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Guest Occupation: Teacher, Guide, Consultant, Spiritual Intuitive, Speaker, Leadership Consultant, Inner Evolutions Mentoring Facilitator, VP of Marketing, VP of Corporate Communications, Brand Gatekeeper, Entrepreneur, Business Developer
Guest Biography:

I am a teacher and guide that understands business, life and life changing transformation.  I have worked as an executive level consultant specializing in business, retail management, marketing, product development, branding & communications and now I combine the mastery of meditation, intuitive guidance & the principles of yoga and qi gong. I assist you to consciously create your  life  to align with your inner values.  It’s about loving the life you are living, all aspects of it, everyday in everyway, energizing Love….  Love 365.

Mercedes Warrick is a spiritual intuitive, speaker and leadership consultant. Over the past two years The Soul Inspired Tune Up®, her meditation and energy practice, has evolved through Spirit to become a guiding pathway to intuitive love aligned living for professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders. New this year is Visionscapes. She is facilitates inner evolutions mentoring your personal renaissance through Spirit,creativity and art.

As she sat down to write what she thought was going to be a book on using spiritual principles for business marketing. Spirit directed her to, “Teach this first.” The former corporate executive experienced an initiation; this evolution in mind-set and heart-set has brought Mercedes into new ways to align with and attune to Love. The Soul Inspired Tune Up is allowing spiritual professionals as well as people in transforming life change to stand with conviction and live the passion in their heart. Mercedes also assists with leading people to expansion and growth after traumatic experiences.

Mercedes served as Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Communications for the MARS Inc. Division Ethel M Chocolates. In that role she was the brand gatekeeper for Ethel M® Chocolates. The most agile and entrepreneurial company in the MARS portfolio, Ethel M Chocolates gourmet gift line included the traditional array of celebration collections for every seasonal holiday. For this multi-million dollar brand Mercedes directed packaging design, advertising, public relations strategy, crisis communication training, item rationalization and profitability. She had concept-to-consumer marketing, communication, product design and financial responsibility for the direction of this highly dynamic business.

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Management, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Interfaith Non-Denominational Minister, Job Coach, Volunteer Coordinator, Financial Counselor, Financial Analyst, Rescue Mission Volunteer
Guest Biography:

Reverend Ernie Martin is spiritual, understanding, warm, caring, flexible, interfaith non-denominational minister who will officiate the ceremonies that define your life.

Reverend Ernie received his MS Degree in Business Organizational Management. He is happily married, has two grown sons and three grandchildren.

Prior to ordination, Reverend Ernie worked in the non-profit sector as a Job Coach for adults with disabilities, a Volunteer Coordinator, and, as a Financial / Credit counselor. He volunteered as a phone hotline Lay Minister at a mega-church in Orange County, California. He also worked in a Fortune 500 Aerospace company as a Project Financial Analyst prior to his dedication to supporting non-profit organizations.

After ordination, Reverend Ernie volunteers at senior living centers conducting non-denominational services involving prayers, singing and sharing. He also has volunteered for and supports the Las Vegas Rescue Mission.

Reverend Ernie was born and raised in a Christian family in India. He studied at a Methodist school for six years in South India. During his childhood in India, he and his family lived among many religious groups such as Hindus, Muslims, fellow Christians, Buddhists and Sikhs.

He emigrated to America at age 18 in 1964 shortly after high school graduation. Living in the Los Angeles area, he became a naturalized USA citizen in 1976. Reverend Ernie has learned extensively about other religions and belief systems through his personal studies. In America as an adult, he’s actively attended several churches including Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Unitarian and Meta-physical.

He was ordained by the Universal Life Church in January 2011. He’s developed an Interfaith ministry, which respects all loving religious and spiritual beliefs.

Guest Category: Business, Religion, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Conversational Hypnotherapist, Speech Communications Degree
Guest Biography:

I am a professional, certified hypnotherapist from one of the top hypnotherapy schools in the world, the International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotherapists.  I specialize in conversational hypnotherapy.  This kind of therapy allows the conscious mind to integrate more fully with the subconscious level.  I believe this is the best method to help you succeed in overcoming your obstacles, and I provide a safe and trustworthy environment where we can explore and solve a number of personal challenges.

I also have an undergraduate degree in speech-communications from Cal State University, Northridge.  I have lived in Southern California all my life, and I have raised four wonderful children who have grown into amazing adults.  I am so very proud of them.

