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Guest Occupation: Executive Director Arab American Action Network
Guest Biography:

Hatem Abudayyeh

Executive Director

Hatem Abudayyeh has been with the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) since 1999, and was appointed Executive Director in 2003. The son of Palestinian immigrants who themselves were leaders in Chicago’s Arab community, Hatem was born in Chicago and coached varsity basketball and baseball as an administrative assistant at Mather High School before joining AAAN. He was elected Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Coalition of African, Arab, Asian, European, and Latino Immigrants of Illinois (CAAAELII) in 2006, is a founding Advisory Board member of the National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC), and sits on the National Coordinating Committee of the United States Palestine Community Network (USPCN).

Hatem speaking at Press Conference on Palestinian Activist Rasmea Odeh

The Case of Rasmea Odeh: A Palestinian Hero

Rasmea OdehRasmea Odeh

Rasmea Odeh is a leading member of Chicago’s Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities, and her decade of service in Chicago has changed the lives of thousands of people, particularly disenfranchised Arab women and their families. She has been with the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) since 2004, and is responsible for the management of day-to-day operations and the coordination of its Arab Women’s Committee, which has a membership of nearly 600 and leads the organization’s work in the areas of defending civil liberties and immigrants’ rights. She is a mentor to hundreds of immigrant women, as well as many members of the AAAN’s staff and board, and is a well-known and respected organizer throughout Chicagoland, the U.S. and the world.

In 2013, Rasmea received the Outstanding Community Leader Award from the Chicago Cultural Alliance, which described her as a woman who has “dedicated over 40 years of her life to the empowerment of Arab women, first in her homes of Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon, where she was an activist and practicing attorney, and then the past 10 years in Chicago.”

Rasmea is a community icon who overcame vicious torture by Israeli authorities while imprisoned in Palestine in the 1970s, and an example for the millions of Palestinians who have not given up organizing for their rights of liberation, equality, and return.

The prosecution of a hero

In the early morning of Tuesday, October 22, 2013, then sixty-six year old Rasmea Odeh was arrested at her home by agents from the Department of Homeland Security. She was indicted in federal court, charged with Unlawful Procurement of Naturalization, an allegation based on answers she gave on a 20-year-old immigration application. Rasmea, her supporters, and her legal team say that the immigration charge was nothing but a pretext to attack this icon of the Palestine liberation movement.

The government claims that Rasmea failed to disclose that she was convicted by the Israelis of participating in bombings in 1969. This conviction in a military court was the result of a false confession made after she was viciously tortured and raped by Israeli military authorities for weeks. There is no due process in Israeli military courts, which “convict” over 99% of Palestinians who come before them, and “evidence” from these should not be accepted in a court in the U.S.

Despite this, Rasmea’s case on immigration charges went to trial in Detroit in November 2014.

There, Federal Judge Gershwin Drain allowed the Israeli military court conviction to be entered into evidence, but barred testimony about her torture at the hands of her Israeli captors. That ruling eliminated the testimony of expert witness Dr. Mary Fabri, a clinical psychologist who has decades of experience working with torture survivors. Fabri was prepared to testify that the allegedly false answers on the immigration forms were the result of Rasmea’s chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Rasmea never set out to hide her past. She had testified about her torture at the United Nations when she was released in 1979. As her lead attorney, Michael Deutsch, said, “It was well known that she was convicted, and traded [in a prisoner exchange]. The U.S. Embassy knew it, the State Department knew it, and Immigration should have known it.”

Never really about immigration, the case against Rasmea grew out of the investigation of 23 anti-war and Palestinian community organizers in Chicago and Minneapolis, who were subpoenaed to a federal grand jury in 2010. Make no mistake. Rasmea came under attack by the U.S. government because she is Palestinian, and because for decades, she has organized for Palestinian liberation and self-determination, the Right of Return, and an end to Israeli occupation and colonization. Palestine support work, especially the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement, has made a number of recent gains, and the long arm of federal law enforcement has attempted to crack down on it, like it has on all effective and impactful movements for social justice in the history of this country. Rasmea’s prosecution is part of this crackdown.

Rasmea and SupportersRasmea and Supporters

The fight for justice

During her November trial, Rasmea and her defense team put the crimes of Israel on record. Her story of being exiled from the village of her birth, Lifta, in 1948; of being exiled again during the 1967 war; of experiencing the death of her sister after the raid on her home in 1969; and of being a political prisoner, one of the most famous in the history of the Palestine liberation movement—all these are stories of the crimes of apartheid Israel, crimes that continue today in the racist settler and military assaults we have seen in the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, 1948 Palestine, and the West Bank. Israel’s terrorism, and the U.S. government’s complicity, were exposed for all the world to see.

