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Guest Occupation: Musician
Guest Biography:

Lantz Lazwell & the Vibe Tribe service the deep, melodic desires that drive us to dance with their eclectic Rock ’n Soul beat—sourcing the highest class of funk to deliver you to your most righteous dance floor groove.

Lantz has not only been a national touring artist for years, touring and sharing the stage w such greats as George Clinton, Bernie Worrel, Eric McFadden, Norwood Fisher (Fishbone), Stephen Perkins (Janes Addiction), but also was the winner of a Los Angeles Music Award for “Best Rock Male vocalist ” in 2007.
His new project “Lantz Lazwell and the Vibe Tribe”, utilizes interchangeable mediums for sound, like their soul-satisfying electronic collaborations fusing Live instruments and electronic sub bass lines. Lazwell & Tribe are often found performing with aerialists, fire spinners, & top-notch performers of a divinely peculiar breed. A power house of talent & noteworthy showmanship, each member takes joy in maximizing viewer experience to the highest level. Thru pairing digital & performance art with their interstellar funk, this Band immerses its audience in a captivating auditory & visual realm—dictated solely by the stories issuing from Lazwell & Tribe’s soul-melting lyrics & musical score.

A festival staple & “Burner-Approved” venue sweetheart, Lantz Lazwell & the Vibe Tribe bring the groove-based anthem back into your heart & rock you right. For booking info contact phYne Entertainment –

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Biography:

RANIA KHALEK is  an independent journalist covering the plight of the underclass and marginalized. Her work has appeared at The Nation, Al Jazeera America, Truthout, Salon, AlterNet, Extra, Citizen Radio, Electronic Intifada, and more.

She lives just outside the rotting establishment cesspool that is Washington, DC. and thinks the establishment media, with a few very minor exceptions, totally sucks. Her website is her way of combatting that.

Recently, Rania wrote a review of American Sniper that garnered quite a bit of attention she will speak about this as well as her many other subjects she writes about.

“American Sniper” spawns death threats against Arabs and Muslims by Rania Khalek

Following the release of the film American Sniper in theaters across the US, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has warned of a “significant rise in violent hate rhetoric targeting the Arab and Muslim-American communities.”

The ADC believes the threats “are directly linked to the negative media coverage and hateful propaganda launched against the Arab and Muslim communities following the attacks on the Charlie Hedbo offices in France” earlier this month. But the civil rights organization notes that racist threats have intensified in the wake of American Sniper, with moviegoers taking to social media to express their desire to murder Arabs and Muslims after leaving the theater.

Having both watched the movie and read the book on which it is based, I am not the least bit surprised by the incitement it has spawned. American Sniper is brilliant propaganda that valorizes American military aggression while delivering Hollywood’s most racist depiction of Arabs in recent memory, effectively legitimizing America’s ongoing bombing campaigns across the Middle East.

Unrepentant mass killer

American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood, is based on the autobiography of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, reputedly the deadliest sniper in American history.

Replete with hatred, bigotry and unrepentant bloodlust, Kyle’s book boasts of killing 160 Iraqi “savages” during his four deployments in Iraq following the illegal US invasion and occupation in 2003.

“Savage, despicable evil. That’s what we were fighting in Iraq,” Kyle writes in his book.

“I only wish I had killed more,” he writes, adding, “I loved what I did … It was fun. I had the time of my life.”

“They hated us because we weren’t Muslim. They wanted to kill us, even though we just booted out their dictator, because we practiced a different religion than they did,” adds Kyle, who goes on to confess, “I don’t shoot people with Korans – I’d like to, but I don’t.” In Kyle’s mind, all Iraqis who resisted the invading US soldiers were irrationally violent religious fanatics.

In stark contrast, Hollywood sanitizes Kyle, humanizing him as a complex, likable and anguished hero.


Following the movie’s debut in select theaters on Christmas Day, author and journalist Max Blumenthal and I were deluged with death and rape threats for tweeting our disgust with Hollywood’s glorification of a mass killer and exposing the racism and lies espoused by Kyle. Although Kyle’s most ardent supporters claim to hate ISIS and al-Qaeda, they often call on these terrorist groups to behead critics of US military aggression.

The movie has since broken box office records, grossing $105 million during its nationwide opening and garnered accolades from across the political spectrum (Vice President Joe Biden said he wept at the Washington, DC premier). In addition, the movie scored six Academy Award nominations.

Frustrated by the glorification and whitewash of a racist mass killer, I posted passages from Kyle’s book on Twitter, highlighting his hateful and homicidal statements and drew attention to the anti-Arab and anti-Muslim threats the movie was inspiring, all of which I compiled into a Storify that went viral.


Image by Rania Khalek

The reaction to the movie has since snowballed into a partisan bickering match, with celebrities chiming in.

Actor Seth Rogen compared American Sniper to Stolz der Nation (Nation’s Pride), a fictitious Nazi propaganda film about a glorified Nazi sniper that appears at the end of the Quentin Tarantino movie Inglorious Basterds (the Nazi sniper is shown mowing down American and British soldiers with great efficiency and apparent moral superiority). Documentary maker Michael Moore also stirred controversy when he tweeted that snipers “aren’t heroes,” though he later clarified he was not referring to American Sniper, which he liked. Nevertheless, a who’s who of rightwing celebrities, pundits, politicians and worshippers of US military aggression have whipped up an ultra-nationalist frenzy, firing back against the movie’s critics.

Meanwhile, growing criticism of American Sniper appears to be damaging its chances of winning at the Oscars, with Academy members expressing concern that the film glorifies a “sociopath.”

Racist atrocity porn

While the canonization of Kyle on the big screen is appalling, the movie’s whitewash of the US destruction of Iraq and its racist portrayal of Arabs has proven to be far more dangerous.

The US destruction of Iraq left an estimated one million Iraqis dead, 4.5 million displaced, five million orphaned, some two million widowed and birth defects and cancer rates significantly worse than those seen in the aftermath of the atomic bombing of Japan at the end of the Second World War. The US war on Iraq also fueled the rise of ISIS. This immeasurable suffering is completely erased from the narrative presented in American Sniper.

In the opening scene of the film a conflicted Chris Kyle (played by Bradley Cooper) is perched on a rooftop with an Iraqi mother and child in the crosshairs of his sniper scope. He watches the mother give the child a grenade to throw at a US marine convoy. He reluctantly seeks permission to shoot.

Suddenly the screen cuts to Kyle as a child hunting with his father in Texas. Another scene shows him at church. Next he’s at the dinner table.

“There are three types of people in this world: sheep, wolves and sheepdogs,” says Kyle’s father. “Now, some people prefer to believe that evil doesn’t exist in the world … those are the sheep. And then you got predators who use violence to prey on the weak. They’re the wolves. And then there are those who have been blessed with the gift of aggression, and the overpowering need to protect the flock. These men are the rare breed that live to confront the wolf. They are the sheepdog.”

For the rest of the movie Kyle is the sheepdog, the protector, the hero. And Iraqis are the evil wolves he must put down to protect the lives of his fellow “sheepdogs.”

Next we see Kyle as an adult. We watch him fall in love, get married and join the SEALs. Then the Twin Towers fall and he is deployed to Iraq, a narrative that leaves the poorly informed with the impression that Iraq was involved in the 11 September 2001 attacks, the very lie that the Iraq war was predicated on. This false narrative is reaffirmed when al-Qaeda appears in Iraq on Kyle’s first tour in 2003, a revisionist history that conflates indigenous armed resistance to a foreign occupier with a terrorist group that attacked the United States. In a country where 43 percent of Americans still believe that Iraq was connected to the 11 September 2001 attacks, perpetuating this falsehood, even if unintentional, is reckless.

Eventually, we return to the scene in the movie’s opening. Kyle shoots the child to save the Marine convoy. The mother runs towards the felled child, collects the grenade and prepares to launch it in the direction of the soldiers. Kyle shoots the woman dead at mid-launch. The grenade explodes before it reaches the soldiers.

“There was a kid who barely had any hair on his balls, his mother gives him a grenade and sends him out there to kill Marines,” says an agonized Kyle. “That was evil like I’d never seen before.”

This black and white, good versus evil theme continues throughout the movie’s entirety. US soldiers are humanized. They have names and families, fiancées and children. And they return home with deep physical and psychological wounds, whereas the local Arab population, including the women and children, are depicted as terrorists. The only time Arab women and children are innocent victims is when they are being brutalized by scary Arab men, but even they are nameless figures.

Marlow Stern at The Daily Beast provides a cogent summary of the movie’s depiction of Arab characters:

The “savages” consist of [Abu Musab] al-Zarqawi, who’s introduced via the infamous clip of him decapitating [American radio-tower repairman] Nick Berg; his No. 2, “The Butcher,” who brutally executes an informant’s young son by drilling his head with a power tool, and stores people’s heads on shelves; and Mustafa, a Syrian Olympic sharpshooter who videotapes his kills and hawks bootlegs of them on the street. Mustafa is, like all classic villains, dressed in black, doesn’t utter in a word, and is single-minded in his pursuit of Kyle – he has a poster of Kyle’s bounty, $180,000, on his wall, and spends his spare time spinning an armor-piercing bullet on a table.

In the end, it wasn’t Iraqi “savages” that killed Kyle. A fellow soldier suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder shot Kyle dead at a Texas gun range in 2013, a fact the film glosses over before cutting to footage from Kyle’s real-life funeral. Some may have even left the theater with the impression that Kyle was killed in Iraq.

Where are the moderates?

As the threats against Arab and Muslim Americans and critics of American Sniper escalate in their ferocity, one is left wondering: where are the American moderates? Why haven’t the movie’s director, producers and actors condemned the violent extremism their film is inciting?

on Twitter

Lovely people, #AmericanSniper 

— Roqayah Chamseddine (@roqchams) January 21, 2015

on Twitter

American patriots still tweeting about killing "ragheads" and "sandn----rs" #AmericanSniper 

— Roqayah Chamseddine (@roqchams) January 21, 2015

(Jim DeFelice, one of the co-authors of the book American Sniper, condemned the threats of violence unleashed after I implored him to in a debate on Uprising Radio.)

Under the threatening circumstances, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee is encouraging Arab, Muslim, South Asian and Sikh-American communities to be on alert and report any hate crimes to the authorities.

“If you are placed in physical danger because of your ethnicity, religion or national origin: Call the police (dial 911 in most communities), and/or click here to contact your local FBI office. It is the FBI’s job to investigate hate-motivated crimes and specific threats of violence. You can also report a hate crime to the FBI online using this form,” says the ADC advisory.

“If you feel you have been a victim of a hate crime, of if any individual or place of worship needs any assistance with any of the above, including dealing with law enforcement, please contact the ADC Pro-Bono Legal Department at 202-244-2990 or legal AT adc DOT org.”

Abby Martin interviews independent journalist, Rania Khalek, about the new film ‘American Sniper’ and why it’s such a controversial choice to receive a Best Picture Oscar nomination.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Song Writer, Singer, Healer, Yoga Practitioner
Guest Biography:

My guest on the Holistic Health Show, Zoe from Sweden,   has a MSc in Neurochemistry from the University of Stockholm and the Medical University Karolinska Insitute.
She has a career in the research field of Alzheimers disease and DNA vaccines, and she has always had a Holistic approach to restore perfect health with her clients.
Zoe is an Internationally certified Kundalini yoga teacher and healer, and works as a psychic medium.
She has also had a career in the music business, as a singer and a songwriter and competed in the Eurovision song contest. We will hear her sing one of the songs she wrote at the end of the interview.
Zoe has developed her own "concepts" BAAM, NLH and DNA activations and they all assist people in becoming totally healthy and self empowered.

I found the following information about her music on the Internet.

Zoë’s clear and soulful voice will take you to dimensions you might not have been in touch with before. Her lyrics will dress your life in an astonishing ballroom gown and her melodies are the steps of her dance in life. The basic messages in her songs are of course love, in all different forms and variations, and all the beauty and fun in life.

Zoë was born in Stockholm some 30 years ago, and started her musical career at the age of 10 at the renowned Adolf Fredrik School of Music. During her early teens she started to combine the classical training with her growing love for jazz, pop and soul music at Kulturama. At 16 she participated in the Swedish championship of Rock (Rock-SM), with the ABBA-song "Thank You For the Music". At 21 she performed in the TV-show "Sikta mot stjärnorna" as Mariah Carey, with the song “Anytime You Need a Friend”. Wearing the largest wig ever seen! To broaden her musical views she went to the States and Berklee College of Music - a school with strong roots in jazz and soul. Filled with inspiration she went back home to Sweden and started the band SoulSurfers, playing original funky music, written by herself and the other band members. Zoë has worked with different producers along the years, both as an artist and a songwriter, e.g. Johan Åberg (Christina Aguilera) among others. During several years she worked with the producer and bass player Stefan Olsson, who produced Zoë’s songs, and 2002 she participated in the TV-show “Melodifestivalen”, which is the Swedish part of the Eurovision Song contest, with her song "Hollywood-Do". Both “Hollywood-Do” and the following single "Stumble" were frequently played on the radio in Scandinavia.


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Self Help, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Teacher
Guest Biography:

Amaya Victoria founder of the "Amaya Center" has been coaching, teaching, speaking in workshops, classes, and individual sessions for the past thirty years. Amaya's vision is always on the magnificence of the individual or group. Amaya helps others to heal by seeing their magnificence and encouraging this magnificence to radiate outward, which facilitates the healing of old wounds. Amaya has been priveleged to have experienced and been deeply influenced by indigenous and other cultural systems, coupled with her therapeutic and intuitive abilities which she uses to help individuals and groups re-establish their joyful magnificence. 

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Business Coach
Guest Biography:

Janine Elias is changing the face of business. She is a successful author, speaker, business coach and entreprenuer. Janine helps others take their business to the next level and is author of the new book, "Kill Robinhood, The Surprising Truth About What it Really Takes to Get Rich!"  Janine helps others through her mentoring program, speaking engagements, certification programs and online classes.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Investing and Finance, Motivational
Guest Occupation: He is the lead researcher for geoengineeringwatch
Guest Biography:

Bio – Dane Wigington Dane has a background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. He has been engaged in constant climate/geoengineering research for over a decade. His personal residence was feature in a cover article on the world’s largest renewable energy magazine, Home Power. He owns a 1,600-acre “wildlife preserve” next to Lake Shasta in northern California. Dane put all his focus, efforts and energy on the geoengineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to the ever-increasing “solar obscuration” caused from jet aircraft spraying in the skies above his forest home. He also noted significant decline in forest health was occurring and appeared to be accelerating. Extensive testing and research into the geoengineering issue was commenced and has continued since 2002. He is the lead researcher and has investigated all levels of geoengineering from stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) to HAARP. He has appeared numerous films, and radio interviews to educate the public on the extremely dire environmental and health dangers we face on a global level from geoengineering. Dane lives in Shasta County, California.

Guest Category: Business, Earth & Space, News, Technology
Guest Occupation: Classical and Traditional Turkish Multi Talented Musician!
Guest Biography:


İlhan Sami Özulu is currently celebrating his 49th year anniversary in music. He was born and raised in İstanbul, Turkey and started his music education in 1966 at İstanbul Municipal Conservatory of Music when he was at middle school. After his graduation from Kültür Koleji, in 1972, he enrolled at the University of İstanbul’s School of Economics. At the same time, he started to play guitar at various hotels, nightclubs and casinos in İstanbul and participated in several tours in Europe and all around Turkey.

İlhan formed his first band, “Evrim Folk Dörtlüsü”, with his brother İhsan in 1970, and recorded the first single record in 1971. In 1973 they changed their band’s name to “Evrim 5”, and recorded their second single with lyrics by Ümit Yaşar Oğuzcan, and Esmeray featured on lead vocal. With the success of this single, “Evrim 5” hit the charts on HEY Music Magazine’s Top 50 list for 16 consecutive weeks. İlhan İrem later joined the group as a lead singer. Among his many other accomplishments, İlhan received the TRT Best Composer Music Award in 1979, competing with 415 other composers.

In 1978, İlhan was the leader of the professional well-known band “Grup Evrim.” Grup Evrim performed various locations in Turkey until İlhan moved to the USA in 1992.

Between 1978 and 1981, he played viola at “Kültür Bakanlığı Devlet Klasik Türk Muziği Korosu” until he had to serve for the Turkish Armed Forces at General Staff Headquarters in Ankara as a Second Lieutenant. After completion of his military service, he rejoined his band “Grup Evrim.” At the same time, İlhan was also the Music Director of the Turkic World Research Foundation Music Ensemble, toured Europe and Turkey several times.

With his undergraduate degree in music, İlhan started working at İstanbul Municipal Conservatory of Music, later known as University of İstanbul State Conservatory, as both an instructor and a performer on the viola and guitar, and later the jazz orchestra conductor and arranger, between 1983 and 1992. He received a Master’s degree in 1991, and following with a Ph.D. in Radio/TV Broadcasting from the University of İstanbul, in 1995. İlhan received his second master’s degree, M.S. in Electronic Commerce from George Mason University in 2007, in addition to 5 associated degrees in Information Technology from Northern Virginia Community College. He is still continuing his Project Management education at University of Irvine.

İlhan, his wife Deniz and daughter İpek, moved to Washington, D.C. on July 20, 1992 and started working for the Voice of America as an International Radio Broadcaster. After working a short period of time at the Turkish Embassy, İlhan changed his career to Information Technology. Currently, he is working as a Senior Software Release Manager in Orange County, California.

He established and directed Turkish Music Choir in 2001, and supported Turkish Folklore Troupe of Washington, DC. Even though he changed his daytime career, Dr. Özulu still plays all kinds of Turkish and international music in both East and West Coast. He moved to the Greater Los Angeles Area on March 29, 2012, and established his own Internet Radio station ‘Radio OZULU’ on 12.12.12 and still broadcasting live from Southern California. Dr. İlhan Özulu is also the past president of Galatasaray DC and Galatasaray California.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Classical Violinist
Guest Biography:

Ipek Ozulu Goldberg has been a classical violinist since the age of 6. She was born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey and started her musical education at University of Istanbul, State Conservatory in 1989. At the age of 9, Ipek moved to Washington D.C. with her parents, Ilhan and Deniz. Initially a culture shock, she quickly learned the language and excelled in school and music. She joined the American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras and played with them for 8 years gradually joining AYP under the direction of Luis Haza and traveling the country competing in youth symphony competitions. Upon graduating high school with honors, she attended Virginia Tech on a music scholarship where she was the concertmaster of the New River Symphony. She later transferred to George Mason University where she graduated top of her class with a B.S. in Marketing and double minor in music performance and IT. After college, she moved to New York City where she met her husband Craig in 2008 and the couple fell in love.

They moved to San Diego in 2010 where they currently reside. In 2014, they celebrated their love with 4 wedding ceremonies in 4 locations in the U.S. and Mexico. Both with a background in sales, marketing and event planning, Ipek and Craig are founders and leaders of a camp called “Desiderata” at Burning Man, a week-long cultural event celebrating music and art with 70,000 participants from around the world. Ipek’s passion for music continues with performances along side her father Ilhan and her recent acceptance into the Greater San Diego Chamber Orchestra.

To Learn More About Our Guest, Ipek Ozulu Goldberg’s Participation in The Greater San Diego Chamber Orchestra

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music