I have helped countless people in so many ways. I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to do so. For me, helping others with hypnotherapy is a labor of love. I am quite passionate about what I do, and am always learning more.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Minister, Counselor, Shamanic Healer, Usui Reiki Master, Teacher, Medium, Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Bonny is an Ordained Spiritual Minister and Spiritual Counselor.  Bonny worked with the Laika Shamans in the Sacred Valley of Peru and is now blessed to work with the Shaman Healing Energies in her work.  She is a Certified Usui Reiki Master and Reiki Teacher and Certified in the Rites of the Munay Ki Healing Energies.  

Bonny has been working with the healing arts for many years, and has trained in Peru, Pennsylvania, Texas, California, Taiwan, Rhode Island,  Virginia, New York State and New York City in various healing modalities.

Bonny has also worked with the Archangels, Angels, and Spirit Guides all of her life.  As a very young girl she had regular conversations with her Guides and the Angels around her.

Bonny's Mother was an loving, caring teacher who helped her to become aware of what was going on and assist her in her development.   As a child and young adult she was also fortunate to have the guiding hand of  Dr. Josephine Sponheimer in the understanding and growth that would lead her to realize more fully why we are here in this physical realm and what she was being given to understand and use to assist others.

As a young adult and adult, Bonny was often brought to people who would benefit from the mediumship she was able to share with them.  Over the years, Bonny has done Angel Card Readings, Spiritual Mediumship, Readings, and Intuitive Healings for hundreds of clients.  She also does long-distance Intuitive Healings and phone readings for those who are brought to her in her meditations and in personal requests.

It is Bonny's understanding from her Angels and Guides that guiding and aiding others to become aware of their full potential is part of her mission in this physical world this time.

Bonny has also studied with the Laika Shamans (medicine Men and Women) Alberto Villardo and teachers  in Peru, Jayne Feldman, Doreen Virtue, Linda Martin, Carol Cicacco, Carolyn Myss, Sharon Houlihan, Josephine Sponheimer and others over the years.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Self Help, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Tarot & Other Cards, Divination
Guest Occupation: Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Artist, Entrepreneur, Energy Healer, Life Coach, Spiritual Coach
Guest Biography:

Christina Ambubuyog is the creator of The HeART of Intuition Brilliance Program and founder of I Love Intuition, a coaching company helping heart centered entrepreneurs to trust the power of intuition to grow their business and live with passionate purpose.

As an intuitive, clairvoyant, artist, coach and entrepreneur, Christina has found a way to leverage her talents, expertise and passions to create authentic success.

Integrating creativity and play is the secret sauce of her intuition development programs that blend one’s savvy inner wisdom with authentic business building.  She is known for her sense of humor, down to earth presence and simplifying everything energy, Spiritual and “woo-woo”.

Christina has worked with clients nationally and internationally through her one on one private intuitive readings, intuition coaching, workshops and classes for individuals as well as organizations such as United Way and Nevada’s Blind Center.  She has been a featured guest on Spirit Whispers radio show and The Lean, Green and Sexy Show.  Her artwork and custom painted murals decorate multimillion-dollar homes and businesses throughout the country.

Christina received her bachelors in Interactive Multimedia from Columbia College Chicago, graduated from the Invision Clairvoyant and Energy Healing Program and is a Certified Life and Spiritual Coach through the International Coach Academy.

Born and raised in Chicago, she now lives in the sinful and soulful city of Las Vegas where she loves hiking through the desert, taking pictures, dancing the night away and traveling incessantly.

I Love Sharing through Social Media so Let’s Connect!


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Minister, Consultant, Trainer, Teacher, Educator, Workshop Facilitator, Team Builder, Computer Programmer, Senior Facilitator, Instructor, Course Developer, Consultant, Life Coach, Volunteer Literacy Tutor
Guest Biography:

My birth name is Danita. I go by the name Llenar now – an 8 vibration. The Chinese say it’s lucky, especially for money.  In some numerology disciplines it’s said to be the “God” number, whole and complete.  Others say it represents infinity.

I am an ordained minister, consultant, trainer, teacher and educator with 20+ years experience working with individuals and groups, both nationally and internationally. My workshops/trainings have ranged in content from vision and mission statement creation; team building, leadership, change management, self-esteem and empowerment of teachers and students and computer programming.

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish. I am a Senior Facilitator of the International Black Summit, a Life Skills Coach, a certified “Why . . .” teacher, and a State of Illinois substitute teacher. I am also a recipient of the Chicago Urban League Excellence Award.

I’ve traveled around the US, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa. I’d like to visit Alaska and Australia.

I’ve worked as a laundry folder, typist, secretary, administrative assistant, 5th grade school teacher, computer programmer, computer programming instructor, course developer and trainer, partner in a t-shirt company, leadership training consultant, personal life coach and consultant.

