Terry's role is translator – not German, French, Spanish or even American Sign Language, but translating canine!

Guest Category: Pets and Animals