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Guest Occupation: Broadcaster Author
Guest Biography:

LARRY E. BUCK HUNTER is a BROADCASTER & AUTHOR. For over 30 years he worked in the marketing and communications field. Larry specializes in executive coaching, professional speaking, radio & television broadcasting and, most importantly, has real-life, in-the- trenches mass-media marketing experience. He has established a solid reputation as a top-notch publicist, event producer and entertainment communications professional with expertise in the publishing markets. Larry has a knack for bringing out the best in people and is known for his savvy style and exhilarating personality! He is the author of the book “7 Days in Hell! I was there”

Guest Category: Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Songstress Author Motivational Speaker
Guest Biography:

Cheryl Melody Baskin is the author of the popular Amazon motivational self-help book, “Shift of Heart: Paths to Healing and Love.”  This inspirational book is jam packed with personal and professional life experiences, and offers the reader a huge dose of unconditional love, encouragement, reflections. meditations, learning to listen to the whispers and signs of life, ways to open creativity, acknowledge moments of serendipity, inspirational stories of shifting our heart, as well as inner growth tools that she uses to balance herself in the midst of life’s challenges.  Cheryl Melody is also a performing artist, singer and sound healer, composer and an independent recording artist of 10 albums.  Some of her albums are for children, and some for adults.

Her healing albums for adults are entitled: “Voice of the Angels: A Healing Journey”  “Lullabies of Love: Nurturing the Heart of the Inner Child” and “Celebrate Peace.” 

All of her albums are under the name “Cheryl Melody,” and all are available on iTunes, CD Baby, and

Exciting news is that she is about to release a new album… with content from her inner growth workshops and concerts,  filled with motivational chants and songs, reflective meditations and positive affirmations, and the name of the album is LISTEN TO THE WHISPERS. It will soon be released on CD Baby and on iTunes, and to pre-order, please e-mail her for an advanced copy at

Melody’s focus has always been her use of consciously-written words in every song and book, no matter what age the song or book is for:  Words that uplift the spirit, help people feel less alone and more loved, and words that advocate for self-esteem, inner and outer peace, healing, inclusion, respect, unity, kindness, compassion and  forgiveness.

From the time that she was young, "Melody" has been a creative dreamer, quietly listening to life's whispers and signs to help guide her next steps.  She believes in a balance of quiet contemplation, meaningful social interaction, and the healing power of nature, reflective open listening, positive words, music and creativity. Most of all, she is passionate that peace is possible, one loving person at a time, and that we are all connected.

She proclaims herself “a work in process,” believing that the answers to our questions in life are inside each of us if we are silent and willing to listen. Most of all, Melody feels that every small moment of personal healing, compassion, love and forgiveness helps to create positive resonance that actively vibrates love into our beautiful planet.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Literature, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Transformational Life Coach
Guest Biography:

Wes Pinkston is an Award-Winning Transformational Life Coach. Prior to venturing into personal development, however, you may recognize Wes from his many appearances on the hit Bravo television show Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles. After Wes earned his business degree from Chapman University and earned a spot in the College Football Hall of Fame, he became a well-respected real estate agent in Beverly Hills. His digital marketing prowess led to the co creation of “The Broke Agent” which was one of the top blogs in the industry; attracting more than 200,000 social media followers; and eventually won him the Swanepoel Top 20 Real Estate Influencer in the World award. In 2016 Wes chose to turn his focus towards assisting clients 1-on-1 via personal coaching full time, where he supports his clients in developing a self-sustaining guidance and growth mechanism. Today, Wes has his own private practice in Encinitas, CA.

Guest Category: Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: science teacher, attorney, editor, author
Guest Biography:

Kent Heckenlively is a science teacher, an attorney, and a founding editor of Age of Autism.  

Kent is also a member of the Compass Group, a consortium of autism parents, leading scientists, and philanthropists in Silicon Valley looking for answers to neuro-immune diseases.