I learned Computer Programming, through the Chicago Urban League Computer Training Program, to get a job,.  I was hired at Illinois Bell.  I was a programmer in their Payroll Dept. and then taught Computer Progamming in their computer lab. When PCs came about, Illinois Bell (which was then Ameritech) created a PC Lab.  I used to hang out there between students, before and after work.  I used the self-guided courses and learned DOS, word processing (remember WordPerfect?) and spreadsheets.  After leaving Ameritech and I put together a PC Basics course and taught bakers at Nabisco.

I’ve taught 5th graders general education, high schoolers Data Processing, PC hardware and software essentials; and grade school after-school Reading and Math.  I was also a volunteer Adult Literacy (reading) tutor for several years.

When my Dad retired in 1996 I gave him his first PC and taught him DOS.  He now has his own laptop and is on Facebook!  I’ve taught PC Basics to other seniors.

In the spiritual/metaphysical arena, since my early 20s, I’ve read books, attended seminars/workshops/trainings, listened to audios, watched videos and learned from Ernest Holmes, Wayne Dyer, Dr. Bruce Lipton, dr. michael ryce, Dan Millman, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, Dr. Hew Len, Mabel Katz, Brugh Joy, Byron Katie, Florence Scovell Schinn, Catherine Ponder, Eric Butterworth, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Neville Goddard, Abraham-Hicks, Ramtha, etc.  The concepts which resonated with me over the years are that:  no body “out there” is doing it to me; the source, perpetuation and remedy for whatever is going on in my life, is right here, within me; underneath a complaint is a commitment; and no one is to blame, not even me (yet there are consequences for my actions).

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Management, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Oglala Sioux Tribal Member, Sundancer, Fighter Pilot, Marine, Author, Lawyer
Guest Biography:

Ed McGaa (Eagle Man) is a registered tribal member of the Oglala Sioux OST 15287 and was born on the Pine Ridge reservation. He received his Bachelor's degree from St. John's University and earned a law degree from the University of South Dakota. He has studied under Chief Eagle Feather and Chief Fool's Crow, both influential Sioux holy men. He is honored by the Sioux for having participated six times in the Sun Dance ceremony. He also served as a fighter pilot in the Marine Corps in Vietnam, flying 110 combat missions in F-4 Phantoms, receiving 8 air medals and 2 Crosses of Gallantry, and was recommended for a Distinguished Flying Cross.

Ed is the author of the seven books: Red Cloud - Biography of an Indian Chief, Mother Earth Spirituality - Healing Ourselves and Our World, Rainbow Tribe - Ordinary People Journeying on the Red Road, Native Wisdom - Perceptions of the Natural Way, Eagle Vision - Return of the Hoop, Nature's Way - Native Wisdom for Living in Balance with the Earth, and most recently, Crazy Horse and Chief Red Cloud - History of the Sioux and its Warriors.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, History, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Warrioress, Religion Researcher, Cherokee, Astrologist
Guest Biography:

At a very early age, I felt a strong connection to “Mother Earth” and Native American memorabilia. I was a warrioress from the beginning (Moon in Aries-Red Hawk) and moved into the city, on the streets at 13. I grew away from the sacred and moved into the survival mode, however, this heightened my “connection” to my feelings and ability to hear. At the same time I  also had been fascinated with the stars and my relation to them, giving me an advantage when I could “read” people when I knew their Sun sign, (or so I believed) which was so important to my survival. Life is my teacher and I am so grateful for the protection of Great Spirit and my Guides, walking on a path that could have had a completely different outcome!

During the course of my lifetime, I have studied many of the world’s major religions and continue to study, learn and teach about my findings. Especially of note here, I later found out about my own Cherokee heritage and when I started reading and researching the Native American ways I woke up. Lynn V. Andrews was my first, later it would be the works of Sun Bear and Wabun Wind, Brooke Medicine Eagle and her music, Mary Summer Rain, and the quest continues with great awe! I am humbled and honored to share this information. Also reading all of Sun Bear’s & Wabun’s books helps to embrace nature in such a beautiful way. It certainly feels like the time is NOW … Mother Earth needs us to LOVE her back. So Be It!

Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you return often, we are posting new information all the time! In gratitude for all the love and support … AHO Mitakuye’ Oyasin (To All our Relations), Star Savoy from the Heart Tribe

P.S. In 1986 I married my Beloved Twin Flame in a sacred ceremony “where the two shall be as ONE” … We are Star and continue shining our Light wherever we are!

Guest Category: Arts, Self Help, Spiritual, Tarot & Other Cards, Shamanism, Divination