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Guest Occupation: Orgone Pyramid Maker, Metaphysical Researcher
Guest Biography:

Peter has been actively researching the world of metaphysics for most of his life. His teenage years were spent studying alternative science, eastern mysticism, and anything remotely esoteric. Later his focus turned to understanding the nature of reality and our place in it.

After graduating from university with a degree in commerce, he worked in the health and wellness field and later went into the family business. His father owned a manufacturing business, where Peter learned all about working with resins. Synchronistically this prepared him for his future work making Orgone products.

Currently his passion lies in applying his knowledge and understanding of orgone technology to help humanity in the creation of the new earth.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Lecturer, Author, Naturopathic Doctor, Physician, Wholistic Health Researcher
Guest Biography:

Dr Peter Glidden is an outspoken advocate of Wholistic Health, Dr. Glidden has lectured to thousands of people over the last 2 decades. He delivers over 60 Free Lectures each year, and is a regular speaker at Health Freedom Expo & Youngevity Regional Meetings. He has appeared on TV, is a regular guest host of the "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" Health Talk radio program, and gives free weekly seminars all over Chicagoland. His new book, The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, is an eye-opening, groundbreaking, jaw dropping exposition on the shortcomings of conventional MD directed medicine and the unrivaled excellence of Wholistic medical treatments.

For over 2 decades, Dr. Glidden has been treating people around the world with Naturopathic therapeutics including Homeopathy, Medical Nutrition, Heavy Metal Chelation, Detoxification, Herbal Medicine and Bio-identical Hormone Supplementation. Dr. Glidden's current treatment protocols, perfected over 2 decades of clinical work, are unique in the field of Naturopathic medicine. He is the only physician in the world to combine Classical Homeopathy, Medical Nutrition, and Comprehensive Clinical Diet protocols.

All of Dr. Glidden's treatments are science-based and clinically verified. He does not use any "black box" unproven diagnostic techniques, nor any therapeutics that are experimental. He relies on time-tested, science based, clinically verified, safe and effective treatment protocols to help his patients/clients to recover their health.

Dr. Glidden's work is "results oriented," and his patients/clients are always given a time-frame inside of which they will work to secure noticeable and measurable results. None of Dr. Glidden's treatment protocols are "open-ended."

If you become a patient/client of Dr. Glidden, you will be given a homeopathic treatment, a nutritional supplement program, and be asked to alter your diet according to specific guidelines. Most programs for chronic illness initially take 4 months, and involve 7 office visits. Prices vary depending on too many variables to predict. In the Initial Office Visit Dr. Glidden will take a look at your health history and then determine the approximate cost (and time frame) of your health-recovery program. You can then decide if you want to engage his services and move forward.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Author, director, journalist, film photographer, Knights Templar Researcher, Medieval Church Researcher
Guest Biography:

Author, director, journalist, film photographer. Knights Templar Researcher, Medieval Church Researcher!


One of the most enigmatic islands of Europe is Bornholm, located off the coast of Denmark, that is covered with homes and churches built by the early Knights Templar. Erling Haagensen, a native of Bornholm and co-author with Henry Lincoln of The Templars Secret Island, will present the secret history of Bornholm and why the Templars chose it as their northern headquarters.

Guest Category: History, Religion, Science
Guest Occupation: Author, Surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Natural Medicine, Age Management Researcher, Chelation Certified
Guest Biography:

Dr. Bosiljevac, a third generation Croatian, was born in Omaha in 1951, and lived in Nebraska for fourteen years. His parents moved to Emporia, Kansas, where he attended Roosevelt High School and graduated from Emporia State University with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. He attended the University of Kansas School of Medicine and was among the first class that spent clinical years at the Wichita branch. Graduating in the top ten percent of his class with his MD in 1975, he was selected for membership in the honorary society Alpha Omega Alpha. Dr. Joe spent one year at Charity Hospital in New Orleans in a rotating internship, then returned to Kansas and trained for five years in general, thoracic, and vascular surgery at Wesley Medical Center.

Dr. Bosiljevac is board certified in general surgery and is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS). He has been in solo practice in Emporia, Kansas, since 1981 with Flint Hills Surgical Associates, PA. A PhD in Natural Medicine was achieved December 2009, and he subsequently started a wellness practice and founded Flint Hills Natural Medicine with an emphasis on prolonging health and longevity. Dr. Bosiljevac has been certified in age-management medicine and worked with Cenegenics Medical and Research Institute. He is also a member of the American College of Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) and certified in chelation medicine. Married to a Colombian princess and with four grown children, he speaks fluent Spanish and is conversant in French.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author, Editor, Manager of Communications, Medium
Guest Biography:

Suzanne Ward was born in Youngstown (Ohio, USA) in 1933. She moved to Miami, where she married and her four children were born. They lived in Panama from 1965 to 1972, when she divorced and she moved with the children to Washington, DC. She worked as an editor for several journals and manager of communications for a multinational corporation. With her family of adopted dogs, Suzy now lives in a rural area near Vancouver, Washington. Her other three children live in Latin America.

