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Blogs and Blurbs

Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb May 24, 2015"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."…
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb May 24, 2015  I almost typed 2016.  And I left out "anchoring into".   For…
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb May 24, 2015On our radio show, Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet, the theme…
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb May 24, 2015  Nothing like writing an article about Valentine's day on Friday the 13th…
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb May 24, 2015For many people, February is a tough month.  In the northern hemisphere,…
Pattern Disruptors - Stop Painful Interactions NOW! Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb May 24, 2015We made it through the holidays, but this year has been a doozy so far.  …
Blog Entry, Joan Newcomb May 24, 2015Your Inner GPS (c)2015 Joan M. Newcomb One of the confusing things about…
Janet and Beyond Blog Entry, Janet Barrett May 20, 2015Grace has a couple of meanings. One is about how one elegantly moves physically…
What's Your Excuse? Blog Entry, Shusara Akona Kumara May 20, 2015When I go through my Facebook feed, I see loads of people sharing pretty…
Living Your Soul's Journey Blog Entry, DrVikke May 10, 2015Living YOUR Souls' Journey can be a fun and exciting adventure!…