Author of the book:  Inoculated: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism.

Kent Heckenlively will join us during the show's second hour

Guest Category: Literature, Legal, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Market Partner, Monat Global, Cancer Survivor
Guest Biography:

Liz Anderson is originally from the U.K. and Spain. She has lived in SWFL for over 30 years where her Entrepreneurial spirit has soared. Her diagnosis of Stage 3 breast cancer in 2009 helped her see and appreciate life in ways she never imagined. It taught her the importance of the mind body connection as well as an enhanced awareness of what to put in the body and on the body leading her to partner with a company offering naturally based hair products which improve thinning hair and boost hair growth called MONAT Global. 

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Registered Dietician
Guest Biography:

Marilyn Joyce, PhD, RD is a Registered Dietitian, with a doctorate in Psychology and Nutrition. With her beginnings in Biochemistry and Human Nutrition, as well as Yoga and whole person (Mind-Body-Spirit) wellness, Dr Joyce approaches nutrition and lifestyle practices from both, a scientific, and a holistic, perspective. As the Director of Nutrition for the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in the mid-nineties, she helped cancer patients, from around the world, make major positive shifts in their health through changes in their eating and lifestyle habits.

Dr Marilyn is is an author, educator and internationally renowned speaker with more than thirty years of experience at the forefront of nutrition, health and education. Her thriving private practice spans the globe.

In her globally acclaimed best selling book, 5 Minutes to Health, she comprehensively addressed what we eat, why we eat, how we eat, where we buy it, how we store it, how we prepare it, and how we think and feel about what we eat. The book was a step-by-step guide, setting out how to buy, store and prepare food, and was full of easy-to-follow healthy and delicious recipes.

Well, we have great news for all of you who are looking for all of that – and much, much more – in one source. In her newest book, INSTANT E.N.E.R.G.Y.™: The 5 Keys to Unlimited Energy & Vitality, Dr Joyce has pulled out all of the stops! In this the one-stop guide to whole person wellness, she has uncovered and revealed all of the strategies she uses with her patients and clients – strategies that many people globally have willingly paid handsome fees to learn about. And she clearly and compassionately presents all of this information in a unique and memorable formula, for all aspects of healthy living. And you’ll love the fact that all of what she teaches is simple, quick, easy and FUN! And it makes complete sense.

Known for many, many years as both The Vitality Doctor™, and the Master of 5-minute healthy strategies and systems, Dr Joyce has developed INSTANT E.N.E.R.G.Y.™ strategies and recommendations that can be done in 5 minutes or less by anyone, anywhere, anytime.

And Dr Marilyn doesn’t just come by her enthusiasm for nutrition and healthy living through training or inclination; she is also a cancer survivor. Here is her story.

“In 1985, when I was at the peak of my career and feeling like I had achieved much success in my life, I was diagnosed with melanoma. I had no idea what a serious illness that was, but as if that wasn’t enough, a week after I got out of the hospital for melanoma I was rushed right back into hospital, this time with uterine cancer, stage four.

I was only thirty-five years old, so it was a real shock, because in all of my experience I had been told that this was an older woman’s illness. Of course I plunged into all the reactions everybody else has. I went into denial and anger and felt like a complete victim. Then I tried everything I could find in search of a ‘magic bullet’ cure.

Finally, in 1989, it looked like the end of the road. I was in a wheelchair, weighing eighty-eight pounds, with just weeks to live. At that point the miracles began.

I had come to the point where I could only suck on ice chips… no solid food for months. A young man with a Vita Mix machine introduced me to Cantaloupe ice (seeds and all!). I was eventually able to start eating again; first fruits, then vegetables, then soy and whole grains. I continued a diet of whole foods in whole food forms, back-to-basics nutrition. A year later I had recovered, and the challenge I had set for myself was to run an uninterrupted mile. And I did – in thirty minutes… not the fastest mile, but I knew I had achieved a major degree of health again, that I had not experienced for several years!