Rasmea’s case is not only about the U.S. carrying out Israel’s agenda, but also connected to racist policies here. The civil rights of Arabs and Muslims are violated with impunity, particularly those who are critical of U.S. support for Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people. This is in the context of the long history of attacks against communities that organize for social change in this country, especially Black, Chicano and Mexicano, Puerto Rican, Native, Asian, and other oppressed nationalities.

Rasmea was convicted in the unjust trial in November, and imprisoned in a Michigan county jail for a month, under very difficult conditions, including almost three weeks in solitary confinement. Supporters across the country rallied for – and won – her release on bond.

In March 2015, Rasmea was sentenced to 18 months in prison and subsequent deportation. However, because of our organizing efforts, she is staying free on bond pending appeal. The sentence was a huge blow to the prosecutor, who asked for 5-7 years. Her appeal was filed by defense attorneys on June 9, the prosecution replied on July 8, and the defense rebuttal was sent to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit on July 20. The appeals court heard oral arguments in Cincinnati on Wednesday, October 14, and Deutsch made a powerful argument for Rasmea deserving a new trial.  We will get a decision 1-4 months from now, but the fight is far from over, and we still need your support to ensure that we win #Justice4Rasmea.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Awakening coach, inspirational speaker and spiritual counselor who helps people profoundly change the way they live.
Guest Biography:

About the Author

TJ Woodward is an awakening coach, inspirational speaker and spiritual counselor who helps people profoundly change the way they live. 

He is the founder and minister of  Awakened Living  spiritual 

community in San Francisco and the host of

Awakened Living TV  and  Awakened Living Radio.


TJ Woodward is an engaging, inspirational catalyst for awakened living at the most authentic level. He urges all of us to wake up to our Soul's calling now so we can give our gifts and shine our light into a world that is needing us to do so.”

 – Ashanna Solaris, Spiritual Coach and founder of Clarity Breathwork

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Love & Relationships, Inspirational, Motivational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Meditation, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Transchannel
Guest Biography:

Theirs is a love story, an ethereal love story; a story of love, upon love, upon love.

Though people who know Kasey and Brad Wallis will tell you that they really are just regular folks, they certainly are having an extraordinary life experience together. Prior to the events that will unfold before you, it is curious to note that Brad and Kasey were only acquainted casually, through one of Kasey’s family members, who worked very closely with Brad at his construction company. Over time, they developed a friendship and as it was spiritually destined, love blossomed in their hearts.

Their journey began to unfold through the unfortunate and traumatic events that ensued, when Brad was undergoing treatment for a brain injury; a direct result of a car accident. While recovering in hospital, Brad endured deadly complications, from a reaction to this medical treatment, and fell into a coma. While medical professionals were certain that “death” was imminent, Brad was in the midst of a near-death experience. 

During the hours that he was absent from this realm, Brad was tenderly and lovingly embraced, and taught by a most benevolent, high light-energy group. Through those astounding, life altering teachings, Brad and the group agreed for him to return to this earthly realm. They would aid in his recovery and together, with the collaboration of “another,” would teach human beings, not only what Brad learned, but much, much more, with their generous assistance. The unparalleled loyalty that grew over a great many lives between Brad and one of the high light-group’s members was so steadfast, that when it came time for Kasey and Brad to entitle this group, it was only natural that Brad would adopt this light being’s name, from a significant shared past life experience, and JULIUS was borne.

Courage, strength, persistence, compassion, understanding and love, yes, immense, boundless love, between Kasey and Brad and JULIUS, has advanced Brad’s miraculous recovery beyond anything the medical community could have ever anticipated. Today, though he is not physically ready to convey JULIUS’ full transmissions to the public, he plays a most integral role that sustains this magnificent team. 

Through their perseverance and tireless work in this global arena, and enduring devotion to each other, Kasey, Brad and JULIUS can claim in unison, that all is falling into its glorious and rightful place.

As Kasey feels JULIUS' energy within her consciousness, she transfigures into an exquisite expression of divine art in motion and begins to transchannel JULIUS' message. As we are enveloped into their safe haven, JULIUS elegantly permeates and dissolves those aged, limiting perceptions that can bind us and replaces them with empowering, leading edge, yet practical information from their endless menu of transformative teachings. Brad, listening attentively, probes JULIUS with his extensive intellect and takes conversations to heights that leaves audiences feeling full but wanting more.

Through their telesummits, private sessions, published books, and their membership club (the IAM Academy), Kasey and Brad Wallis and the ever passionate high light-energy group from the other side named JULIUS, are captivating and empowering, growing audiences, from every walk of life and from all over the world. Together, this extraordinary trio is gently awakening us from our earthly slumber and widening our awareness of how and why the illusion of this realm purposely shadows the knowing of our authentic essence as SOURCE, and the full understanding of ourselves as Masters.

We have been thirsty for the truth of our origin, and through Kasey and Brad, JULIUS has come to quench and assist us in nourishing the deepest part of who we are, while we are here on this earthly realm, and fully discover how limitless we can truly be.

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Philosophy, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Psychic and Spiritual Medium
Guest Biography:

Marie Saint-Louis is a Psychic and Spiritual Medium (since childhood) with international cliental and a growing celebrity list. She began conducting sessions from her kitchen table for clients and then moved on to read at parties and events around Phoenix, Arizona and other cities. 

“My story all begins when I provided guidance and connected deceased loved ones for people at one of my first events...a radio station sponsored swap meet located in a casino parking lot."

 She believes that “no event is too small or location too far” for sharing her gift with people looking to connect with deceased loved ones or receive guidance about their lives. Marie also works with law enforcement and families on criminal and missing persons cases.

“Since childhood, I’ve talked to those who have passed on and was able to tell people things about their lives that couldn’t be explained.”

Marie lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her two rescued cats, numerous houseplants, and visiting spirits. Marie is presently writing her second book in the RSVP from Heaven series and other creative projects.

Guest Category: Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author/Holocaust Researcher Filmmaker
Guest Biography:

ABOUT DAVID COLE STEIN in his own words...

Over the course of twenty-five years, I have been accused of being many things, by some of the most influential names in the media. From Mike Wallace on “60 Minutes” to Dan Rather on “48 Hours,” from The New Yorker to the L.A. Times, from Yahoo News and The Wrap to MSNBC and the Huffington Post, I have been called a Holocaust denier, a self-hating Jew, “powerful and dangerous” (Yehuda Bauer, Hebrew University), and “the Antichrist” (Phil Donahue). On the other side of the spectrum, from the hellish gutter where the fringe lunatics dwell, I have been called a Mossad agent, an “MK Ultra CIA disinformer” (whatever the hell that means), and a “Jew infiltrator.”

I am none of the above. What I am is a small, bitter, angry, foul-mouthed alcoholic Jew who, in his youth, spoke up about historical inaccuracies in Holocaust history. Fleeing a $25,000 bounty on my head, I remained silent on the issue for nearly twenty years and became a GOP activist and conservative blogger. And now, having been “outed” by a foul supermodel, I have written a book, as I’m no longer employable in either Republican politics or the entertainment industry. People seem to like my book. If I had a dollar for every mainstream journalist who’s told me “I really wanted to write about your book, but my editors nixed it,” I’d have enough money for a bottle of the $10.99 two-liter CVS vodka that my body has become addicted to.

I’m hoping that 2015 will be the year that the media blackout regarding my book ends. But if it doesn’t, well...I hope the people who manage to find and read my book enjoy it, and maybe learn a thing or two. Even the people who dislike me admit that the book is funny. All I can guarantee is, you won’t find a better book (Republican Party Animal) this year about an infamous Jewish Holocaust revisionist who faked his death and reemerged as a Hollywood Republican organizer before being outed by a six-foot redhead fashion model.

Republican Party Animal: The "Bad Boy of Holocaust History" Blows the Lid Off Hollywood's Secret Right-Wing Underground by David Cole


In 2013, Republican "hero" David Stein made international headlines when he was unmasked as David Cole, the notorious Jewish Holocaust denier who made an entirely different set of headlines in the 1990s with his videos from within the gates of Auschwitz and his appearances on shows like 60 Minutes and Donahue.

After a $25,000 bounty was put on his head by a violent extremist group, Cole left behind the bizarre world of Holocaust revisionism, a landscape populated by Hitler fetishists who Cole himself detested. Then, David Stein the Republican organizer was born.

Stein soon became a major force in the closed-door world of Hollywood right-wingers—people who felt as alienated from the mainstream of their profession as Cole had felt as the lone Jewish Holocaust revisionist. Soon enough, Stein was working with major GOP power players and far-right Hollywood A-listers, creating huge private events for the West Coast GOP elite . . . until it all came crashing down when a vengeful former girlfriend outed him publicly.

Condemned by those who had previously lauded him, Cole was left with nothing but his story. And here he tells it, warts and all, including the first-ever exposé of the secretive Hollywood far-right underground, "Friends of Abe."

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Etiquette Expert
Guest Biography:

Jules Martinez Hirst, Etiquette Expert and co-author of 'The Power of Civility' offers Modern Manners classes from Sacramento to San Diego.  Based in Los Angeles CA, she  is dedicated to providing your employees with tips and techniques to handle proper etiquette in today’s highly competitive, global market place. She will give your employees business and social etiquette skills that will set your company apart and make it the business-of-choice.

“Technology has created etiquette dilemmas that baffle even seasoned executives,” Jules states. “Added to the challenge of having to know what to do and how to do it in a variety of situations, our increasingly global business world means that your employees may well be representing your company in Japan, India, Italy, China, Brazil or Israel. Even if your employees never leave the United States, their customers come from every country in the world. If an employee makes a bad impression, so will your company. Business and social etiquette really do count. Cultural awareness, savvy dining and proper social skills will have a direct impact on your profitability.”

Jules Hirst Etiquette Consulting, Inc., provides business and social etiquette training for corporations, or Jules Hirst - Etiquette Expert organizations such as the Girl Scouts of America, colleges, universities and individuals who are interested in improving their business and social etiquette skills. Work­shops are fully customized for your needs, budget and requirements. She provides quality, etiquette training programs and seminars and has worked with a number of well-known organizations and corporations. Her first-class knowledge of image and etiquette protocol ensuring that her clients receive the highest level of education in these areas. She also offers specialized instruction via lectures, work­shops and webinars in topics such as social, dining and business etiquette, as well as business entertaining. Her ability to address the needs of her clients is high­lighted by her passion, and commitment to elevating the lives of others.

A sought-after business & social etiquette expert, Jules has been interviewed by and quoted in a variety of media including NBC Nightly News, ABC World News, San Diego Tribune, Yahoo Shine, The Smart Show.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Psychologist, Relationship and Marriage Counselor
Guest Biography:

Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil (Dr. Bonnie) is a relationship expert who was named by Psychology Today as one of America's best therapists, and by New York Magazine as one of New York City's best therapists. Known as "The Adultery Buster" and the "No. 1 Love Expert," she is the best-selling author of Adultery: The Forgivable Sin (adapted into a Lifetime movie starring actress Kate Jackson), Make Up Don't Break Up, Finding and Keeping Love for Singles and Couples (Revised edition Feb 2010, including DVD How to Fall in Love and Stay in Love for Singles and Couples), Can We Cure and Forgive Adultery?, Staying Not Straying, How Not to (S)mother Your Man and Keep a Woman Happy, and Financial Infidelity; The #1 Relationship Wrecker.

Dr. Bonnie has appeared on ABC's Good Morning America, a three-day series on NBC's The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show five times, a four day series on Fox TV regarding dating. She appears frequently on ABC, Fox, CBS and NBC News, The View, 20/20, and CNN.

Her cutting edge skills have been featured in The New York Times, New York Magazine, USA Today, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, People and Ladies' Home Journal.

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: #1 Best Selling Author, certified clinical hypnotherapist, inspirational speaker, and founder of Dream-Life Coach Training
Guest Biography:


Kelly Sullivan Walden is on a mission to awaken the world to the power of dreams. Known as America’s premiere dream expert, she is the #1 bestselling author of I Had the Strangest Dream and It’s All In Your Dreams, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and Premonitions, and the newly released Love, Sex, and Relationship Dream Dictionary. She is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist, inspirational speaker, and founder of Dream-Life Coach Training. Kelly been described as the lovechild of Oprah Winfrey and Lucille Ball and has reached millions of people with her inspiring message on national talk shows such as Doctor Oz, Ricki Lake, The Real, Bethenny, Huffington Post Live, Coast to Coast, and FOX news. Every Friday she hosts the unzipped radio show on 1150 KKNW.

Overview—Love, Sex & Relationship Dream Dictionary

Your Guide to Interpreting 1,000 Common Dreams and Symbols about Your Romantic Life

(Available in hardcover and e-book)

Have you dreamed of a handsome stranger and felt the pangs of love (or lust)? Do you wake up panicked from being chased by a menacing intruder or from falling from a cliff into darkness? Do you wake up to dreams of sex with an ex, your boss, or a celebrity?

Don’t be ashamed or alarmed! These dreams are normal and highly symbolic. Learn to decode dream symbols through the steamed­up lenses of our relationships, sexuality, and our human imperative to love and be loved. This guide will show you how to interpret everything and everyone in your dreams as an aspect of yourself. After all, the best relationship advice you can receive is being revealed by your own brilliant dreaming mind. To that end, this bedside companion offers:

  • Interpretations and definitions for more than 1,000 common symbols, themes, and images from your dreams
  • Tools for interpreting dream themes, patterns, and emotions
  • Love, sex, and relationship advice to help support you in finding and/or keeping the partner of your dreams
  • Definitions organized by dream theme ­­ People and Other Living Creatures, Time and Places, Physical Objects, Ideas and Whims, and Action and Scenarios

Available wherever books are sold—

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Spiritual