In 1980 her son Matthew died in a car crash. Shortly after that, she was guided to three different mediums, who all said that Matthew would be in contact with her again. This happened in 1994, and it was the beginning of an enormous amount of information about Nirvana, ET civilizations, souls, 2012 and many other subjects, not only coming from Matthew but from many galactic beings and even God himself. She learned that it was her life's mission to put this information in books to enlighten the world, which she did.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Law of Attraction Researcher, Teacher, Author, Dental Surgeon, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

The Law of Attraction has fascinated Dr. David Che since he was a child. He has studied this theory that goes back more than a hundred years and has read all the major books on the subject.

While teaching the Law of Attraction to others, Dr. Che developed a simple, easy to understand, step-by-step approach. After realizing that none of the books written on The Law of Attraction, including recent best-sellers, make the theory understandable or make it easy to apply, Dr. Che decided to do exactly that in his new book.

The author has personally applied The Law of Attraction in his own life to achieve goals he otherwise would not have reached, such as selling his oceanfront condo at a gain in a badly-depressed real estate market and being admitted to dental school directly from a community college. Dr. Che has lectured on the Law of Attraction at Cape Canaveral for space aeronautic workers and at other locations.

An avid reader, Dr. Che also enjoys working out in the gym and spending time with his wife who is currently pursuing an MBA degree. He earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery in 2001 from the University of Illinois--Chicago and has a private practice in Cocoa Beach, Florida. He lives in Viera, Florida. Dr. Che was born in Taipei, Taiwan and raised in the United States.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Educator, Mentor, Coach, Author, Speaker, Transformational Business Consultant, Humanitarian, Healer, Sportswriter, Media Relations Expert, Entrepreneur, Innovator
Guest Biography:

Jackie Lapin

Leading The Way in Practical Conscious Creation for Personal and Global Transformation

Author of Practical Conscious Creation and The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World;

Founder and Creator of LifeWisdomNetwork®

Founder of United World Healing

Jackie Lapin is the world leader in educating, mentoring and coaching people on Practical Conscious Creation. Her newest book, Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques for Manifest Your Desires (Findhorn Press) follows on the heals of her No. 1 bestseller The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, which received unqualified endorsements from such personal growth leaders as Joe Vitale and Mark Victor Hansen.

Since that book, Jackie has become a noted speaker, coach and transformational business consultant. Her mission is to turn millions of people into Conscious Creators, so that they consciously create their lives, rather than let life happen to them.

Jackie also founded United World Healing, a non-profit organization designed to bring people together for shared visions to change the world.

Jackie has proved herself a pioneering spirit who has succeeded at the highest levels of multiple careers. She was one of the national’s first women sportswriters, and then became a nationally recognized media relations expert with a world-class client list for more than 30 years. The publicity she generated has sold millions of dollars worth of products and services and launched multi-million-dollar companies.

Jackie is also the co-founder an innovator behind LifeWisdomNetwork, the Virtual Village that is the marketplace, directory and information resource of the fast-growing Consciousness and Transformational World. Life Wisdom Network is designed to support the abundance and prosperity of all leaders, practitioners, retailers, product suppliers, service companies, organizations, social networks, information resources, spiritual centers and events that serve the growth of consciousness and personal transformation around the globe.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Didgeridoo Players, Sound Healer, Teacher, Music Producer, Consciousness Expander
Guest Biography:

For nearly half a decade Andrew Jonathan (AJ) BLOCK has advocated the path to deeper connection through sound. AJ is one of New York City’s premier didgeridoo players and is the co-founder of the didgeridoo awareness organization known as Didge Project. Having performed for audiences all around the world, AJ has brought the didgeridoo into many new contexts including therapeutic events at wellness centers and genre defying music ensembles. Ultimately AJ sees the didgeridoo and its emphasis on breath control as one of the most powerful tools for self-healing and empowerment.

Originally from Los Angeles, California, AJ took up the piano at a very young age and switched over to trombone at age 12. He pursued jazz studies through high school and college and was determined to be a musician when he got out. In his travels after college graduation he was introduced to the didgeridoo and the use of sound as a healing tool. He tried playing the didgeridoo with this new outlook and his life went in a completely new direction. Having the brass technique from his trombone training and the vision of incorporating meditative practices into music making, AJ rapidly developed a didgeridoo style that drew on his many influences yet came from a deep place.

Shortly after moving to New York the didgeridoo began to open many doors for AJ and his friend Tyler Sussman. The two soon founded Didge Project and began bringing the didgeridoo into many different environments. Early collaborations combined the instrument with healing work (such as acupuncture and reiki), yoga classes and eventually dance parties and world music events. Didge Project soon became a well known organization in the New York community of consciousness.

As the director of Didge Project, AJ saw the need for a community of didgeridoo players in New York and began organizing gatherings and workshops to teach how to play the sacred aboriginal instrument. There was enough demand and interest that AJ became one of New York’s only full-time didgeridoo players and teachers. He now travels extensively bringing the didgeridoo and his work around the world.

With Didge Project co-founder Tyler Sussman, AJ has produced two records: 2009’s “Didgeridoo Meditation: An Odyssey Through Consciousness” and 2011’s “As One.” In India he recorded a single with flute master Navin Iyer which has been released as “Bansuri Meditation.” He is constantly working on new music and collaborations.

AJ currently lives in Brooklyn, NY where he aims to spread awareness for the didgeridoo, a tool he believes will do a great deal to elevate humanity.

Guest Category: Sound Healing, Music