What I’ve found is that most people live on expensive foods – they go out and buy all kinds of processed, packaged foods, as well as consuming questionable restaurant meals. And, believe me, these foods are expensive in every aspect of the word. Not only for your pocket book, but also challenging (expensive) for your body’s digestive system. Absorption and assimilation are compromised, due to the questionable nature of the foods consumed, making it difficult for your body to derive the necessary nutrition and life force elements to function optimally.

Add to that, the sedentary lifestyle most of us embrace, and the long-term potentially detrimental effects of such a lifestyle, and it becomes apparent that the results can be extremely challenging to our wallets in healthcare costs, alone! For most of us, these negative lifestyle factors are a way of life, so it amazes me when people wonder why they are tired, and why they get sick.

The answer is simple! We, as a population, need to rediscover back-to-basics eating – whole food nutrition – eating food that looks the way it does as it grows out of the ground or on the tree. If it is fish or meat it needs to be free range, with no antibiotics or hormones. And then add to that, whole body living – consistent exercise, relaxation, spiritual time, family and community involvement, healthy optimistic self-talk and an attitude of internal gratitude for all of the good things in life!

When I started putting INSTANT E.N.E.R.G.Y.™ together for my patients and clients, and the public in general, I realized that the difference between what most people do, and what I and my clients do, is that most people actually do eat packaged, processed foods. Even though many of those packaged foods are often organically based, they are still packaged, processed foods! And these same folks would come home from work and grab that infernal clicker (You know what I am talking about? The couch potato’s God!) for hours into every evening, never moving a bone of their tired worn-out bodies. Ironically, even just 5 minutes of the right exercise – you have to read the Chapter on Fit in Fitness, to get the answer to what that exercise is! – would have shifted their bodies from fatigued and worn-out to energized and full of life!

I have also noticed that people talk about how expensive it is to eat really healthy food, and to live a healthy lifestyle. I can show you that the opposite is true.

Let me demonstrate with the #1 objection – “healthy food is expensive!” One day I met a nutritionist-friend of mine as we were both waiting in line to check out at the grocery store. She had two bags of groceries compared to my eight bags. My groceries cost less, and were all organically grown fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. She had packaged, processed foods such as chips and cookies – admittedly for her overnight guests, not the norm for her family. We talked, and over time she realized what I had discovered – whole food nutrition costs less and will keep you well. Processed foods cost more to begin with, and will keep you sick and tired – which in turn, costs more – in health care costs!

You can’t think straight if you are not getting the right kind of food into your body. And the right kind of movement with, and care of, your body! You won’t be able to exercise if you’re not getting the right foods (fuel) to burn. It is critical to eat vibrant foods that are nutrient-dense, loaded with antioxidants, phytonutrients and bioflavanoids. They fuel every metabolic function in your body, and are essential in the prevention and healing of many degenerative illnesses, including cancer, fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, arthritis, heart disease and many more.

And of course, we can’t forget the care and feeding of our emotional and spiritual wellbeing. We are multi-dimensional beings that require a multi-dimensional approach to our personal care. If any one aspect of our whole being is out of balance, we are setting ourselves up for illness. And let’s face it, the very nature of being human, seems to be fraught with the challenge of staying balanced. So, we all need every tool, strategy, idea, tip and system that we can get hold of to consistently create, re-create, and maintain balance.

It is important to emphasize here that, when it comes to illness, there are no ‘magic bullets’. There is no one thing that will be the answer for everyone. But a simple, high quality diet and overall lifestyle regime will at least give you a fighting chance. Add to that a more individualized program designed especially for you, and you will have the power in your hands again to create renewal in your health, renewal in your life.”

