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Guest Occupation: Author of Dear Barack
Guest Biography:

CLAUDIA CLARK received her Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Public Policy from Michigan State University. At Michigan State, she served as President of the College Democrats and was active in Amnesty International, NOW, and Pro-Choice groups. Clark holds an M.A. in Labor in Industrial Relations from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a Masters in U.S. History with an emphasis on women’s history from San Jose State University, and a Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Michigan with an emphasis in Community Organizing.

Claudia and her husband recently moved from San Jose, CA, to Bavaria, Germany, where she is the national Get out the Vote (GOTV) coordinator for the Democrats Abroad Germany Chapter. In this role Claudia is responsible for helping to secure American Democratic expat voters living in Germany cast their ballots from abroad.

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Multi-Dimensional Healer, Intuitive, Ascension Guide, Light Language Channel, Artist
Guest Biography:

Sherri Bausch is a Multi-Dimensional Healer, Intuitive, Ascension Guide, Light Language Channel, and Artist who is leading individuals towards the remembrance of their original blueprint and who they really are.

Accessing and working with the higher realms, galactic groups, the quantum field, and more, Sherri assists in uniting fragments that were lost during the Soul’s journey and clearing darker energies, in order to bring insight to the earthly experience.

As mentor and coach to Starseeds, she guides those who are stepping into their purpose, through private and group session work, and her YouTube channel. 

Sherri also channels artwork from the Galactic Federation of Light in the form of Star Maps.

YouTube Channel: Sherri Bausch


Opening To Light Language: Your Soul Frequency Signature:


Instagram: sherribausch & light_language_galactic


Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: CEO
Guest Biography:

John Mallet has personally originated over one billion dollars in mortgage loans over the last two decades. He is increasingly known as America's Mortgage Coach™, because of his unique ability to demystify the complexity of mortgages and empower clients to discover how buying and owning a home can be a positive, trans-formative experience. John is the Founder and President of Main Street Mortgage, located in Westlake Village, California. He received his undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University and graduate degree (MBA) from the University of Southern California. John and his wife Carol are the parents of three children and reside in Southern California. 

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: American economist, history in politics, economics, gun rights advocacy
Guest Biography:

John R. Lott Jr. is an American economist with an extensive background and history in politics, economics and gun rights advocacy. His academic and professional career is lengthy and diverse, having worked at and written for a variety of educational institutions and publications across America. He has also authored several works on gun rights and economics covering the free-market theory.

John Lott was born in 1958 in Detroit, Michigan. His academic journey began at UCLA, where he received his Bachelors in Economics in 1980. He went on to obtain both his Masters and Ph.D. in the same field at UCLA in 1982 and 1984, respectively. From there, Lott went on to to work as an Economist and in the law field profession at the University of Maryland, Yale Law School, the University of Stanford, Texas A&M University, UCLA, Rice University and Wharton Business School. Outside of employment at these universities, Lott also worked as Chief Economist at the United States Sentencing Commission, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a senior researcher at the University of Maryland Foundation.

Lott is most famous for his view on gun rights, including the right of gun ownership in The United States and the ability to carry a gun. He has received both praise and criticism for his views, making him a controversial economic and political figure. His most well-known works on gun rights include More Guns, Less Crime and The Bias Against Guns. In these works, Lott argues that the more guns Americans have, the less likely there will be crime. He stands strongly against strict gun restrictions and gun laws, claiming that only gun use used for violence is broadcast on the media, instead of guns used as defense. He believes this misrepresentation of gun use is unfair and a key factor in misinformation in proper gun use in America.

His arguments have landed him several roles as a political commentator. His op-ed pieces have been featured in a number of publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He also contributed regularly to Fox News from 2008-2009, where he published works on such subjects as then-President Barrack Obama’s political and financial decisions, race problems in America, women’s rights, unemployment and the Great Recession of 2008, among other topics.

As of 2020, Lott continues to write political and economic pieces on his online blog. His blog posts continue to cover a range of political and economic topics, including the 2020 Presidential Election, racial protests in America, the Coronavirus pandemic and the change of gun laws in various states. Lott’s posts can also be found on the Crime Prevention Research Center website, which was founded and owned by Lott for several years. Lott hopes that more Americans can understand the use of guns in anti-violence prevention in the new decade.

Guest Category: Literature, History, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Volunteer with Project Due Diligence, Pilot, Civil Engineer
Guest Biography:

A civil engineer and a former American Airlines pilot– to discuss the 9/11 evidence and his work with Project Due Diligence.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Sanctuary Publishing, Intuitive Facilitator of Healing, Best Selling Author, Sacred Dance Podcast
Guest Biography:

Annette Maria is Founder of Sanctuary Publishing, Intuitive Facilitator of Healing, Best Selling Author & Host of Sacred Dance Podcast. Through Sanctuary Publishing she merges healing with publishing. She works with soul-led entrepreneurs who are ready to be authentically seen for their medicine whether it is through publishing their story or refining their mission. Annette’s vision is to see the planet as a place that supports each individual in feeling wildly expressed while living out their soul’s purpose.




Insight Timer:

Sacred Dance Podcast:


Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Singer, songwriter, bass player
Guest Biography:

Hi everyone. I’ve been playing Bass guitar since I was 17..some 5 years ago now ( Ok..dream on Martin ..)

I got into Bass after having an acoustic guitar for about a year but realizing I’d never be as good as I hoped, though I still play 6 string electric and acoustic for my own pleasure at home.

My childhood heroes were the usual Glam Rock and pop acts of the 70’s as seen on Top of the Pops every Thursday, but in my mid teens I really got into 60’s music and 50’s Rock n Roll.

I adored The Beatles and being a left handed guitarist  my idol was Paul McCartney, so I decided to get a Bass.

I managed to get a decent left handed one, but struggled with theory and music books and after about 6 months I was getting no joy or pleasure from playing and sold it back to the same music shop I had bought it from. About a week later I regretted it and promptly bought it back.

This time I concentrated on combining what music knowledge I’d gained from learning acoustic guitar, and then matching it with what a bass actually did and how it worked with drums and melody and rhythm and just started playing along to early Beatles records.

Once I’d discovered how a walking bassline works in Rock n Roll, I was playing along with as many records I could lay my hands on . This time I actually had fun instead of sat around in an empty bedroom trying to work out incomprehensible theory and being baffled by tutor books that were way above my head.

The first songs I ever mastered were From me to You and Heartbreak Hotel...Not bad choices eh?  Once I understood how and why the bass was doing what it was doing, I was away and discovered I could actually play.

In my very late teens, I was obsessed with joining a band, and a long long journey began. 

I was in quite a few original ‘ Indie ‘ type bands as we all kept up the dream of trying to get a record deal, it never happened, but I had loads of fun and learned so much about how bands work, gigging experience, what works and what doesn’t.

I can’t remember how many gigs or bands I was in during my Twenties. But it was a lot, the friendships I made then lead to me being introduced to Colin in 1995 and our first tentative rehearsals.

I immediately knew this was a band that was not only great fun but had a no nonsense attitude to getting things right and it was clear that with a frontman like Colin, this was going to be a far bigger commitment and experience than the bands I’d previously been in.

And so it proved to be for many years.  I had the greatest time ever, travelling the absolute length and breadth of the UK every weekend, playing gigs and to audiences I’d never dreamed of before, having lots of laughs and making life long friends.

I’m so glad the band is back and up and running again and it feels right that we grow old disgracefully together where we belong...On stage!

I’ve had the pleasure of being in one of the resident bands at the Cavern Club for the last eleven years too and until the Pandemic I was busier than I’ve ever been as a working musician. I really hope those days return again soon.

I guess I’ve played over 3,500 gigs in my time … A heck of a lot and though they’re all just a blur, hopefully many many more still to come.

I also started a Jam session/recording band with friends and past Persuaders called The Dominators. We recorded an album called Maximum Rock 'n' Roll. It was received very well by the Rock 'n' Roll DJ's both on the circuit and radio. Here is a link to the album... Enjoy   The Dominators - Maximum Rock 'n' Roll 

I’ve been extremely lucky to play in many countries, both with Colin and the Cavern band, Liverpool Beat ..The ones I can remember.... The USA, Bahrain, Norway, Greece, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Holland, Hungary, Belgium...erm.. Wales.

I’ve also been lucky to play bass for a lot of famous singers and musicians, but by far the biggest thrill and the nicest man I’ve ever met was to be in James Burton’s band for one night a few years ago. What an absolute gentleman he is.

My music tastes are so varied these days . I try to listen to as much new music as I can, but my heart will always be in Rock n Roll. I think it’s what I do best as a bass player. I love writing songs, have a small studio at home. But my heart is in live music. Let’s bring it back soon with Colin and the lads.


Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Holistic Healer
Guest Biography:

Elisa Palma-Hancock's biggest passions have always been art and all things metaphysics. Her natural intuitive gifts developed early within a like-minded family: her beloved Grandma taught her to read cards when she was a teen. She dedicated her younger years to theatre, music and exploring different disciplines, from Astrology to Reiki, always looking for the answer to the eternal question: what’s my purpose? 

After an awakening experience, she answered the call to do more of what she'd been doing all along: being a channel for Love, Positivity, and Spirit.

She further trained in life coaching, Akashic Records consulting and hypnosis, while healing herself from the many layers of negative beliefs and conditioning.

She now helps people transform their own inner blocks into clarity, confidence and self-love, and live purposefully both life and business.

Native Italian, she relocated to the U.S. some years ago and loves to share her time between the two worlds.  

IG handle: @hearten.soul

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing