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Guest Occupation: Cell Phone Radiation Activist, Researcher
Guest Biography:

Shelly Kalnitsky

A little over ten years ago, Boca Raton resident, Shelly Kalnitsky, was watching ABCs 20/20, when he saw a twenty minute feature story on the dangers and potential risks of cell phone usage. The news show interviewed lobbyists and wireless representatives, who all denied there was a problem.

Kalnitsky was compelled to learn more about what he had just heard. He began researching the world news regarding cell phones and discovered that information abroad included studies conducted by prominent scientists, who reached very different conclusions than what is being reported in the U.S.

Kalnitsky got very concerned, especially about the danger to children, misinformation about hands-free kits and a lack of independent and unbiased reporting on cell phone issues. Kalnitsky was so disturbed by what he found, that he established the Cell Phone Radiation News Bureau, a one-stop information center and source for learning more about the potential health risks from cell and cordless phones. This bureau is intended to keep the public consumer informed and to prevent future health-related problems from cell phone use.

As director of the Cell Phone Radition News Bureau, Kalnitsky felt that there must be something he could do to protect people from this harmful radiation.

Guest Category: Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Humanitarian, Physician, Counselor, Medical Ethics Authority, Spiritually Influential, Healing Pioneer, Professor, Humanitarian, Educator, Author, Writer, World Wellness Activist
Guest Biography:


For many, Dr. Bernard Siegel—or Bernie, as he prefers to be called—needs no introduction. He has touched many lives all over the Planet. In 1978, he reached a national and then international audience when he began talking about patient empowerment and the choice to live fully and die in peace. As a physician who has cared for and counseled innumerable people whose mortality has been threatened by illness, Bernie embraces a philosophy of living and dying that stands at the forefront of the medical ethics and spiritual issues our Society grapples with today. In May 2011, Bernie was honored by the Watkins Review of London, England, as one of the Top 20 Spiritually Influential Living People on the Planet. He continues to break new ground in the field of healing, supporting changes in medical education to “humanize” medical practice.

Bernie was born in Brooklyn, NY, and attended Colgate University and Cornell University Medical College. He graduated with honors and holds membership in two scholastic honor societies, Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha. He trained to become a surgeon at Yale New Haven Hospital, West Haven Veteran’s Hospital and the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. In 1989, Bernie retired from Yale as an Assistant Clinical Professor of General and Pediatric Surgery to speak to patients, their families and caregivers.

In his latest book, his 12th, published in September 2011, entitled A BOOK OF MIRACLES—Inspiring True Stories of Healing, Gratitude, and Love, Bernie is described in the Foreword written by Deepak Chopra who tells us “Bernie Siegel began his writing career twenty-five years ago, and from the outset he didn’t shy away from miracles. The title of his first bookLOVE, MEDICINE & MIRACLES (1986)—flaunted his disagreement with mainstream medicine. An MD who advised more love as a path to healing would have been in enough trouble. Opening the possibility of miracles was grounds for dismissal. In his new book, Bernie reaffirms his original beliefs, and with a lifetime’s wisdom and experience, he trusts in miracles more than ever.”

Bernie’s writings in the 12 books he has published so far reflect his passion to reach people struggling with all of life’s challenges—not just the physical ones—so that each person can live life fully with the understanding that, as Bernie reminds us, “We only have today.” Believing that we are all here to love one another, Bernie has crafted eternal truths and the timeless wisdom of the ages into his reflections on the true stories of his patients in much of his work. But he has also produced wonderful resources for everyone like 365 Prescriptions for the Soul (Daily Messages of Inspiration, Hope, and Love), and 101 Exercises for the Soul (A Divine Workout Plan for Body, Mind, and Spirit). Bernie’s books also include those like Love, Magic & Mudpies, a great resource for parents and delightful, loving stories like Buddy’s Candle to help children of all ages cope with the loss of a loved one, be it a pet or parent. Reflecting on his work so far, Bernie quotes Woody Allen who once said, “If I had one wish it would be to be somebody else.” Bernie’s wish was to be a few inches taller, and can say now that he is a few inches taller because his work has been such a growth experience.

In 1978, nearly a decade before retirement, Bernie launched ECaP—Exceptional Cancer Patients, in which he and his wife and co-worker, Bobbie, remain active today. ECaP is a therapeutic approach Bernie calls Carefrontation that helps patients interpret their drawings, dreams and images to express their feelings about the healing process. The physical, spiritual, and psychological benefits that emerge strengthen the immune system, a direct response to the power of the Mind-Body Connection about which Bernie has written and spoken extensively. He is currently working on other books with the goal of empowering patients and teaching survival behavior to enhance immune system competency. Bernie believes that in the next decade, the roles of consciousness, spirituality, non-local healing, body memory, and heart energy will all be explored more intensively as scientific subjects.

All along the way, Bernie’s wife, Barbara H. Siegel—or Bobbie—has been a mainstay at workshops on helping patients interpret their drawings and especially, with a talent for very funny one-liners, at workshops on the healing power of humor. Bobbie, a graduate of Oswego State Teachers College with a BS in Early Childhood Education, credits her academic work as the preparation she needed to educate and train Bernie. On his part, Bernie does say that her guidance has helped him become the person he is today. Bobbie and Bernie raised five children together and now, as then, live in a home full of children’s things (for their eight grandchildren), pets, and especially love.

Read Bernie’s regular blog posts on his website where you will also find his books, articles, and CDs:

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Director, Researcher, Subtle Energy Teacher, Healer, Crystal Skull Researcher, Cherokee, Elder, Author, Columnist, Speaker
Guest Biography:

DaEl Walker is the Director of the Crystal Awareness Institute. For over 25 years he has focused research on subtle energy, crystals, healing, and sensitivity training. He has taught in 9 countries on 4 continents. He was the first western healer to teach healing to Japan. In February 1996, he was the only international speaker at the first New Age Expo in Asia, in Hong Kong. November 1996 he was the only American among 28 presenters at the first "Conference of Alternative Therapies" held in Eastern Europe, in Romania. His presentation was officially voted Best of Conference by the attendees. In 1998 he received the Martin De La Cruz Prize from the Academia Mexicana de Medicina Tradicional, at the 12th International Conference on Traditional Medicine, cosponsored by the University of New Mexico. This prize is given each year to the individual or organization that has contributed the most to alternative healing.

He has been involved in Crystal Skull Research since 1986 when he was part of a team of researchers who went to Canada and worked with the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. He has since worked on 27 crystal skulls and is the guardian of Rainbow, an ancient crystal skull. He is now travelling with the skull and bringing it to the attention of the world.

DaEl is part Native American, descended from the Cherokee tribe. He is an elder in the Spirit Horse Medicine Society.

He is the author of The Crystal Book, The Crystal Healing Book, co-author of the Crystal Sourcebook, has just finished the soon to be published Crystalotherapy, and is presently writing another book, Physics of Emotion. He has written a series of articles on alternative therapies for the Tin Tin Daily News in Hong Kong. He was recently the guest editor for Insight magazine in Australia and now writes a monthly column.

DaEl is a favorite of the media and has appeared on over 500 radio and TV shows in 9 countries. He has been the subject of news specials on ABC, CBC Canada, CBS, CNN, and NBC.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Energy Healing, Medicine, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Clinical Psychologist, Cognitive Therapist, Trainer, Professional Advisor, Lecturer, Writer, Journalist
Guest Biography:

Dr. Michael Edelstein, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Michael Edelstein is a clinical psychologist with an in-person and telephone therapy practice. He has appeared on over 300 radio shows, lectures regularly, and trains professionals. He was awarded "Author of the Year" by a the NACBT for Three Minute Therapy and was past president of the Association of Behavior and Cognitive Therapists. He has trained volunteers at the National Save-A-Life League in New York City and acts as a professional advisor for SMART Recovery, an addiction self-help group in San Francisco. 

Dr Edelstein has lectured nationally and internationally, has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows, and has written extensively for professional journals. He has appeared on hundreds of interviews on radio, TV, Internet, newspapers, magazines and journals.

Personal Statement:

"I'm very lucky I discovered Albert Ellis and REBT at the age of nineteen. I can't say enough about how it has improved my personal life and given me a career I love. I feel deeply rewarded when I see my clients improve dramatically over a short course of therapy."

Three Minute Therapy can help to change your life for the better. You will find yourself looking at life in a different way. Your emotional troubles will seem less mysterious and less powerful.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Physicist, Scientist, Cosmologist, Astronomer, Energy Systems Researcher, Consultant, Applied Physics Expert
Guest Biography:

Dr. Claude Swanson was educated as a physicist at MIT and Princeton University. During those years he worked at the MIT Science Teaching Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory and a Virginia cyclotron in the summer. At Princeton he received the National Science Foundation Fellowship and Putnam Fellowship. His Ph.D. thesis at Princeton was done in the "Gravity Group," which focuses on experimental cosmology and astronomy, and was headed by Dr. Robert Dicke. His thesis advisor was Prof. David Wilkinson, who later became chairman of the physics department.

Swanson conducted postgraduate work at Princeton and Cornell Universities on the design of superconducting plasma containment vessels for fusion energy systems. He then began work for Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton, a consulting company, and later formed his own consulting company which carried out studies in applied physics for commercial and governmental agencies, including DuPont, United Technologies, the U.S. Army and Navy, DARPA and the CIA, among many others.

For the last fifteen years, interspersed with his conventional professional career in applied physics, Dr. Swanson has pursued investigations into "unconventional physics." His principal interest has been unified field theory, the so-called "Theory of Everything" which could explain the universe at the deepest possible level. This has led him to investigate many aspects of the paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena which violate our present science. Paranormal phenomena, which have now been proven in the laboratory in many cases, offer a window into the deeper universe, the mysteries of consciousness, and unlock new forces and principles which conventional science has only begun to glimpse.

Among paranormal phenomena which are now known, it has been found that signals can move much faster than light, and the human consciousness and even human influence, can move backward and forward in time. Science fiction concepts such as teleportation and levitation seem to occur in reality in paranormal events, and offer powerful evidence that this will be the new frontier of science.

At the same time, thousands of out-of-body and near-death experiences show that other dimensions and other realities do exist. This has been the domain of speculation by theoretical physics, but OBE and NDE cases indicate that parallel realities and dimensions are in some sense real. And finally, paranormal research suggests that the human soul, the center of human consciousness, can survive death and is apparently an energy form which can move and exist independently of the body. Science is discovering that, in the words of the pioneer Robert Monroe, " we are far more than our physical bodies."

Dr. Swanson has conducted extensive research in these areas, including research of the scientific literature, interviews with scientists in these fields, attended and spoken at conferences, and conducted experiments and investigations, to better understand how such paranormal phenomena can be incorporated into modern science.

This research has involved underwater archaeology in Bimini, scientific measurements in haunted houses, experiments in remote viewing and psychokinesis, and testing of new devices which can measure these strange forces. He has just published a book, The Synchronized Universe, which summarizes some of the new discoveries of this emerging science.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Missionary, Grand Master, Doctor of Homeopathic Medicine, Chinese Herbalist, Acupuncturist, Professor, EAV Expert, Minister, Teacher
Guest Biography:

His Excellency, Prof. [Dr. of Med.] Charles McWilliams is a doctor practicing integrated medicine who does missionary service around the world. He is the Grand Master of the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope. He maintains a large medical practice on Nevis Island in addition to his ministerial and teaching duties.

His early career completed studies with a major in Biology at the University of North Carolina (1976); Acupuncture with the Occidental Institute and the North American College of Acupuncture, Oregon (1978); Chinese Herbalism with the North American College of Chinese Herbalism and National Institute of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong; and completed a Doctorate in Homeopathic Medicine with the Institutum Internationale Homeopatiae, Mexico City. In 1981 he established the first state licensed school for acupuncture in Florida, The American School of Oriental and Homeopathic Therapy (1981-86).

In 1988 he relocated the School to Nevis Island and changed the name to the PanAmerican School of Natural Medicine where it remains active and online today, with teaching campuses on Nevis and Ecuador. He received doctorates in Naturopathic Medicine with the Yunami Institute, the International Naturopathic College (Hong Kong) and following with a Doctorate – Medico Naturopata (Medical Naturopath) – La Escuela Superior Politecnic Ecologia Amazonica (La Republica del Ecuador, Feb. 29, 2008). He is a licensed naturopathic physician on Nevis and in the Republic of Ecuador.

Early in his career, Prof. Charles was mentored by Reinhold Voll in Electroacupuncture and remains today one of the world’s leading researchers and experts in EAV [Electroacupuncture according to Voll]. He is the originator of electronically assisted massage (Tui-Na), with his revolutionary system of bodywork called Jade Esthetics which remains active to this day on Nevis with practitioners using the unique system worldwide.

Prof. Charles is married to Susan McWilliams, R.N., since 1975, and his two daughters, Carla and Angela, are board certified medical doctors practicing in the United States.


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Mystic, Author, Speaker, Paranormal Investigator, Spiritualist
Guest Biography:

Robert Bruce is an internationally respected mystic author and speaker from the land down under (Australia). Robert has spent his life actively exploring metaphysical, paranormal and spiritual phenomena, making some groundbreaking discoveries.  Robert is the author of the best-selling books: Astral Dynamics, Practical Psychic Self-Defense, Energy Work, and coauthor of the Mastering Astral Projection workbook and audio series, with Brian Mercer. A true spiritual pioneer of our times, the depth and scope of Robert's experience is quite remarkable.

Robert's firsthand experience with the greater reality brings profound understanding to spiritual and paranormal areas. His lifetime spent exploring this field brings great depth to his books, tutorials and seminars. Robert strives to give people the tools they need to evolve as spiritual beings. His workshops are dynamics and inspirational. Robert is a man who lives in the greater reality and invites others to join him.

Born in the year of the Sheep under the star sign of Cancer, Robert currently resides in The Land Down Under, Sunny Australia.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Teacher of Love, Therapist, Counselor, Spiritual Guide, Life Coach
Guest Biography:


I'm here to teach people how to love.

At the beginning, in the middle and at the end of our lives, LOVE is the only thing that matters.

Love--or the lack of it--is what shapes us. Love is what gives our lives beauty, inspiration and hope, what makes us feel that the trip is worth taking. And our relationships, our personal emotional connections, are the most profound expressions of our human longing for love. Nothing on earth will change you, fill your heart or break your heart so much as a relationship; and nothing can take you apart at the seams like a relationship break-up.

We are all desperate, hungry for love; and that's never been more true than at this chaotic and pivotal moment in human history. As we find ourselves going through more changes in a single lifetime than we ever imagined, we are stressed, afraid, and discouraged. We all need more love; but we don't how to get it. This is the greatest human tragedy, something our hearts and souls are begging to be changed.

I have devoted my life to writing books, and speaking and teaching about love, because that is my soul's calling. The purpose of my books and, really, of all my work is to illumine you about the things that stand in the way of loving yourself, having deep emotional connections, and experiencing more love in every single relationship in your life.

What are we all so scared of? Why is it so terrifying to open our hearts, show ourselves and receive the love that's coming toward us? How can we be more loving? What can you do so the person you love can feel it? How can you fight without killing each other? What, exactly, are the words and actions and attitudes that can make a difference?

I have written more than a dozen best-selling books about every topic related to love: how to survive the end of a relationship, how to find a true love, nourish the relationships you do have and embrace the spiritual dimensions of your relationship life. Most recently, I've written about how to get through the very tough times so many of us are in.

I also work as a therapist, counselor, spiritual guide and life coach, addressing the emotional issues that stand in the way of your becoming more intimate with yourself and everyone you want to hold dear, as well as how to express your essence through your creativity. I’ve been a guest on Oprah six times and my books have sold more than a million copies. Among them are The Future of Love, Coming Apart, The 9 Types of Lovers, Finding True Love, The Men We Never Knew, Loving Yourself; and most recently, the award-winning The Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart: An Emotional and Spiritual Handbook.

Whatever your pain or your journey, I'm here to help you have more love in your life.

With abundant love,


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual