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Guest Occupation: Informer of Man's Off Planet Origins, Blogger, Educates and Frees Humanity from Control and Tyranny
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:

James Horak shares with Earth bound Humans his knowledge of Man's off planet origins and gives us a refined cosmology to educate and Free Humanity from Control and Tyranny. He explains the task driven purpose of the EMVs - Electro Magnetic Vehicles extracting surplus energy from our Sun and reveals how E.T civilizations are helping us prevent total annihilation of our species and the Earth.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Cosmology, Paranormal, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: City Planner, Architectural Designer, Writer, Lecturer, Creator of the Governors' Institute on Community Design, Contributing Editor to Metropolis Magazine, Author
Guest Biography:

Jeff Speck is a city planner and architectural designer who, through writing, lectures, and built work, advocates internationally for smart growth and sustainable design. As Director of Design at the National Endowment for the Arts from 2003 through 2007, he oversaw the Mayors' Institute on City Design and created the Governors' Institute on Community Design, a federal program that helps state governors fight suburban sprawl. Prior to joining the Endowment, Mr. Speck spent ten years as Director of Town Planning at Duany Plater-Zyberk and Co., a leading practitioner of the New Urbanism, where he led or managed more than forty of the firm's projects. He is the co-author of Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream as well as The Smart Growth Manual. He serves as a Contributing Editor to Metropolis Magazine, and on the Sustainability Task Force of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. His new book, Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time, is now available in print, digital, and audio format.

Guest Category: Arts, Design, Business
Guest Occupation: Peace Activists, CODEPINK, International Rights Organization Global Exchange
Guest Biography:

After the great success of the first-ever International Drone Summit hosted by CODEPINK last March, Code Pink was invited by the Foundation for Fundamental Rights, to organize a Peace Delegation to Pakistan September 21-28th. Code Pink will meet with survivors of US drone attacks, lawyers who are representing drone victims and political figures. As citizen diplomats from the United States, the delegation will join with people from the region affected by U.S. drone attacks, and call for an end to the killing.

Code Pink will also ask for permission from the Pakistani government to march to Miramshah, the capitol of Waziristan. Delegates were ready to take the risks involved in traveling to this region. In the event that the government does not give permission, they plan to hold meetings and a peace rally in Islamabad.

MEDEA BENJAMIN is the cofounder of the creative women-led peace group CODEPINK and the international rights organization Global Exchange. A former economist and nutritionist with the United Nations and the World Health Organization,

Medea has authored and edited eight books with her latest being Drone Warfare: Killing By Remote Control. In 2010 she received the Martin Luther King Jr. Award for her peace activism and in June of 2005 she was one of 1,000 exemplary women from 140 countries nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize collectively.

TIGHE BARRY has been as an artistic director and prop man in Hollywood feature films for 20 years, working on films such as Fugitive, Under Siege, Kingdom of Heaven, Collateral Damage, Universal Soldier, Terminator and Batman. He has also worked on TV shows, including as Melrose Place, X-Files and Monk. He is an activist with the peace group CODEPINK, and an organizer for the Washington D.C. group Occupy Freedom Plaza.

He has led seven delegations of Americans to Gaza, including a delegation to build playgrounds for the people of Gaza. In 2007 he was in Pakistan supporting the pro-democracy movement of the lawyers and students

Weeks after the 2002 American invasion of Afghanistan, Medea Benjamin visited that country. There, on the ground, talking with victims of the strikes, she learned the reality behind the “precision bombs” on which U.S. forces were becoming increasingly reliant. Now, with the use of drones escalating at a meteoric pace, Benjamin has written this book as a call to action: “It is meant to wake a sleeping public,” she writes, “lulled into thinking that drones are good, that targeted killings are making us safer.”

Drone Warfare is a comprehensive look at the growing menace of robotic warfare, with an extensive analysis of who is producing the drones, where they are being used, who “pilots” these unmanned planes, who are the victims and what are the legal and moral implications. In vivid, readable style, the book also looks at what activists, lawyers and scientists are doing to ground the drones, and ways to move forward.

In reality, writes Benjamin, the assassinations we are carrying out via drones will come back to haunt us when others start doing the same thing—to us.

Guest Category: Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Near-Death Expirience Survivor, Church President, Treasurer, Sunday School Superintendent, Physisist, Mechanical Engineer
Guest Biography:

40 some years ago I, Alan Hugenot, while a college student, was killed in a motor cycle accident. But, returned for a second life in the same physical body. Today, the medical community calmly says that I, "survived a Near-Death experience (NDE)", But, in those days (early 1970's), if I talked about being dead, traveling out of body to the other side and coming back. they wanted to immediately commit me to the nut-house. It was not until 1975 and the publication of Dr. Raymond Moody's book Life after Life, and it's integration into the main stream that the medical community finally began to allow NDE survivors to speak more freely about their experience in which they had actually experienced the afterlife, out of body, on the other side of the veil and then returned to a second life in the same physical body.

As a child I was raised in the Christian faith and as an adult I served  my various congregations as a church officer. After my NDE I continued to serve as President, Treasurer, Sunday School Superintendent, Head Elder, etc. Later, when our church pastor became ill with cancer, he appointed me to teach the adult bible classes for several years prior to his death.

In college I trained as a physicist and mechanical engineer and am well grounded in the Newtonian materialist scientific world view which appears to describe our reality here in time and space. But, because of my knowledge gained during the NDE I adhere more strongly to the quantum mechanics view of the conscious universe, which I know personally to be a better model of the universe than is Newtonian materialism.

Consequently, these three differing perspectives, Christian, Physicist and Near-Death Survivor, added to 40 years of avid study since my death, have given me a broad understanding of all sides to questions of consciousness survival after death as well as the leading edge physics which supports this survival. This multiple perspective allows me to provide honest analysis of the evidence for consciousness survival derived from the following emerging sciences:

1.    The Near-Death experience as documented by the International Association  for Near Death Studies (IANDS)

2.     Research on children who remember past lives by Ian Stephenson at the the University of Virginia

3.     Research on Mediumship by the Gary Swartz at the University of Arizona.

4.     Quantum mechanics and dark energy.

Guest Category: Religion, Christianity, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Author, Theory Instructor, Recruiting Officer, Unit Secretary Officer, Military Intelligence Offcer, President of Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Consultanti
Guest Biography:

Paul H. Smith served for seven years in the government's remote viewing program at Ft. Meade, MD (from September 1983 to August 1990).  During 1984, he became one of only a handful of government personnel to be personally trained as coordinate remote viewers by Ingo Swann at SRI-International.  Paul was the primary author of the government RV program's CRV training manual, and served as theory instructor for new CRV trainee personnel, as well as recruiting officer and unit security officer.  He is credited with over a thousand training and operational remote viewing sessions during his time with the unit at Ft. Meade.

Raised in Boulder City, Nevada, he enlisted in the Army in 1976 for Arabic training, attended Officer Candidate School, and was commissioned as a Military Intelligence officer.  Besides his tour at Ft.  Meade, his military assignments included Arabic linguist, electronic warfare operator, strategic intelligence officer for a special operations unit, Mid-East desk officer, tactical intelligence officer with the 101st Airborne Division during Desert Storm/Shield, strategic intelligence officer in the Collection Directorate of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and chief of the intelligence and security division for the Military District of Washington, from which he retired in 1996.

Paul has a BA from Brigham Young University in Mid-East Languages & Affairs, Art, and English; an MS from the Defense Intelligence College (Mid-East Concentration); and a Ph.D in Philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin, specializing in philosophy of mind. consciousness, philosophy of parapsychology, and philosophy of science.

He or his work as a remote viewer have been featured on television programs such as the Arts & Entertainment Network's "The Unexplained," the History Channel's "History Undercover" series, "Strange Universe," "Inside Edition," "CBS Sunday Morning," the DVD bonus features for the feature film Suspect Zero (2004; Benn Kingsley, Aaron Eckhart, Carrie-Anne Moss), and two documentaries on remote viewing produced for German television.  He has also been a frequent guest on numerous radio programs, including both Art Bell's and George Noory's Coast to Coast AM, the Jeff Rense Program, Whitley Strieber's "Dreamland," and many others. (See linked media on the "Information Overload" page.)

Besides serving as President of Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc., a company offering remote viewing training courses to individuals and small groups, he also works as a remote viewer and RV consultant, is a founding director of the International Remote Viewing Association, and currently serves as the organization's President.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Science, Psychic & Intuitive, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: UFO Contactee, Photographer, Conscious Channel, Clairvoyant, Medium, Mystic Artist, Soul Traveler, Animal Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Guest Biography From:

Marc is a conscious channel for finer Dimensional Ascended Master Extraterrestrials and rare contactee who is able to often call in Extraterrestrial craft to be photographed to bare witness to his ongoing contact. He can be seen in the award winning film by James Carman, "The Hidden Hand". Marc's presence in the film provides the benevolent aspect of human ET interaction.
A word from Marc...
I'm a conscious channel contactee, UFO photographer and animal artist. I've been in contact as far back as I can remember and have been seeing UFOs with and without witnesses since I was 4 years old. I started taking photos of UFOs in 1976 with film until 1986. I began shooting UFOs again in 2009 with digital cameras. You could say I'm a messenger from a benevolent group of extraterrestrials. They exist on much finer frequencies than ours and are interested in our spiritual as well as physical evolution. They want you to realize the frequency of our planet is changing and so must we. They suggest you Transform Your Thoughts to Transform The World.
They are the signs in the skies.
Conscious Channel - Marc is a conscious channel who can call in the presence of the Ascended Master Exterterrestrials he is in contact with.

Contactee - Has been onboard Extraterrestrial Spacecraft and had multiple encounters with benevolent beings. Major CEIII was documented by SBI, Scientific Bureau of Investigation headed by Pete Mazzola.

UFO Photographer - Is directed to capture photographs of space craft. His early photography and encounters were thoroughly investigated 1979 thru 1981by the SBI, Scientific Bureau of Investigation headed by Pete Mazzola. He started capturing NEW UFO photos in 2009. Magazine article 1988.

Born without the veil - Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Medium, etc. from earliest recollections.

Mystic Artist - Able to see and illustrate beings that exist beyond our dimension, such as Guardian Angels, Higher Selves and/or Oversouls plus higher dimensional Extraterrestrials, and inhabitants of the Elemental Kingdom.

Soul Traveler - Ability to Soul Travel and remember.

Paranormal Abilities - Clear channel, animal intuitive, Elemental Kingdom advocate.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, UFOs, Spiritual, Animal & Plant Communications, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: CEO of Gia Film Productions, Creator of, Producer of "Frequency of Genius" Film, Interviewer, Film Maker
Guest Biography:

The "" website was created by Richard Sachs who is the CEO of Gia Film Productions, LLC. Richard is passionate about seeking out the most unique products in the world and bringing them to your attention via this website. He is also excited to bring you the most cutting-edge videos, amazing interviews and incredible products from around the world. Richard produced the ground-breaking documentary film titled "Frequency of Genius" - the movie has gone out to a world-wide audience.

Richard has personally interviewed and filmed some of the most accomplished and talented individuals on our planet today:
Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan (PHI SCIENCES), G. Edward Griffin ("WORLD WITHOUT CANCER"), Jacque Fresco (THE VENUS PROJECT), Gabriel Cousens, M.D. (THE TREE OF LIFE), Nassim Haramein (THE RESONANCE PROJECT), Jonathan Quintin (Artist/Sacred Geometry), David Wolfe (OPTIMUM HEALTH MASTER), Michael Tellinger (Author/Scientist/UBUNTU), Jay Weidner (Author/Filmmaker), Dr. Sam Milham (Dirty Electricity), David B. South (MONOLITHIC DOME HOMES), Michael Rice (Architect), Stanton T. Friedman (Author/Researcher), Dr. Garry Gordon (Author/International Speaker), Dr. Susan Kolb (Author/Medical Doctor), Robert "Bob" Dean (Author), Dr. Brad Gould (Speaker/Medical Doctor), Kenn Thomas (Author/Researcher), Dr. Susan Russell (Author/Educator, Turning Point Healing Center), Tom Campbell ("My Big Toe"), David Wilcock (Author/Researcher/The Source Field Investigations) and many, many more!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Director, Associate Director, Project Manager, Staff Researcher, Statistical Analyst, Associate Professor, Doctor of Information Sciences
Guest Biography:

Terry L. Clower is Director of the Center for Economic Development and Research at the University of North Texas. The Center provides economic and public policy consulting services to clients in the private, non-profit, and public sectors. Prior to joining UNT in January 1992, Dr. Clower was employed in private industry in logistics and site location management positions.

Dr. Clower has served as associate director, project manager, staff researcher, and statistical analyst on numerous projects reflecting experience in labor relations, economic and community development, public utility issues, transportation, and economic impact analyses. He serves as the Center’s resident expert on telecommunications focusing on policy issues regarding infrastructure development.  Drawing upon nearly a decade of experience in logistics management, Dr. Clower leads the Center’s transportation research efforts.

In addition to his work with the Center for Economic Development and Research, Dr. Clower has performed consulting services to municipalities and companies in the electronics, telecommunications, and publishing industries. The focus of these activities has included rural development, labor relations, tax policies, and market performance issues.

Dr. Clower is an associate professor with the Institute of Applied Economics at the University of North Texas. He has taught formal courses in economic and community development, research methods, and the political economy of Texas.  In addition, Dr. Clower works with several students each semester in one-on-one explorations of a variety of topics.

Dr. Clower received a BS in Marine Transportation from Texas A&M University in 1982, an MS in Applied Economics from the University of North Texas in 1992, and a PhD in Information Sciences from the University of North Texas in 1997 specializing in information policy issues and the use of information resources.

Guest Category: Business, Management, Education, Science