Dr Marilyn Joyce is the author of several unique, inspiring, and comprehensive books, including her best selling books,5 Minutes to Health, and, I Can’t Believe it’s Tofu! She is a regular contributor to Healthy and Natural Magazine, Health Editor and feature writer for New Perspectives magazine, was the official Registered Dietitian for the Original Hollywood Celebrity Diet, and is now the official Registered Dietitian, who developed and supervised the introduction of America’s reformulated version of the SoyPal Cookie Diet Weight Loss and Maintenance program, based on Japan’s #1 diet product.

Dr Marilyn conducts seminars and trainings for organizations. Some of her clients include:

  • Xerox
  • FBI
  • Ortho Bio Tech
  • NSA/Juice Plus
  • UCLA Medical Center
  • American Cancer Society
  • Boys and Girls Clubs of America

Over the past few years, Dr Marilyn is has appeared as a guest on many radio and television programs, including:

  • Leeza
  • Jenny Jones
  • Montel Williams
  • Maury Pavitch
  • Doctor to Doctor
Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Radio Show Hosts
Guest Biography:

We are Frequency Twins Flames in Union. We are and identify as Rainbow Tribe that re-calibrate frequency with our voices and music as well as crystals! We assist in attunements that lessen anxiety, pain and illness! We keep a very close eye on earth and sun changes enabling us to assist you in knowing why you may feel certain pains in the body during solar changes, such as CME's, Solar Flares, and coronal holes and show you how to watch certain sites available to any person on this planet so you can understand why the solar lows affect the body and solar highs the brain! This is just as important as knowing the weather before you leave the house to protect yourself from the rain, snow or sun!! You can add these sites to your daily routine and be aware of what is going on not only with the Earth & Sun but your own body!!!

We also assist our clients with information about the Rainbow Family/ Rainbow Ray/ Diamond Ray explaining in detail each ray and why rainbows are here to master the Rays! Also what Twin Flame Alchemy is in simple terms! Some of these things can seem very difficult and we simplify as much as we can so that you have information that can assist you and others along your path!!

We have worked to bring the most information to each of you as quickly as possible in the shortest amount of time!

Plus we will always bring the very best information to you from other light workers on our radio show each and every Sunday from 11 am - 1 pm mst. In working with us you are playing a key role in assisting us in our mission with the Radio show and bringing you the highest quality guests and information available!

We look forward to working with you very soon! Namaste Angels

Guest Category: Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: International author, keynote speaker
Guest Biography:

Paco Alarcon Kahan, Barcelona, España.

International author and keynote speaker. World authority in combining Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, and Spirituality for personal and spiritual development. What is called Quantum Reality is a new concept, and experience of life amplifies the abundance, the good, and the spiritual connection of any individual. In this way, people can transform their reality and themselves, attracting the blessings and unlimited abundance of the Universe.

Kahan, has been involved in Oriental and Occidental spiritual currents for more than thirty-five years. He works with quantum energies that transform the reality of people. He transforms the daily life into a life connected to Spirit through an alignment with the unlimited energy of the Universe.

Spiritual Event That Changed My Life

Many years ago, I had a quantum leap of consciousness. My awareness went from my limited self to become one with the awareness of everything.

Biggest Accomplishments

Become an international author and travel to English- and Spanish-speaking countries to give seminars about Spiritual Reconnection and Quantum Reality.

To put in some books the main keys that bring some of the most advanced revelations for the spiritual reconnection and evolution of human consciousness now.

Comments >From People (Hundreds Available)

​“You don’t know how you have changed my life. In two months since the seminar, I have grown more than in 50 years!”

—Silvia Bordon, Entrepreneur.

“The workshop with you at Omega New York is profound, transformative, and life changing. I am deeply grateful.”

—Suzzanah,  Communications Specialist.


The Violet Light: The Power That Changes Everything.

Flying Within.

Stargate 2012: Recovering Power for Earth-Imminent Ascension.



Guest Category: Courses & Training, Physics & Metaphysics, Personal Development, Science, Motivational, Spiritual